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Unfortunately Mr. Matty Plays had to cancel last minute.  Fortunately, we have a Game Tools Engineer at Obsidian willing to join us instead! If you enjoyed the Bryan Heemskerk, Ubisoft Dev, or Sony Santa Monica Interviews - you will love this one!

Taylor Hadden has worked at studios known for Destiny 2, and is currently working on XBOX/PC Exclusives The Outerworlds 2 and Avowed (and has worked on like 20 other games!).  He can directly speak to anything having to do with Game Development, recent releases (we plan to discuss Halo and BF2042 heavily), Unreal Engine, Multi-Threading Optimization, and anything having to do with gaming hardware.

Sorry for the short notice, this was an emergency - You have less than 3 hours to respond.  But if you are late, don't hold back - we will find something to do with your question.  Either way, don't take your time - but use good grammar and be concise.  Message below with your questions and comments!





Hi Tom and Taylor. How hard is DLSS to integrate in a game engine? Will we see it as something that all game engines will adopt going further?


For game writer's how would you suggest that they get into the industry? What portfolio recommendations do you have or insights from do's and don'ts would you recommend?


Do you have any insight into the somewhat odd AMD vs NVIDIA GPU Performance in the new Halo Infinite Game, where AMDs GPUs seem to get a sizable boost in some scenes that push it on average ahead of nvidias gpus and in other scenes the Nvidia cards are on average 10% better in performance https://youtu.be/gr9TORbHA2M

Brad Medlin

Hey Tom and Taylor, 2 questions: 1)How are developers creating large open world environments? Is this something they are doing by creating Models themselves, do they start from a previous file, are they out using maps created from reality capture and modifying? Just curious how they make these massive maps like in Destiny 2. 2) Would you say that VRAM amount or Bandwidth(i.e. 8 GB vs 16 GB or 16 Gbps vs 19 Gbps) is more important in a modern title? I'm asking cause I'm interested in seeing what you think. Considering GPUs still in short supply, and 3rd party resellers have huge mark ups, its easier and almost cheaper to get your hands on something like an enterprise RTX A4000 than a 3070ti (similar GPU Different Memory bandwidth),


Hey Tom and Taylor, I'm looking at building up a portfolio to start a career as a game developer(self taught and driven right now with no formal education). I've been building my own mini games is Godot engine, and was just wondering is this good enough for a portfolio, engine wise? Or should I switch over to at least Unity? Thanks.


How early in the development process do developers have to think about things like mod support, especially for custom engines/anything that isn't Unreal/Unity? I know first hand that there's a broad spectrum of mod support, in terms of things like exposing hooks to mod devs and providing tools, but I don't hear much about how developers implement those kinds of things. Also, just curious, does Unreal still have that wonky formula for ThreadedShaderCompileThreshold, where it's apparently the number of cores, then subtract 2? Or have they moved to a system that can auto-detect the amount of cores and use all of them?


With the new Matrix Awakenings showcase Unreal had showed us what Unreal Engine 5 can do and what levels of realism in real time rendering games can bring. In how many years do you expect real time rendering to reach the quality of movie industry VFX?


Hello Tom, hello Taylor! I have only a vague idea what a game engine does, with that said I’m very interested in finding out what makes the engines tick. How much can the limitations of an engine mould the final product? For example, I’m quite confused as to why GTA trilogy was moved over to Unreal Engine when the modding community proved just how much could be squeezed out of the original engine. Was this choice made because the third party studio was familiar with UE from developing mobile games?


Hi Tom, and Taylor! Taylor, my ears perked up when I read you worked on Destiny 2 which is what I play most. Is there anything you can tell us about Bungie's plans for making the game available on Linux? With their switch to Battleye anti-cheat, most feel it is a given. On a related note, with the sort of push Valve is making via the Steam Deck and Proton, do you think we're at the cusp of seeing actual serious AAA titles make their way to the penguin platform? I would ditch Windows in a heartbeat and games are the only thing holding me back.

B. Fish

I was a huge fan of fallout new Vegas and thought it added great things to the franchise. It seemed like a kind of rushed release, was that your interpretation also? Was it difficult to replicate the feel fallout 3, a game which I believe took substantially longer (maybe that's just a Bethesda thing. They seem to be on the George RR Martin release schedule to me).


In your opinion, are technologies like DLSS being used by developers to avoid having to optimize their games? and if not ( or not yet) do you see this becoming a problem in the future?.


Thanks Tom and hello to Taylor! What do you think the ideal Fallout game would look like, and is it likely the next one is shaping up towards that image? Also, what're your thoughts on Fallout 76?


Hi Tom and Taylor, with all the new technologies that are in the new consoles like the PS5's Tempest Audio and the adaptive triggers, how do you see those being used for new player experiences now and in the future? What other fun things would you love to see in new consoles? I for one would wish a console would come out with dual output, so you can play a split screen game with one console hooked up to two monitors or TV's without having to share the TV space.

Timo H

Question of tools and work division: 1) How much of current tools are 3rd party software, ie work and development are outsourced, perhaps even support contracts like in business applications? 2) Is actual development now only game logic roughly or do you still need to do a lot of "intermediate" work, plugging different softwares and systems integrated to have data and files flow smoothly? 3) I got understanding that art creation can be fast but these other steps can be very time requiring.... So are devops and other process management concepts adopted to detect bottlenecks in multiperson team workflows and address those to save precious time? One post development talk addressed this , but it was from total startup to 10 man team and over 5 years timespan.


Thank you for your time. I bought a new pc recently and wonder when games will make the most of the new hardware. Is “optimisation” a trade off between coding to get the most out of mainstream midrange hardware like GTX 1060 vs coding for the latest and greatest RTX 3090 / 6900XT?


Was ‘The Outer Worlds’ always going to be 1st person or were there times in development where 3rd person was considered? Or the ability to toggle between them. What are the challenges for designing a game in 1st vs 3rd person and/or for a game that utilizes both. Thanks so much for coming on!


Do you see console games targeting different framerates besides the standard 30, 60 and occasional 120 as vrr displays become more and more common?


Why do you think dynamic res scaling is so incredibly uncommon in games on pc? 99% of games console have it so games are clearly capable of it. however most games just dont have the option.


Ok turns out youre not a new vegas dev but still what faction? i'm a legion guy tbh


Hi Tom and Taylor, hardware accelerated raytracing is the hot new tech, but it reminds me of the S3 Virge 3D deccelerator days. Do you think the raytacing hardware in today's cards and consoles is fast enough for good software, or will we need hardware performance increases to see effects and visuals that raster can't deliver?


How do you manage or what are some stories that come to mind about bring these crazy ideas the creative/story team have to life. How has any delays a game has affected your work on title.

Chris Rijk

Do you have any personal experience with implementing automated testing? This could be at any level of the software stack or also for game assets and performance testing. Optional follow-up questions on the same topic: Do you think automated testing should be used more during game development than it is currently and if so what do you consider the main benefits to be? How would you rate the support for automated testing in game engines today?


With the recent Microsoft acquisitions, is there any chance you might collaborate with InXile and/or Bethesda devs for a new Fallout game?


Hi Tom and Taylor. Did you see the Matrix Unreal 5 demo? I read from Digital Foundry that it wasn’t well optimized due to time constraints. I don’t know if you’ve worked with Unreal 5 or not, but if so, how much performance do you think was left on the table in the Matrix Demo?

otiv lcurtš

Hello Taylor and Tom. I've been thinking about becoming a game dev for a while now, and I suppose I have several complete-novice questions I guess.... - How diverse can your job be as a game dev? Are there instances where one person can simultaneously work on the story, art direction, game mechanics, character creation and dialog, Code optimizations etc. - By chance, can you comment on how easy/difficult it can to find a job in game development based on your region? For instance im in the Balkans, do I need to consider moving to better my chance? - How does a game development company get PCs? Do you guys have a budget and you DIY make them yourselves or do you get them from OEM's? Do you have something akin to typical game machines or workstation's?

Travis Gooding

What's your view of Bethesdas acquisition and do you feel like MS is giving you full autonomy working on what YOU want to work on?, lots of rumors flying around that you might potentially be pigeon holed Into working on other studio games.


Hello! Is there any chance you could speak about destiny 2? I’ve played through the free portion of the game myself, and there have been many stories regarding how the game engine caused severe development issues in taking forever to load maps for editing etc. Was any of this true? And how have you had to deal with developing gamedev tools that not only deliver high quality, but also ease of use? Thanks.


There has been a lot of talk about studio acquisitions recently. While I mostly follow racing/driving games (I know how much Tom loves these), I'm not really concerned just yet (even with EA acquiring Codemasters and Slightly Mad Studios). It seems to me that after some time, talented developers who sadly lose their position will often be drafted into other studios or help form brand new studios and the cycle repeats. Have you seen examples of this in other gaming genres?