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"Brother-in-law, why do you look so surprised?" Liu Ruolei said with a smile, "You can finally relax now, right? Sister will definitely be able to defeat that monster."

Ugh, I'm not reassured at all.

This broken girl, you're still as stubborn as ever.

Wang Shoujie chuckled to himself. It's been eight years, do you think Brother-in-law wouldn't be prepared?

Hehe, little girl, you just wait and see.

The situation may be critical, but at least after Liu Ruolan's outburst, that demon puppet wouldn't be able to withstand her.

Although the demon puppet let out a fierce roar and struggled with all its might, it was still no match for Liu Ruolan's relentless and deadly swordsmanship.

Its dark, black scales were sliced open one by one, and its demonic blood splattered everywhere. In just a short while, its body was covered in sword wounds, and its black flesh was a mess.

Liu Ruolan was going to torture that demon puppet to death.

All the ancestors and younger generations were stunned, watching this scene unfold. Wang Clan's matriarch had transformed, becoming a completely different person.

It was a pity that the demon puppet couldn't surrender, and it could only watch as it was torn apart alive.

After a stick of incense had burned, the demon puppet finally collapsed, its body torn to shreds.

It was finally free from its suffering.

But Liu Ruolan's eyes still had a cold, fierce glint, and her anger seemed unabated.

"Congratulations, Warrior Liu Ruolan, on your victory. According to the rules, you may choose one reward from the Spirit Seed, Spirit Egg, Spirit Weapon, or Spirit Treasure. You will also be granted the title of Elite Warrior. Please report to the Divine Martial Army headquarters and undergo training to make outstanding contributions to the Shenwu Dynasty."

"Shut up."

Liu Ruolan coldly said, not bothering with the rewards.

Unexpectedly, the Spirit Artifact respectfully replied, "Yes, Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan, I am at your service."

It was clear that once a warrior became an Elite Warrior, even the Spirit Artifact would show great respect, as if it didn't dare to disobey.

It was evident that the title of Elite Warrior was highly valued in the Shenwu Dynasty.

But this wasn't the time to discuss that.

Liu Ruolan turned around, gazing at Wang Shoujie from a distance, her killing intent enveloping him. Her voice was cold and detached, "Wang Shoujie, come here."

Everyone's attention was focused on Wang Shoujie.

Although his sisters and nieces felt some sympathy for him, they didn't dare to intervene at this time. The scene from eight years ago had left a deep impression on them.

From then on, no one in the Wang Clan dared to provoke Liu Ruolan.

"Cough, cough!"

Wang Shoujie had been preparing for this moment. He straightened his posture, walked over with confidence, and smiled as usual, "My wife is so powerful, so majestic. You must be tired from the battle."

He continued to fawn over her, patting her shoulder and back, "Are you tired, my wife? Let's take a break and have a drink to quench your thirst."

It was as if nothing had happened, and his wife was still the same.

But in reality, he was on high alert, watching her every move and subtle change. He was ready to flee at any moment if things went awry.

When his hand touched her shoulder, he could clearly feel her body stiffen, as if she wanted to dodge.

The killing intent emanating from her intensified.

But in the end, she didn't dodge, and instead allowed Wang Shoujie to continue patting her shoulder and back. Her body trembled slightly, as if she was struggling to control her emotions.


Wang Shoujie's heart relaxed, and some of his suspicions were confirmed.

He had thought that after that incident, he would try to find a way to deal with it. He had secretly gone to the Liu Clan and discussed it with his in-laws, including his father-in-law, mother-in-law, and younger siblings.

His father-in-law, Liu Gaowang, had given him some "middle-of-the-road" advice: "Shoujie, Ruolan's situation is special, so you should be more patient and accommodating."

Apart from that, there was no constructive advice.

They all believed that Liu Ruolan might have two souls in her body.

This made Wang Shoujie want to cry and laugh at the same time. His wife's gentle and kind exterior hid a fierce and powerful interior.

But Wang Shoujie was a transmigrator.

Compared to them, he had more knowledge and experience. He suspected that his wife had dissociative identity disorder, and another personality that didn't usually appear unless she was provoked.

Modern psychology had conducted in-depth research and analysis on dissociative identity disorder, and various cases had been documented.

His wife's situation wasn't particularly rare.

It was no wonder that the Liu Clan's younger siblings, even his father-in-law and mother-in-law, were extremely obedient to Liu Ruolan and never dared to offend her.

Later, Wang Shoujie had also secretly tested his wife, discovering that she had memory lapses regarding that night's events.

He inferred that when the other personality emerged, his wife was unaware and unconscious.

But Wang Shoujie had never been able to conduct another test.

That was whether the other personality knew about him, Wang Shoujie, and his relationship with Liu Ruolan. Did she know that she was already his wife?

It was also impossible to test.

He wouldn't dare to risk his life to provoke her again.

Since the other personality had emerged again today, Wang Shoujie naturally wanted to test her. After all, he needed to understand her other personality's patterns to live a peaceful life with her.

Liu Ruolan's reaction was naturally making Wang Shoujie secretly happy.

It was clear that this hidden personality had some awareness.

She had a clear understanding of her identity and her relationship with Wang Shoujie. Although she resisted contact with him, she ultimately endured it.

After all, this was what Wang Shoujie usually did to her, patting her shoulder and back.

Not long after, her body slowly relaxed, apparently adapting to Wang Shoujie's not-too-excessive actions.

Of course, the estimate is limited to "not excessive" actions.

If he dares to cross the line, the consequences are too terrible to contemplate.

A moment later.

"Liu Ruolan" turned around and said coldly, "Wang Shoujie, I heard you want to wait for me to die and marry a new wife? And you're even prepared to indulge the new wife and beat my doll?"

Does she even know about her own doll?

Wang Shoujie was not surprised but delighted, which showed that she had a very clear understanding of her identity.

This means that her personality and memories have a lot in common with the wife.

Wang Shoujie thought to himself, this is getting more and more interesting.

He immediately put on a serious face and cried out, "Heaven and earth, wife, you're wronging me I, Wang Shoujie, have a heart as vast as the Six An Mountains and as endless as the An River."

"My dear wife, think back and remember, we're a model couple, a benchmark for our family. Would I do such a beastly thing?"

Indeed, "Liu Ruolan" furrowed her brow, thinking carefully, and it seemed like she really did remember.

Husband Wang Shoujie took her out to fight a copy, and he kept serving her attentively.

"What's going on?" "Liu Ruolan" was suspicious, "Could it be..."

"Ah, wife, I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm just too talented, too handsome, and too rich. I unintentionally attract some jealous girls, although it's a bit annoying, but what can I do?"

"It's only natural for our relationship to be affected." Wang Shoujie sighed, "This kind of thing ultimately has to be blamed on me, who made me too excellent?"

"Not good!" Liu Ruolei was originally enjoying the show, but now her heart was racing, thinking that her brother-in-law was up to no good.

"What did you say?" "Liu Ruolan" raised an eyebrow, looking at Liu Ruolei coldly.

"Sister, there's nothing, don't believe brother-in-law." Seeing the fire burning towards her, she panicked.

"Wife, after all, she's our own sister, don't be impulsive." Wang Shoujie tried to comfort her, "There's no grudge between sisters. Don't let your emotions get the better of you!"


"Liu Ruolan" pulled Liu Ruolei to a secluded rock crevice, a place where Wang Shoujie used to treat his sisters.

"Sister, I was wrong. I didn't have any bad intentions towards brother-in-law. I just wanted to stimulate you a bit to help you defeat that demon puppet."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong!" Then, a series of sharp cries came from inside.

Wang Shoujie shouted, "Wife, we're all one family, don't hit too hard. Liu Ruolei has been single for so many years, and it's normal for her to have some abnormal thoughts. Just hit her a few times, and that's enough."

This was just a pretense to help, but in reality, he was adding fuel to the fire.

"Brother-in-law, I'll remember this, you just wait."

"No, sister, I won't remember, can't I just forget?"

"Sister, hit lightly, I was wrong, really wrong."

This voice made Wang Shoujie feel secretly pleased. Who let you set fire to my head? You really think brother-in-law is a vegetarian?

Since you started the fire...

Then you can put it out yourself. It's not like sister can't forgive you.

Besides, from what he understood earlier, "wife" had already vented her emotions when fighting the demon puppet, and her mood had stabilized a lot.

Two incense sticks later...

Wife Liu Ruolan anxiously shouted from her hiding place, "Sister, Liu Ruolei, how are you? What's going on? Husband, Husband, come quickly, my sister is injured, hurry up and treat her!"

Then Wang Shoujie rushed in, "Don't worry, wife, I'm here."

Then, in the temporary hiding place...

Wang Shoujie let out a shocked cry, "Ah, Liu Ruolei, how did you end up like this? Come, come, brother-in-law will treat you."

"I'll remember this. Waaah~~~~" Liu Ruolei started crying.

Half an hour later, the three of them came out.

Then Liu Ruolei rushed into Ancestor Xuanfu's arms, "Ancestor, let's go back to the academy quickly, I need to cultivate well."

The whole scene left Ancestor Xuanfu stunned, apparently, she didn't know that her own family's prodigy had two souls?


The situation just got more complicated.

Ancestor Xuanfu was even more worried, having finally obtained an Innate Dao Spirit Seed and secretly cultivating a prodigy, only to encounter so many disasters?

Good thing this is over.

Let's go back and ask Liu Gaowang and the others what's going on.

"Wife, you've already passed the fourth level, hurry up and ask the Spirit Artifact for a reward." Wang Shoujie took the opportunity to advise.

Liu Ruolan looked shocked, "What? I passed the fourth level? I remember I clearly... couldn't beat it, I don't remember..."

"It's because you were lucky, wife. In the final level, that demon puppet had a problem and fell down, so you naturally won." Wang Shoujie lied through his teeth.

But in this situation, no one would expose him.

"Originally, it was like that. It seems our luck is not bad." Liu Ruolan said with a happy face.

"That's right, our family's wife has always been lucky." Wang Shoujie smiled.

"Elite Warrior Liu Ruolan, are you ready to receive your reward?" The Spirit Artifact asked.

"What reward?"

"You can receive a Spirit Treasure, Spirit Egg, Spirit Seed, Spirit Weapon, and other great items." The Spirit Artifact said, "It seems like the headquarters hasn't restocked in a long time, and there are only five final rewards left."

"Can I choose?" Liu Ruolan asked.

"Of course, I'll introduce them to you." The Spirit Artifact said, "Look, this Spirit Treasure wine jug is not bad. As long as you put in the corresponding spirit rice and spirit fruit, it can automatically brew 100 pounds of spirit wine every month."

As he spoke, a virtual image of the wine jug appeared in front of Liu Ruolei, with intricate mysterious symbols etched onto it.

"This is not bad, it can add to our family's industry." Liu Ruolan murmured.

"Do you want to choose this spirit wine jug?"

"No, my husband is capable of making money, and he doesn't like drinking anyway." Liu Ruolan waved her hand, moving on to the next item.

Wang Shoujie looked at Liu Ruolan selecting the Spirit Treasure, and she was truly gentle, refined, and elegant, completely different from the fierce and intimidating person she was earlier.

This made Wang Shoujie feel complex emotions, thinking that it was like marrying two people at once.

Especially when he thought about the other "wife" and how they had interacted earlier, it was like they were two completely different people.

This made Wang Shoujie feel overwhelmed, with his thoughts flying all over the place.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 144: Shoujie's Bloodthirsty Vine Spirit Seed



new wife and beat my doll?" Does she even know about her own doll? What does doll mean? Their child?