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At just twenty-three years old, he had already reached the seventh level of the Qi Refining Realm. His basic skills were extremely solid, and he had also made significant progress in the family's secret techniques, the Willow Fluff Body Technique and the Mysterious Yuan Swordsmanship. Most of the nine-grade family's carefully nurtured heirs were not as good as him. It was a testament to Wang Shouyong's hard work and perseverance.

However, there were too many talented and powerful individuals in the family, making Wang Shouyong feel like the harder he worked, the greater the gap between him and others would become. He felt a sense of powerlessness and anxiety.

With a heavy heart, he walked into Fourth Brother Wang Shoujie's courtyard. The courtyard was filled with Hua Hua grass, and everywhere was teeming with life. Various rare and exotic flowers were blooming, competing with each other for attention. It was a rare sight to see such a scene in early spring.

A young man in his mid-twenties was lying on a taishi chair, basking in the sun, with a relaxed and contented expression. He was telling a story to the children. Two kids were sitting around him. The older one was a girl, about six or seven years old, with a lovely and delicate appearance. The younger one was a boy, around four years old.

Wang Shouyong didn't disturb them and stood aside, waiting. "Daddy, this Zhu Bajie is too gluttonous, just like Big Sister," the little girl said, giggling, as she leaned against Wang Shoujie's chest.

"You can't say that about your Li Ci sister," Wang Shoujie said, tapping her forehead, smiling. "Otherwise, she won't share any good food with you in the future."

Wang Lici was very fond of these two children. Whenever there was something good to eat, she would always give it to her niece and nephew. This was already a rare occurrence for Wang Lici, who loved food more than anything. Even Wang Shoujie didn't receive such treatment.

However, due to Wang Lici's past mistake of almost overfeeding the children, Wang Shoujie had ordered that the children must get his or their mother's approval before eating anything from Li Ci sister.

"I know, Daddy. I still like Li Ci sister," the little girl said, apologizing, and then coquettishly asked, "Daddy, I want to hear the story of Chang'e sister. I don't like Zhu Bajie."

The little boy, who was sitting upright on a stool, also quickly chimed in, "Daddy, I don't like Zhu Bajie either. I want to hear the story of Sun Wukong."

Wang Shoujie then affectionately stroked his daughter's hair and said, "Okay, okay. Daddy will tell you the story of Chang'e sister."

The little boy was used to being ignored and thought to himself, "I'll give the good food to my sister, and she'll ask Daddy to tell more stories about Sun Wukong."

Just then, a beautiful woman in her early twenties, with a dignified and elegant demeanor, walked out of the house and said to Wang Shoujie, "Wang Shoujie, what kind of nonsense are you telling the children again? They're not focusing on their studies, and their minds are filled with these fantastical stories."

This beautiful woman was none other than Liu Ruolan, the matriarch of the Wang Clan.

Wang Shoujie smiled and said, "Okay, okay. The fun time is over. Ruiyao, you go with your mother to read and write. Daddy will talk with Fifth Uncle for a bit, and then come back to play with you."

The children then stood up and bowed to Wang Shouyong, saying, "Ruiyao, Zong'an, greetings to Fifth Uncle."

Wang Shouyong smiled and greeted his niece and nephew, then took out some small toys and said, "These are some rare things I saw in town and bought for you."

Ruiyao and Zong'an were overjoyed and thanked Fifth Uncle.

Then, Wang Shouyong formally bowed to Liu Ruolan, saying, "Shouyong greets Fourth Sister-in-Law."

Liu Ruolan returned the bow, saying, "Greetings to Fifth Brother. I've asked Cui'er to serve tea. I'll take the children to read and write, and won't disturb your conversation with your brother."

"Please, Sister-in-Law," Wang Shouyong said, bowing.

Liu Ruolan then led the children away.

Wang Shoujie invited Wang Shouyong to sit in the courtyard's pavilion. By then, Liu Cui'er had already brewed a pot of tea according to the mistress's instructions.

"This is the new Yunwu Spirit Tea that your Sister-in-Law brought back from her hometown. Shouyong, try some," Wang Shoujie said, smiling.

Yunwu Spirit Tea was grown in the spirit field of the Liu Clan's Yunwu Cave and was harvested in winter. Liu Ruolan would always bring some back for Wang Shoujie whenever she visited her hometown.

"Thank you, Fourth Brother," Wang Shouyong said.

The two sat down, sipping tea and chatting. After a few sentences, Wang Shouyong's face turned slightly red as he apologized, saying, "Fourth Brother, I've made a mistake..."

Before he could finish, Wang Shoujie waved his hand and said, "I already know about it."

Wang Shouyong's heart skipped a beat. He knew that Fourth Brother had a secret intelligence agency. It was said that the agency's reach had almost covered the entire Ping'an Town.

Wang Shouyong had heard that the agency was still expanding its reach. As for how powerful it was, Wang Shouyong had no idea.

"Fourth Brother, this was my mistake. I was too careless and almost let the thief cause trouble. Shouyong is ashamed of his mistake and apologizes to Fourth Brother for not living up to his expectations," Wang Shouyong said, feeling guilty.

Wang Shoujie didn't directly respond but instead said, "By the way, your wedding with the Chen Clan's daughter from Donggang is approaching, right?"

Wang Shouyong's face turned slightly red as he said, "Yes, the wedding is set for May."

"Good, then I'll prepare a big gift for you," Wang Shoujie said, smiling.

Wang Shouyong immediately bowed in gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Fourth Brother."

Then, Wang Shoujie calmly said, "Our family has a system of rewards and punishments. We punish those who make mistakes and reward those who achieve merits."

"I have two pieces of information about some families that are not friendly towards us. You can handle them and consider it as redeeming your mistake."

"Thank you, Fourth Brother," Wang Shouyong said, gratefully taking the information. This was Fourth Brother's way of taking care of him, giving him a chance to redeem himself and also to train him further.

The already-discovered spies, using Fourth Brother's methods, could be quietly eliminated without a trace.

"Shouyong, you must do well, you are the future pillar of our Wang Clan," Wang Shoujie encouraged him.

As soon as he mentioned the pillar, Wang Shouyong let out a sigh and said, "Fourth Brother, let's not talk about the gap between me and you. Even compared to Luoqiu and Luo Jing, they are far superior, and they will be the future pillars of our family." As he spoke, he seemed to lack confidence.

"Shouyong, don't be too humble, you and Shoulian have worked hard for years, and I've seen it all," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, pouring him a cup of tea. "As for Luoqiu and the others, they are naturally talented. But do you think our Ping'an Town can nurture true talents?"

"Fourth Brother, are you saying..." Wang Shouyong's face turned serious.

"This world is too big, and our small Ping'an Town is just a small corner. Can we use ropes to tie their wings and lock them in a cage? They will fly high in the future, and we, as their brothers, will be their support and backing," Wang Shoujie said calmly.

Wang Shouyong took a deep breath and said seriously, "Fourth Brother, I understand, I will work hard and help you protect our family."

Indeed, once a family has a pioneer, they must also have a guardian. Shouyong and Shoulian had good hearts and would definitely take on the responsibility of protecting the family.

After chatting for a while, Wang Shouyong left with confidence, understanding his position and no longer feeling lost.


After Shouyong left, Wang Shoujie sat alone in the courtyard, slowly drinking his tea, with a mix of emotions.

It had been eight years since he came to this world. He had turned a crisis-ridden, declining small family into a thriving one, step by step.

Although it was a difficult journey, the harvest was immense. Not only had the family prospered, but Ping'an Town had become like an iron bucket, almost a private territory. He had also gained a gentle, wise, and powerful wife, as well as two precious children.

Moreover, his greatest harvest was the improvement in his cultivation, which had reached the peak of the Qi Refining Realm after awakening his Bloodline once. His combat power had increased, and his cultivation speed had accelerated.

The original 20-year cultivation plan set by the family had been completed in just eight years.

Now, his cultivation was only a step away from the Spirit Realm.

He just needed to wait for 2-3 more months to reach perfection.

However, a huge problem lay before him.

Should he directly take the Heavenly Spirit Pill to advance to the Spirit Realm or further refine his Bloodline before attempting to break through?

If he awakened his Bloodline again, he would be similar to Ancestor Longyan.

But this was different from Li Ci's situation.

Wang Lici had already awakened her Bloodline twice, and once she advanced to the Spirit Realm, she would awaken her Bloodline for the third time.

This was a boundless future.

Wang Shoujie naturally envied her.

So, over the years, he had been accumulating wealth and searching for heavenly materials and treasures that could help him awaken his Bloodline again.

Unfortunately, despite consuming many materials and elixirs that could improve his Bloodline, he still felt far from awakening it again.

Was it really necessary to enter the Spirit Realm first and then try to awaken his Bloodline again? This would make it even more difficult.

As he was pondering, Liu Ruolan brought some snacks and said, "Husband, are you still hesitant about awakening your Bloodline again?"

"Let's take it as it comes, and do our best. If it's not meant to be, then so be it," Wang Shoujie said with a carefree attitude. "Besides, even if I'm not strong enough, I have you to protect me."


That's right.

When he married Liu Ruolan, Wang Shoujie had thought she was just an ordinary legitimate daughter.

He had overlooked one thing - he had never seen through her cultivation.

It was only later that he discovered she was wearing a small, hidden spiritual artifact.

This oversight was quite normal.

Because Wang Shoujie had never thought that the Liu Clan would be willing to marry off a legitimate daughter with such high Bloodline talent to him.

"Ruolan, I still can't understand why you, with such high Bloodline talent, would agree to marry me. Did you secretly like me and insist on marrying me?"

Wang Shoujie had asked this question before.

"Hehe, Husband, don't think too much. It was Ancestor Xuanfu's decision to arrange our marriage. Of course, I also had my own reasons for not wanting to go to the academy," Liu Ruolan replied, furrowing her brow. "Maybe it was because of Ancestor Longyan's face. But it's good this way, the academy is too stressful, with too much pressure and competition."

Wang Shoujie shook his head, "That's not possible. You've said it yourself. Ancestor Xuanfu had obtained a rare spiritual herb, which was worth a fortune, and used it on your mother, giving birth to you with exceptional talent."

Wang Shoujie knew this story. Ancestor Xuanfu had obtained the herb during a trip to a ancient ruin with her master.

"Ancestor Xuanfu must have had high expectations for you, and wouldn't have married you off just for the sake of face," Wang Shoujie thought, but couldn't understand why.

Perhaps there was a secret deal between Ancestor Longyan and Ancestor Xuanfu?

He had asked Ancestor Longyan, but was told that the time wasn't right.

"I don't know, but Ancestor Xuanfu said she would come visit soon, and you can ask her yourself then," Liu Ruolan said with a carefree attitude.

"Ruolan, why did you hide this from me?"

Wang Shoujie's heart was filled with emotions as he thought back.

After their marriage, during the happy and joyful honeymoon period, Wang Shoujie had a disagreement with his wife over a "rare" and "unique" issue.

With a burst of masculine pride, he had used some force, which almost led to a tragic outcome.

It was only after Ancestor Longyan intervened that the tragedy was averted.

This was when Wang Shoujie realized that his wife was a hidden powerhouse.

He finally understood why the others, including his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, feared Liu Ruolan like a tiger.

From then on, Wang Shoujie and Liu Ruolan lived a harmonious and respectful life, never having any more quarrels.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter -> Chapter 133: My Wife Has the Aura of a Great Emperor (v2c3)


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