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Wang Shoujie let his wife, Liu Ruolan, come up to the trial platform, and they ate and drank together.

With Liu Ruolan's company, Wang Shoujie's meal was especially delicious.

After finishing their tea and meal, Wang Shoujie began his second round of operations.

He sat down with his legs crossed, starting to digest and convert his blood and energy into Mysterious Qi. Until his energy and blood were fully restored.

Then, he began to plant the vines, and half an hour later, many parts of the trial platform were covered with vines, making it look like a lush green garden.

In addition, Wang Shoujie planted a type of grass whose juice had a significant killing effect, even on strong Qi Refinement Realm cultivators.

Of course, for Spirit Platform Stage strong cultivators, unless a large dose was injected, and it was allowed to corrode for a long time, it would be difficult to kill them with this method.

Don't ask Wang Shoujie how he knew this.

His family's Ancestor Xiaohan and Yuan Water Spirit Turtle would cry bitter tears when talking about this.

Until his Mysterious Qi was almost depleted again, Wang Shoujie started eating, drinking, and taking medicine to replenish his energy.

He repeated this cycle ten times.

At this time, the entire trial platform was already covered with vines, and two whole days had passed.

At first, the ancestors and younger generations were still watching with great interest, discussing Wang Shoujie's plant array.

Lady Liu Ruolan would also occasionally go up to keep him company, saying a few words of encouragement.

But as time went on, everyone went back to sleep.

Liu Ruolan also lost her spirit, mainly because it was too boring. How could her husband have such patience? In the end, she couldn't hold on and went back to sleep.

This battle method was simply unheard of and unseen.

Only Wang Shuonuo was arranged to stay behind and wait for the outcome.

Fortunately, the Spirit Artifact was not a living being. As long as Wang Shoujie didn't violate the rules or leave the battlefield, it would continue to stay in the battle state.

Until the third day, the two demon puppets that had been entwined by the vines for three whole days finally met their end.

After Wang Shoujie set up his array, his Spiritual Awareness moved, and the vines around the demon puppets went crazy, forming a killing array.

Then, they died without a sound, with a strong sense of relief.

"Congratulations, militia Wang Shoujie, you have passed the second trial." The Spirit Artifact said, unaffected, "You will receive the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir and be granted the title of Elite Militia."

Wang Shuonuo, who was arranged to stay behind, finally exclaimed with excitement: "Everyone, come and see, Shoujie has passed the second trial!"

His voice was filled with indescribable excitement. It was no wonder, who would watch a battle for several days and nights without any results?

Then, the ancestors and younger generations all ran out from their tents outside the trial platform.

This victory was too hard-won, Wang Shoujie had fought for more than three days.

Even when Liu Ruolan came forward to celebrate, she was shouting with a lack of energy, full of pretence: "Husband is mighty, Husband is domineering~"

Wang Shoujie didn't care, as long as he could win, he was willing to drag it out. He put away the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir and returned it to Wang Luojing. This elixir would be of great help to Luo Jing.

Next, Wang Shoujie confidently looked at his carefully set up vine and poison array.

This was one of his pre-planned tactics.

Fortunately, his bloodline had already awakened twice. The growth speed of the vines and poison grass had far exceeded his expectations.

He had completed this array in just over three days.

Otherwise, his original estimate was at least seven or eight days.

This was also why he chose to fight last, otherwise, his brothers, sisters, and wife might have killed him.

After everyone congratulated Wang Shoujie, Ancestor Longyan arranged for Wang Shuonuo to stay behind, saying that she would call them when Shoujie won again. With Shoujie's battle method, who knew when the outcome would be?

It was better to go back and sleep, and cultivate.

Looking at everyone's bored expressions, Wang Shoujie also helplessly shouted: "My vine array is already set up, what's the point of waiting?"

Then, Wang Shoujie said: "Spirit Artifact, open the third trial."

"As you wish, Elite Militia Wang Shoujie."

As the Spirit Artifact's words fell, three demon puppets with powerful auras appeared in the trial platform.

But before they could make any moves, the vines around them went crazy and entwined them.

Then, there was no then.

This time, Wang Shoujie directly drew his sword and easily beheaded them.

The entire battle lasted only about ten breaths.

Everyone's faces were stunned, wasn't this vine array too powerful?!

Before they could react, Wang Shoujie had already won the third trial.

It was actually simple.

When a same-level strong cultivator was entwined and couldn't move, harvesting their head was extremely easy.

Moreover, Wang Shoujie's vine array wasn't prepared for just these three demon puppets.

"Congratulations, Elite Militia Wang Shoujie, you have passed the third trial. You will receive a standard weapon and be granted the title of Warrior." The Spirit Artifact said, "According to the judgment, your weapon is a long sword type. Do you want to choose a long sword type standard weapon?"

"Of course not, I want to choose a defensive type standard weapon." Wang Shoujie replied, "Spirit Artifact, can I choose the shape of the defensive type weapon?"

He was a family heir, and the Zhouxuan Sword was his, how could he choose another sword-type Spirit Artifact?

Choosing a defensive Spirit Artifact was the best strategy.

"As you wish, Warrior Wang Shoujie." The Spirit Artifact said, "You can choose from energy defense type, half-energy half-physical defense type, or pure physical defense type. You can also choose from armor type, shield type, or accessory type."

It was clear that different identities had different treatments, and the treatment of a warrior was far from that of a militia.

Wang Shoujie thought for a moment and said: "I want a shield type, half-energy half-physical defense type."

He had always remembered the Spirit Artifact 【Turtle Scale Shield】 that Ancestor Longyan had sold, and had written a letter to Zhong Xingwang to ask him to help redeem it.

That Spirit Artifact was extremely meaningful to Ancestor Longyan.

"As you wish, Warrior Wang Shoujie."

Then, a spatial fluctuation appeared in front of Wang Shoujie, and a large shield about the size of a washbasin floated before him.

It was a dark, heavy bronze color, with many mysterious symbols engraved on it, emitting a spiritual glow, looking extremely exquisite and solid.

It was clear that this was another high-quality Spirit Artifact.

Wang Shoujie took the shield and found that it was extremely light, and when he wore it on his left arm, it was very flexible.

When he infused Mysterious Qi into it, the shield emitted a blue light, and the energy condensed into a shield-like shape, about two meters in diameter.

It could block all attacks from the front, and with a flick of his wrist, he could adjust the direction of the defense.

Wang Shoujie was very satisfied with this and quickly put away the shield-like energy shield.

Wang Shoujie's Spirit Artifact, the Guardian Spirit Shield, was a bit forced, and he could feel the Mysterious Qi flowing out rapidly, just like a leaky faucet.

"Husband, let's give your shield a name," Liu Ruolan suggested, as her Autumn Water Sword already had a name, and it wouldn't be fair to neglect her husband's high-quality Spirit Artifact.

"Look at it, it's so ancient and sturdy, yet so agile and lively. It's clearly a defensive Spirit Artifact with exceptional abilities," Wang Shoujie said thoughtfully, "Let's call it the Pot Lid."

"The Pot Lid?" Liu Ruolan's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but tease her husband, "Husband, in the future, it might develop spiritual intelligence, don't bully it."

This was a high-quality Spirit Artifact, and calling it the Pot Lid was quite embarrassing.

"Alright, since you're not satisfied, let's change the name," Wang Shoujie said, "This Spirit Artifact will be our family's heirloom, guarding our legacy. Let's call it the Guardian Spirit Shield."

This name was quite acceptable, and Liu Ruolan agreed.

Next, Wang Shoujie was about to start the fourth trial. However, after using the Guardian Spirit Shield briefly, he had consumed about one-third of his Mysterious Qi.

With his personality, he naturally didn't rush into battle. He took a short break, sat down, and restored his Mysterious Qi to its fullest.

Only then did he begin the fourth trial.

After a brief ceremony.

A massive demon puppet appeared in the trial arena.

As soon as it appeared, the surrounding vines went crazy, wrapping around it.

However, the demon puppet on the Spirit Platform Stage was not so easy to deal with.

It simply waved its hands, and its claws, like sharp blades, chopped the vines into countless segments.

It was fulfilling its loyal mission to defeat Wang Shoujie.

It kept attacking Wang Shoujie, like a demonic lawnmower, constantly cutting the vines. The vines' remnants flew everywhere.

The demon puppet on the Spirit Platform Stage was as fierce and overbearing as Wang Shoujie had expected.

The vine array he had set up was specifically designed for it.

Wang Shoujie didn't rush or panic, using his body techniques to weave through the vines. The vines seemed to have a life of their own, giving him a clear path. After he passed, they closed up again.

The demon puppet's speed was fast, but it had to constantly clear the vines, which slowed it down by about 70-80%.

How could it catch up to Wang Shoujie?

Moreover, the demon puppet tried to use jumping and low-flying attacks to intercept Wang Shoujie.

However, it underestimated Wang Shoujie's vines. The long vines stretched out, forming a barrier in the air, like a demonic hairdo.

Once entangled, the vines would drag the demon puppet down mercilessly. The scene was truly terrifying.

Despite the demon puppet's constant roars, it was ultimately helpless against Wang Shoujie.

Meanwhile, Wang Shoujie began to replenish the cut vines or stimulate their regrowth, playing a game of hide-and-seek with the demon puppet in the vine forest.

Time passed slowly, and the demon puppet grew more and more furious.

Although it was extremely powerful, it was not an endless machine. It consumed a huge amount of power to entangle with the vines and chase Wang Shoujie, constantly draining its strength.

As long as this continued, its power would eventually dwindle.

It was only a matter of time before the demon puppet's speed slowed down, and its explosive power decreased. The vines continued to entangle it, causing endless obstacles. Its scales also began to show signs of decay.

That was the effect of the poisonous plants, which seemed insignificant but could not be underestimated.

The toxic liquid was slowly causing damage to the demon puppet, drop by drop.

On the other hand, Wang Shoujie maintained his Mysterious Qi at a high level, never exhausting himself.

He would occasionally take a Peiyuan Pill, which would slowly consume his internal energy and convert it into Mysterious Qi. Although the recovery process was not as fast as meditating, it was a steady and continuous process.

This was destined to be a long and drawn-out battle.

Two hours later, Wang Shoujie's vine array had been reduced to only one-third, with the rest destroyed by the demon puppet. The trial arena was littered with vine remnants.

This was still the result of Wang Shoujie constantly replenishing the vines.

It was clear how terrifying the demon puppet on the Spirit Platform Stage was.

However, its life was already nearing its end. It had consumed 90% of its power, and its body was covered in wounds from the poisonous plants. Its footsteps were slow and unsteady, and its speed had decreased significantly.

The vines' entanglement speed had surpassed its ability to cut them.

Once it reached this state, it was ready to meet its demise.

The Ancestors watching the battle also had solemn expressions. If they were to encounter a similar vine array, they would likely suffer a similar fate.

However, humans were not like the demon puppets on the trial stage.

They could find ways to escape. The demon puppet, on the other hand, was being slowly drained to death.

In fact, this was also a weakness of Wang Shoujie's vine array.

As the saying goes, "Defense is more than enough, but offense is lacking."

However, if he were to reach the Spirit Platform Stage and cultivate bloodthirsty vines, the situation would be different.

Nevertheless, despite the vine array's many flaws, it had showcased its power to the fullest in this trial.

The demon puppet, exhausted and entangled by countless vines, slowly lost its movement.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have already drawn their sword and swiftly killed it.

However, Wang Shoujie was still very patient.

There was no rush, and since he could trap it, he might as well slowly grind it to death.

Why take the risk of attacking it head-on?

Thus, another hour passed, and Wang Shoujie continued to replenish the vines, adding them to the entanglement army. The demon puppet was finally worn out and killed.

The entire battle had taken three and a half hours, and the demon puppet had not even touched Wang Shoujie's sleeve.

"Congratulations, warrior Wang Shoujie, you have won the final victory," the Spirit Artifact said.

As the Spirit Artifact's voice sounded, everyone realized that the demon puppet, buried deep in the vines, had finally fallen.

At this moment, Liu Ruolan carefully avoided the vine remnants and approached her husband to complete the ritual: "Husband, you're so mighty, Husband, you've worked hard!"

In reality, it wasn't a mighty victory, and the battle had been more like a game of hide-and-seek.

Using Ancestor Xuanfu's words, Wang Shoujie was a coward who was afraid of death and had no heroic spirit.

But what's wrong with that? This battle strategy was very safe!

Liu Ruolan's heart was filled with a sense of security, having a cautious husband who wouldn't take risks, which was a wonderful thing!

Next, it was time to collect the spoils of war.

Without needing the Spirit Artifact's introduction, Wang Shoujie directly said, "Spirit Artifact, I want the Elemental Water Spirit Pearl."

Very naturally, the Elemental Water Spirit Pearl was given to Lady Liu Ruolan.

"Husband, you're so good to me," Liu Ruolan said, moved.

"Wife, you're also good to me," Wang Shoujie replied.

The couple began to affectionately tease each other.

Liu Ruolei, watching from below, looked pale and frightened.

It was time to return to the academy; this place was too much for her young heart to handle...

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 146: Achievement Shoujie Steps into the Spiritual Platform Mirror


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