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Wang Lici was filled with sadness and grief.

In recent years, every time she fought, she would just wear heavy armor, go through the motions, and let Hua Hua, the big tiger, do the main fighting.

But unexpectedly, the Spirit Artifact sent Hua Hua away.

How could she bear this?

But she didn't have time to think about it, as the demon puppet, with its sharp claws, was already attacking her. The claws swung fiercely, as if carrying a thousand pounds of force, and emitted a piercing sound.

At this moment, Wang Lici was extremely scared.

She hastily raised her heavy shield and frantically poured Mysterious Qi into it to increase its defensive power.

"Clang!" A loud sound echoed.

Something strange happened.

Wang Lici's body didn't move an inch, but the demon puppet's two claws were shattered.


The demon puppet seemed to be enraged, let out a loud roar, and then charged at Wang Lici.

Its body, over two meters tall and weighing over 300 pounds, crashed into the heavy shield with great force.


Unexpectedly, Wang Lici's body only swayed slightly.

On the other hand, the demon puppet was knocked back several steps by the rebound force.

"What's going on? This guy's body is so weak."

Wang Lici's eyes, under her helmet, were full of doubt. She had seen Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu fight so hard, and thought this demon puppet was very powerful.

Was she mistaken? Let's try again.

Then she raised her shield and charged forward with great force.

"Boom!" A loud sound echoed.

The demon puppet was knocked flying and fell to the ground.

"Haha!" Wang Lici burst out laughing, "It turns out I, Li Ci, am already so powerful. You, demon puppet, dare to fight me? Come on, let's fight three hundred rounds."

The demon puppet let out a low growl and actually got up, ready to fight Wang Lici again.

Unfortunately, its power was far inferior to Wang Lici's, and it was quickly knocked flying again. Wang Lici seemed to have gotten into a frenzy, throwing away her shield and hammer, and fought the demon puppet with her bare hands.

Bang, bang, bang.

The poor demon puppet was knocked to the ground, its body battered and bruised like a broken doll.

This bizarre scene left everyone stunned.

Was this girl's strength too terrifying?

Even Wang Shoujie was shocked, having known that Li Ci's strength was great, but not to this extent. He couldn't help but feel some sympathy for the poor demon puppet.

After playing for a while, Wang Lici seemed to lose interest. She picked up the demon puppet and slammed its head into the ground with great force.


The demon puppet's head, along with its neck and shoulders, crashed into the hard ground, and it was instantly killed.

Then, Wang Lici stood up, her hands behind her back, and gazed up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

She shook her head and sighed, "Ah, being invincible in the world is really lonely."

Invincible? You're invincible, all right!

Wang Shoujie's mouth twitched slightly, and if it weren't for the presence of their relatives, he would have liked to give her a good scolding.

He didn't know why, but he felt that his big niece had a natural air of being unbeatable.

Later, the Spirit Artifact gave out the corresponding rewards and granted her the title of militia.

"I'm so hungry after exercising for so long." Wang Lici didn't care about the Heavenly Spirit Pill at all, rubbed her belly, and muttered to herself.

Then she beckoned, and the big tiger Hua Hua came running over.

She took out several large pieces of pre-roasted meat from the tiger's backpack, weighing around 100-200 pounds. She picked the smallest piece and gave it to Hua Hua.

The two of them, one person and one tiger, ate with gusto, completely ignoring the surroundings.

The scene was truly embarrassing.

Such an astonishing performance.

The several Ancestors were also stunned, looking at this big girl who was so fierce and powerful.

Those roasted meats were all from Third-tier Fierce Beasts, containing rich energy. Could she digest so much?

Even the Ancestors wouldn't be able to eat so much!

No wonder this girl's strength was so great.

"Husband, our Li Ci is really full of energy." Liu Ruolan covered her mouth and laughed, "Her strength has increased a lot compared to before, and even surpasses yours."

Purely in terms of strength, Wang Shoujie was probably no match for her.

This made Wang Shoujie mutter to himself, "I'm human, but she's a monster in a girl's skin. Can we be compared?"

"Wang Lici, are you full?" Wang Shoujie asked from the sidelines, "You have the time, so hurry up and start the next round."

This girl didn't need to rest at all, as if she had endless energy and strength.

"Fourth Uncle, I'm a girl, and fighting is tiring. Let me finish eating first." She ate the roasted meat with gusto, while complaining to the Spirit Artifact, "Spirit Artifact, why can't my Hua Hua go up? Wang Luojing's insects and big toad can go up, this is so unfair."

"Militia Wang Lici, you and this tiger-type Spirit Beast have no contractual relationship, and there is no sign of blood sacrifice. Therefore, it cannot be determined as your pet. However, militia Wang Luojing is a Spirit Insect Master, and those spirit insects are her cultivated battle tools, and the big toad is her innate Spirit Gu, so it can be determined as able to go up."

Wang Shoujie understood this explanation.

This trial ground also had rules. You couldn't just bring any Spirit Beast and claim it as your own, and then pretend to be a Spirit Master.

This also ruled out the possibility of Wang Shoujie asking the Yuan Water Spirit Turtle to help him fight.

"Never mind, I'm already invincible in the world, even without Hua Hua's help." After the previous battle, Wang Lici was full of confidence.

She had just discovered that she was already so powerful.

"Just let Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu see who's the real big sister." As she spoke, Wang Lici had already finished eating the roasted meat, wiped her mouth, and said, "Spirit Artifact, start the next round."

"Militia Wang Lici, as you wish." The Spirit Artifact replied.

After another spatial fluctuation, two demon puppets appeared simultaneously.

This time, Wang Lici was full of confidence and didn't avoid battle, instead charging forward to fight the two demon puppets.

Her heavy shield and hammer swung fiercely, and even though she was fighting two enemies, she didn't fall behind.

Such a brave Wang Lici left the Ancestors in awe, praising her endlessly. This girl was truly talented.

The only small problem was that her martial arts skills were very poor.

Her moves were all improvised, completely lacking in system, and were simply relying on her terrifying strength and Mysterious Qi to crush her opponents.

Moreover, her heavy armor was specially made by an ironworker, weighing several hundred pounds, with key parts being extremely thick. After being infused with Mysterious Qi, its defensive power became exceptionally strong.

The poor demon puppets couldn't even break through her defense.

This scene made Wang Shoujie start to doubt whether he had been wrong all these years.

Was Li Ci's big girl style, which didn't follow any rules, the true king's path?

But this thought was quickly dismissed. Wang Lici was a monster, a human-shaped beast, and her fighting style couldn't be replicated.

The battle was already a foregone conclusion.

The two demon puppets were smashed to pieces by her heavy hammer, and the second round was easily cleared. She received the rewards and was granted the title of Elite Militia.

This made Wang Lici even more arrogant, "Haha, I, Li Ci, am the true invincible king. Wang Luojing, Wang Luoqiu, do you dare to challenge me?"

Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu were both unwilling to look at Wang Lici, who was getting older and had reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm. What was there to be proud of?

After receiving her reward, Wang Lici rubbed her belly and said, "Hua Hua, I'm starving, hurry up and bring me some food."

Then, in front of everyone's stunned expressions, she pulled out a pile of roasted meat and a fat old tiger, and began to eat with gusto.

It was as if even Ancestor Xuanfu's beautiful eyes were wide with amazement. This girl could eat so much? Longyan, your family's child is really not easy to raise.

Wang Shoujie was also shocked, thinking to himself that the older Li Ci got, the higher her cultivation level, and the more she could eat. It was like a bottomless pit!

They were already struggling to keep up with her appetite.

Then Wang Shoujie sneaked a glance at Ancestor Xuanfu, thinking to himself that the Purple Palace Academy provided resources and accommodation for its core disciples. Maybe he could find an opportunity to send Li Ci to the academy?

This idea was not bad, and Wang Shoujie thought it was getting better and better.

Yes, that's what he would do.

Suddenly, Ancestor Xuanfu felt a sense of unease and foreboding.

At the same time, Wang Lici, who had finished eating, began the third round.

As Ancestor Longyan had said, the third round was against three demon puppets. Any species that exceeded a certain number would undergo a qualitative change.

The three demon puppets put pressure on Wang Lici, moving like a wolf pack and executing various tactics.

Their sharp claws left scratches on Wang Lici's armor.

This kind of dirty tactic made Wang Lici's anger rise.

"I, Li Ci, am not going to hold back, you're treating me like a sick cat!"

Just as one of the demon puppets was about to sneak up on her from behind, she suddenly swung her war hammer backwards.

The war hammer flew out, spinning and whistling.


The war hammer struck the demon puppet's chest, killing it with one hit!

Next, Wang Lici swung her heavy shield, which flew out like a playing card, spinning horizontally in the air with a sharp whistling sound.


One of the demon puppets failed to dodge and was cut in half.

With this, the battle was over, and Wang Lici had won easily.


She was the first among the young people who came to try out to pass the third round.

The younger generation was full of admiration and worship, and even the Ancestors were praising her.

The Wang Clan had produced a prodigy!

This child's future was limitless, and it was certain that she would reach the Spirit Platform Stage.

Only Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu looked at each other, their eyes burning with determination.

They were both proud and confident, and they believed that when they reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, they could also easily pass the third round.

At the same time, the Spirit Artifact said, "Elite Militia Wang Lici, congratulations on passing the third round. You will receive a standard weapon and your identity will be promoted to warrior."

Ancestor Longyan and Wang Shoujie were both very concerned. Warrior, standard weapon, these were terms they had never heard before.

The Spirit Artifact asked, "Warrior Wang Lici, do you want to choose a war hammer as your main weapon?"

"I want a war hammer, I'll use it to blast everything to pieces!" Wang Lici said without hesitation, although in reality, she couldn't use any other weapon.

What, not take a war hammer? Would she take a sword to embroider flowers?

The Spirit Artifact didn't argue with her.

After a spatial fluctuation, "Clang!" A war hammer suddenly appeared, heavily striking the ground.

It even created a pit on the hard, unyielding trial platform.

The war hammer looked ordinary, but it emitted a rich, spiritual aura, as if it were extremely spiritual.

The Ancestors' faces changed, "This is..."

"An upper-grade Spirit Artifact!!"

From the intense spiritual aura, it was clear that this was an upper-grade Spirit Artifact.

The Ancestors were shocked, with a mix of envy and admiration.

Some small family Ancestors might not even have a Spirit Artifact.

But even if they had one, most were lower-grade Spirit Artifacts, and only a few could reach middle-grade Spirit Artifact level.

The Wang Clan currently had three Spirit Artifacts.

Among them, the Zhouxuan Sword was a middle-grade Spirit Artifact, while the Longyan Sword and the Purple Gold Alms Bowl were only lower-grade Spirit Artifacts.

Now, an upper-grade Spirit Artifact had suddenly appeared, which was a shocking and enviable event!

More importantly, the Spirit Artifact said it was a standard weapon.

This showed how powerful the Shenwu Dynasty was in its heyday!

Wang Lici was overjoyed when she saw the war hammer, "This hammer looks fierce, I like it. Oh, how heavy is it?"

Then she grabbed the hammer handle with both hands, using all her strength to lift it, and even started to stumble while walking.

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Lici's strength was well-known, and in the Qi Refinement Realm, few could match her. With her power, she should be able to lift a 3,000-pound object easily.

How heavy was this war hammer? 5,000 pounds, or 6,000 pounds?

Seeing her struggle, Liu Ruolan couldn't bear to watch anymore and went over to say, "Li Ci, with your current strength, you probably can't use this hammer. Let me keep it for you."

"Thank you, Fourth Aunt," Wang Lici said obediently.

Then Liu Ruolan stored the war hammer in her Storage Ring.

It had to be said that in this situation, the Storage Ring's functionality was showcased. It was only limited by volume, not weight or other factors.

The Ancestors all looked at the Storage Ring with envy, although everyone had made a fortune following Shoujie, but currently, buying a Storage Ring was still too extravagant.

"Li Ci, rest for a while and then try the fourth round," Liu Ruolan said, "This trial game is quite interesting, and I'm also looking forward to it."

Liu Ruolan had originally been uninterested in the trial, but now she found it quite enjoyable.

"Yes, Fourth Aunt," Wang Lici said obediently, knowing who was in charge at home.

Then Wang Lici rested for a while, ate and drank, and put on her equipment, saying to the Spirit Artifact, "I want to participate in the next round."

"Warrior Wang Lici, as you wish."

Then, after a spatial fluctuation, a terrifying demon puppet, over 10 feet tall, appeared.

Its body was much larger than the previous demon puppets, with scales like real armor, emitting a dark, black aura. Its eyes were cold and ruthless.

As soon as it appeared, a powerful, oppressive aura enveloped the entire scene.

All the Qi Refinement Realm youngsters were shocked, feeling like they were facing a powerful, ferocious beast.

Wang Shoujie's pupils contracted, "No way?"

Wasn't the fourth round supposed to be against four demon puppets?

This, this thing, was a Spirit Platform Stage demon puppet?

Who among the Qi Refinement Realm could defeat it?

Wang Lici, who was at the forefront, was stunned, looking at the giant demon puppet with tears in her eyes.

Spirit Artifact, were you playing a joke on Li Ci?

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 141: Shoujie Awakens the Second Bloodline (v2c11)


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