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"Big Sis, let's not count on it," Wang Shouyong's voice rang out, clearly with some trepidation. "Fourth Brother is very formidable; even Eldest Brother might not be able to beat him."

"Count on it? Wang Shouyong, you didn't say that when you were eating my little fish crackers," Wang Lici said with an air of superiority. "You ate my snacks, so you're my person now. I'm warning you, if you don't listen, I'll tell Fourth Uncle about our pact."

"Wang Lici, you're going too far. You didn't say you wanted to take down Fourth Brother when you gave us little fish crackers," another male servant, Wang Shoulian, said with a quivering voice. "Fourth Brother almost got into the prestigious Purple Palace Academy; who can beat him?"

"Idiot, it's not like we're going to fight him one-on-one," Wang Lici said disdainfully. "We'll use a clever plan to trap the Great Demon King, and then we'll gang up on him and put a sack over his head. That way, we'll make sure he doesn't know who's hitting him."

Wang Shoujie was both amused and annoyed. This group of little rascals seemed to be plotting against him.

Especially Big Sis Wang Lici, who was like a little rabbit in front of him, but now seemed like a cunning fox. The result was that she had rallied a group of kids to gang up on him.

The plot twist was so fast that it left people stunned. This Big Sis's reputation was indeed not undeserved.

"Wang Luojing, you're being so sneaky; are you planning to betray us?" another voice, a domineering little girl, rang out. "Big Sis said Fourth Brother prepared a pile of books for us to read, and if we don't finish, he'll scold us with a black face. I don't like reading, but you do."

Wang Shoujie recognized the voice as Wang Luoqiu from the third uncle's family, who was only 11 years old this year. He had heard that she had already reached the second level of the Qi Refining Realm, with exceptional talent. Wang Shoujie had been waiting for a chance to meet her and offer some encouragement, but it never came.

"Wang Luoqiu, I don't want to read either, but I don't think you can take down Fourth Brother like this," Wang Luojing said. "Fourth Brother is much more formidable than you."

"Luo Jing, didn't you raise insects?" Wang Luoqiu asked. "You can release them to sting him."

"No way, no way," Wang Luojing hastily shook her head.

Wang Shoujie's face began to darken. What kind of siblings were these, plotting against their brother just to avoid reading?

Fortunately, Wang Luojing still had some sense and respected Fourth Brother, which gave Wang Shoujie some comfort.

"If we want to take down Fourth Brother, we need to hatch a second batch of Amethyst Spirit Bees," Wang Luojing said, thinking aloud. "And a direct attack won't work; Luo Qiu, you can pretend to sprain your ankle in front of Fourth Brother, and then I'll release the Amethyst Spirit Bees. You're still so small, Fourth Brother will definitely protect you first... and then our fifth and sixth brothers can take advantage of the chaos and rush in with sacks..."

Cold sweat!

It was dripping down Wang Shoujie's temples.

What kind of evil plan was this? It was too cunning and ruthless. I'm your brother, especially you, Wang Luojing You're raising Amethyst Spirit Bees, which I bought for you?

Wait, she had raised the Amethyst Spirit Bees? She was a little demon.

But these younger siblings and cousins were not honest; in front of him, they were all well-behaved and obedient. But behind his back, they were plotting against him.

However, it was true that Wang Luojing was not to be underestimated. She had been clever and mischievous since she was a child, and it was unlikely that she was a harmless good girl.

"Luo Jing, you have a lot of evil ideas," Big Sis Wang Lici praised. "I'll reward you with a pack of eight-treasure fish snacks and tell you stories about the vast ocean, the majestic Jinsha Island City, and how I dominated Jinsha Island City."

Wang Shoujie's mouth was twitching. Good one, Wang Lici, you're using your snacks to bribe them and plot against me.

You're really something, using your snacks to manipulate them and take advantage of me.

"But there's something we need to discuss beforehand," Wang Luojing said. "We just need to get Fourth Brother to lift his hand and not force us to read. And we absolutely cannot hit Fourth Brother's face. Fourth Brother is so handsome, and if his face gets swollen, it won't be good-looking."

It was unbearable to listen to.

Wang Shoujie smiled and walked out: "Luo Jing, I didn't expect you to be so fond of your Fourth Brother. My heart feels warm and fuzzy."


The group of kids who were plotting against the Great Demon King were stunned, and it seemed like they were being teased. They had been plotting so well, but it was all heard by the Great Demon King, and they were caught red-handed.

It was over.

The ones who were most scared were Wang Luojing and Wang Lici.

They were the masterminds and planners, and neither of them was a good person.

"Fourth Uncle, goodbye," Wang Lici's legs went soft, and she prepared to run away.

Wang Luojing's face turned pale, and she quietly hid behind Wang Shouyong. Among the three girls, only 11-year-old Wang Luoqiu was staring at Wang Shoujie, looking surprised and a bit defiant.

As for Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian...

As for Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian, the two younger brothers, they seemed to lack courage, hanging their heads and trembling with fear. In the Wang Clan's family education, boys were treated more strictly, and Wang Shoujie, as their elder brother and the head of the clan, would not tolerate any disrespect. If they dared to be disobedient, they would be taught a lesson.

"Stop right there."

Wang Shoujie smiled and said, "Wang Lici, Wang Luojing, you should think carefully. You can't outrun your fate, just like a monk can't outrun his temple."

The two girls, one big and one small, exchanged a glance and returned to Wang Shoujie's side, looking as obedient as little quails.

"Fourth Brother, we won't dare anymore."

"Fourth Uncle, we were just joking with you."

Wang Shoujie ignored them and turned his attention to Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian, saying with a hint of a smile, "You two have a lot of opinions about Fourth Brother, don't you?"

The two brothers were frightened and quickly shook their heads, "No, no, we always admire Fourth Brother the most." This was the truth, as Wang Shoujie was like a shining star in the Wang Clan, and they had always been respectful of him.

"Why did you want to play a trick on Fourth Brother this time? Was someone behind it?" Wang Shoujie asked, his heart still a bit drunk from the wine. The idea of playing a trick on him was unthinkable.

"No, no one told us to," they shook their heads, although they were afraid, "It was our own idea. If Fourth Brother wants to punish us, we accept it."

This was at least a bit of the Wang Family's dignity, and Wang Shoujie was about to speak when Wang Luoqiu, who had been staring at him with her eyes wide open, spoke up, "Fourth Brother, you're bullying us."

The little girl's tone was full of courage.

"Luoqiu, what do you mean by bullying?" Wang Shoujie asked with a smile.

"I don't want to read those books, just looking at them makes me feel annoyed," Wang Luoqiu said with a pained expression, "Can't you, Fourth Brother, just let me not read them?"

"It's okay if you don't want to read," Wang Shoujie nodded.

"Really?" Wang Luoqiu asked with surprise and delight, "Fourth Brother is too kind."

"Don't get too excited, there's a condition for not reading," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, looking at the four younger siblings and one niece, "If I simply use my authority as an elder brother or patriarch to force you to study hard, you might all just go through the motions. Why don't we make a deal? Every year, you can challenge me once, openly or secretly. If you win, I'll let you do as you please. If you lose, you have to study hard for a year."

"Okay, it's a deal," Wang Luoqiu's eyes sparkled, "I'll represent everyone in agreeing to this."

The others looked at her with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. Who asked her to represent them? If Fourth Brother wasn't careful, they might have a chance. But now that he was on guard, how could they challenge him?

"Cheer up, don't be so down," Wang Luoqiu said, "If we lose, we'll just study hard and cultivate well. We can try again next year."

This spirit was impressive, and Wang Shoujie couldn't help but glance at her. This little girl had a bold and courageous air about her, no wonder she had already reached the second level of the Qi Refining Realm at such a young age.

If she kept up the momentum, with the family's current financial resources, she would definitely become a heroine among women, even if not as great as Ancestor Longyan.

This encounter, although unexpected, made Wang Shoujie feel that these younger sisters were quite lively.

The two brothers, on the other hand, lacked strong willpower and were a bit stiff, needing to be tempered and refined.

A family couldn't rely solely on Wang Shoujie; they needed more talented individuals to emerge and flourish.

"Heh heh, let me teach you a lesson," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "In the future, if you want to plot something, find a quiet and safe place."

"Fourth Brother, I was wrong," Wang Luojing said with tears in her eyes, "You're so good to me, but I didn't like reading books... waaah~"

"It's okay, I'm not angry with you," Wang Shoujie said, feeling a bit sorry for Luo Jing, who had lost her father at a young age and was raised by the family, lacking the love of a parent.

"Can Fourth Brother forgive me?" Wang Luojing asked with a pitiful expression, her eyes full of hope.

"What's there to forgive? I never blamed you," Wang Shoujie said, rubbing her head, "Actually, I think it's normal that you have your own thoughts and are a bit rebellious. You're not really trying to harm Fourth Brother."

Is that okay? Wang Lici was shocked, and she quickly ran over, her chubby face forced into a fake apologetic expression: "Fourth Uncle, I'm also a bit rebellious, you definitely won't blame me, right?"


Wang Shoujie glared at her, scaring Wang Lici into retreating a few steps, covering her heart with her hands, full of regret. Why did Wang Luojing get to act cute and get away with it?

"Fourth Brother, thank you," Wang Luojing said with her eyes half-closed, hugging Wang Shoujie, "In any case, Luo Jing swears to protect Fourth Brother for life."

"Heh heh, Luo Jing, your words have moved Fourth Brother, and I believe you," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "Just don't throw those weird bugs into my arms, okay? Your little tricks don't work on me."

As he spoke, he flicked his finger, and a red-headed centipede over a foot long was sent flying, writhing on the ground before dying.


[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 61: "Old Ancestor Luoqiu"


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