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This also has a good effect, setting a good precedent for the family.

Even the Clan Leader and his wife are so loving and respectful towards each other, like honored guests.

Other couples naturally learn from their example.

What makes Wang Shoujie most helpless is that every time he advances, he becomes stronger. But then Liu Ruolan always surpasses him, and he can't catch up!

Wang Shoujie still lacks a few months to reach the Qi Refinement Realm. How can he not be anxious?

Liu Ruolan usually takes care of the children and doesn't seem to work hard, yet she still surpasses him.

Perhaps this is why Wang Shoujie wants to upgrade his bloodline again.

At least it can guarantee that she won't accidentally use her strong powers and make herself a widow.

"Husband, this lotus seed soup is personally cooked by me for you. Please drink it first. It's not that I intentionally wanted to hide it from you, but you never asked," Liu Ruolan said with an innocent face. "Besides, didn't you also hide your bloodline from me? On our wedding night, your vines scared me to death."

Liu Ruolan is still a good talker when she's not provoked.

This one good point makes Wang Shoujie feel quite comforted.

So, Wang Shoujie happily drinks the lotus seed soup. Although the soup should have sugar, his wife accidentally added a lot of high-quality salt instead.

He still smiles and says, "My wife's cooking skills are great."

"Thank you, Husband, for your praise. By the way, Husband, if we go to the testing platform, we can test Liyao's martial arts talent. She's already at the age for testing," Liu Ruolan reminds him gently, like a wise and virtuous wife.

As soon as Wang Shoujie mentions his precious daughter, his expression becomes enthusiastic: "My precious daughter will definitely have exceptional talent."

The testing platform is a huge investment for Wang Shoujie, costing over 10,000 gold coins, including the array and labor costs.

Normally, families would go to the Changning Guard's official testing platform to test their children's talents. The platform is open to the whole world, and even commoners can apply. However, each test costs 10 gold coins, and applications are concentrated, so it's not something you can do whenever you want.

The Wang Clan can afford the testing fee, but Wang Shoujie doesn't want to stir up trouble with the various unusual bloodlines in the family.

Most ordinary families can't afford to build a testing platform, and even if they occasionally produce a talented child, it's a big deal that would be celebrated throughout the village. Wang Shoujie doesn't have such concerns.

Moreover, Wang Shoujie has other ideas about the testing platform.

So, building a testing platform at home is a must. Even if it costs a lot of money and effort, it's worth it.

With this thought, Wang Shoujie says, "Let's go tomorrow and notify our siblings to retest their talents."

Wang Shoujie last tested his talent at the age of seven and doesn't know how his bloodline concentration has changed since then.

This matter is settled.

Wang Shoujie looks around and sees that no one is nearby, then whispers, "Wife, since your Mysterious Water True Art has reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, we haven't sparred in a long time."

Liu Ruolan's face turns slightly red, and her eyes sparkle with a hint of spring. She also whispers, "Husband, your Long Spring True Art is about to reach perfection. I really haven't had a chance to learn from you in a long time."

"It's just that the children are still studying in the library... I'm afraid it's not convenient," she says with a blush.

Wang Shoujie smiles and says, "No problem, we can go to the Water Moon Pavilion."

The Water Moon Pavilion.

That's a small villa built by Wang Shoujie on a small island in the center of Zhuwei Lake, expanded and renovated over the years.

It's a secret base for the couple.

Its main purpose is to temporarily escape from the kids and enjoy some alone time together, watching the moon and the lake, and even sparring with each other.

Liu Ruolan's beautiful eyes move slightly, and she seems to be tempted. After a brief hesitation, she whispers, "Okay, let's follow Husband's arrangement."

So, after giving Qiao'er some instructions, the couple disappears.

An hour later.

The two kids are still studying hard in the library.

Suddenly, they realize that they haven't seen their parents for a long time.

Wang Liyao pouts, "Dad said he would come and tell us a story about Chang'e, but he hasn't come yet."

"Mom said she would come and check our homework, but she hasn't come either," Wang Zong'an says with a roll of his eyes. "I think they must have gone to practice martial arts again."

"Probably, since they've been practicing a lot recently."

Qiao'er, who is standing aside, breaks out in a cold sweat.


The next day, in the backyard of the Wang Clan Manor.

An empty courtyard is being used to build a testing platform.

The platform is in the shape of the Eight Trigrams, made of white jade, with intricate symbols engraved on it. Five pillars stand at each direction, with array symbols engraved on them, and a crystal ball is placed in the center.

This testing platform is manufactured by the Purple Palace Academy and is only assembled by the array master.

Its main driving force is the spirit stone, which needs to be placed on each of the five pillars.

Every time the testing platform is opened and closed, it consumes a significant amount of extra energy.

Therefore, after the official testing platform is opened, it will not be closed again, and it will continue to drain the energy of the spirit stones. This is why each family needs to gather their candidates for testing at once.

Even so, the energy consumption of the spirit stones is extremely high. About five spirit stones can only supply enough energy for around 100 people to take the test. On average, each person's test costs around five gold coins.

However, the official price is ten gold coins per person, not including the long-term maintenance costs of the testing platform and other expenses. The officials can barely make a small profit.


Some younger brothers and sisters of the Wang Clan are gathered in front of the testing platform.

At the same time, some young boys and girls are gathered in an empty room in the backyard.

They are all children from the Wang Clan's side branches, servants, and tenant farmers who have been selected for their potential. They have been carefully chosen for their spiritual energy.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid wasting spirit stones and to see if they can discover one or two children with martial arts potential.

From a probability perspective, the side branches have a higher chance, since their bloodline is closest to martial artists.

As for ordinary families, it's purely a matter of luck.

Who knows how many people in their ancestors' generation didn't have martial arts potential? Or maybe they did, but didn't have the opportunity to develop it.

According to Wang Shoujie, the Purple Palace Academy has conducted similar tests.

Among ordinary family children, if they don't go through a rigorous selection process, only about one in 300 will have martial arts potential.

This is an enormous cost!

If they go through a strict selection process, eliminating 80% of the children who seem unremarkable, have poor physical quality, or lack intelligence, the probability can be increased to around 1-2%.

Of course, this selection process will inevitably eliminate some children with potential, but it's the most cost-effective strategy.

Therefore, most aristocratic families won't invest their money and resources in this.

Most families can barely support their own bloodline members, let alone search for talented children from ordinary families.

But Wang Shoujie is different.

Perhaps it's because he was bitten by a snake and is now afraid of the rope, but he has a bias towards rogue cultivators.

If he wants to strengthen his clan, besides expanding his own bloodline, he needs to consider the aspect of clan retainers.

If he can discover some children with martial arts potential from ordinary families, they will be more malleable, and their loyalty and dependence on the Wang Clan will be stronger.

It may seem like a losing business in the short term.

But this is a long-term plan that involves a hundred years or more, and it's extremely strategic. Even if they only discover one talented child per year, the Wang Clan will become stronger over time, and those children will likely have good potential.

However, only Wang Shoujie, with his exceptional earning ability, can afford to do this.

Ordinary martial arts families don't have enough resources to support their own bloodline members, let alone invest in this.

This time, they've only gathered ten children, mainly to test the testing platform. Wang Shoujie has already made preparations for the possibility that none of them will have martial arts potential.

Under the guidance of the array master.

The Wang Clan members opened the testing platform, and the transparent crystal ball slowly floated up.

They first arranged for an ordinary child to take the test, and the child placed their hand on the crystal ball. A beam of light enveloped the child, and the crystal ball emitted a faint red glow.

Those with testing experience know that this means failure, with a very low bloodline concentration, far from the level required for martial arts cultivation.

The second child took the test, and the result was slightly better, but still far from the required level.

It seems that this testing platform is not a problem.

Wang Shoujie let the clan members accompany the array master to drink Spirit Tea and rest, and then began testing the clan members.

Wang Luotong went first, and his result was lower-middle grade. With some Stone Marrow, he might be able to reach upper-middle grade.

The other clan members took the test one by one, and it was quite lively. Except for Wang Luomiao, who reached upper-middle grade, the others were at most lower-middle grade.

Finally, it was Wang Luojing's turn, and the crystal ball burst out with a brilliant red light, accompanied by mysterious starry points. It seemed like a special bloodline talent.

Middle-grade upper-level!

Wang Shoujie took a deep breath, although he knew the result, he was still surprised. How much Stone Marrow had this girl eaten?

Next, Wang Luoqiu took the test, and her result was also middle-grade upper-level. However, her red light had golden starry points, indicating her battle body bloodline.

Generally, by the middle grade, there are bloodline anomalies.

Then Wang Shoujie also took the test, and his result was middle-grade lower-level, with blue starry points. It wasn't just because of the Stone Marrow he ate back then.

Over the years, Wang Shoujie had spent a lot of resources to try and awaken his second bloodline. The result was that he could barely squeeze into the middle grade, still far from awakening his second bloodline.

But compared to his ancestor Longyan, he was much stronger. A second bloodline awakening requires upper-grade potential, which is extremely rare in the entire Longzuo County.

Now Wang Shoujie has a broader understanding of the situation. Generally, those who can reach the middle grade in the Qi Refinement Realm can almost guarantee a spot in the Spirit Platform Stage.

As they advance to the Spirit Platform Stage and awaken another bloodline, they will have the qualifications to compete for the Heaven-Human Realm. It's just a matter of probability.

If they awaken two bloodlines in the Qi Refinement Realm, and then awaken a third in the Spirit Platform Stage, as long as they don't lack resources, the Heaven-Human Realm is almost guaranteed, and they will have a certain probability of competing for the Purple Mansion Realm, where they can cultivate a small child-like being (similar to a nascent soul).

Such talented individuals are the focus of cultivation in the Purple Palace Academy, and are usually treated as Purple Mansion seeds, personally taught by the masters.

As expected, Wang Lici took the test and reached upper-middle grade!

It's clear that she must have eaten a lot of Stone Marrow when she shared it with Luoqiu and Luojing.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to awaken two bloodlines with just one Vermilion Fruit!

Wang Lici became arrogant, looking like she was the big sister, which made Wang Shoujie want to scold her.

Unfortunately, this girl has a reverse heavenly talent, and her cultivation is extremely difficult. She's only barely reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm.

"Let Liyao take the test," Liu Ruolan said with a smile, "It's said that the prenatal heavenly talent will also have a significant impact on the next generation. Of course, this only applies to the first child. You can see how much better or worse Farui and Ruole are compared to me."

Unfortunately, her brother Liu Yuanhui didn't get the prenatal heavenly talent... but this is also Wang Shoujie's good fortune!

Wang Shoujie's spirit was lifted, and he hugged his precious daughter, teaching her how to take the test.

Next, a red light burst out, and Wang Shoujie's eyes were blinded by the intense light. The red light had an extremely rich blue water element power, indicating that she had a water element bloodline body.

Wang Shoujie was stunned!

After a few breaths, he burst out laughing, laughing so hard that he was almost crying.

"Why are you laughing, Dad?" his precious daughter Wang Liyao asked, looking confused. She's still young and doesn't understand what this means.

"I'm laughing because..."

My daughter has the potential of a great emperor!


[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter -> Chapter 134: Longyan Advances to the Spirit Platform Stage Late Period (v2c4)


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