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This time, the insect plague has caused the most severe damage to those Martial Clans that cannot resist the disaster.

For example, the Zhao Clan and the Liu Clan.

Roughly calculating, if we use the previous typical yield as a reference, a 20-acre plot of land would have a 70% reduction in yield, leaving only 90 pounds of copper revenue. The tenant farmer would take 30 pounds of copper as a guarantee, and then there would be 40 pounds of copper in taxes, 10 pounds of copper for farming tools and seeds, and 20 pounds of insecticide powder. Just these expenses would make the Zhao Clan and the Liu Clan not only not earn a single penny this season but also have to pay out 10 pounds of copper for every 20 acres.

As for the Liu Clan, they have several farms that add up to around 10,000 acres of fertile farmland. Therefore, they not only wouldn't earn a single penny but would also have to pay out 50 gold coins.

This amount of gold doesn't include the expenses of the farm owners, which would add up to a total loss of over 100 gold coins.

It may not seem like a lot to lose 100 gold coins, but in reality, they would be bleeding money. Normally, 10,000 acres of fertile farmland would bring them a pure profit of 800-900 gold coins per season. This time, they would lose over 1,000 gold coins in profit.

Normally, a family like the Liu Clan would have very high annual expenses, and being able to save 500-600 gold coins extra per year would be a feat. Just this 1,000 gold coin loss would already deplete their two-year savings.

"There's another piece of devastating news, Shoujie," Gong Sunhui said. "The Changning Guard officialdom has ordered that this summer's taxes cannot be paid in gold, but must be paid in actual grain."

This news made Wang Shoujie take a deep breath, as it would be a fatal blow to the lower-tier Martial Clans. In previous years, grain taxes or monetary taxes were acceptable, as long as the equivalent amount was paid.

However, this year, the families themselves are lacking in grain, and if they have to pay actual grain taxes, it would be a devastating blow to the lower-tier Martial Clans. But this doesn't include the Wang Clan and their allies, as they have managed to preserve their yield and can still afford to pay the grain tax.

The ones who would truly be affected are families like the Ping'an Liu Clan and the Zhao Clan. They already don't have much grain, and if they have to pay grain taxes, it would empty their storage. What can they do but shift the pressure to the common people, including the tenant farmers?

"The officialdom's order is understandable," Wang Shoujie said solemnly. "Considering the overall grain shortage in the Changning Guard region, if the officialdom doesn't use this order to collect grain from the families, there would likely be chaos within the city walls."

"Are you looking forward to seeing the Zhao Clan and the Liu Clan in a difficult situation, Shoujie?" Gong Sunhui asked. "The land annexation would certainly lead to chaos, and the Zhao Clan and the Liu Clan might not be able to avoid risks."


Wang Shoujie's eyes turned cold and stern. "Ping'an is a land that our Ancestor Zouxuan opened up by slaying ferocious beasts, and it's a foundation built over a hundred years. I wouldn't just sit back and watch it be ravaged by two wolves. Who dares to try to annex land during this chaos? I'll take action against the Zhao Clan and the Liu Clan and show them my methods."

"You indeed have a strong spirit, Shoujie," Gong Sunhui said, her eyes flashing. "No matter what your decision is, I'll support you. At this critical moment, I'll definitely think of a way to invite Ancestor Mang to visit our Wang Clan."

"Ancestor Mang?"

Wang Shoujie's face lit up. "Mother can actually invite Ancestor Mang?"

In the world of families, elder-level figures would not easily intervene in the conflicts between other families, lest it trigger larger-scale conflicts between family factions.

Gong Sunhui smiled. "Have you forgotten that our Wang Clan's fourth-generation eldest daughter, Wang Lingdie, is married to the head of the Gong Sun Clan, and Ancestor Mang is her biological son? He has half of his bloodline from our Wang Clan, so he's naturally close to us. Moreover, don't forget that Ancestor Mang is my grandfather, and I visited him when I returned to my mother's home. He was very regretful about not being able to participate in the battle against Ancestor Longyan, and he only heard about it late."

After a pause, Gong Sunhui continued, "Ancestor Mang has also heard about you from your grandfather, and he praises you highly. He wants to find an opportunity to meet you. I believe that if we invite him to visit, he won't refuse."

"Great, this would make things even more stable," Wang Shoujie said, overjoyed. He was originally worried that Ancestor Longyan's health was still not fully recovered and might not be able to intimidate the opponents.

If Ancestor Mang is willing to come and preside over the situation for a few days, the two elder ancestors of the Liu Clan and the Zhao Clan wouldn't dare to make any moves.

Wang Shoujie and Gong Sunhui chatted for a while before taking their leave. At the same time, they were planning to ambush the Zhao and Liu Clans, a massive undertaking that required careful consideration, lest they be caught off guard and have their eyes poked out.

Intelligence was key in this war.

Wang Shoujie summoned Wang Zhong, whose strength was not impressive, only at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Realm. However, Wang Zhong had recently shown himself to be reliable and efficient, with a quick mind.

"Greetings, Master," Wang Zhong said, bowing upon entering.

"No need for formalities," Wang Shoujie replied. "You've barely had time to reunite with your family, and now I'm asking you to take on a task. It's a lot to ask."

"It's my duty to serve the master," Wang Zhong said, his spirit high. His eyes lit up at the mention of a task.

This wasn't just about the master being generous; it was about the fact that every time the master took action, it was like turning over a new leaf, and the Wang Clan was bound to prosper under his leadership. The relationship between a retainer and their master was one of shared honor and shame.

Wang Shoujie smiled and explained the task at hand.

Wang Zhong thought carefully before speaking: "Master, I'm not suited for intelligence work. I recommend a retainer, Wang Mei, who is only 23 years old but has reached the third level of the Qi Refining Realm. She's meticulous and observant, and excellent at disguising herself and gathering information."

Wang Shoujie was noncommittal, but he sent for Wang Mei to assess her personally.

Before long, Wang Mei arrived, bowing nervously: "Greetings, Master."

Wang Shoujie sized her up, noting that she was unremarkable in appearance, the kind of person you'd forget as soon as you turned your back on her. However, her figure was impressive, with a slender yet curvaceous build and long, powerful legs.

He showed interest, saying: "No need for formalities. Wang Zhong says you're skilled at disguise and observation. Can you tell me more?"

"I can, Master," Wang Mei replied calmly. "I'm indeed skilled at disguise and infiltration."

"Ah, you're quite confident," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "Can you show me what you can do?"

Wang Mei agreed, but she needed some time to prepare.

Wang Shoujie was intrigued and let her prepare thoroughly. After she left, Wang Shoujie focused on planning the operation.

This plan wasn't particularly complex, just a small-scale commercial ambush. This kind of thing happened all the time on Earth.

However, Wang Shoujie was planning it with great care, as this was a rare opportunity that couldn't be missed.

Each step of the plan was taking shape...

"Greetings, Master," a deep, mellow voice sounded.

"Ah..." Wang Shoujie turned around to see a stranger, a retainer standing with his hands clasped, his build not tall but with a dignified air, his face pale and handsome, with a hint of refinement.

"Who are you?" Wang Shoujie didn't remember having a retainer like this in the Wang Clan, and his brow furrowed.

"I'm Wang Mei, Master," the retainer said in a female voice, suddenly changing Wang Shoujie's impression, making him feel like he was in a different world, and he exclaimed in surprise, "This is quite a unique skill you have, very impressive!"

Pleased with the master's praise, Wang Mei said, "Please wait, Master, I'll change again."

An hour passed.

When Wang Mei reappeared, Wang Shoujie was stunned, as were Wang Zhong and Wang Gui.

Before them stood a beautiful young woman, her slender figure draped in a thin silk dress, her feet clad in lotus shoes, her hand holding a delicate, antique-style umbrella, every step she took exuding grace and charm, with a subtle, alluring fragrance.

What was most astonishing was that her face had become even more beautiful, with rosy lips and cheeks, her hair styled elegantly, making her a stunning beauty.

She curtsied, her voice as gentle as a spring breeze: "Mei Mei greets the Master."

Wang Gui, a young servant, swallowed hard, his eyes fixed on her.

Wang Shoujie, however, was not easily impressed and quickly regained his composure. At the same time, he was astonished by Wang Mei's Cosmetology Technique, which had reached an unprecedented level. Compared to the extraordinary techniques he had seen on a certain audio app in his previous life, Wang Mei's skills were unmatched.

Wang Mei's technique was on par with those of the audio app, leaving Wang Shoujie deeply impressed. This was a small town in the countryside, and the young masters of the Liu and Zhao Clans had likely never seen anything like it.

It was likely that Wang Mei's minor trick would yield a wealth of intelligence.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 59: Great Demon King Wang Shouzhe


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