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However, at this time, neither the Liu Clan nor the Wang Clan had anyone who truly worried about Liu Ruolan.

With Liu Ruolan's strength, dealing with this small demon puppet was simply a piece of cake.

As expected.

Facing the demon puppet's surging aura, Liu Ruolan unleashed the Mysterious Water True Art's sword technique - the Profound Water Sword Technique.

This sword technique seemed soft and gentle, with sword lights dancing and dragging a trail of blue-green light, looking extremely beautiful. However, it was actually extremely profound and mysterious, with a hidden killing intent.

Often, in the midst of a carefree moment, the killing move would suddenly erupt, dealing a fatal blow.

As expected, after just over a dozen moves, the Profound Water Sword Technique suddenly burst forth, dragging out a blue-green light. Amidst the beautiful sword lights, the demon puppet's head flew off.

That demon puppet seemed to have no reaction until the end, wondering why its head had suddenly been moved.

"Good sword technique, wife!" Wang Shoujie cheered loudly from the sidelines.

The other brothers and sisters also followed suit, cheering and praising. Everyone was chatting and laughing, as if Liu Ruolan had become an unparalleled sword god.

It seemed that these children's minds were very clear, knowing who was at the top of the food chain in their household.

Only Ancestor Xuanfu's eyebrows were furrowed, her heart sighing in disappointment.

With her great-niece's exceptional talent, dealing with this small demon puppet should have been resolved in just three moves. Yet, she had dragged it out for over a dozen moves.

It was indeed being spoiled by that brat, without a hint of exceptional talent or domineering aura!

Ancestor Xuanfu's heart was filled with discontent, and she glared at Wang Shoujie with a fierce gaze.

However, Wang Shoujie didn't care, directly walking up to the testing platform, asking his wife with concern, "Ruolan, are you tired? Do you want to rest for a bit and drink some ice crystal water?"

Then, Wang Shoujie very attentively helped her massage her shoulders and arms, as if Liu Ruolan was truly exhausted.

"Not tired at all, it's just nice to do something for my husband," Liu Ruolan sweetly smiled, seemingly very pleased.

This rest lasted for about the time it takes to burn a stick of incense. Then, Liu Ruolan began her second battle.

This battle was naturally also without any risk.

The only issue was that it took her two sticks of incense to slowly grind down the two demon puppets.

As Wang Shoujie had instructed earlier, Liu Ruolan persisted in following her husband's instructions, preferring to fight slowly and steadily, without getting injured, lest her husband worry about her.

The crowd welcomed her with a wave of enthusiastic cheers, shouting "Fourth Sister is invincible!" and "Fourth Aunt is mighty!"

Wang Shoujie naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to show his loyalty.

He ran up to her, wiping away non-existent sweat, fanning her, and showing great concern.

"Husband, can we give this Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir to Yuanhui?" Liu Ruolan asked, "According to my estimate, that child's talent is relatively poor, probably only slightly better than my Eldest Brother, barely reaching mid-grade."

The couple was openly displaying their affection.

However, Liu Yuanhui was sweating profusely.

My dear sister, how could you say such things about your Eldest Brother?

I, Liu Yuanhui, am at least a lower-grade talent, and among the Aristocratic Family's disciples, I'm considered not bad.

But he couldn't refute her, as his talent was far inferior to his sister's, an Innate Dao Spirit Seed.

Regarding Liu Ruolan's proposal, Wang Shoujie shook his head, "Yuanhui is still young, and will have his own opportunities in the future. Moreover, with the Wang Clan's gradual growth, our foundation's resources will definitely not lack, and he can strive for more on his own."

"This Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir should still have some effect on you, Ruolan. It may not necessarily let you reach a higher level, but it can help you prepare further. Moreover, only when we become stronger can we give our children a better harbor."

Liu Ruolan gently said, "Husband, you're right, I'll listen to you."

Husband was very doting on her, but when he made a serious request, it was usually reasonable, and she would listen.

Of course, those unreasonable requests... needed to be carefully considered...

Then, Liu Ruolan began her third battle.

This third battle was naturally much more difficult, with her facing three opponents at once. Even Liu Ruolan found it very challenging.

Unless she was willing to exchange blows and risk getting injured, she might be able to resolve the battle quickly. However, Liu Ruolan persisted in following her husband's instructions, taking a conservative approach, preferring to grind it out slowly.

As a result, this battle was extremely long and drawn out.

Fortunately, the Mysterious Water True Art was an advanced technique of the Origin Water Technique.

This technique was originally good at dragging out the pace, playing a waiting game, and as the battle wore on, the enemy would become increasingly powerless.

Therefore, even though the battle was extremely slow, Liu Ruolan gradually gained the upper hand.

Half an hour later, the first demon puppet was defeated.

She then quickly dispatched the remaining two, and the battle was finally over. The onlookers were almost asleep, as the battle was without any excitement.

"Wife is mighty, Wife is domineering!"

Only Wang Shoujie continued to cheer, running up to her with a wave of enthusiastic praise.

At this time, the Spirit Artifact said, "Congratulations, Elite Militia Liu Ruolan, for passing the third trial. You will be rewarded with a standard-issue weapon and the title of Warrior. Since you use a long sword, do you want to choose a standard-issue long sword?"

Just as Liu Ruolan looked at Wang Shoujie, Wang Shoujie knew her intentions and stopped her, saying, "Wife, choose your own Spirit Artifact. We have the Zhouxuan Sword at home, anyway."

The Zhouxuan Sword was a mid-grade Spirit Artifact passed down from their ancestors, a symbol of their family, and naturally belonged to him.

Moreover, sword-type weapons were the most common, and as a family heirloom, its preservation rate was the highest.

Liu Ruolan was very obedient and nodded, saying, "Spirit Artifact, I choose a long sword."

Suddenly, a spatial fluctuation occurred, and a long sword-type Spirit Artifact appeared before Liu Ruolan.

It had a semi-transparent appearance, as if it existed between reality and illusion, with a flowing, watery light, autumnal and serene, emitting a strong, spiritual aura.

It looked like a sword forged from spiritual water.

This was naturally another high-grade Spirit Artifact!!

Liu Ruolan was captivated by the sword's beauty and couldn't take her eyes off it.

She tentatively touched the sword hilt, which felt like transparent crystal, and a cool, watery sensation immediately spread, as if she could sense the high-grade Spirit Artifact's subtle, joyful emotions.

It was no wonder, as Liu Ruolan's bloodline was close to that of a spiritual water spirit, and her affinity for spiritual water was exceptional. This high-grade Spirit Artifact, with its pure spiritual water attributes, had already developed some instinctual consciousness.

It was naturally delighted to meet such a master.

Liu Ruolan grasped the sword hilt, and it transformed into a soft, watery shape, wrapping around her arm like a half-transparent bracelet.

Liu Ruolan seemed to have obtained a beloved toy, constantly trying it out, and with a thought, it transformed back into a Spirit Artifact long sword. With another thought, it became a half-transparent bracelet again.

The beautiful, watery light of the bracelet also became subdued under her control, no longer eye-catching.

Hmm It had a hidden, spiritual light function, which was not bad. Husband had once said that having more hidden cards was better.

"Wife is truly amazing, able to control a Spirit Artifact before reaching the Spirit Platform Stage!" Wang Shoujie praised excessively.

Liu Ruolan smiled sweetly, "I can only barely control it, and the true power of the Spirit Artifact can only be fully unleashed after reaching the Spirit Platform Stage."

"But even so, Wife is much stronger than ordinary Qi Refinement Realm cultivators." Wang Shoujie was not stingy with his praise, seizing every opportunity to flatter her.

She laughed happily, clearly very satisfied with this high-grade Spirit Artifact: "Husband, can you help me name my spiritual sword?"

"It's like a pool of autumn water, serene and peaceful, with a subtle, spiritual aura." Wang Shoujie pondered, "Let's call it, One Wave."

One Wave?

Liu Ruolan was taken aback. If this Spirit Artifact were to develop a spiritual consciousness in the future, would it go crazy?

"Wang Shoujie smiled and said, 'Let's just call it "Autumn Water" then.'"

"Liu Ruolan smiled even more sweetly, 'Thank you, Husband.'"

"Chen Fangjie's face was expressionless from a distance, and Shoujie's little nephew was indeed more capable than him. His skills were exceptional and truly remarkable."

"It seemed that Chen Fangjie still had a lot to learn and needed to slowly comprehend the true meaning behind it."

"The other ancestors also couldn't help but feel envious. The Wang Clan had truly gained a lot this time."

"After all, they were all relatives, and having a strong alliance with a powerful core was beneficial to everyone. The stronger the Wang Clan became, the more benefits everyone would receive."

"Wang Shoujie said, 'You've already passed three levels, you must be tired. Why don't you take a good rest, and then it'll be my turn to perform.'"

"I don't want to rest, I want to try the fourth level," Liu Ruolan persisted, but then spoke softly, "Don't worry, Husband, I just want to feel the atmosphere. If I really can't win, I'll surrender."

"Wang Shoujie hesitated for a moment, seeing her determination, and then said, 'Alright, be careful, Wife.'"

"After resting for an hour, Liu Ruolan had fully recovered and was full of energy. Wang Shoujie then let her go up."

"Spirit Artifact, I want to challenge the fourth level," Liu Ruolan said.

"As you wish, warrior Liu Ruolan," the Spirit Platform replied.

"As soon as the words fell, the Spirit Platform Stagedemon puppet reappeared, and it was clear that it was the same one. The wounds on its body had healed, but it was obvious that Wang Lici's heavy hammer had left a denting effect."

"The demon puppet let out a fierce roar and charged towards Liu Ruolan like a wild bull, even causing the ground to crack."

"It seemed that this time it had learned its lesson and decided to launch a strong attack from the start, without toying with its prey."

"Liu Ruolan waved her hand, and her slender fingers grasped the Autumn Water Sword."

"Although Spirit Artifacts normally required the Spirit Platform Stage to be activated, it was clear that Liu Ruolan could already unleash part of its power, making it much more powerful than an ordinary sword."

"With a casual swing of her sword, a pure and powerful water-based energy burst out from the Autumn Water Sword, forming a water screen."


"The water screen only slightly blocked the demon puppet's attack before being shattered. It then pounced on Liu Ruolan, its sharp claws swiping towards her."

"She hastily blocked the attack, her slender body constantly flying backward, her posture no longer elegant."

"In just a dozen or so breaths, Liu Ruolan had already shown signs of defeat."

"The Spirit Platform Stage was, after all, a Spiritual Platform Stage. The gap between it and the Qi Refinement Realm was like an insurmountable chasm. Even with the Autumn Water Sword's assistance, she was no match for it."

"Wang Shoujie, watching from below, was shocked and hastily shouted, 'Wife, you can't hold on, surrender!'"

"Ancestor Xuanfu also let out a soft sigh, thinking that if Ruolan had been diligently cultivating and progressing bravely, she might not have been in this predicament."

"In the end, it was that brat who had spoiled her, and it seemed that the world would be missing a peerless talent."

Suddenly, Liu Ruolei's eyes flashed with an idea, and she shouted, "Sister, you must become stronger You think about it, if something happens to you, Brother-in-law can marry a new wife!"

"Ah!" Wang Shoujie's face turned cold, what kind of words were these? Who would curse their sister like this and slander their brother-in-law?"

"But as soon as these words were spoken, Liu Ruolan's slender body trembled, and a familiar killing intent began to brew within her."

"This made Wang Shoujie feel a sense of unease, thinking that something was wrong. He wanted to stop her but couldn't."

Liu Ruolei continued to shout, "Sister, think about it If Brother-in-law marries a new wife, she'll be sleeping with him every night, eating your food, drinking your wine, and using your things. If she gets angry, she'll even hit your child, can you bear it?"

"Wang Shoujie," a cold and stern voice rang out from the trial platform, "you dare!"

"A killing intent, like a tangible force, began to emanate from her, as if an invisible suffocating power was spreading in all directions."

"Oh no, this is bad," Wang Shoujie's scalp tingled, and he felt a familiar sensation returning.

"Liu Ruolei, how could you be so cruel?"

Sister-in-law, where did I wrong you?

At the same time, the Spirit Platform Stagedemon puppet seemed to sense a threat. It let out a fierce roar and swung its massive claws, ready to tear Liu Ruolan apart.

But Liu Ruolan had already completely transformed. Her originally gentle and clear eyes had turned into an icy blue, leaving only endless coldness.

Like a lofty king gazing down at her subjects, she merely glanced at the demon puppet, and it was as if it was enveloped by an endless chill, slowing down its movements.

"Hmph," she said casually, and with a wave of her hand, a water-blue sword light burst out, forming an endless killing intent that slashed towards the demon puppet.


"The sword light flashed by, and the demon puppet's chest was left with a gruesome wound, its dark blood flowing out. Its thick, steel-like scales were like paper under the sword light."

"Hmph, you can still dodge? You're just a small ant."

"Liu Ruolan said coldly, and with a flick of her wrist, she swung the Autumn Water Sword again, this time striking back at the Spirit Platform Stagedemon puppet."

"The demon puppet roared in anger but was still unable to resist, retreating step by step."

"The situation had suddenly reversed, and Liu Ruolan was now dominating the battle."

"Wang Shoujie was shocked and frightened, staring at Liu Ruolei with a cold gaze."

"Liu Ruolei, you're pushing your sister into the fire pit You don't know what your sister..."

That night's memories still haunted Wang Shoujie. If not for Ancestor's rescue, his wife might have already become a widow.

It was also because of this that he had been cautious for the past eight years, afraid that another Liu Ruolan would emerge.

The various ancestors were all shocked and unsure of what was happening. How could the gentle and obedient Wang Clan's wife suddenly become so fierce?

The younger generation of the Wang Clan were all pale and frightened, equally terrified.

That night, it wasn't just Ancestor Longyan who was shocked!

The absolute authority of the fourth aunt and fourth uncle among their siblings and nephews wasn't just based on their titles.

In fact, even Ancestor Longyan's eyes had a complex and difficult-to-understand expression. Eight years ago, she could still barely suppress Liu Ruolan's power.

"But now... Ruolan was no longer the same!"

"Shoujie, you're in trouble this time!"

Only Ancestor Xuanfu was overjoyed, exclaiming, "This is it This is our Liu Clan's peerless talent My Innate Dao Spirit Seed wasn't wasted!"

Wang Shoujie's eyes widened in shock, and he thought, "You're still calling this good?"

"Ancestor Xuanfu, can you go up and stop my wife when she's furious?"

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 143: Wife, Unparalleled in Ferocity (v2c13)


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