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Wang Shoujie was also stunned, never expecting that Gongsun Qiang, who was known for being cautious and meticulous, would have such a trump card up his sleeve.

He only remembered now that before Gongsun Qiang arrived, he had brought two horse-drawn carriages, and no one knew what was inside those carriages.

Could it be... that the carriages were carrying...

Just as everyone was in a state of shock and uncertainty, the doors of the two carriages at the back of the procession suddenly opened, and two massive objects emerged from within.

"Boom Boom!"

The bluestone pavement cracked and shattered, accompanied by two loud explosions.

What appeared before everyone's eyes were two gigantic stone statues, each about 3.3 feet tall and 1.6 feet wide, with bodies that seemed to be carved from a dark, black crystal, exuding an aura of immense power.

"What are these?"

Some of the Liu Clan members who were watching were shocked and asked, "Are these the two Inkstone Golems from the Shanyang's Gongsun Clan?"

The Liu Clan was no stranger to these two golems. The Liu Clan and the Gongsun Clan were separated by a mountain ridge, and they shared a common border. Naturally, there would be friction between them.

The two clans had clashed over mineral resources many times, and there was a deep-seated grudge between them.

These two Inkstone Golems were usually stationed in the Gongsun Clan's mines, but during times of conflict, they would occasionally appear on the battlefield. They were incredibly powerful and seemed impervious to attacks. Except for the Liu Clan's Ancestor, no one could subdue them.

After suffering several defeats, the Liu Clan had begun to search for ways to create their own golems to guard their disputed mines.

They had already found a seller through Ancestor Xuanfu's connections, but they never expected Gongsun Qiang to brazenly bring the two Inkstone Golems to the Liu Clan's territory, which was truly audacious.

Wang Shoujie was also stunned. "Brother-in-law, aren't you just here to celebrate a wedding? Why are you making such a big fuss?"

The most astonishing thing was that each of the two Inkstone Golems had a drum hung around its neck. The drums were specially made for battle, with a diameter of about 3.3 feet and weighing over 1,000 pounds. Ordinary martial artists would struggle to lift them, but the golems carried them with ease.

Gongsun Qiang took out a small array plate, which was made of dark stone and had many strange symbols engraved on it. He pressed his palm against the plate, and a mysterious energy began to flow into it.

Something strange happened. The two Inkstone Golems suddenly moved.


They pounded their massive fists against the drums, creating a deafening sound that shook the eardrums and made the heart race.

"Boom Boom!"

As they continued to pound the drums, the rhythm accelerated, and a lively welcoming drumbeat erupted, accompanied by the heavy footsteps of the golems, which seemed to blend with the drumbeat, making the atmosphere even more festive and the melody even more stirring.

The scene was truly shocking.

Wang Shoujie was stunned. "Brother-in-law, your thinking is really too creative."

The Liu Clan members' faces also turned strange, and they stared at the scene in disbelief, wondering if Gongsun Qiang was here to celebrate the wedding or to cause trouble.

For a moment, they didn't know how to react.

On the other hand, the common people didn't think too much about it. They were initially shocked, but soon became extremely excited, cheering and applauding wave after wave, their voices echoing through the sky.

Gongsun Qiang saw this and became even more excited. He continued to control the small array plate, accelerating the rhythm of the Inkstone Golems' drumming, making the drumbeat even more shocking and the melody even more vivid.

However, the scene was so grand that the Inkstone Golems' heavy footsteps created potholes in the bluestone pavement, turning the road into a disaster zone.

The Liu Clan members' expressions became even more bizarre, filled with suspicion.

Gongsun Qiang was clearly using the wedding as an excuse to cause trouble and damage their property.

But they had no evidence.

"Brother-in-law, isn't this impressive? I've spent two months training these two Inkstone Golems to perform this drumbeat," Gongsun Qiang said to Wang Shoujie with a smile, his face filled with pride. "Isn't this drumbeat amazing? I've given you a big face, brother-in-law!"

Wang Shoujie's face turned black. "Brother-in-law, thank you so much."

Looking at the Liu Clan members' faces, if it weren't for today being a joyful occasion, they would have already dragged Gongsun Qiang away and given him a good beating.

Lu Zhengjie, who was standing aside, also had a helpless expression. "Gongsun Qiang, you win!"

He bowed in admiration.

Fortunately, the scene was quite unusual, but the actual effect was very good. The emotions of all the onlookers were ignited, and they began to dance along with the powerful drumbeat.

In this way, even the Liu Clan members couldn't find fault with it, and they let Gongsun Qiang continue to cause a scene. After all, he was the bride's uncle, and he was just helping to create a lively atmosphere according to the wedding customs.

As the two Inkstone Golems led the way, with the Fire Phoenix and Fire Dragon dancing above, the Wang Clan's wedding procession finally arrived at the Liu Clan's main gate, accompanied by the cheers and applause of the crowd.

The two uncles then retracted their divine powers, and the Fire Phoenix and Fire Dragon disappeared from the sky. The Inkstone Golems also returned to their carriages, their heavy footsteps fading away.

"Wang Clan's groom, Wang Shoujie, has arrived."

The Liu Clan's main gate had already been opened, and Liu Clan's butler, Liu Gao, loudly announced the arrival of the wedding procession. Several Liu Clan members immediately came out to welcome them, following the proper etiquette to invite the Wang Clan's wedding procession into the main hall.

The accompanying relatives and followers were all received by the Liu Clan members, while Wang Shoujie was invited into the main hall alone.

The main hall of the Liu Clan's residence was already grand, but today it was even more lavishly decorated, with bright red wedding decorations and silk flowers everywhere, creating a joyful and festive atmosphere.

Liu Clan Leader Liu Gaowang and his mother-in-law, Xu Shi, were both dressed in their finest attire, waiting for Wang Shoujie to come and pay his respects.

Wang Shoujie's expression was solemn, and he quickly adjusted his clothes and hat before approaching to pay his respects: "Shoujie pays his respects to Father-in-law and Mother-in-law."

Father-in-law Liu Gaowang coughed, and immediately, a loyal servant came forward to help Wang Shoujie up.

"Very good, very good!" Mother-in-law Xu Shi examined Wang Shoujie carefully, looking more and more pleased. "Shoujie is indeed as handsome and elegant as rumored. Come, come, sit down and have some tea and snacks."

Wang Shoujie sat down, keeping his back straight and not daring to be the slightest bit lazy.

After having some tea and snacks, and exchanging a few pleasantries, this part of the ceremony was finally over.

Mother-in-law Xu Shi said, "Shoujie, it's almost time. If Ruolan is already waiting for you in the backyard, you should go and attend to her."

"I will. I'll take my leave now."

Wang Shoujie stood up and bowed, then respectfully exited the main hall, leading a group of young attendants towards the courtyard.

The courtyard of the Liu Clan's residence was spacious, with a garden, trees, and a large stone floor that could be used as a martial arts training ground.

At the same time, the courtyard also had a corridor connecting to various rooms and courtyards.

If you wanted to go to the backyard to meet the bride, and didn't want to climb over the wall, this was the only way to go.

It was here, in this "strategic location," that the Liu Clan's younger generation, including those in their teens and twenties, had already gathered, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation.

The leader of the group was Liu Yuanrui, the eldest son of the Liu Clan, who was not yet eighteen years old but already had a high status and prestige.

Today, Liu Yuanrui had changed his usual carefree attire and was dressed in luxurious and festive clothing, his hands clasped together in his sleeves, his eyes scanning the area with a stern expression: "Have you all understood my instructions?"

"We have!" The young men and women of the Liu Clan, all unmarried and full of energy, shouted in unison.

"Our slogan is..."

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, our sister is the greatest!" "Master of the house, master of the house, don't show off your power!" "Big things, small things, let the wife handle them!" "If you dare not obey, ask your aunt and uncle!"

The voices were loud and clear, the atmosphere was intense, and the air was filled with excitement.

"Hey, Yuanrui, you're really getting into it today!" At this moment, Wang Shoujie and his group of young friends walked into the courtyard, and seeing the scene before them, they knew they had entered the next stage of the wedding ceremony.

Liu Yuanrui was also smiling broadly as he welcomed them, his hands clasped together in a respectful gesture: "Brother-in-law, you've finally arrived. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Wang Shoujie looked at the group of young people, all of whom were staring at him with fierce and intimidating expressions, and he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous and hesitant: "Yuanrui, we've known each other for a long time, and our relationship is like that of brothers. You know my character, and I know yours. Can't we just skip this part of the ceremony?"

Liu Yuanrui hadn't even spoken yet.

But Chen Fangjie, who was standing beside him, smiled and said, "Shoujie, I remember when I came to your house to propose two months ago, you said the same thing to me. What did you say then?"

"Uh... okay." Wang Shoujie reluctantly admitted, "I said that since this is a big wedding, we should make it a grand and memorable occasion, with many rituals and ceremonies, so that we can look back on it fondly when we're old."

Chen Fangjie's eyes became moist as he spoke, and he couldn't help but choke back tears. "Shoujie, you're too kind. I'll never forget this moment."

"Brother-in-law, you're really getting into it today!" Wang Shoujie suddenly realized, "You've been waiting for me here all along, and this is really a wonderful coincidence."

"Where, where?" Chen Fangjie and Wang Shoujie had known each other for a long time, and they had both become thick-skinned. "I just want to make sure that Shoujie's wedding is perfect and leaves no regrets."

Liu Yuanrui was also smiling broadly as he said, "Brother-in-law's words are always so thought-provoking. Since that's the case, let's not waste any more time and get started with the ceremony!"

"You're a scholar, Yuanrui, and you should be more refined." Wang Shoujie knew he couldn't avoid this part of the ceremony, so he bowed his head and threatened, "You're sixteen years old now, and it's time for you to get married soon."

"Of course, of course, I'm a scholar, and I'm close to brother-in-law. I won't make things difficult for him." Liu Yuanrui bowed respectfully and then said, "Brother-in-law, are you ready?"

"I'm ready." Wang Shoujie took a deep breath and straightened his posture.

"Ah!" Liu Yuanrui suddenly became energetic and started talking loudly, "In our Martial Clan, the most important thing is martial arts. Without martial arts, how can we protect our family? Brother-in-law, I'm speaking the truth, aren't I?" Liu Yuanrui smiled at Wang Shoujie.

"That's true." Wang Shoujie nodded in agreement.

This was something he couldn't deny.

"But today is brother-in-law's wedding day, and it's not suitable to engage in martial arts. Why don't we do it this way? Brother-in-law, you can just show off your strength, and that will be enough." Liu Yuanrui said with a smile.

"That's it?"

Wang Shoujie looked suspicious.

"That's it." Liu Yuanrui nodded, "You're my brother-in-law, and I'm just a younger brother. Why would I want to make things difficult for you?"

As he spoke, he raised his hands and clapped them together lightly.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the corridor behind them: "Yuanrui, I'm here!"

The sound of heavy footsteps followed, and a giant man, carrying a large stone ball on his shoulder, walked into the courtyard. He was incredibly muscular, with a thick beard on his face, and looked like a fierce warrior.

Wang Shoujie's eyes widened in shock, and he felt a sense of unease.

The giant threw the stone ball to the ground, creating a crater in the thick bluestone floor.

Liu Yuanrui smiled and bowed to Wang Shoujie: "Brother-in-law, you just need to lift this stone ball over your head, and that will be enough. We, the younger generation, will acknowledge your strength and ability to protect our sister."

"This... this..." Wang Shoujie's face turned pale, and he looked hesitant. "Yuanrui, this isn't right, is it? This part of the ceremony is only for unmarried people of the same generation or younger, isn't it? What's this uncle doing here?"

Liu Yuanrui smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, this is our younger brother, Yuan Qiang."

As he spoke, he turned to the giant: "Come, Yuan Qiang, tell brother-in-law how old you are."

The giant scratched his head, looking silly, and smiled at Wang Shoujie: "Brother-in-law, I'm Yuan Qiang, and I'm eighteen years old."

Eighteen years old!

Wang Shoujie was shocked.

He took a long time to recover, and then he coughed awkwardly and said, "This Yuan Qiang brother of yours... looks quite... mature."

Liu Yuanrui was still smiling, looking like a sly fox: "Brother-in-law, Yuan Qiang has been practicing martial arts since he was young, and that's why he looks more mature."

Mature! You call that mature?!

Wang Shoujie's face twitched, and he couldn't help but think to himself, "Yuanrui, you're really shameless. You're a scholar, but you're acting like a martial artist!"

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 127: Mighty and Powerful Sister-in-law!


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