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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Wait a minute before going to see Kaguya, you have to help me find two souls first!" Sakura stopped Six Paths Sage, an old man who had the ability to pull souls back from the Pure Land to the human world. Of course, they needed his help to capture two souls.

"Which two?" Six Paths Sage did not refuse, as it was not a difficult task for him to help.

"One is Maid Aino's soul, your mother's maid, and the other is Nohara Rin's soul, Kakashi Sensei's comrade!" Sakura said. "If you can bring Aino to see Kaguya with you, her resentment towards you may be reduced. Then you can persuade her together and see if you can change her mind. Also, tell her that as long as she changes her mind and stops thinking about using the Infinite Tsukuyomi to control the world, I will help her revive Aino completely!"

"Okay!" Six Paths Sage thought for a moment and agreed directly. Then he said, "However, Nohara Rin died not long ago, so it is relatively easy to find her soul. But Aino died earlier than me, so it may take some time to find her!"

"You have been waiting for thousands of years, is it still a problem to wait a little longer?" Sakura rolled her eyes. Even if the person had been dead for a long time, it was just a matter of finding them. There was no such thing as reincarnation in this world. Then she remembered Rin's situation and said, "By the way, you don't need to go to the Pure Land to find Rin. Her soul is not there, but rather at the boundary between the human world and the Pure Land. You can find her directly from there!"

"No problem, wait a moment!" Six Paths Sage's staff of the sages floated behind him, his hands folded, and the power of the Rinnegan burst out, directly breaking the space and pulling out a soul from the rift between the human world and the Pure Land.

"Take a look and see if this is it. There is only one soul in the entire crack, and this soul seems to have a deep obsession, as if waiting for something to come, unwilling to leave. I had to drag her over!" Six Paths Sage was curious. He had tried to pull souls back from the Pure Land before, but those souls were not difficult to retrieve. However, this soul was resisting his pulling with all its might, refusing to leave its original place.

"She is waiting for Uchiha Obito!" Sakura knew what was on Nohara Rin's mind. In the original plot, after Obito Uchiha died, he did not go directly to the Pure Land but stayed with Rin at the boundary between the human world and the Pure Land for a while before returning to give Kakashi a trial version of a hack. Only then did he leave and go to the Pure Land with Nohara Rin.

"Wait, Sakura, what do you mean? Why is Rin waiting for Obito Uchiha at the boundary between the human world and the Pure Land? Shouldn't Rin be reunited with Obito Uchiha in the Pure Land?" Kakashi realized that something was wrong. After people died, they would go to the Pure Land, except for beings like Six Paths Sage. Obito Uchiha died much earlier than Rin, so how could Rin be waiting for him there?

"Obito Uchiha didn't die. Where would he go to the Pure Land to reunite with Rin?" Sakura's words widened Kakashi's eyes. Minato Namikaze and Uzumaki Kushina next to him also looked incredulous.

"Impossible, Obito Uchiha died trying to save me on Kanabi Bridge years ago. How could he still be alive?" Kakashi covered his left eye, as he saw Obito Uchiha being crushed under rocks with his own eyes, so there was no way he could still be alive.

"He didn't really die. At the last moment when the rocks were about to fall, Madara Uchiha had White Zetsu save him. Although he lost an eye and had his right side of the body reconstructed with Senju Hashirama's cells, he's really still alive!" Sakura said, looking at Minato Namikaze. "Uncle Minato saw him twelve years ago!"

"Twelve years ago? Wasn't Sensei dead twelve years ago?" Kakashi frowned. Sensei died during the Nine-Tailed Fox Incident, how could he have seen Obito Uchiha?

"Twelve years ago? Could it be..." Minato Namikaze was confused at first but then suddenly widened his eyes. Twelve years ago, the culprit of the Nine-Tailed Fox Incident, who released the Nine-Tails and claimed to be Madara Uchiha, was a man with only one Sharingan eye and a body cultivated with Senju Hashirama's Wood Release cells. Everything pointed to one person - Obito Uchiha.

"It's him!" Sakura sighed. Obito Uchiha's life had been full of deception and pain. Rin, the only light in his life, was killed by his own best friend in front of him, and then he was manipulated by Madara Uchiha to release the Nine-Tails and kill Uzumaki Kushina. Sensei died along with Kushina, indirectly at Obito's hands.

The curse seal on his heart prevented him from hurting himself or revealing his true identity. He hoped Sensei would recognize him and save him, but all he got was Madara Uchiha's name. He must have felt hopeless at that moment.

"How could it be? How could it be him? It's impossible..." Minato Namikaze seemed to lose his spirit. He had guessed many possibilities, including that the enemy was Madara Uchiha, a member of the Uchiha clan, or someone with transplanted Sharingan. But he never thought it would be Obito Uchiha.

"It all started with Madara Uchiha being deceived by his younger brother, Black Zetsu, who altered the stone tablet left by the Sage of the Six Paths. Black Zetsu made Madara Uchiha believe that he needed to combine the Yin Release power of his Sharingan with the Yang Release power of Senju Hashirama's Wood Release to achieve true peace. Then, when Madara Uchiha fought in the Valley of the End, he pretended to die and bit off a piece of Senju Hashirama's flesh to activate the Izanami technique, which was previously set up in his eyes. Madara Uchiha survived because of this..." Sakura sighed and told the story to Minato Namikaze, who was severely affected by it. When the Sage of the Six Paths heard that his brother was involved, his face turned iron blue. He had worked so hard for the world's peace, why did he always have such unlucky relatives hindering him?

"Later, Madara Uchiha used the Indra chakra hidden in his body and the Ashura chakra hidden in Senju Hashirama's flesh to awaken the power of the Six Paths Sage - the Rinnegan. After some planning, Madara Uchiha, who was getting old, chose to have Obito Uchiha help him with his plan. Madara Uchiha controlled the Hidden Mist Village, had Rin Nohara captured, and sealed the Three-Tails inside her body..." "That bastard..." Three Tails Isobu and Yagura's faces were not good-looking, cursing in unison, especially Yagura, who was extremely angry. Why did everything have to happen to them? Why were they always used as cannon fodder?

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 120: Minato's self-blame [Part 2]


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