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All Novels | Protect Our Patriarch: Chapter List 


"Take a look at this Spirit Egg," the Spirit Artifact said. "This Spirit Egg is from a fifth-rank spirit beast, the Fire Sparrow. Once you've gone through the ritual, nurtured it from a young age, it's possible to reach the sixth-rank Spirit Beast level. Of course, the process will consume a lot of resources and take a very long time."

As the Spirit Artifact spoke, a red egg-shaped virtual image appeared in front of Liu Ruolan, burning with a thin layer of flames. It was clearly no ordinary item.

Liu Ruolan's breathing quickened, and even the experienced Ancestors couldn't help but stare with wide eyes, their breathing also rapid.

If this treasure were to be taken out, even the Celestial Clan would fight for it.

But it was just placed in front of Liu Ruolan, allowing her to choose as she pleased.

If it could grow to the sixth rank, wouldn't the entire Changning Guard be unbeatable?

However, it was just a thought.

Cultivating a Spirit Beast, no matter how good, would be a long and arduous process, consuming countless resources.

Liu Ruolan forced herself to suppress her desire to choose it and waved her hand, saying, "Let's look at the next one. This one grows too slowly."

"Then, take a look at this puppet Spirit Weapon," the Spirit Artifact introduced. "This is an Elementary-tier Spirit Weapon, the Spirit Platform Mirror, a must-have for traveling and killing. It's a high-quality item for home and travel."

As the Spirit Artifact spoke, a Spirit Weapon virtual image appeared in front of Liu Ruolan, about the same size as a normal person, completely indistinguishable from a puppet.

"Is this the Spiritual Platform Mirror's guardian spirit warrior?"

The Ancestors from various families began to gasp in shock. Didn't this represent an additional Spirit Ancestor in the family?

The Da Qian Empire naturally had Spirit Platform Stage Spirit Weapons for sale, but the price was extremely high, and it wasn't something they could afford.

However, the reward for this trial was indeed not bad.

One had to fairly kill a Spirit Platform Stage demon in the Qi Refinement Realm peak. How many people in the entire Longzuo County could do that?

Liu Ruolan thought to herself, wanting this guardian Spirit Weapon.

But she still looked at Wang Shoujie: "Husband, what do you think of this guardian Spirit Weapon?"

"It's not bad, but once it's broken, finding someone to repair it would be a hassle," Wang Shoujie thought for a moment and said. "Isn't there a choice of five items? Let's look at the others."

"Next, next," Liu Ruolan was full of expectations. The reward for breaking through the fourth level was indeed not bad.

Everyone wanted it, but unfortunately, they could only choose one.

"Then, take a look at this Elemental Water Spirit Pearl," the Spirit Artifact introduced. "This is the most suitable for your Spirit Treasure, as your bloodline is already close to the yuan water spirit body. This Elemental Water Spirit Pearl can accelerate your cultivation progress during cultivation. Moreover, during battles, it provides you with endless yuan water spiritual power, increasing the power of your techniques."

Elemental Water Spirit Pearl!

As the Spirit Artifact finished speaking, a water-blue spiritual pearl virtual image appeared in front of Liu Ruolan.

Without a doubt, the Elemental Water Spirit Pearl was the most suitable for Liu Ruolan.

However, there was still one last item to look at, so Liu Ruolan said, "Next, next."

She was afraid she wouldn't be able to resist choosing it if she looked at it too much.

The Spirit Artifact said, "There's only one item left, which isn't suitable for you. It's a Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed, more suitable for Wood Element bloodline users. Once blood-sacrificed and planted successfully, you'll have a Bloodthirsty Vine. As it grows, its potential will be immeasurable. However, cultivating the Bloodthirsty Vine isn't an easy task and requires a lot of resources."

"I'll take this one," Liu Ruolan said without hesitation.

"Are you sure you want the Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed, Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan?" the Spirit Artifact confirmed again.

"Ruolan, you should choose the Elemental Water Spirit Pearl," Wang Shoujie hurriedly said. "The Bloodthirsty Vine is something I'll take care of myself."

"I want the Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed," Liu Ruolan ordered. "Besides, I got it for free from the last level."

She was very clear that she had relied on luck to pass the last level. Her husband might be strong, but the probability of winning against a Spirit Platform Stage demon in the Qi Refinement Realm peak was extremely low.

"As you wish, Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan," the Spirit Artifact naturally wouldn't listen to Wang Shoujie, as Liu Ruolan was the owner of the treasure.

After a spatial fluctuation, a fist-sized seed appeared in front of Liu Ruolan, emitting a faint blue glow.

The seed was plump, as if it contained a vigorous life force.

Wang Shoujie had tested many vine-type plants before, but none were Spirit Seeds, just ordinary seeds.

However, this Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed made him feel extraordinary.

Along with the Spirit Seed, a small, white crystal stone appeared.

The Spirit Artifact added, "Liu Ruolan, this low-grade jade slip contains some of the Bloodthirsty Vine's cultivation elements. Moreover, the Bloodthirsty Vine is a fierce and aggressive spirit plant. It's best to wait until you reach the Spirit Platform Stage to perform the blood sacrifice and cultivation."

"Thank you, Spirit Artifact. You've done well," Liu Ruolan praised the Spirit Artifact with a good mood.

"Thank you for your praise, Liu Ruolan."

The Spirit Artifact was actually afraid of Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan's temper. At the Elite Warrior level, they were already considered arrogant.

But the arrogant ones usually had a bad temper. If they got angry, they might even destroy the Spirit Artifact, just like that one person earlier...

Later, Liu Ruolan happily put away the low-grade jade slip and the Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed, handing them over to Wang Shoujie: "Husband, you can protect me."

Seeing her dependent and obedient, like a little woman relying on her husband.

Wang Shoujie's heart was warm and moved, feeling grateful.

This is a Wang Clan matriarch who has placed all her trust in her husband and children.

This is a great wife. If she doesn't suddenly transform and hit me, that would be even better.

"Ruolan, don't worry. I, Wang Shoujie, will protect you for life and beyond," Wang Shoujie said sincerely.

"Husband, you're really good."

"My wife is really good."

Liu Ruolei, who was watching from the side, pouted, feeling like she was being fed dog food, a single dog being abused.

This Changning Guard was unbearable. It was better to return to the academy early.

"Ruolan, go rest for a while," Wang Shoujie said, having prepared for this trial for a long time.

Later, Liu Ruolan happily went to observe the battle.

Wang Shoujie stood in the trial platform, taking a deep breath: "Spirit Artifact, I'm ready to start the trial."

"As you wish, commoner."

A demon puppet slowly appeared.

When everyone saw the demon puppet for the first time, they felt it was extremely powerful. However, after the Spirit Platform Stagedemon puppet appeared, they realized that this Qi Refinement Realm peak demon puppet seemed rather weak and frail.

In reality, it was over 6 feet 7 inches tall and weighed over 660 pounds.

As soon as the demon puppet appeared, it charged towards Wang Shoujie without saying a word.

Wang Shoujie didn't even draw his sword from his waist, but instead waved his hand and scattered a handful of seeds.

Each seed had Mysterious Azure Qi attached to it, looking like a streak of spiritual light.

The seeds fell to the ground and began to grow rapidly, sprouting into vines. The roots of the vines also penetrated the thick, heavy bricks of the trial platform, digging into the earth.

These vines were all bred by Wang Shoujie, and they were different from the Spirit Seeds like the Bloodthirsty Vine. However, their greatest feature was their incredible toughness, rapid growth, and low energy requirements.

Wang Shoujie used the Willow Fluff Body Technique, floating around the vines to avoid the demon puppet's pursuit.

This tactic was very simple, and Wang Shoujie had often used it in games before, circling around the tower.

As the vines grew rapidly, they soon formed a plant-based world, increasingly hindering the demon puppet's movements.

The demon puppet seemed to be getting angry, stretching out its sharp claws to swipe.


Each swipe of its claws cut through many vines.

Even though the vines were extremely tough, they couldn't withstand the demon puppet's sharp claws, and they kept breaking.

However, the demon puppet had overlooked the vines' sheer numbers and terrifying regenerative abilities.

It only stopped for a moment before its feet were entwined by several vines. The vines grew rapidly, continuously climbing up and entwining.

It was as if they wanted to bind the demon puppet into a vine cocoon.

The demon puppet hurriedly used its sharp claws to clear the vines from its feet.

The vines were constantly being cut and torn apart, but more and more vines kept growing and entwining, from its feet to its legs and even its hands, wrapping around it relentlessly.

The demon puppet's movements became slower and slower, until it could no longer swing its claws.

It was trapped alive in the vine array.

Meanwhile, the vines continued to grow, absorbing the earth's nutrients. The hard stone bricks on the ground were slowly pried open by the vines' roots, exposing the earth.

They grew thicker and stronger, like giant pythons, continuously entwining and squeezing.

The power of plants was fully displayed at this moment.

Unbeknownst to the demon puppet, its bones began to crack and shatter, and black magical blood kept oozing out of its ears, nose, and mouth.

At this point, it didn't even have the strength to struggle. It was killed alive by the dozens of vines, which wrapped around it like giant pythons.

Everyone gasped in shock.

Wang Shoujie's fighting style was not only strange but also extremely powerful and terrifying.

Especially Ancestor Xuanfu, who had seen many Wood Element bloodline holders in the academy.

The plants they researched were also diverse and strange, but they were not good at fighting and preferred to study plants.

Using vines to set up a battle array was not uncommon.

However, Wang Shoujie's vines grew at an incredible speed, and their killing power was terrifying. Ancestor Xuanfu had never seen anything like it.

Moreover, Wang Shoujie hadn't even drawn his sword yet.

Could it be that Shoujie could also pass the fourth level? Everyone was both expectant and incredulous.

"Congratulations, you've won," the Spirit Artifact said.

"Husband is mighty, Husband is domineering." Liu Ruolan took her turn to flatter Wang Shoujie, helping him wipe his sweat, pat his back, and fan him, looking like a devoted servant.

Wang Shoujie enjoyed his wife's service while exchanging with the Spirit Artifact to collect the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

Not long after, the next level began.

This time, there were two demon puppets, but Wang Shoujie discovered that the Spirit Artifact didn't stop him, and the vines he had planted in the first level were still effective in the second level.

It was clear that this was another small test for Wang Shoujie.

Was the vine array he had set up in the first level still effective in the second level?

Wang Shoujie's mood soared.

He and his sister, niece, and wife were going to charge through the levels one by one.

He had more thoughts.

Since the Spirit Artifact had acknowledged this fighting style, Wang Shoujie didn't hold back.

He began to circle around the arena, using his body technique to evade the two demon puppets and set up an ambush.

At the same time, he scattered seeds everywhere. The seeds kept growing and spreading, almost covering a third of the trial platform.

He was not in a hurry to kill the two demon puppets but was slowly expanding his planting area.

"Spirit Artifact, can I take medicine or eat something during the battle?" Wang Shoujie asked casually.

"You can use healing potions or Spirit Pills that replenish Mysterious Qi, and you can also eat something."

"But you can't take stimulating or exciting elixirs that boost your combat power."

Ah, I understand.

Wang Shoujie's heart was at ease again.

Then, the vines slowly wrapped around the two demon puppets.

At this time, Wang Shoujie's Mysterious Qi had already reached rock bottom.

So, he didn't hurry to kill the two demon puppets but instead controlled them after wrapping them up. Then, he took out some items from his Storage Ring and began to eat and drink.

No mistake, he had bought two Storage Rings, one for each of the couple. He planned to have each Ancestor have one in a few years.

The vines wrapped around each other, forming a table and chairs.

He took out some spiritual meat, spiritual fish, and a small carbon stove, tea set, and other items.

Then, he began to eat a Clear Soup Hotpot, replenishing the massive amount of Qi and blood he had consumed earlier. At the same time, he drank Cloud Mist Spirit Tea to nourish his spirit.

Ancestor Mang, Patriarch Ruhong, and others looked at each other in shock. Shoujie's fighting style was too strange, and he seemed to be able to think of any tactic.

Wang Lici looked on with envy, saying, "Spirit Artifact, Spirit Artifact, can I go up and help eat?"

"Mind your identity, warrior," the Spirit Artifact replied.

"Then, can Liu Ruolan come up and eat?" Wang Shoujie asked again.

"If Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan agrees, she can come up and eat, but she can't help you fight."

The Elite Warrior's identity was indeed different, and Wang Shoujie thought to himself.


[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 145: Victory The Harvest is Abundant


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