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Wang Luoqiu's loud voice caught Wang Shoujie's attention.

Wang Shoujie glared at her, saying, "You're acting like you're not afraid of me at all."

Fifth Sister and Sixth Sister were not easy to deal with, just like a lamp that doesn't conserve oil.

However, Luo Jing was in the middle of a trial, and Wang Shoujie focused his attention on it.

Suddenly, a new demon puppet appeared, its aura cold and menacing as it charged towards Wang Luojing.

Wang Luojing's expression remained calm and collected as she put down the box on her back. Without engaging with the demon puppet, she lightly tapped her feet and flew out like a butterfly, her skirt fluttering in the air, her posture extremely elegant.

Unbeknownst to anyone, she had a bugle in her hand, which she blew with a single hand, producing a high-frequency sound that was extremely piercing to human ears.

The box on the ground let out a "hum" sound, and a group of Amethyst Spirit Bees swarmed out.

Each bee was the size of a honey date, with a purple crystal luster on its body, and its stinger clearly visible.

The swarm of two to three hundred Amethyst bees, like a dark cloud covering the sun, enveloped the demon puppet.

This was a second-level Amethyst Spirit Bee, which had a huge difference in appearance compared to the Tiger-Headed Spirit Bee.

Moreover, among the Amethyst Spirit Bees, there was a particularly large one, the size of a fist, which was the Bee King. With the Bee King leading the swarm, their combat power was unmatched.

The overall strength of the swarm had reached the peak of the second level.

Even if a Peak Qi Refinement Realm expert encountered them, they would not dare to confront them head-on and would likely choose to detour.

The demon puppet, although called a puppet, was ultimately made from the blood and flesh of a demon, with a body structure identical to that of a wild demon.

The swarm of bees entangled it, their toxic stingers continuously piercing its body.

The demon puppet's combat style was not adept at dealing with the bees, and it could only rely on its powerful claws to barely kill some of the Amethyst Spirit Bees.

Although the demon puppet's toxin resistance seemed very strong, it still couldn't withstand the sheer number of bees, and the accumulated toxin eventually took its toll.

Its speed slowed down, and in a battle against the Spirit Insect Master, once the speed slowed down, it was almost a guaranteed defeat.

Wang Luojing, who had gained the upper hand, calmly executed her movements, resolutely refusing to engage in close combat with the demon puppet.

In the end, after sacrificing dozens of Amethyst Spirit Bees, the demon puppet didn't even touch her clothes before collapsing to the ground, unable to get up.

This battle was won so easily, leaving everyone in awe. It was truly deserving of the title Spirit Insect Master, with combat power that was truly terrifying.

Moreover, the Spirit Insect Master's combat style was almost risk-free, without the need to engage in close combat with the enemy.

One only needed to keep a distance and let the spirit insects kill the enemy.

Such a unique combat style was truly enviable. While congratulating Wang Luojing on her victory, the discussion began to swirl.

Patriarch Ruhong frowned, saying, "The Spirit Insect Master is a rare dual profession of life and combat, with only a few in the entire Changning Guard."

"You shouldn't think wildly, and besides, the Spirit Insect Master's combat power is built up over time, naturally different from other martial artists."

Patriarch Ruhong's words were extremely reasonable.

Wang Luojing's cultivation of top-level Amethyst Spirit Bees was clearly not easy, and the loss of dozens of bees was enough to make her heart ache.

However, the final reward was extremely generous.

The Spirit Artifact said, "Congratulations on passing the trial. What's your name?"

"Wang Luojing."

"Very good, Wang Luojing. You've passed the first test and can receive a consolation prize, on the condition that you accept the identity of the Shenwu Dynasty militia."

Naturally, Wang Luojing would not refuse.

She quickly received a Heavenly Spirit Pill and a Militia Token.

Then, she carefully rested and recovered her Mysterious Qi, waiting for her Mysterious Qi and spirit to recover before starting the second battle.

However, the second battle was different, with two demon puppets working together, executing pincer attacks and encirclement tactics.

This forced Wang Luojing into a precarious situation, making it difficult for her to calm down and control her spirit insects.

"It's troublesome," Wang Shoujie said, his face grave. Even with the same tactics, facing a different number of enemies made it extremely challenging.


A demon puppet's claw ripped open Wang Luojing's skirt, leaving a bloody gash on her waist.

"Luo Jing, that's enough," Wang Shoujie shouted. "Wait until you reach the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, and you'll definitely be able to defeat them."

He was very capable of comforting, but even he couldn't comfort the dead.

This kind of desperate battle, if not careful, could lead to instant death.

Unexpectedly, after being injured, Wang Luojing's eyes flashed with a cold, furious anger: "You damn demon puppets, you've made Fourth Brother worry about me. You all deserve to die!"

A strange, evil aura began to emanate from her body, and her eyes were shrouded in a mysterious, otherworldly color.

Not good, Wang Shoujie thought, his heart skipping a beat. Just as he was about to stop her...

He heard a " Ribbit" sound.

It was a kind of frog croak, with a thick, ear-piercing sound, like a wild ox roaring in the wilderness.

Wang Luojing's slender hand now held a palm-sized, bright red toad, which, although small, emitted a fierce, intimidating aura.

"This is...?" Ancestor Xuanfu's face changed slightly. "The Redhorn Fire Toad?! Where did this little girl get it from?"

Redhorn Fire Toad?

Wang Shoujie was slightly bewildered, clearly having never heard of this name. However, Wang Luojing soon let him experience the terror of the Redhorn Fire Toad.

Wang Luojing spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the Redhorn Fire Toad. It immediately let out a "Ribbit" sound, its roar growing even more frenzied.

In the blink of an eye, the Redhorn Fire Toad began to swell, transforming into a giant toad the size of a small calf, its body radiating a fierce, crimson aura, its huge, bulging eyes emitting a frenzied, excited energy.

"Luo Jing," Wang Shoujie's face changed slightly, just as he was about to act. However, Ancestor Xuanfu stopped him, saying, "Be careful not to disturb her. She's using the Blood Essence Technique to connect with the Redhorn Fire Toad's spirit, and it's extremely dangerous to interrupt her."

"You damn demons, go die," Wang Luojing cursed, her eyes flashing with a terrifying aura, her long hair floating in the air.


The Redhorn Fire Toad let out a deafening roar, spewing out a flame that was unlike ordinary fire, with a crimson, demonic color. The flame formed a fire dragon, which engulfed the demon puppet.

The demon puppet rolled around, but the flame refused to extinguish, and in just seven or eight breaths, it was burned to a pile of black, charred bones.

Such a terrifying flame left Wang Shoujie gasping in shock.

"This is the Fire Poison Scarlet Flame," Ancestor Xuanfu said, her eyes filled with fear. "Once it's ignited, it's extremely difficult to extinguish. It also has a fire toxin that attacks the heart, making it one of the infamous evil fires. Longyan, where did this little girl get the Redhorn Fire Toad, this terrifying evil creature?! Has she gone mad?!"

Ancestor Longyan's eyes were extremely serious: "This is probably the doing of Luo Jing's master, seven or eight years ago, when Zhou Changfeng came to our door. He said he wanted to take Luo Jing as his disciple and would definitely teach her everything. So, I and Shoujie both agreed."

"Zhou Changfeng? The Rogue Cultivator from the Longning Government Office, that Spirit Insect Master?" Ancestor Xuanfu asked angrily, "He's got a lot of guts, actually cultivating the Gu Poison Dao. We'll settle the score with him later."

Ancestor Longyan slightly furrowed her brow, not saying much, but warningly gazed at the battlefield, saying: "Shoujie, once the battle is over, you immediately go take care of Luo Jing."

"Yes, Ancestor."

Wang Shoujie responded, but in reality, he didn't need Ancestor Longyan's instructions, as he was already prepared to enter the battlefield at any time to rescue Wang Luojing.

With the appearance of the Redhorn Fire Toad, the battle had already become one-sided. The other demon puppet couldn't resist the Fire Poison Scarlet Flame and was burned to a pile of dry bones.

At the same time, Wang Luojing's face turned deathly pale, her eyes closed, and she fell backward. The Redhorn Fire Toad also suddenly transformed into a palm-sized creature and jumped into Wang Luojing's arms.

Wang Shoujie quickly rushed over, embracing Luo Jing, and a surge of blue mysterious energy wildly poured into her body. The powerful energy finally allowed Wang Luojing to recover a bit, and she opened her weak eyes, saying: "Fourth Brother, Luo Jing won't disappoint you."

"You silly girl," Wang Shoujie scolded, "Why are you so reckless? I've already said we can come back again later."

"Fourth Brother, Luo Jing doesn't want to hold you back," she said, closing her eyes again, not daring to look at Wang Shoujie.

Wang Shoujie wanted to scold her some more, but seeing her small face so pale and exhausted, he naturally held back his words. Moreover, he knew that Luo Jing had always been very stubborn, and simple lectures wouldn't have much effect on her.

He carefully carried Luo Jing back, meticulously treating her injuries.

At the same time, he asked Ancestor Xuanfu: "Ancestor, is the Gu Poison Dao a forbidden technique?"

"It's not exactly a forbidden technique," Ancestor Xuanfu said seriously, "But the academy doesn't encourage the cultivation of such evil arts. Whoever cultivates the Gu Poison Dao must report to the academy. That Zhou Changfeng, a Rogue Cultivator, doesn't know where he got the witchcraft secrets, and he even has a Redhorn Fire Toad. This matter still needs to be investigated."

"Since it's not a forbidden technique, that's good," Wang Shoujie let out a sigh of relief.

"Shoujie, you must talk to this girl later," Ancestor Longyan's eyes also showed some anger, "This Redhorn Fire Toad is already very powerful, and it's not something she can control with her current spiritual power. She's taking a huge risk by using her blood to drive it."

Ancestor Longyan also felt helpless, as Luo Jing only listened to her Fourth Brother Wang Shoujie's words.

"Yes, Ancestor," Wang Shoujie honestly replied, "In the future, if she's not strong enough, and she still dares to drive the Redhorn Fire Toad, I'll spank her bottom."

He knew that Wang Luojing was pretending to be unconscious and could hear his words. Using this tone to scold her was more effective than directly talking to her.

As expected, her small body trembled, and her face turned red.

Fortunately, Wang Shoujie's milk energy was abundant, and after a short while, Wang Luojing recovered a lot, but she wouldn't be able to participate in the next battle.

However, the Spirit Artifact still awarded her a bottle of primary bloodline improvement liquid and an Elite Militia token.

"Wang Luojing, you're really childish," Wang Luoqiu said, coming over to tease her, "You think you can win with just that Redhorn Fire Toad?"

"Hmph," Wang Luojing, who had slightly recovered, coldly snorted, "If it weren't for Fourth Brother not allowing me to use it, I would've shown you its power."

Wang Shoujie saw that they were about to quarrel again and immediately stopped them, saying: "Both of you, shut up."

These two sisters were really not easy to deal with, always giving him a headache.

Wang Luojing didn't argue with Wang Luoqiu anymore but instead handed the bottle of primary bloodline improvement liquid to Wang Shoujie, saying: "Fourth Brother, you use this bottle instead."


Wang Shoujie only then understood that Luo Jing had been so desperate because she didn't want Wang Shoujie to use Wang Luoqiu's bottle.

This made him feel a chill in his heart; this little girl's thoughts were too deep.

Wang Luoqiu raised an eyebrow, coldly snorting, "Childish ghost."

"Rude girl," Wang Luojing calmly retorted.

"Okay, okay, you two can rest now," Wang Lici stood up, looking like a big sister, saying, "You two have already won two rounds, which is not bad. You haven't disappointed my, Li Ci's, teachings."

Then Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing both gave her a white eye. This big girl's natural talent was indeed good, but her actual combat power... was still a huge question mark.

Wang Lici didn't bother with them and instead walked onto the trial platform with her hands behind her back, looking very confident.

As Wang Lici appeared, everyone's attention was drawn to her.

She stood there, posing like a supreme expert, and then whistled.

Suddenly, a fat old tiger flew over, seemingly out of breath, whether due to eating too much or the heavy load on its back.

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but twitch his mouth, remembering when he first saw this little old tiger. It was still very agile, running like the wind, and catching spirit mice with ease.

But as it grew older, it became fatter and fatter, making Wang Shoujie wonder if it still had any hunting abilities.

"Hua Hua, good job," Wang Lici patted the old tiger's head, "Considering you've been helping me carry my equipment all the way, I'll deduct 500 gold from your debt."

Hua Hua was very happy, rubbing its head against Wang Lici's, completely unaware of how much gold it owed.

Wang Lici took off the large package on the old tiger's back, which contained her full set of equipment: a carefully crafted full-body war armor, a giant hammer, and a heavy shield.

After putting everything on, Wang Lici had transformed into a heavy armor warrior, saying to the Spirit Artifact: "I, Wang Lici, am starting the trial."

However, the Spirit Artifact responded: "Commoner, your name is meaningless. As you wish, the trial has begun. Also, please have that irrelevant old tiger leave the trial platform."

"What?" Wang Lici was shocked, "Why? Luo Jing's insect and that big toad were allowed, why can't my war beast participate?"

But before the Spirit Artifact could respond, a spatial wave occurred, and a demon puppet attacked her.

At the same time, the old tiger Hua Hua was enveloped by an invisible energy and was thrown out of the trial platform, looking very confused.

Poor Wang Lici, facing the demon puppet alone, was on the verge of tears.

How long had it been since I, Li Ci, last fought alone?

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 140: Warrior Top-notch Spirit Artifact (v2c10)



Even if a Qi Refinement Realm expert encountered them, they would not dare to confront them head-on and would likely choose to detour. Should be peak QI Refinement