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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"You guys from Kirigakure are just too unlucky, always being targeted by others!" Sakura didn't know what to say about Kirigakure's unfortunate fate. They were hiding on an overseas island and rarely had contact with the outside world, but they were still pulled out by Madara Uchiha and ultimately destroyed by an angry Obito Uchiha.

"At that time, Rin had a curse seal placed on her heart by Madara Uchiha, so she couldn't speak about her condition or hurt herself. In order to prevent the Three-Tails from being released and causing Konoha to suffer a devastating attack, Rin made a decision to collide with Kakashi's Chidori and destroy the curse seal on her heart..."

"At the time, Obito Uchiha witnessed you killing Rin under Madara Uchiha's design. Obito's Sharingan jumped from the Two Tomoe Sharingan to the Mangekyo Sharingan. Afterwards, the rampaging Obito Uchiha killed all of the Kirigakure ANBU and, under Madara Uchiha's guidance, agreed to the Infinite Tsukuyomi in order to create a world with Rin."

"In a sense, the Nine-Tailed Fox Incident was deliberately planned by Madara Uchiha to make Obito Uchiha give up completely. He placed a curse seal on Obito Uchiha's heart, preventing him from revealing his identity to others. Obito Uchiha hoped that you would recognize him and save him, but..."

How much pain did Obito Uchiha feel at the moment Rin died? Perhaps only Obito Uchiha understood the pain of going from the Double Mangekyo Sharingan to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

"It was my fault for not recognizing him. If I had recognized that he was Obito Uchiha at the time, none of this would have happened!" Minato Namikaze looked very dejected, and Kakashi stood there not knowing what expression to make.

"But what was the benefit of releasing the Nine-Tails for Obito Uchiha?" Uzumaki Kushina asked, unable to believe that the masked man was actually Obito Uchiha.

"There was no benefit. On the one hand, Madara Uchiha ordered Obito Uchiha to release the Nine-Tails to sever his ties completely, and on the other hand, Obito Uchiha was filled with resentment!" Sakura sighed and said, "Uncle Minato, do you remember what the masked man said when you rescued Kushina from the Nine-Tails' claws?"

"I remember..." Minato Namikaze hung his head. He remembered the masked man saying, 'You're late again,' but he was so eager to seal the Nine-Tails that he didn't think much of it at the time. Now, he understood a bit more. "Yes, I was late again. Even though I was known as the Yellow Flash, the fastest ninja in the world, I was always one step behind. I couldn't save Obito Uchiha or Rin in time, I couldn't recognize him in time, and I couldn't save Kushina..."

"Can Obito Uchiha still turn back?" Uzumaki Kushina asked with some anxiety. She was not someone who held grudges, but Obito Uchiha's experience made it difficult for her to hold one. She remembered that before they went to the Kannabi Bridge, Obito Uchiha promised her that he would bring everyone back safely, but in the end, everyone came back except him, and Rin died. Obito Uchiha's heart was probably completely hollow at that time!

"That's why I asked the Sage of the Six Paths to bring Rin's soul back. Only Rin can make Obito Uchiha change his mind!" Sakura pointed to Nohara Rin, who was silent on the side. If there was anyone in the world who could control Obito Uchiha, it was probably Rin.

How deep is Obito Uchiha's obsession with Rin? With his longing for Rin, he managed to suppress the consciousness of the Ten-Tails, and then he chose to turn back because of Rin's words in his memory. Later, relying on his obsession with Rin, he suppressed the will of Black Zetsu while being on the verge of death. Just like when Ten-Tails tore his consciousness, the deepest memory was that he was always the least important, and Rin was the only thing he couldn't forget.

"Don't worry, I will definitely persuade Obito Uchiha!" Rin clenched her fists and her eyes flashed with determination.

"In Obito Uchiha's body, besides the curse seal at his heart, there is also a contingency plan left by Madara Uchiha in the right half of his body. There is also someone monitoring him. To rescue Obito Uchiha, we must first remove the curse seal in his body!"

"Leave the curse seal to me!" Sakura said, and Uzumaki Kushina immediately clenched her fists and spoke with a displeased expression. "I'm good at sealing techniques like this. After we bring him back, I will make him taste my delicious food!"

"Um, Kushina, I think we should leave Obito Uchiha alive." Minato Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Obito Uchiha could turn back. However, when he heard Uzumaki Kushina's ambitious plan, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Kushina's so-called "delicious food" was not a good thing at all, and its horror was comparable to the bug dishes on Mount Myoboku.

"Minato, what do you mean? Are you saying that my delicious food will kill him?" Uzumaki Kushina looked at Minato Namikaze with a killing intent, giving off the feeling that she would attack him directly.

"No, I didn't mean that. I'm just afraid that Obito Uchiha will be so happy that he dies." Minato Namikaze was sweating profusely, choosing to die with his friend rather than die a poor man. Senju Hashirama's cells had a strong life force, and Obito Uchiha should be able to withstand Kushina's torture, right?!

"Hehe..." Kakashi, who was feeling slightly relaxed, couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. If Obito Uchiha knew that Uzumaki Kushina was going to use her delicious food to deal with him, he would probably be close to suicide rather than happiness.

"Um, is there anything I can do now?" Rin asked with an indissoluble worry between her eyebrows.

"Just wait patiently. When the time comes, you just need to talk to Obito Uchiha a little bit!" Sakura didn't think that Rin needed to deliberately do anything to bring back Obito Uchiha's heart. With Obito Uchiha's loyal personality, as long as Rin said one sentence, he would obediently come over.

"Oh, and Kakashi-sensei, could you please dig up Rin's grave later? And also Minato and Kushina's graves too. I need to repair their bodies so they can be resurrected!"

"Uh, isn't digging up graves a bit too much?" Kakashi asked awkwardly with a wry smile. He really wasn't good at things like digging up graves.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 121: The Six Paths Family


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