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How could they not be excited when they saw the couples exchanging gifts? It was as if they were competing with each other.

Clearly, they could have each taken their own treasures, but now they were exchanging them with each other.

And to top it off, they even threw in a big bag of dog food, which left Liu Ruolei feeling a bit drunk. This operation was indeed impressive.

Unfortunately, no one was paying attention to her.

Especially the Wang Clan, who were extremely excited. After all, this time, the Wang Clan's harvest was the biggest.

The other families, including Liu Yuanhui, had also obtained a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

However, they were not discouraged. As long as they had this trial ground, each family would eventually benefit. They just needed to cultivate their young talents well.

Next, they began to wrap up the loose ends.

Although this trial ground was remote, Ancestor Zhouxuan had managed to get in with his luck, and it was only a matter of time before others followed.

Therefore, Wang Shoujie suggested that they set up a defense system in the canyon and take turns guarding it.

The ancestors all responded enthusiastically, following Wang Shoujie's instructions.

Some moved stones, while others dug holes, and they all worked without complaint, burning with enthusiasm. Especially Wang Shoujie, who had spent a lot of effort using Mysterious Qi to set up a large array in the mountain valley.

At the entrance, they designed a special mechanism. Without the permission of the people inside, outsiders would find it extremely difficult to locate this place.

During this process, the Wang Clan members all digested their gains. Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing took the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir and underwent a once-in-a-lifetime transformation, entering the Top Grade Lower-tier.

Their talent was originally at the Middle Grade Higher-tier, and after this transformation, they had reached the Top Grade Lower-tier. Such terrifying bloodline talent was extremely rare, even in the entire Longzuo County, and they had the qualifications to be called geniuses.

Their future prospects were indeed limitless.

At the same time, Wang Lici's gains were even better. With the help of the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir, she had further improved her talent.

Under the protection of the ancestors, she broke through from the Qi Refinement Realm to the Spirit Platform Stage, becoming a very young Spirit Platform Stage cultivator. Her age was only around 24 or 25, which was extremely outstanding, even in the Purple Palace Academy.

It was a pity that this girl was born lazy and not enthusiastic about martial arts training. Her only redeeming quality was her abundant luck, and it was unclear how far she could go in the future.

In martial arts, luck often played a more important role than talent.

Another notable mention was Liu Yuanhui.

With his Low Grade Higher-tier talent, he had reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm at the age of 30, which showed how much resources the Liu Clan had invested in him.

This time, he had also obtained a Heavenly Spirit Pill and, under the protection of Ancestor Xuanfu, had attempted to break through to the Spirit Platform Stage. His luck was not bad, and it was not surprising that he had succeeded.

However, it was not easy for someone with Low Grade Higher-tier talent to break through to the Spirit Platform Stage. It was a great stroke of luck that Liu Yuanhui had achieved it.

The Liu Clan now had four Spirit Platform Stage ancestors, and it was only a matter of time before they became a prominent family.

Why was it said to be "openly"?

The reason was simple: the Liu Clan had originally had four Spirit Platform Stage ancestors, but Liu Cunren, the grandfather of Liu Yuanhui and Liu Ruolan, had secretly broken through to the Spirit Platform Stage.

They had kept it low-key to avoid drawing attention, which was why they had hidden Ancestor Cunren.

This was the way aristocratic families survived, especially those like the Liu Clan, who were a third-grade aristocratic family. They had to secretly store their aces.

Now that the Liu Clan had five Spirit Platform Stage ancestors, if they announced it, it would definitely cause a huge stir. It was estimated that Liu Yuanhui would also be secretly hidden away.

The Wang Clan's gains were numerous this time.

The biggest gain was Wang Shoujie and his wife.

Wang Shoujie was currently in seclusion, digesting the gains of this trial, while Ancestor Longyan stood guard outside, protecting him.

Wang Shoujie sat cross-legged, feeling a mix of emotions. From the day he had transmigrated, he had been a small clan leader, always on edge.

Now, he had the qualifications to break through to the Spirit Platform Stage. The process had been arduous, but the joy of harvest was also present.

Spirit Platform Stage.

In a certain sense, in this Mysterious Martial World, the Spirit Platform Stage was just the beginning.

It was only when one had some self-preservation abilities.

He calmed his mind, eliminated distractions, and adjusted himself to a state of emptiness. Then, he took out the Heavenly Spirit Pill and swallowed it without any emotions.

The Heavenly Spirit Pill instantly turned into a powerful energy that surged through his body, causing immense pain that distorted his handsome face.

Wang Shoujie quickly activated the Wood Element upper-grade technique, Changchun True Secret, to control the energy and make it his own.

He combined it with the gentle and pure Changchun True Qi, entering the breakthrough stage.

The Qi Refinement Realm was a long process of accumulation. To break through to the Spirit Platform Stage, one had to open up the Heavenly Cycle and obtain a constant flow of Spiritual Awareness.

Spiritual Awareness could be called mental power, and on Earth, it would be considered a superpower.

Some people with strong bloodlines already had Preliminary Spiritual Awareness in the Qi Refinement Realm, such as Wang Shoujie, who had some weak Spiritual Awareness.

Wang Luojing's Spiritual Awareness was not weak during her Qi Refinement Realm.

Having Preliminary Spiritual Awareness made it easier to open up the Spiritual Platform, but it was not a guarantee.

However, Wang Shoujie's first step was to open up the Heavenly Cycle.

He drove the Wood Element Mysterious Qi, wrapped in the energy of the Heavenly Spirit Pill, and repeatedly operated the Small Heavenly Cycle. As he did so, all the acupoints in his body resonated, and his blood and qi surged, causing every cell in his body to vibrate.

After a few cycles, when his body was in its best state, he began to break through the Heavenly Cycle.

Then, he did not experience the feeling of being on the verge of death. Under the immense energy, the Heavenly Cycle was broken in an instant.

From then on, the Mysterious Qi flowed unobstructed, helping Wang Shoujie form a Great Heavenly Cycle Circulation.

This Heavenly Cycle was too easy to break through? Wang Shoujie secretly complained, not even needing to use the auxiliary pills he had prepared.

However, this was within reason. He had been taking bloodline-improving treasures, and his talent had already reached the Top Grade Lower-tier, entering the ranks of the geniuses who had undergone a second Bloodline Awakening.

Such excellent talent, and yet he still had to suffer to break through the Heavenly Cycle? This was a shame to the title of genius.

It was said that in ancient times, some extremely talented geniuses could break through to the Spirit Platform Stage without even using a Heavenly Spirit Pill. However, such geniuses were far beyond Wang Shoujie, and it was uncertain whether he could meet one in his lifetime.

When Wang Shoujie completed the Great Heavenly Cycle Circulation for the first time...

Suddenly, all the acupoints in Wang Shoujie's Great Heavenly Cycle Circulation resonated at the same time, driving his blood and energy into a state of turmoil. His entire body was shrouded in a misty aura, entering a profound transformation.

Countless cells were dying, while new cells were being reborn, becoming extremely strong, far surpassing those in the Qi Refinement Realm.

This was a transformation of life, an evolution of the body.

Crossing from the Qi Refinement Realm to the Spirit Platform Stage was a massive change, accompanied by a significant leap in life level.

It was only natural, otherwise, how could one live for 200 years in the Spirit Platform Stage?

Wang Shoujie's body was rapidly evolving, with dead cells being expelled through sweat pores, forming a layer of black grime. But he couldn't care less about that at this moment; he couldn't afford to stop.

Each rotation of the Great Heavenly Cycle Circulation drove his body's evolution, while his Mysterious Qi and the energy of the Heavenly Spirit Pill were being rapidly consumed.

This was why he needed to take the Heavenly Spirit Pill to impact the Spirit Platform Stage. Without the pill's immense energy, how could a martial artist's internal energy be sufficient?

Wang Shoujie didn't stop until he completed the ninth rotation of the Great Heavenly Cycle Circulation, when his body's transformation finally reached its peak. Next, he needed to slowly cultivate, step by step, until he entered the Heaven-Human Realm.

At this time, there was another crucial task waiting for Wang Shoujie - to open the Spirit Platform.

Only by opening the Spirit Platform could one be considered a true Spirit Platform Stage cultivator.

The Spirit Platform was located between the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead. This was a mysterious and sacred place in the human body, related to the existence of spiritual power.

Although there were many studies and records about this location on Earth, humans were unable to cultivate Mysterious Qi and found it difficult to open the Spirit Platform.

The Spirit Platform required the connection of the Heavenly and Earthly Bridges to access.

This was why one needed to first connect the Heavenly and Earthly Bridges to open the Spirit Platform.

Wang Shoujie operated his Mysterious Qi, slowly and silently infiltrating the Spirit Platform through the Heavenly and Earthly Bridges.

Opening the Spirit Platform couldn't be rushed; this was the most vulnerable part of the human body, and any carelessness could damage the Spirit Platform, causing great trouble.

The Mysterious Qi gradually filled the Spirit Platform, like a misty dawn, slowly clarifying and expanding.

At this time, Wang Shoujie closed his eyes.

However, he could gradually sense everything around him, a feeling that was completely different from what he saw with his eyes or detected with radar. It was as if his spiritual power was enveloping everything, directly reflecting the surroundings in his mind.

He couldn't describe this wonderful feeling, such as being able to sense the rocks on the ground, feeling their rough and uneven surface as if he were gently stroking them with his hand.

However, he couldn't sense the color of the rocks, as color was perceived through the human eye's capture of light.

This feeling became increasingly clear, indicating that his Spiritual Awareness was growing stronger.

Until a slight discomfort and stinging sensation appeared in the Spirit Platform, he stopped opening it.

He knew that he had reached the limit, and if he continued to force it, he might damage the Spirit Platform.

To further enhance the Spirit Platform, he needed to continue cultivating, reaching the Second Layer of the Spirit Platform Realm.

Wang Shoujie slowly opened his eyes, and his vision was extremely clear. The cave he had opened was rough on the outside, and his eyes could see the uneven surface clearly.

It was like a nearsighted person putting on glasses for the first time, and the world became clear.

At the same time, his ears became extremely sensitive, and he could even faintly hear the soft breathing of Ancestor Longyan outside the door.

Of course, this was because Ancestor Longyan wasn't intentionally hiding her breath; otherwise, Wang Shoujie wouldn't have noticed.

This was the transformation of the body after entering the Spirit Platform Stage, with significant progress in all aspects, including vision and hearing.

This was a leap in life.

Wang Shoujie's heart was filled with excitement, and he stood up, feeling his body as light as a feather.

Taking a step forward, he felt as if he were floating. Compared to the Qi Refinement Realm, the Spirit Platform Stage was like being a divine being, ready to fly at any moment.

No wonder Ancestor Xiaohan would often walk on water and fly low in the air after her ascension; this was a natural ability of the body.

Wang Shoujie lightly tapped his foot, and his body floated up, slowly descending like a feather after reaching the top of the cave.

This feeling was like being on a planet with low gravity, as if his body had lost its weight.

Just as Wang Shoujie was three feet off the ground, his Mysterious Qi suddenly surged. Suddenly, his body's downward speed stopped, and he was suspended in mid-air.

Suspension, flight - these were human dreams since ancient times.

In this Mysterious Martial World, as long as one reached the Spirit Platform Stage, they could briefly suspend themselves in the air.

This made Wang Shoujie's heart surge with excitement, and he floated horizontally for three meters, his body still suspended in the air.


This feeling of being free from gravity was truly thrilling. It was different from using movement techniques to jump or glide.

This was true flight.

However, to resist gravity, the consumption of Mysterious Qi was extremely rapid. In just a short while, Wang Shoujie could feel a significant loss of Mysterious Qi.

That's why Spirit Platform Stage cultivators would never use flight to travel, as they would need to rest and recover after flying just a few miles.

Who knew that Wang Shoujie had simply tested his power and speed, and it was naturally far beyond the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm?

Such a comprehensive upgrade.

At that moment, Wang Shoujie felt a sense of security, having become strong, and he had the qualifications to survive in this dangerous Fantasy World.

He had worked hard for nearly nine years to reach this point.

Those nine years of hardship had not been in vain.

Suddenly, his heart was filled with heroic spirit.

Now, at the age of 25, he could already imagine the glory of entering the Heaven-Human Realm.


[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 147: Triple-Evolution-Bloodline and Family Foundation Great Enhancement (v2c17)


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