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This woman has immense cultivation value.

Moreover, she's only twenty-three years old, yet she's already reached the third layer of the Qi Refining Realm. Her achievements are not far behind those of the family's bloodline disciples, which is quite remarkable. Therefore, she must be extremely hardworking, given her natural talent.

Wang Zhong, standing beside her, took a while to come back to his senses, sighing with a bitter smile: "Wang Mei, I've seen you use Cosmetology Techniques before, but never like this. You're really impressive."

"Uncle Wang, this is just Mei Mei's hobby since she was young. She likes to dress up and have fun on her own," Wang Mei said with a clear and melodious voice, batting her eyelashes at Wang Zhong. "This is just a small trick, not worth mentioning."

Wang Zhong's heart raced like a drum, and he took a deep breath, turning away: "Wang Mei, don't talk like that anymore. I'm already married with children."

As a man in his thirties or forties, if he weren't so familiar with Wang Mei, he might have fallen for her charms at this moment.

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but smile secretly, thinking that if Wang Zhong didn't have a wife and children, he might have been ready to take the bait.

"Alright, let's assign this task to Wang Mei," Wang Shoujie said, clearing his throat. "Wang Zhong, you're known for your calm and steady nature, so you'll be in charge of this intelligence operation. You can request personnel from the family, and you'll be responsible for supporting Wang Mei. Remember to prioritize her safety and avoid taking excessive risks to complete the task."

"I accept the mission," Wang Zhong replied, bowing solemnly.

"Wang Mei," Wang Shoujie continued, "your Cosmetology Techniques may seem trivial, but if used well, they can become a powerful tool in the future. However, your makeup and demeanor tend to be too flashy and overly feminine, which might not be effective against experienced opponents. You need to be more subtle and unpredictable, like a gentle breeze that's hard to grasp."

Wang Shoujie then shared some theories he had learned in his previous life, such as how to create an aura of mystery and how to make others feel like they can't quite figure you out.

Wang Mei listened with growing excitement, feeling like Wang Shoujie had opened a new world of possibilities for her.

Wang Zhong and Wang Gui, on the other hand, felt increasingly uneasy, their bodies trembling with fear.

If Wang Mei could really achieve what Wang Shoujie said, would there be any men left in the world who could resist her charms?

"There's one more thing to remember," Wang Shoujie said. "In the end, you mustn't let your target get too close. Firstly, as a retainer of the Wang Clan, I don't want you to sacrifice yourself to that extent. Secondly, what men can't have is often what they desire most, leaving room for endless imagination and potential future use."

"I will follow your teachings, Master," Wang Mei replied, feeling grateful for Wang Shoujie's guidance and protection.

After receiving their mission, Wang Zhong and Wang Mei took their leave.

"Wang Gui, go and summon Wang Yong, Wang Wu, and Wang An," Wang Shoujie ordered.

However, Wang Gui, who was usually obedient, didn't respond and instead stood there in a daze, his mind filled with thoughts of Wang Mei. This annoyed Wang Shoujie, who kicked him: "Can you snap out of it?"

"I was wrong, Master," Wang Gui apologized, then looked up with a hint of expectation. "Master, do you think I have a chance with Wang Mei? We're from similar backgrounds, after all..."

Wang Shoujie glared at him. "You need to wake up. Wang Mei is not the kind of woman who's content with staying at home and raising a family. Her ambitions are far greater than you imagine, and you can't handle her. If you want to get married, I'll help you find a suitable partner from a branch family with a good bloodline. Now, get out of here and do your job."

"Yes, Master," Wang Gui replied, quickly scurrying away.

Taking advantage of the break, Wang Shoujie brewed a pot of Spirit Tea and slowly sipped it, calming his mind. Among his retainers, Wang Mei was a rare talent, a true gem.

However, if Wang Shoujie hadn't taken power, and the more traditional Wang Dingyue were still in charge, Wang Mei's talents might have gone unnoticed, and her abilities might not have been developed.

But now that Wang Shoujie had discovered her, he wouldn't let her go to waste. Dealing with the young disciples of the Liu and Wang Clans was just a warm-up for Wang Mei, a way to practice her skills.

After this, he would focus on building a secret organization around Wang Mei, a perfect intelligence agency.

But this was still premature, and he needed to see how she performed this time.

Let's put it aside for now.

Later, Wang Yong and several other retainers came to pay their respects, and after a round of instructions, they dispersed to attend to their respective tasks.

As for Wang Shoujie, he also took a break.

As the head of the household, he couldn't possibly, nor did he need to, personally handle every matter. If he did, it would only stifle their ability to take care of things and exhaust himself.

Just then, a voice came from outside the door: "Is the master in? I'm Wang Xiaoyu, a maid from Miss Luo Yi's quarters."

"Come in," Wang Shoujie said.

A young maid, around 18 or 19 years old, entered from the side hall. She was quite lovely, far surpassing Wang Mei in beauty. However, compared to Wang Mei's allure after using the Cosmetology Technique, it was a completely different level.

One had to admit that the Cosmetology Technique, one of the three great dark arts, was truly terrifying.

Wang Xiaoyu didn't dare to look up at Wang Shoujie, instead bowing and saying, "Xiaoyu pays her respects to the master. Miss Luo Yi says it's been many days since she's seen the master and has sent me to inquire if the master has time to dine together."

Wang Luoyi.

That was Wang Shoujie's elder sister, born of the same mother. In his memory, the siblings had been very close due to losing their mother at a young age.

At once, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, and he nodded, saying, "You go back and report to my sister. I'll make some preparations and then head over."

Wang Xiaoyu took her leave.

Under the service of the young servant Wang Gui, Wang Shoujie also washed his face, tidied up his attire, and checked himself in the large copper mirror. Ah, he looked quite majestic, with a vigorous and unrestrained air about him, yet still refined and cultured. His appearance was quite impressive.

If he looked like this on Earth, Wang Shoujie estimated he could make a living just by relying on his face.

Wang Shoujie took some Spirit Tea, Hundred Island Guard's sea delicacies, and a few golden pearls imbued with spiritual energy. After preparing the gifts, which Wang Gui carried, he leisurely strolled over.

Initially, Ancestor Zouxuan had built the main residence with long-term considerations in mind. His sister Wang Luoyi's quarters were relatively secluded, and it took nearly 15 minutes to walk there.

The main residence was surrounded by lush vegetation, with ancient trees planted over a hundred years ago, which had grown into towering trees with interconnected canopies, providing shade and a cool atmosphere.

This fully embodied the principle of "previous generations plant trees, and later generations enjoy the shade."

The deeper into the mountains the main residence was, the more secluded it became. This area was mainly for the younger ladies of the household to reside, except for those too young, who would live with their parents. The rest would live independently.

Apart from the courtyards, there were also small ponds, artificial hills, flower gardens, and pavilions, making for a very picturesque scenery.

Wang Shoujie was savoring this rare moment of tranquility.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out ahead.

"Wang Shoulian, if you lose to me, I'll make you sorry!" A small girl's voice with a hint of arrogance rang out.

" Fifth Brother, I'm supporting you. Losing to Sixth Brother would be too embarrassing!" Another familiar female voice, ah, it was Wang Luojing's voice.

At the same time, the sounds of fists and feet clashing, and energy colliding, echoed through the air.

Were Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother sparring?

The Ping'an Wang Clan's guardian generation, from the eldest Wang Shouxin to the youngest Wang Shouye, had a total of seven males. Wang Shoujie was only fourth in line, with three younger brothers after him.

The two currently sparring were Fifth Brother Wang Shouyong and Sixth Brother Wang Shoulian.

This was how it was in a noble family: the older the family, the greater the age gap between generations.

Wang Shoujie chuckled and decided not to join in, lest they become too restrained.

Just as he was about to slip away quietly, he suddenly heard the voice of the eldest girl, Wang Lici: "Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, haven't you eaten yet? You're all so soft and weak, like what kind of men?"

"Eldest Sister, don't interfere from the side!" Wang Shouyong called out. "You come and try it yourself!"

"Yeah, yeah, Eldest Sister, you should call us uncle!" Wang Shoulian said while fighting, "We're of a higher generation than you."

"Alas, what's the use of being of a higher generation? I've given you my little fish crisps for free, and you still can't muster any strength." Wang Lici let out a long sigh. "Alas, with you lot, how can you defeat Fourth Uncle, that Great Demon King?"

Fourth Uncle... Great Demon King?

Wang Shoujie's face was filled with surprise as he rubbed his nose. When had he acquired this nickname?...

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 60: Younger Brother and Younger Sister are very energetic


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