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"Wow, haha!"

Wang Shoujie was extremely excited, feeling like his blood was boiling.

This was his precious daughter, and her innate talent was incredibly strong.

Born with a top-notch constitution, her Water Element bloodline was extremely rich, like a natural Water Element spirit body.

It was hard to imagine how high her future growth potential would be!

Liu Ruolan, standing beside him, was also beaming with joy, her eyes curved into a crescent shape. With a daughter like this, the couple was naturally over the moon, and this was their joint masterpiece.

Wang Lici, on the other hand, ran over excitedly, saying, "She's truly worthy of being my sister, with the aura of a great emperor!"

Wang Shoujie pushed her aside, giving her a sideways glance. What did this have to do with her? He was very protective of his daughter and was afraid that his niece would lead her astray, and what if she became lazy like her?

Holding Wang Liyao, Wang Shoujie stepped down from the Spirit Testing Platform and said to Liu Ruolan, "My dear, why don't you go test your bloodline awakening as well? Let me see how strong it is."

In reality, he just wanted to see how big the gap was. After all, there were some things he had been craving for a long time, but he couldn't mention them under uncertain circumstances.

"I don't need to test it," Liu Ruolan said nonchalantly, smiling sweetly. "With my husband and children protecting me, that's enough."

Wang Shoujie felt a slight disappointment but didn't force her.

He thought to himself that Liu Ruolan's bloodline awakening level should be similar to Luoqiu Luo Jing's, at most comparable to Li Ci's. Compared to his precious daughter Liyao, she might be a notch lower.

Since there was still a lot of spiritual energy left on the Spirit Testing Platform, Wang Shoujie ordered the remaining children to be brought out from their rooms, one by one, to test their bloodline awakening.

Unfortunately, the luck wasn't great, and only one child out of seventy or eighty was found to have a lower-grade constitution, but this was already considered a stroke of good luck.

This child would naturally be taken in by the Wang Clan as a Clan Retainer seedling and enter the cultivation process. The other children wouldn't be wasted either; they would enter the Wang Clan's school to learn some culture, and the outstanding ones would be kept, eventually entering the Wang Clan's various systems.

After all, it had taken a lot of effort for the Wang Clan to select these children.

After that, the young people of the Wang Clan dispersed. Everyone went about their own business, except for Li Ci, who was very busy.

As he saw that there was no one around, Wang Shoujie proposed again, "My dear, why don't you go test it again? Don't waste the spiritual energy."

"Okay, since you insist," Liu Ruolan said after a slight hesitation.


Wang Shoujie regretted his proposal.

He silently left with his daughter.

At the same time, he became even more determined to improve his own bloodline awakening.


Days passed peacefully for a few days.

On this day...

Longyan was sitting in meditation.

Ancestor Longyan sat cross-legged in a secret room, her eyes tightly closed as she operated the upper-grade technique "Profound Ice True Scripture" spirit platform chapter.

Her slender body was surrounded by a few strange ice flowers, which rotated and floated around her, creating a breathtakingly beautiful scene.


The scene changed dramatically.

The ice flowers condensed into over a dozen ice blades, which fiercely danced and weaved, emitting a piercing, ear-piercing sound.

What was even more terrifying was that the ice blades not only had an extremely cold aura but also seemed to be mixed with some Yin Fiendish Qi, adding a lot of dark and cold energy to the secret room.

If an ordinary martial artist entered this ice array, they would likely be killed or severely injured by the dark energy.

After a long time, Ancestor Longyan finally stopped her cultivation. The dark ice blades disappeared without a trace as she waved her hand.

She opened her deep, starry eyes, and a hint of joy flashed across her face. Her cultivation had broken through another level.

It hadn't been a waste for her to close herself off for so long.

When she walked out of the secret room...

She found Wang Shoujie waiting for her outside.

Wang Shoujie smiled and bowed, saying, "I sensed Ancestor's aura suddenly increase greatly just now. Congratulations on your breakthrough, Ancestor."

Ancestor Longyan replied calmly, "It's just a forced breakthrough to the late period."

Although she said this, her eyes couldn't hide a hint of excitement and joy.

Since the great disaster nearly sixty years ago, her cultivation had never made any progress.

Moreover, she had been suffering from the Yin Fiendish Qi's corrosion every day, and her body had been deteriorating.

But despite this, she had persisted for the sake of her family.

Later, a turning point appeared, and after she absorbed and refined all the Yin Fiendish Qi...

She relied on the Zaohua Pill and Wang Shoujie's occasional treatment of her internal injuries. Over the years, her body's functions not only fully recovered but also became much stronger than before.

It was no wonder that the Yin Fiendish Qi was so toxic. She had been tortured by it for fifty years, constantly fighting against it.

This had made her meridians, body, and every life factor extremely resilient.

It was also unknown what Wang Shoujie's innate talent was.

With his long-term help, his contribution to her was not small, and this was not just a simple Wood Element bloodline awakening.

Various reasons had led to her rapid progress in cultivation over the past few years.

"Shoujie, all of this is thanks to you," Ancestor Longyan said, her heart filled with gratitude. She had never thought that she would have today.

"Ancestor, please don't say that," Wang Shoujie said seriously. "If not for Ancestor's persistence in supporting the family for decades, our Wang Clan would have been destroyed long ago. Where would we be then?"

Regarding Ancestor Longyan's rapid advancement to the Spirit Platform Stage late period...

Wang Shoujie was also extremely pleased, feeling a sense of accomplishment and security.

With a Spirit Platform Stage late period expert like Ancestor Longyan, as long as no Heaven-Human Realm strong experts came to attack, they would be as stable as a mountain.

In the entire Changning Guard, there were only three Heaven-Human Realm experts.

Moreover, they rarely went out unless it was a major event, mostly staying at home.

He wouldn't dare to act carelessly, fearing that one misstep would lead to a downfall, dragging the entire family down with him. Heaven-Human Realm cultivators were extremely powerful, but they also carried a heavier burden, making them even more cautious with their lives.

Some things were better left unsaid, and this was a matter of mutual support within the family.

Ancestor Longyan didn't continue to speak, instead asking with concern, "Shoujie, how's your cultivation of the Long Spring True Art over the past two years? Has it matched your bloodline?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wang Shoujie replied, "Reporting to Ancestor, after cultivating the Long Spring True Art, I feel extremely comfortable. It has refined my Mysterious Qi, making it thicker and more pure, and my control over plants has become even stronger. It's truly a top-notch technique."

Ancestor Longyan's brows relaxed as she said, "It seems that your innate talent, although not of the Wood Element, has a strong connection to the Wood Element bloodline. Before finding a suitable technique, the Long Spring True Art is still quite suitable for you."

It was true that Wang Shoujie was currently cultivating the Long Spring True Art, a supreme technique from the Purple Palace Academy's Long Spring lineage.

However, he only had the Qi Refinement Chapter of the Long Spring True Art.

The Spirit Platform Chapter's technique could only be cultivated after reaching the Spirit Platform Stage. He would need to take an exam at the Purple Palace Academy and pass before being granted access to the next part.

Don't underestimate this Qi Refinement Chapter.

Even the Purple Palace Academy wouldn't casually teach this supreme technique's Qi Refinement Chapter to outsiders.

This was something Ancestor Xuanfu had fought for, allowing him to become an external disciple of the academy.

So-called external disciples were the academy's strategy to recruit talented young people who, due to various reasons, couldn't join the academy. They were like part-time students.

The academy recognized them as disciples and allowed them to apply for certain techniques to learn. However, they wouldn't provide any resources to cultivate them.

If they had any questions about their cultivation, they could write to the academy, but it was uncertain whether they would receive a response.

Of course, not everyone could become an external disciple. First, they needed a clean background, and someone had to vouch for them.

This meant that they couldn't be a rogue cultivator or from a low-ranking martial clan. Even their ancestors would be investigated, and only then would the academy trust them.

Moreover, external disciples needed to have some status and couldn't be just anyone. They had to be a direct descendant, and the audit would be even stricter.

Wang Shoujie was the leader of an eighth-rank aristocratic family, and his ancestors could be traced back to the Da Qianwang Clan's ancestors. His background was impeccable.

He had also awakened a strong "Wood Element bloodline" innate talent and had even passed the academy's initial selection.

With Ancestor Xuanfu's guarantee, he had smoothly obtained the external disciple status and was granted permission to cultivate the Long Spring True Art's Qi Refinement Chapter.

However, he could only cultivate it himself, and if he dared to leak or teach it to others, he would be punished by the academy, even affecting his entire family.

There were also restrictions. If the academy needed his help, he couldn't refuse and had to respond promptly.

Of course, this summons was only effective in times of national crisis or when facing a massive external threat. Under normal circumstances, the academy wouldn't need him.

Wang Shoujie's wife, Liu Ruolan, had a similar treatment.

However, Liu Ruolan was cultivating the Mysterious Water True Art, another supreme technique from the academy.

Let's put aside the small talk for now.

After confirming that Wang Shoujie's technique was fine, Ancestor Longyan asked, "Shoujie, do you have something important to discuss? You wouldn't come to visit me without a reason."

Recently, Ancestor Longyan had been in closed-door cultivation, preparing to break through to the Spirit Platform Stage's later period. Clan members usually wouldn't disturb her.

Wang Shoujie's visit must be for a significant reason.

"Ancestor, Liu Clan's Ancestor Xuanfu has returned from the academy," Wang Shoujie said softly. "Ruolan is currently accompanying her, and it seems she has something important to discuss with you."

Liu Xuanfu and Wang Longyan were known as the Longning Twin Jades in their youth.

At that time, they were unmatched in their fame.

The two had competed with each other in the academy, each not wanting to fall behind the other.

Overall, Ancestor Longyan was slightly more powerful.

However, their relationship was still very close.

It was just that Ancestor Longyan didn't want to see Ancestor Xuanfu, as her current state was unbearable to look at. Why add to her troubles?

Until later, when she wanted to propose a marriage between Wang Shoujie and Liu Ruolan to preserve the family.

She had finally mustered the courage to visit Ancestor Xuanfu personally during her return to the Liu Clan.

At that time, no one knew what they had discussed, but in the end, Ancestor Xuanfu had agreed to the marriage.

Previously, Wang Shoujie thought it was nothing, assuming Ancestor Xuanfu was nostalgic, but now he suspected there was more to it.

Now that he and his wife Liu Ruolan had both reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Realm, and Ancestor Xuanfu had returned from the academy, the hidden secrets from back then might finally be revealed.

Ancestor Longyan fell silent for a moment before saying calmly, "It's indeed time for her to return. Shoujie, go invite Ancestor Xuanfu and Ruolan to come over."

"Yes, Ancestor," Wang Shoujie replied.

Before long, Ancestor Longyan, Ancestor Xuanfu, Liu Ruolan, and Wang Shoujie gathered in the Longyan residence.

At this moment, Wang Shoujie finally had the chance to take a closer look at the renowned Ancestor Xuanfu.

He saw that she wore a water-blue palace attire, with a veil covering her face, making it impossible to determine her age or appearance. However, her figure seemed to be well-preserved, likely due to her mastery of the Mysterious Water True Art.

Compared to Ancestor Longyan's aura, which had a sharp, blade-like quality, Ancestor Xuanfu's aura was more gentle and soothing, like a vast ocean. It was clear that she had cultivated the Mysterious Water True Art to an extremely high level.

"Longyan, congratulations on finally breaking through to the Spirit Platform Stage's later period," Ancestor Xuanfu said, her eyes warm and gentle, similar to Ruolan's.

Ancestor Longyan replied calmly, "Compared to you, Xuanfu, I'm still far behind. It's not worth mentioning."

"Longyan, you've experienced a great ordeal, and it's a blessing in disguise. You'll surely have a smooth path ahead. Who knows, you might even surpass me and enter the Heaven-Human Realm first. If Master Binglan knew about this, master would be overjoyed. Do you have any intention of returning to the academy? I could help facilitate it," Ancestor Xuanfu proposed.

Ancestor Longyan's expression turned cold, and she said, "My matters with Master Binglan are none of your concern."

It was clear that the relationship between Ancestor Longyan and Ancestor Xuanfu was extremely complex.

No wonder, as Ancestor Longyan had always suppressed Ancestor Xuanfu in the past. Now that their cultivation levels had reversed, Ancestor Longyan's pride must be secretly unhappy.

"Let's discuss the main topic," Ancestor Longyan said, clearly not wanting to dwell on this matter. She then looked at Wang Shoujie and said, "Shoujie, I didn't tell you about this before. One reason was that I was afraid you would be distracted, and another was that it was meaningless."

Wang Shoujie straightened his posture, leaning in to listen, knowing that Ancestor Longyan was about to reveal a secret.

"This is the biggest secret of our Ping'an Wang Clan," Ancestor Longyan said, her eyes somewhat distant, as if reminiscing about the past. "Shoujie, do you know why Ancestor Zhouxuan came to Ping'an Town to develop it back then?"

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter -> Chapter 135: "Cautious" Wang Shoujie


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