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At this moment, Liu Ruolei squeezed out from the crowd, fiercely grasping Liu Yuanrui's arm: "Brother, can't you just pretend to be serious? You're not really going to let your sister lose face, are you? Be careful, or sister will clean you up."

"Ah, my dear sister, I'm just trying to help sister save face. This is a traditional custom among aristocratic families, and our Liu Clan is a prestigious one. We can't lose this tradition." Liu Yuanrui's words made Liu Ruolei's expression change.

"I don't care, as long as it's sister's wish." Liu Ruolei pouted, "If you don't listen, I'll go report to sister-in-law right away."

Liu Yuanrui couldn't help but shiver at the thought of his sister Liu Ruolan's temper. Although she appeared gentle and kind on the outside, once you really provoked her, it would be a huge deal.

If it came to that point, not even his father Liu Gaowang could intervene, and he would be doomed.

Liu Yuanrui was quite helpless, so he agreed, "Fine, fine, I'll lower the difficulty for sister."

"You only need to shoot within a 16.4-foot distance, and hit three copper coins. That's all." Liu Ruolei said with a hint of satisfaction, "Sister said this old custom isn't good."

"This is still okay." Liu Yuanrui muttered, "You're always saying 'sister said this, sistersaid that.' You try convincing those in-laws when I get married."

"Hmph, I'll take care of you." Liu Ruolei's eyes flashed with anger, "Just don't bully sister, that's all."

As soon as Liu Ruolei gave the order, the other younger cousins and aunts also trembled with fear, immediately changing their stance. They thought, yeah, lowering the difficulty by half was still okay, or else it would be too unfair to sister.

Liu Yuanrui was quite frustrated, but he still said, "Sister, you're also my elder sister, don't always say 'sister said this.'"

The others, including Wang Shoujie, were all shocked by Liu Ruolei's words. It seemed that Liu Ruolan's influence was not to be underestimated.

Liu Yuanrui continued, "You only need to hit one copper coin, and that's it."

Liu Ruolei nodded, "That's still okay. Sister said this old custom isn't good."

The others all started to take Liu Ruolei's side, feeling that it was unfair to bully sister.

Liu Yuanrui sighed, "Fine, I'll give sister face. You can try shooting within a 16.4-foot distance."

Wang Shoujie was about to shoot when Liu Ruolei shouted, "Brother-in-law You can do it!"

The others also cheered, "Brother-in-law, take your time. Don't rush. Eldest Brother Liu has been single for 40 years, and he's had plenty of time to practice his archery skills. You're still young, so don't worry."

Liu Yuanrui handed Wang Shoujie a strong bow, and Wang Shoujie took a few practice shots. Although the bow was a bit soft, it was still usable for the competition.

Wang Shoujie took a deep breath, focused, and shot three arrows in a row.

The arrows flew swiftly, and the sound of them hitting the target was like a series of explosions.

The crowd was stunned. How did Wang Shoujie's arrows manage to cut the strings holding the copper coins, causing them to fall to the ground?

Liu Yuanrui's eyes widened in shock, and even Liu Ruolei's expression changed. It seemed that Wang Shoujie's archery skills were not to be underestimated.

Liu Yuanrui couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, brother-in-law, you're really something. I didn't expect you to be so skilled."

Wang Shoujie smiled humbly, "It's just a coincidence. I didn't expect to hit all three copper coins either."

Liu Ruolei patted Wang Shoujie's shoulder, "You're really something, brother-in-law. You've given us all a big surprise."

The others all congratulated Wang Shoujie, and even Liu Yuanrui had to admit that Wang Shoujie's archery skills were impressive.

As for Liu Yuanrui, he could only sigh, feeling that he had underestimated Wang Shoujie.

As Liu Yuanrui explained on the side, those young aunts and uncles who didn't understand finally realized that their sister's archery skills were incredibly high.

"Sister's husband is indeed a godly archer!" Liu Ruolei exclaimed with joy, causing Liu Yuanrui to laugh and cry at the same time.

"You're laughing so happily, but I lost so miserably. Are you really that shameless?" Liu Yuanrui asked.

At the same time, Qiao'er, the little maid, flew back to the backyard, her beautiful face full of excitement, and began to introduce Wang Shoujie's heroic performance to everyone: "... his archery skills are even better than Young Master Yuan Hui's!"

The women in the room all showed surprise and admiration, saying that Wang Shoujie's wisdom and bravery were unmatched, and that he was a true hero.

Even Wang Liuzi was amazed, thinking that her nephew was truly a surprise package.

In Wang Ruo Lan's eyes, there was a hint of joy and shyness. Although she had initially been forced into this marriage, she had grown to appreciate Wang Shoujie more and more as she got to know him better.

Which girl wouldn't like her husband to be an excellent man?

Wang Liuzi covered her mouth and laughed, saying, "Now, Far Rui, let's get ready. My nephew is about to come and welcome his bride."

Earlier, many people in the Liu Clan had opposed this marriage, and there had been a lot of gossip. But now, with Wang Shoujie's impressive display, the gossip had died down, and Wang Liuzi felt proud to be his aunt.

Qiao'er pouted and said, "It's not that easy. Far Rui has prepared three challenges."

"What else can Far Rui do?" Wang Liuzi asked curiously.

"This time, Far Rui said he wants to do it himself."

Wang Liuzi laughed so hard that tears almost came out, saying, "Far Rui's martial arts skills are no match for Shoujie's. This is just asking for a beating!"

But then, Wang Liuzi's laughter suddenly stopped. She thought of something that didn't feel right, and her face tightened. "Could it be that Far Rui wants to compete with Shoujie in poetry?"

At the same time, in the courtyard, Wang Shoujie was also shocked to hear Liu Yuanrui say, "Far Rui, you want to compete with me in poetry?"

Liu Yuanrui said seriously, "As a martial clan, we can't just rely on martial arts. We need to have cultural accomplishments too. Otherwise, we're no different from the Ferocious Beasts from other domains."

Wang Shoujie felt that this speech was very familiar, and then he remembered that it was something he had taught Wang Lici and Wang Luoqiu before.

"Okay, I acknowledge that you're right. Please go ahead and start," Wang Shoujie said, "This is the last challenge, and we still need to hurry back to Ping'an today."

Liu Yuanrui smiled confidently, saying, "As long as you pass this last challenge, you can take my sister away smoothly."

The surrounding young aunts and uncles all cheered, "Sister's husband, add oil, sister's husband, add oil, beat Far Rui!"

Liu Yuanrui's face turned black, wondering whose side these young people were on.

But he was confident about the last challenge. As a scholar, he was most skilled at poetry.

"If I can't even win this, what's the point of reading books?" he thought.

"Are you ready, sister's husband?" Liu Yuanrui asked confidently.

Wang Shoujie smiled and said, "Please go ahead, Far Rui. Let's get started."

Liu Yuanrui looked around and smiled, saying, "Since it's my sister's big day, we should write a poem about her. Let's see who can praise her better."

The surrounding crowd erupted in cheers. This topic was very fitting, and it would test Wang Shoujie's literary skills.

Wang Shoujie thought for a moment and said, "Please go first, Far Rui. Let me learn from you."

Liu Yuanrui didn't hesitate, cleared his throat, and began to recite his poem:

"...The proud lady is hidden in her chamber

The matchmaker steps on the bright stone threshold

Today, she marries the Wang Clan's young man

The phoenix lands on the precious land, and the hidden dragon rises..."

The crowd went wild, cheering and clapping. Even Wang Shoujie nodded in admiration, thinking that Liu Yuanrui was indeed a scholar with some skills.

The poem didn't directly describe how good his sister was, but used metaphors to elevate her. Especially the last line, "The phoenix lands on the precious land, and the hidden dragon rises," which took the whole poem to a new level.

It was a praise to his sister, and also implied that Wang Shoujie was lucky to have her as his wife.

"Now it's your turn, sister's husband. Don't worry, you can take your time," Liu Yuanrui said confidently.

He had been preparing this poem for three months, just for this moment. How could he not be confident?

"Okay, I'll think about it," Wang Shoujie said, feeling a bit pressured by Liu Yuanrui's excellent poem.

At the same time, Qiao'er quickly spread the poem to the backyard.

Liu Ruolan tasted the poem and then copied it down on paper, reciting it again and again, her eyes filled with joy. "Far Rui still cares about his sister."

"The books he read weren't wasted," the middle-aged beauties all praised.

Wang Liuzi suddenly became worried, thinking that her nephew was in trouble. Far Rui's poem was too good!

"Don't worry, aunt," Liu Ruolan comforted her, "this is just a game for young people. I... uh... I..."

Her face turned red as she spoke, and she became shy. In any case, she wouldn't think less of him just because he couldn't write a good poem.

Forget it!

I'll write a poem to help him out.

But Far Rui's poem was too good, and it would be difficult to surpass him. At most, she could only help him save face.

Liu Ruolan thought for a moment and wrote a poem.

"Qiao'er, secretly give it to him. Don't let anyone else see it."

Qiao'er was stunned. How could she secretly give it to him in front of so many people?

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 129: Marrying a Beauty


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