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Wang Shoujie's face turned pale, and he was about to stop Luoqiu, "You don't want to do this, do you? You're going to start from the second level directly!"

"This will reduce the rewards, what if we miss out on a wave of rewards?"

Just as he was about to stop her, the Spirit Artifact spoke up, "Civilian, your request has been rejected. Please proceed with the trial according to the requirements."

Fortunately, the Spirit Artifact was reasonable and followed the rules strictly.

Luoqiu's eyes flashed with boredom, and she stretched her neck, "Since that's the case, let's get started then."

In the trial arena, a spatial ripple appeared, and the demon puppet reappeared, its aura as fierce as before, its appearance as terrifying as before.

Before it could make a move, Luoqiu took the initiative and charged towards the demon puppet.

Her movements were fierce and direct, without any fancy tricks, like a human-shaped beast opening its hunting mode.

With a loud "Boom!" she punched the demon puppet, which was caught off guard and stumbled backward three to four meters, its legs trembling.

"Luoqiu is so powerful!"

The young observers from the various families were shocked.

The demon puppet, which had given them so much pressure, seemed to have become "weak" in Luoqiu's hands.

It was only able to defend itself, constantly retreating or dodging.

The scene was like a reversal of what had happened earlier, where the demon puppet had been beating them up.

But now, it was Luoqiu who was dominating the demon puppet.

Her attacks were like a raging tide, each wave stronger than the last.

In just twenty moves, the demon puppet, which had seemed so powerful and unbeatable, was knocked to the ground, its chest broken, and it couldn't get up again.

Luoqiu sneered, "It's like an ant."

The onlookers cheered, "Good job!" "Luoqiu is amazing!"

Even the Ancestors' eyes showed a hint of surprise. This kid was too scary. They didn't have such abilities when they were her age.

Ancestor Longyan couldn't help but nod, "This kid is more powerful than I was at her age."

Patriarch Ruhong also said, "Ancestor Longyan, congratulations. This kid has already shown signs of becoming a Heaven-Human."

The envy in their eyes was palpable. If only the Donggang Chen Clan had a kid like this.

Then, they looked at Chen Fangjie and sighed...

When they saw Luoqiu's performance, Ancestor Xuanfu couldn't help but pull Liu Ruolei aside and scolded her. Your sister, the unparalleled genius, has been ruined by that brat Wang Shoujie.

The future of the Liu Clan depends on you, you must strive to be better. Then, she glared at Wang Shoujie.

Meanwhile, on the trial platform...

"Congratulations, you have passed the trial. What is your name?"

"Wang Luoqiu."

"Very good, Wang Luoqiu. You have passed the first level and can receive a consolation prize, on the condition that you accept the identity of a Shenwu Dynasty militia."

"I accept." Luoqiu was only slightly excited, but she wasn't stupid. The prize was a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

"Militia Wang Luoqiu, I represent the Shenwu Dynasty and the Divine Martial Army, and I grant you the identity of a militia and a reward of a low-grade breakthrough pill."

As soon as the Spirit Artifact finished speaking, a small spatial ripple appeared, and two items floated in front of Luoqiu. A delicate jade bottle and a black token.

Luoqiu picked up the rewards and then opened the bottle to show Wang Shoujie, "Fourth Brother, look, is this a Heavenly Spirit Pill? Why did the Spirit Artifact call it a 'low-grade breakthrough pill'?"

Wang Shoujie examined it carefully and was overjoyed, "It's really a Heavenly Spirit Pill!" He estimated that such pills were not rare in the Shenwu Dynasty era.

Although he had never doubted Ancestor Longyan's experiences, he only truly felt relieved when he got his hands on the pill. It seemed that the relic had not decayed over the past hundred years.

Even though the Wang Clan was now very wealthy, and being able to get a Heavenly Spirit Pill, which was worth tens of thousands, was a great joy.

The other Ancestors and young observers were also excited. The demon puppet was difficult to defeat, but it was not invincible, and the rewards were so generous.

Some ninth-grade aristocratic families would spend decades accumulating resources to get a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

Their eyes lit up with excitement.

At this time, the Spirit Artifact asked, "Militia Wang Luoqiu, do you want to continue with the second level?"

Just as Luoqiu was about to respond to the Spirit Artifact, Wang Shoujie pulled her back, "Luoqiu, you must be tired. Let's rest for a while."

Luoqiu looked puzzled, "Fourth Brother, I'm not tired. I just need to warm up."

Wang Shoujie glared at her, "I said you're tired, so you're tired."

Luoqiu rolled her eyes, fine, I can't win against you, so I'll rest.

Then, Wang Shoujie asked the Spirit Artifact, "Can she rest before starting the second level?"

"You can take a short rest and recover, but it must not exceed one day. Otherwise, you will have to wait a year to restart."

"Can others take the trial during her rest?"

"No, unless she voluntarily withdraws from the trial or exceeds the one-day time limit."

"Okay, we'll let Luoqiu rest for now." Wang Shoujie pulled Luoqiu aside, "You rest well and recover your Mysterious Qi. Don't waste a single bit, or you won't be allowed to take the second level."

It didn't matter that she had passed the first level easily, but one-on-one and one-on-two were completely different concepts.

Luoqiu reluctantly obeyed Wang Shoujie's orders.

She sat down, cross-legged, and began to recover her Mysterious Qi. In less than two hours, she stood up, "Spirit Artifact, I'm ready to start the second level."

"As you wish, militia Wang Luoqiu."

As soon as the words fell, a spatial ripple appeared, and two demon puppets emerged simultaneously.

The battle began, and it was intense.

As expected, the two demon puppets worked well together, and even Luoqiu found it difficult to fight them. She had to abandon her head-on approach and switch to a war of attrition.

Although she looked like a teenager, she was actually very smart in battle and would not be limited to one tactic.

However, the more she fought, the more difficult it became. One-on-one and one-on-two were indeed vastly different.

Moreover, the demon puppets' claws were extremely sharp, and a single scratch would leave a wound. Gradually, Luoqiu found it hard to hold on and kept falling into a disadvantageous position.

The onlookers finally understood why Ancestor Longyan had to risk her life to pass the second level back then.

And that was when Ancestor Longyan was already at the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm!

Luoqiu was currently only at the mid-stage of the eighth level of the Qi Refinement Realm.

She had already performed very well, and when she reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, she should be able to defeat the two demon puppets more easily.

But at this time, Luoqiu let out a roar, "I, Wang Luoqiu, will not be defeated by these two trash puppets!"

Her eyes flashed with a red light, and her aura changed.

She stopped retreating and switched back to her head-on approach.

Every move and every style contained powerful explosive force, and she was able to exchange blows with the demon puppet.

"Luoqiu, there's still a chance for you in the future, don't do this."

Her peers all shouted anxiously.

"I, Wang Luoqiu, will dominate the world." With a loud roar, she ignored the pain and smashed the demon puppet's head with a single punch. The remaining demon puppet was then easily defeated by her in just five moves.


Wang Luoqiu stomped on the demon puppet's head, her eyes filled with an overwhelming sense of dominance.

"Militia Wang Luoqiu, congratulations on passing the second level. This is your reward, [Primary Bloodline Improvement Liquid], and an Elite Militia token. Do you want to open the third level?"

Wang Luoqiu took the reward and her eyes gleamed with excitement, filled with a desire for battle.

"Spirit Artifact, prepare..."

But before she could finish speaking, Wang Shoujie rushed over: "Spirit Artifact, she's injured and needs to rest."

"Let go of me, Wang Shoujie."

"Wang Luoqiu, shut up." Wang Shoujie's eyes flashed with anger, and he dragged her off the stage without hesitation.

Seeing Fourth Brother's anger, Wang Luoqiu didn't dare to argue, and she let out a sigh.

She knew Fourth Brother's temper, and normally, she could joke around with him without any consequences.

But once he got serious, Wang Luoqiu's heart would tremble with fear.

This girl had already been seriously injured, with over ten wounds on her body, and the claw wound on her abdomen was particularly severe, affecting her internal organs. If she continued to push herself, she might risk her life.

Wang Shoujie took her to a hidden area and used his Mysterious Qi to heal her wounds.

In just a short while, he managed to stop the bleeding.

Some of the non-fatal wounds also began to heal. Only the severe wound on her abdomen would take several days to fully recover.

This was thanks to Wang Shoujie's strong healing abilities. Otherwise, even with healing medicine, she would have to rest for at least a month.

"Wang Luoqiu, your trial journey ends here. You can take the Primary Bloodline Improvement Liquid after your injuries have healed," Wang Shoujie said, explaining that the liquid was a genuine good thing, despite its low-level name.

At the same time, Wang Shoujie also examined the so-called [Primary Bloodline Improvement Liquid], which was a liquid with a fragrant aroma, unlike the Stone Marrow.

He let out a sigh of relief, thinking that this treasure shouldn't have any connection to Stone Marrow, and therefore, there wouldn't be any issues with drug resistance.

Wang Lici, Wang Luoqiu, and Wang Luojing had all taken large amounts of Stone Marrow. If this liquid was made from Stone Marrow, its effects would be greatly reduced, or even useless.

Wang Shoujie had also taken a Marrow Cleansing Pill, which had the same problem.

This was one of his biggest concerns. After all, he had spent 250,000 gold coins on the pill.

After taking it, his talent had indeed improved significantly.

But it was only at the mid-grade level, similar to Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing, and he hadn't awakened his second bloodline.

If the reward was another Marrow Cleansing Pill, he would have a hard time breaking through to the upper-grade bloodline and entering the second stage of Bloodline Awakening.

Just as Wang Shoujie was thinking about this...

"Fourth Brother, you can use this Primary Bloodline Improvement Liquid first," Wang Luoqiu said casually.

Wang Shoujie was taken aback, quickly shaking his head: "No way, this is your reward, Fourth Brother can't take it from you." This was a taboo in their family, taking someone else's resources would lead to discord.

"You're stupid, Fourth Brother," Wang Luoqiu rolled her eyes and said, "If you had a stronger bloodline, you would have easily passed the second level, and then you could return the reward to me."

"Ah, that's true." Wang Shoujie's brain hadn't thought of that, and now that he was reminded, he realized it was a good strategy, and he didn't hesitate to take the liquid.

Then, he kicked Wang Luoqiu's butt: "You're done, go rest, and don't be so reckless next time."

Wang Luoqiu glared at him, but thinking about how she couldn't beat Fourth Brother, she patted her butt and obediently went to rest.

Next, Liu Yuanhui went up to challenge the demon puppet.

Liu Yuanhui was a carefully nurtured seedling of the Liu Clan, and at just 30 years old, he had already reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm. His martial arts skills were also highly polished.

He had a deep understanding of the demon puppet's strength and was extremely cautious.

He fought the demon puppet for half an hour, receiving many light injuries, before finally managing to defeat it with a single sword strike.

He walked down, his face filled with a bitter taste.

If he had defeated someone of the same level as him in a normal battle, he would have been over the moon. But compared to Wang Luoqiu's performance, his was mediocre.

As for the second level, he didn't even think about it and directly gave up.

This was a wise decision. Otherwise, he would have been defeated in just a few moves.

But being able to obtain a Heavenly Spirit Pill was still a great stroke of luck, and Ancestor Xuanfu patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

The other peers also congratulated him, envying his good fortune.

Then, Wang Shoujie took him to the side and helped him treat his wounds.

Liu Yuanhui thanked him sincerely: "Shoujie, thank you. Your Wood Element bloodline is truly unique."

"There's no need for such courtesy between us," Wang Shoujie smiled and said, "You're just superficially injured, and you'll recover in seven or eight days without my help."

At the same time, another young member of the family stood up and walked towards the trial platform.

It was Wang Luojing.

She wore a blue-black long dress with intricate flower patterns, which upon closer inspection, resembled insect patterns.

She also carried a large, strange box on her back.

Her expression was calm, without a hint of fear in her eyes.

She had spent half her time in the Changning Guard, where the Spirit Insect Master had personally taken her as a disciple, promising to teach her everything.

Seeing Wang Luojing take the stage...

Wang Shoujie's heart moved, and he said: "Luoqiu, why not make a deal with me? Let's give this bottle of Primary Bloodline Improvement Liquid to Luo Jing to use. That way, she'll have an easier time in the second level." He had high hopes for Wang Luojing.

Wang Luoqiu indicated that it was up to him: "Since you gave it to me, Fourth Brother can do as he pleases."

But it was Wang Luojing who shook her head: "No need, thank you for your kind intentions. But if Luoqiu can do it, then I, as her older sister, can do it too." Her calm eyes flashed with determination.

Wang Shoujie didn't press the issue further.

He knew his Fifth Sister Wang Luojing's personality, which was stubborn and strong-willed, despite her gentle appearance.

And she had always been competing with Wang Luoqiu since they were young, so she wouldn't want to lose to her.

"Luo Jing, be careful," Wang Shoujie warned seriously, "If you can't hold on, you can give up. There's always next time."

"Fourth Brother, don't underestimate me," Wang Luojing said with a sweet smile, and then she walked onto the trial platform, her expression gradually becoming cold and calm: "Spirit Artifact, I'm ready to trial."

A cold and ruthless aura spread out, making the surrounding young members shiver, and they couldn't help but respect Wang Luojing a little more.

Only Wang Luoqiu, who was resting, snorted: "What's there to learn? Wang Shoujie's pretentious act is enough."

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 139: Fierce Battle Redhorn Fire Toad (v2c9)



The Wang Clan was now very wealthy, and being able to get a Heavenly Spirit Pill, which was worth tens of thousands, was a great joy. Shouldn't it be Even though the Wang Clan was very wealthy...