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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"How could there be such shameless people in this world?" Uzumaki Kushina's hot temper flared up as she wished she could beat Six Paths Sage's scumbag father to death.

"Exactly, this person is too evil, planning to kill his own wife!" Naruto Sasuke also joined in the condemnation, while the others didn't speak out, their expressions showed their disdain.

Six Paths Sage said nothing, but his face turned ugly. He had never known about this history before, and his unseen father seemed really shameless.

"At the time, Kaguya and Maid Aino had finally made it to the vicinity of the Divine Tree, but your scumbag father came with his army, and as soon as they met, he fired a rocket, fully prepared to kill them without even listening to your mother Kaguya's explanation..."

Ignoring the reactions of the group, Sakura continued to speak.

"Because she was carrying two children, Kaguya couldn't use too much power. Seeing that the other side was about to attack, Maid Aino hurriedly sent Kaguya to the Divine Tree, while she herself waved her hands and ran over to explain to your scumbag father, and also to buy time for Kaguya. But unexpectedly, your father directly killed Maid Aino, leaving her dead on the spot..."

"Betrayed by her beloved, her most caring maid died tragically, and the continuous blows left Kaguya completely desperate. Then, things turned out the way they did later. Despairing, Kaguya ate the fruit of the Divine Tree, activated the Rinne Sharingan, and used Infinite Tsukuyomi to bind all the pursuers..."

"Good riddance, they deserved it!" Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto, and Uchiha Izumi all clapped and cheered, while the men also nodded in agreement. Even the four Tailed Beasts didn't think Kaguya was too much, and instead unanimously supported her.

"Why did Mother later expand the range of the Infinite Tsukuyomi?" Six Paths Sage's expression was uncertain, but he felt uneasy inside.

"I told you, Kaguya was responsible for guarding the Divine Tree, but she ate the fruit of the Divine Tree. Do you think the people of the Otsutsuki Clan would let her go? Plus, with you two children, she had a soft spot, so in order to fight against the Otsutsuki Clan, Kaguya chose to create the White Zetsu army, ready to fight them to the death when they arrived!"

Sakura naturally knew what Kaguya was afraid of. In the original plot, dozens of years later, the pursuers from the Otsutsuki Clan would come here and be beaten by Naruto Sasuke, and also give a chance for Boruto, the second generation Hokage, to shine.

"Is the strength of the people of the Otsutsuki Clan really that strong?" Six Paths Sage's expression was solemn. He knew how strong his mother Kaguya was, but if even his mother Kaguya was afraid of these enemies, how strong must they be?

"Well, their strength is not as strong as your mother's. Several of them combined probably only equal to half of your strength, but your mother, although strong, doesn't understand combat at all. Even if she could only use half of her strength, it would be an exaggeration to say that!"

Sakura felt a headache when she thought of Kaguya's combat power. Despite her terrifying strength, she just blindly charged forward in her fight with Momoshiki, using her abilities without any coordination. She completely wasted her incredible power.

And as for Momoshiki Otsutsuki's strength, after devouring Kinshiki Otsutsuki, he was also hung up and beaten with the help of Naruto and Sasuke. If it weren't for the fact that they forced Naruto's son, Boruto, to play a crucial role and made Naruto lose his fighting spirit at a critical moment, Momoshiki Otsutsuki's strength would have been insufficient for Naruto to defeat.

One side was hung up and beaten by Naruto and Sasuke, while the other side had combat power but couldn't fully utilize it. However, they could still fight evenly with Naruto, and if it weren't for Obito Uchiha sacrificing himself, Naruto would have almost been defeated. It was clear who was stronger between the two sides.

"Of course, the most crucial point is that your mother, Kaguya, lacks self-confidence and always thinks she's weak!"

Kaguya was sent there by her own people, and even if she was strong, she always had a psychological shadow when facing Momoshiki Otsutsuki. It's like the story of an elephant that was tied up with chains when it was still small. The elephant couldn't break free from the chains when it was small, and even when it grew up and could easily break free, it still felt that it couldn't. This is a typical psychological shadow.

"What is the Otsutsuki Clan?"

Minato Namikaze asked the question that everyone was curious about. "Why haven't we heard anything about them for so many years?"

"They don't belong to this world!"

The Six Paths Sage only knew a little bit, but he didn't know the details.

"The Otsutsuki Clan are actually extraterrestrial beings who travel through the universe and rely on taking energy from other worlds to sustain their lives and strength. I don't know which planet they came from. After all, the universe is so vast, and it's impossible for me to know everything in detail!"

The Otsutsuki Clan are a parasite-like race that relies on absorbing the power of other worlds to survive. The Earth of the Hokage world is definitely not the first or last place to be affected by them.

"I don't need to say anything about what happened after the Infinite Tsukuyomi. You two dutiful sons sealed Kaguya without investigating the truth of the matter. However, at the moment of her sealing, Kaguya created a non-playable character for you, and your two sons' battles, including the later battles between the Senju and Uchiha clans, and even the entire war in the ninja world, were influenced by him!"

Black Zetsu was really invincible. He planned for thousands of years to revive Kaguya. This perseverance is something that even Sakura is ashamed of.

"A younger brother?!" The Six Paths Sage was completely confused. What does it mean to create a younger brother before being sealed? And what does the word "non-playable character" mean?

"A creature born from Kaguya's power and will, not considered human, and its body is like a black ball of rubbery substance!" Sakura roughly described what Black Zetsu looked like. The Six Paths Sage's face instantly turned black. This thing that couldn't even be considered a human was his brother? Was she joking?!

"That's the end of Kaguya's story. Do you have any thoughts now?" Sakura asked the Six Paths Sage.

"I want to go see my mother!" The Six Paths Sage looked regretful and sad. "If I could have communicated with my mother more, things might not have turned out like this. I've always believed that chakra is the bond that connects souls, but I never managed to communicate with my mother's soul!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 119: Minato's self-blame [Part 1]


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