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Everyone's attention was focused on Wang Shoujie, but no one noticed a 16- or 17-year-old beautiful maid who had quietly appeared in the corner of the corridor.

After taking a peek, the little maid quickly ran back, her face filled with anxiety.

Shulan Courtyard.

Today was the big day for the new bride.

The courtyard had been cleaned several times since early morning, and even the blue bricks on the corridor had been washed with clear water, looking spotless. The lanterns on the corridor had all been replaced with red ones, and small red lanterns had been hung on the trees in the courtyard, filling the air with joy.

In the inner chamber, the new bride, Liu Ruolan, was sitting in front of the dressing table, surrounded by several middle-aged beauties who were helping her with her makeup and hair.

Because it was a big wedding, the wedding dress was very formal, and they had to be careful not to get any makeup or powder on it. They had to put on the makeup and style her hair before she could wear the dress.

At this moment, Liu Ruolan's makeup was only half done, but even so, her pure and clear eyes shone brightly, and her intelligence and liveliness were evident. She was not an extraordinary beauty, but she was still very attractive, and her aristocratic bearing and elegance were evident even when she just sat there.

This kind of elegance was not something that could be learned, but rather it was the result of a strong and wealthy family background, nurtured over time.

However, today she seemed a bit too tense, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly.

"Don't worry, Miss Liu. You're just a girl, and you have to go through this. Besides, I heard that the new groom is very talented and has a good character, a true gentleman."

The beautician, who had seen many things, softly comforted her.

"Yes, thank you, Sixth Aunt." Liu Ruolan nodded slightly, her eyes flashing with expectation and shyness.

The beautician was very skilled, and soon she had finished styling Liu Ruolan's hair.

Her lips were also painted with bright red lipstick, and her white and delicate skin glowed even more, making her look like a blooming peony flower.

Liu Ruolei, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but feel a bit envious: "Sister, you look so beautiful today, just like a heavenly fairy. Brother-in-law is really lucky to have you."

When Liu Ruolei said this, the beautician, Wang Liuzi, couldn't help but smile and tease her: "If you're envious, I can help you. Which family has an unmarried son who is as good as your brother-in-law?"

Wang Liuzi was the fourth sister of the Wang Clan's female members, and her husband was a member of the Liu Clan's direct lineage.

If she had married into another family, she would have returned to the Wang Clan to help with the wedding preparations.

Now, with her accompanying Liu Ruolan, their relationship seemed even closer.

Liu Ruolei's face turned red, and she quickly changed the subject: "Yuan Rui Yi has been preparing since early morning, saying he wants to give sister a hard time. I wonder how it's going."

Just then, a beautiful maid suddenly rushed in from the door.

Her expression was slightly panicked, and she hurriedly said: "Miss, something's wrong. Yuan Rui Yi is being too much."

Liu Ruolei's face turned pale, and she quickly asked: "Qiao'er, what's going on?"

"Yuan Rui Yi has brought Young Master Yuan Qiang, saying he wants to make the new groom lift a huge stone ball." Qiao'er explained, "The stone ball is the one Young Master Yuan Qiang uses for practice, and it weighs over 2,000 pounds. Even Young Master Yuan Hui finds it hard to lift."

Qiao'er said anxiously, "The new groom is so handsome, what if he hurts himself?"

The middle-aged beautician beside her smiled and said: "Qiao'er, you're already worrying about the new groom. You're not even married yet, and you're already acting like a wife."

Another beautician also smiled and said: "Don't worry, Yuan Rui Yi is just trying to test the new groom. If he can't even lift this stone ball, how can he protect his wife in the future?"

Liu Ruolan's eyes flickered, but she still looked worried: "Ruolei, go and take a look. Don't let Yuan Rui Yi bully him too much."

"Okay, sister. I'll go right away."

Liu Ruolei was also worried about her brother-in-law and quickly ran out.


At the same time, in the courtyard...

"Yuan Rui Yi, if I can't lift this stone ball, what should I do?" Wang Shoujie knew that Yuan Rui Yi was just joking, so he smiled and asked.

Liu Yuanrui, with his hands clasped behind his back, smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, you just need to acknowledge defeat, and it's all over."

Wang Shoujie knew that this was a tradition in the Martial Clan. The younger brothers and sisters would give the groom a hard time before the wedding to test his strength and courage.

Of course, this was just a custom. Nowadays, it had become a part of the wedding ceremony, mainly to create a lively atmosphere.

"Yuan Rui Yi, you'll also get married one day, and I'll come to welcome the bride," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "Brother-in-law's methods are well-known, so let's just stop here and avoid any trouble."

But Yuan Rui Yi was not bothered at all: "I don't care. I'm a scholar, and acknowledging defeat is nothing to me. Besides, I'll rely on my wife to protect me in the future."

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but feel a cold sweat. This guy was really something.

As the saying goes, when you decide to break free from your restraints, you'll find that everything becomes clear and easy.

Indeed, there was some truth to this.

"Brother-in-law, if I really can't lift it, I'll acknowledge defeat," Wang Shoujie said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, my sister will take care of you," Liu Yuanrui said.

The younger brothers and sisters started to make a ruckus, cheering and laughing.

Chen Fangjie, who was standing beside them, was also laughing and joking.

He remembered that two months ago, Wang Shoujie had treated him the same way, and now it was his turn to return the favor.

"This... I'll acknowledge defeat if I really can't lift it," Wang Shoujie said, his face still smiling.

"Brother-in-law is mighty, brother-in-law is powerful."

The younger brothers and sisters cheered and clapped, eager to see how Wang Shoujie would lift the stone ball.

"Shoujie, be careful not to hurt your back. If you get injured, it won't be good for the wedding night," Chen Fangjie said with a smirk.

Wang Shoujie didn't respond, but instead bent down and patted the stone ball, saying to Yuan Qiang: "Yuan Qiang, this stone ball of yours weighs over 2,000 pounds, right?"

Yuan Qiang smiled and said: "Yes, brother-in-law, it weighs exactly 2,000 pounds."

Wang Shoujie nodded and said: "Good, you've been practicing hard."

But he couldn't help but feel that it was strange to call this big and strong man "brother-in-law".

"Fourth Brother, be careful," Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian said, looking worried.

After all, they were his own brothers, and they were concerned about his safety.

"Don't worry, I'll just try," Wang Shoujie said, patting the stone ball with his hands.

Suddenly, he pressed down with his hands, and the huge stone ball was lifted up, hovering above his head.

How was this possible?

Liu Yuanrui, Chen Fangjie, and the others were all stunned, their faces frozen in shock.

Even Yuan Qiang, the strong and powerful man, was amazed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

This stone ball weighed over 2,000 pounds, and even he found it hard to lift.

"Brother-in-law is mighty, brother-in-law is powerful," Yuan Qiang said, his face filled with admiration.

The others also cheered and clapped, shouting: "Brother-in-law is amazing He's really strong, a true hero!"

In the mysterious martial world, strength was everything. If you were strong, you could easily conquer others.

"Yuan Rui Yi, have I passed the test? Do I have the right to protect your sister?" Wang Shoujie asked, still smiling.

He was still holding the stone ball, looking like he had plenty of strength left.

No one knew that as Wang Shoujie's bloodline awakened, his physical abilities had been increasing daily. With his daily training and practice, he was confident in his strength.

Liu Yuanrui basically gave him a freebie.

Liu Yuanrui finally came back to his senses, laughing bitterly and shaking his head: "You're underestimating my brother-in-law. His strength is impressive, and I'm convinced he can protect my sister."


Wang Shoujie chuckled and suddenly shouted at Liu Yuan Qiang: "Big guy, catch!"

As he spoke, he twisted his arm, and the stone ball suddenly flew towards Liu Yuan Qiang, who was standing not far away.

Liu Yuan Qiang hastily raised his hands to catch it.

To his surprise, the stone ball started spinning in his hands, causing him to stumble backward several steps, almost dropping it.

Luckily, he reacted quickly, or he would have made a fool of himself. Liu Yuan Qiang was secretly shocked, about to put the stone ball down.

But before he could move, Wang Shoujie suddenly pounced on him, grabbing his waist and lifting him up with a jerk.

In an instant, Liu Yuan Qiang felt himself flying through the air.

Next, his body rapidly descended, sinking halfway before stabilizing in mid-air.

He was dazed, unsure of what was happening. All he felt was a buzzing in his head, as if he was floating.

The people around him were staring in awe, while he himself was unclear about what was happening.

It turned out that Wang Shoujie had thrown him into the air and then caught him by the legs, holding him aloft like a king holding a tripod.

The younger cousins and aunts were watching with their eyes wide open.

Is Brother-in-law too powerful?

Such terrifying strength, not to mention Liu Yuan Qiang, even the eldest son Liu Yuanhui would be far inferior.

Liu Yuanrui was thoroughly convinced, laughing bitterly: "Brother-in-law, put Yuan Qiang down. He's still young, don't scare him."


The phrase "he's still young" made Wang Shoujie's body tremble, almost causing him to lose his breath.

He relaxed his grip, gently placing Liu Yuan Qiang on the ground.

He casually stuffed a red envelope into Liu Yuan Qiang's pocket and patted his shoulder: "Yuan Qiang, go play."

"Thank you, Brother-in-law."

Liu Yuan Qiang happily hugged his stone ball and ran off, disappearing from sight.

After this incident, the people's gaze towards Wang Shoujie had changed, filled with a mix of reverence and admiration.

At the same time, the little maid Qiao'er, who was standing at the end of the corridor, was also excited, her face flushed red. She quickly turned around and ran back to the courtyard.

"Miss, Miss, the new brother-in-law is too powerful He has incredible strength, even surpassing Young Master Yuan Qiang!" She excitedly told Liu Ruolan what had just happened.

Fourth Sister Wang Liuzi smiled happily: "It's no wonder he's a thousand-mile horse from the Wang Clan, my Fourth Brother is indeed extraordinary."

"Is the new brother-in-law's strength really that great?" The two middle-aged beauties were also slightly shocked, then smiled mysteriously: "We're indeed fortunate."

At this time, the clever new bride Liu Ruolan's beautiful face was puzzled.

Isn't a man's strength a good thing? What does it have to do with good fortune? She was confused, unable to understand.

At this time, the little maid Qiao'er had already flown back out to continue observing the situation.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Wang Shoujie cupped his hands: "Liu Yuanrui, is that enough? Can I go get my sister now?"

At this time, Liu Yuanrui had also recovered from his shock, smiling and cupping his hands in response: "Brother-in-law, I'd like to let you pass, but we need to ask the younger cousins and aunts if they agree."

As he spoke, he turned to look at the younger cousins and aunts behind him.

The younger cousins and aunts immediately perked up, shouting in unison: "We don't agree It's not enough We want more!"

"Alright, Liu Yuanrui, bring it on. You can do whatever you want, and I'll do my best to keep up."

Wang Shoujie knew that he might not be able to handle this group of fierce and cunning younger cousins and aunts.

"Brother-in-law is so bold!" Liu Yuanrui smiled and cupped his hands.

"In our Martial Clan, we're all about expanding our territory and seeking wealth. What's the point of living if not to eat well? Since my sister is marrying into the Wang Clan, she should have a good life. Brother-in-law, you should show off your archery skills."

Wang Shoujie wanted to say that meat can also be obtained through farming, but to humor Liu Yuanrui, he swallowed his words.

"Okay, then please bring me a bow and arrow."

Wang Shoujie was confident in his archery skills, which had improved significantly after his bloodline awakened.

However, his strength was not as explosive as some warriors, and his archery skills were not as exceptional as some natural-born archers.

In any case, he was strong in all aspects, but not the strongest in any one area.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuanrui laughed again: "Just showing off archery skills is meaningless. I've already arranged an opponent for you."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands.

With the sound of the clap, a lean figure emerged from outside the courtyard.

He took a few steps in the air, his movements extremely agile, and landed in front of Wang Shoujie in just a few breaths.

Wang Shoujie examined him carefully, seeing that he was extremely lean and refined, with a somewhat old and worn appearance. He had a quiver of arrows at his waist and a bow on his back, clearly an expert archer.

However, he looked a bit too old, probably around 40 years old.

Wang Shoujie was slightly surprised and hesitant: "Liu Yuanrui, is this another brother?"

Liu Yuanrui shook his head: "No, it's not."

He looked at the newcomer with a smile: "Far Mountain, introduce yourself to Brother-in-law."

The lean man nodded, cupping his hands politely: "Greetings, Brother-in-law. I'm Liu Yuan Shan, 40 years old, and unmarried."

He emphasized the "unmarried" part, implying that he was eligible to participate in the game.


Wang Shoujie's face turned cold, and he sweated slightly.

This Eldest Brother was indeed honest, but wasn't being 40 and unmarried something to be ashamed of?

"Are you looking down on me, Brother-in-law?" Liu Yuan Shan asked, his eyes fixed on Wang Shoujie.

"How could I?" Wang Shoujie forced a laugh: "Far Mountain, you're welcome to participate in the game and add color to my wedding."

"Then let's begin the next game." Liu Yuanrui chuckled: "Brother-in-law, please look over there. There are several large copper coins hanging."

He pointed to the other side of the courtyard, indicating for Wang Shoujie to look.

Wang Shoujie looked but didn't see anything.

He suspiciously glanced at Liu Yuanrui: "Where?"

"Look further away."

Liu Yuanrui was still smiling.

Wang Shoujie looked again, still not seeing anything.

"Look even further away."

It seemed that Liu Yuanrui had anticipated Wang Shoujie's reaction, so he added another sentence.

Wang Shoujie followed his instructions, looking further and further away, until he finally saw several large copper coins hanging from a tree about 30 feet away.

Wang Shoujie hadn't even spoken yet, but Chen Fangjie on the side sucked in a cold breath: "Liu Yuanrui, do you have to play so fiercely? You should leave some face for your brother-in-law."

He said this out loud, but privately, he gave Liu Yuanrui a thumbs-up: Well done.

Liu Yuanrui gave him a knowing glance, and both of them revealed a sly smile, as if they had already won.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 128: The Phoenix Lands, the Hidden Dragon Emerges


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