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Almost at the same time, Wang Lici wanted to surrender. This was too much to handle.

The demon puppet on the Spirit Platform Stage.

Just hearing the name, Wang Lici felt her legs trembling, and her entire body lost its strength.

That Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet had a cruel glint in its eyes, sizing Wang Lici up and down, step by step, as if playing with its prey.

Its intelligence was clearly not comparable to that of a Qi Refinement Realm demon puppet; it had retained more of its wisdom.

"I, I, I, I surrender..." Wang Lici's words of surrender were cut off by Wang Shoujie's shout from below, "Li Ci, don't surrender. No matter what, try to test its depth first."

What's there to test?

Wang Lici's tears were about to fall, and she felt an urge to curse. What's the point of testing the depth of a Spirit Platform Stage demon?

It's not like she could win anyway.

Fourth Uncle, you're just talking big; if you're so capable, then you come up and try.

Wang Lici, who had lived under the protection of the Ancestors for a long time, had a natural fear of the Spirit Platform Stage. She was already intimidated before the fight even started.

"One year," Wang Shoujie shouted, "as long as you fight, no matter if you win or lose. You can do whatever you want for a year."

"Really?" Wang Lici's spirit was lifted, and she seemed to have mustered up some courage. "Then let's try."

As soon as she finished speaking, the demon puppet let out a loud "whoosh" and charged towards Wang Lici at an incredible speed.

The speed was too fast; Wang Shoujie's pupils constricted, and he estimated that the demon puppet's speed was at least 30-40% faster than his own. If they were to encounter it in the wild, it would be difficult to even escape.

Its claws were even more massive and sharp, swiping towards Wang Lici with a loud whoosh, as if they could cut through even iron blocks.

However, Wang Lici, as a Second Level Bloodline Awakener, managed to barely block the attack with her shield.

A loud "clang" sounded out.

Wang Lici stumbled backward three or four steps, and her shield had four deep claw marks, almost piercing through the shield.

The power was not small either.

Wang Shoujie grasped every detail, his brain spinning rapidly as he judged the Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet's strength.

"Hmm, it seems its power isn't that strong." Wang Lici was also slightly surprised, having thought she would be knocked flying with that one attack. Suddenly, she felt a surge of confidence and swung her heavy hammer back at the demon puppet.

"Clang clang clang."

In less than ten moves, she was knocked flying again, and her heavy armor had several more claw marks, with fresh blood oozing out.

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle, I can't take it anymore." Wang Lici cried out, "This big guy is too fierce."

"Hold on, you can do it." Wang Shoujie said, "If you don't get my permission, you're not allowed to surrender. I'll take away all your spiritual food, and then arrange for Shouyong and Shoulian to eat in front of you every day."

"For a whole year."

This was too cruel!

Wang Lici couldn't believe the scene; it was like doomsday. She couldn't even last a day, let alone a year.

"You just need to injure it, and I'll take you to County City to eat whatever you want." Wang Shoujie said, dangling a sweet carrot in front of her.

County City?

Wang Lici's spirit was lifted again. She had heard that County City was a place of great prosperity, with all sorts of delicious food available. She had never been there before, despite being so old.

She knew that Fourth Uncle would never deceive her.

Then Wang Lici's mind was filled with images of the delicious food in County City, and she charged towards the demon puppet with a loud roar, wielding her heavy hammer.

I, Li Ci, will fight you to the death!

Her power seemed to have increased by 30% compared to before.

The two engaged in a fierce battle, with Wang Shoujie continuously estimating the demon puppet's strength. As time went on, he gained a clearer understanding.

It wasn't particularly strong.

It was probably around the same level as Ancestor Xiaohan when she had just reached the Spirit Platform Stage and stabilized for a period of time.

But even so, this was not something that ordinary Qi Refinement Realm cultivators could handle. Three or four peak Qi Refinement Realm cultivators would not be a match for a Spirit Platform Stage demon.

However, since the Spirit Artifact had brought out a Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet, it meant that Spirit Platform Stage demons were not invincible, and at least some Qi Refinement Realm cultivators could do it.

Even if they couldn't win this time, they could accumulate experience for the future.

"Swish swish swish."

The demon puppet's sharp claws flashed, tearing Wang Lici's heavy armor apart piece by piece. Wang Lici's wounds were also getting more and more severe, looking extremely miserable.

It was as if it was playing with its prey.

Wang Shoujie estimated that it was almost time to stop, fearing that Li Ci might be in danger.


Wang Lici got angry: "You damn demon, why won't you let me hit you back?"

Fourth Uncle had said that she needed to injure it to go to County City and eat delicious food.

"Li Ci is about to go berserk."

"Go berserk!"

Hmm? Wang Shoujie stopped in his tracks, thinking, could it be that Li Ci had also hidden her true strength?

But Wang Lici's berserk mode didn't activate, and she was instead knocked flying again by the demon puppet. Her heavy armor was completely torn apart, revealing her blood-covered body.

"Damn it. Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu, those two girls, would get much stronger when they went berserk." Wang Lici was furious, "I'm the big sister, and you dare to look down on me, you stupid demon?"

She spoke while the demon puppet charged towards her again.

"Li Ci, give up, quick!" Wang Shoujie urgently shouted, "Let's go eat delicious food."

"Ah!" Wang Lici roared in anger, "You dare to look down on me, I'll eat you up."

At this time, Wang Lici had already fallen into a rage.

A powerful and intimidating aura began to emanate from her body, as if a terrifying giant beast was about to emerge.


With a deafening roar, a formless energy began to gather behind Wang Lici, condensing into a terrifying giant beast over two meter tall. It had a ferocious appearance, with a huge mouth and a large belly, as if it could devour everything.

Although the energy was relatively thin, the demon puppet still stopped in its tracks, its cold eyes revealing a hint of fear.

It was clear that its intelligence had not been completely erased, and it had retained many of its instincts.

"Dharma Image Shadow?" Patriarch Ruhong exclaimed, "Even many Heaven-Human Realm cultivators can't condense a Dharma Image Shadow?"

"It's not uncommon," Ancestor Xuanfu said, "Some bloodlines with extremely high concentrations can condense a Dharma Image Shadow in the Qi Refinement Realm, mainly due to the concentration of their bloodline."

Ancestor Longyan also said, "There are two direct disciples in the Academy who have condensed a Dharma Image Shadow in the Qi Refinement Realm. I didn't expect Li Ci to be able to do the same."

As soon as she spoke, the ancestors from various families were filled with admiration. Didn't this represent Wang Lici's potential to become a direct disciple of the Academy? Moreover, not every direct disciple could condense a Dharma Image Shadow in the Qi Refinement Realm, right?

This child's path to becoming a Heaven-Human was likely to be smooth sailing.

"Please forgive my ignorance, what is Wang Lici's Dharma Image Shadow?" Patriarch Ruhong asked, "Please, Elder Sister Xuanfu, enlighten me."

Elder Sister Xuanfu?

Wang Shoujie was slightly taken aback, but then he remembered that Patriarch Ruhong looked older because he had entered the Spirit Platform Stage later, and in reality, he was more than ten years younger than Ancestor Xuanfu.

Ancestor Xuanfu's eyes flashed with anger, and she glared at Patriarch Ruhong. You're trying to provoke me, aren't you?

But who could deny that she was indeed older?

Ancestor Xuanfu coldly said, "There are many bloodlines in the world, and various anomalies. How could I know them all? But it seems to be a type of devouring bloodline talent."

They didn't pay much attention to the Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet, after all, it was just a demon that had recently entered the Spirit Platform Stage, and anyone could defeat it.

As they spoke, Wang Lici had already charged forward and was engaged in a fierce battle with the demon puppet, fighting intensely.

She even managed to defeat the demon puppet badly.

However, her strength didn't last long. As her bloodline energy continued to deplete, the Dharma Image Shadow behind her gradually dimmed and became unstable.

"In the end, she's still just in the Qi Refinement Realm," Patriarch Ruhong sighed, "Being able to condense a Dharma Image Shadow is already difficult, and trying to defeat a Spirit Platform Stage demon is even harder."

As Wang Lici's Dharma Image Shadow collapsed, she finally lost and regained some of her senses. Seeing that the situation was not good, she hastily shouted, "I surrender!"

As she surrendered, the demon puppet reluctantly stopped moving, glared at Wang Lici, and gradually disappeared.

At the same time, Wang Shoujie had already rushed over and hugged Wang Lici tightly.

The blue Mysterious Qi wildly surged into her body to help her recover.

"Fourth Uncle, I hurt it, didn't I?" Wang Lici said weakly.

"I saw it, you performed very well," Wang Shoujie hurriedly replied, "Fourth Uncle promises you that I won't go back on my word. After this, I'll take you to County City to eat some delicious food."

"Hehehe." Wang Lici's mind was filled with thoughts of delicious food, and her spirits lifted, causing her to laugh out loud. She had never eaten the food in County City before, and just thinking about it made her hungry.

After Wang Shoujie brought her back, Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, and the other younger generation surrounded her, concerned about her well-being. Especially Luo Jing and Luoqiu, who said to her, "Your performance this time has made us look up to you."

"But we won't lose to you. When we reach the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, we'll definitely defeat that demon puppet."

The two of them seemed to have found their goal to strive for.

"Husband, it's my turn now, right?" Liu Ruolan asked after comforting Wang Lici.

"Today is already late, and the visibility isn't good either," Wang Shoujie said, "Let's rest for the night and try again tomorrow."

Following Wang Shoujie's arrangement, everyone set up camp in the canyon.

That night, Wang Shoujie took out the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir that Luo Jing had given him and entered a closed-door cultivation state. Last time, he had spent 250,000 gold coins to buy a Marrow Cleansing Pill, which had allowed him to enter the mid-grade Spirit Platform Stage, but he still hadn't achieved a second Bloodline Awakening.

This was his last chance to break through in the Qi Refinement Realm.

He swallowed the Lesser Bloodline Improvement Elixir, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth, but soon, a refreshing sensation spread throughout his body.

He didn't dare to delay any further and hastily entered a cultivation state.

Two hours later, when he opened his eyes, he revealed a joyful expression. Many black impurities had been expelled from his pores, indicating that his bloodline had evolved.

He could clearly feel that his bloodline was filled with powerful energy.

Second Bloodline Awakening.

This almost made him feel like crying.

Eight years had passed, and he had finally achieved this milestone.

In the meantime, he had spent an unknown amount of money and walked through many doors and relationships, but he had finally reached the second Bloodline Awakening.

Moreover, he now knew that he had likely entered the upper-grade Spirit Platform Stage, although it was probably only upper-grade Spirit Platform Stage, but he was already on par with Wang Lici.

He didn't waste his talent like a prodigy, and he was more diligent than anyone else, even after getting married.

"From today on, I can be considered a Heaven-Human," Wang Shoujie's heart was filled with excitement, "Even if I go to the Academy, I can compete for the position of a direct disciple."

Of course, it was impossible for him to go to school, but it represented that he had reached that level.

Thinking back, he had passed the Academy's initial selection, but whether he would be accepted or not was still a question. Now, he had directly reached the upper-grade Spirit Platform Stage and could compete with the top Heaven-Humans in Longzuo County.

Moreover, he was confident that with his abilities, he would eventually suppress all the Heaven-Humans.

"Congratulations, Husband, you've achieved a second Bloodline Awakening," Liu Ruolan came over, smiling, "You've entered the ranks of the Heaven-Humans."

As soon as he saw Liu Ruolan, Wang Shoujie's excitement disappeared, and he felt like he had been doused with cold water. He had only barely achieved a second Bloodline Awakening, and he was still far from Liu Ruolan.

Let's wash up and sleep. We still have to fight tomorrow.


The next day!

The morning sun had just risen, and it seemed to represent a beautiful day.

Everyone gathered together again.

Among the young people, only Wang Shoujie and Liu Ruolan hadn't tried the trial.

Just as Wang Shoujie was about to go up, Liu Ruolan pulled him back, "Husband, as the head of the family, you should stay behind, and I'll go first."

"Okay, be careful, and don't get hurt," Wang Shoujie said indulgently, "I'll be worried if you do."

Ancestor Xuanfu glared at Wang Shoujie, what did he mean by saying it was okay to lose? Even Li Ci had passed three trials.

"Okay, Husband, I'll be careful," Liu Ruolan said obediently, drew her sword, and walked towards the trial platform, saying to the Spirit Artifact, "I want to try."

Her demeanor was like that of a gentle and kind wife, with no hint of a powerful Heaven-Human.

It seemed like she wasn't here to try the trial, but to take a stroll with her husband.

Ancestor Xuanfu sighed in her heart. She had finally obtained an Innate Dao Spirit Seed.

But the result was like this...

"As you wish, commoner."

As the Spirit Artifact's voice fell, a demon puppet with a fierce appearance appeared, killing its way towards Liu Ruolan.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 142: The Wife... Has Lost Her Temper (v2c12)



condensing into a terrifying giant beast over a meter tall. Technically a giant beast is indeed over a meter tall, but I doubt that would be the way to describe something giant. 😂