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Hello again! Here's the textless page real quick before I letter it and put it online.  

The last half of this comic's backgrounds were a bit more of a headache than I anticipated.  It's painting that corner of the counter set against the front wall corner with the window/door/side wall a bunch of times that I sort of underestimated going into this page.  The pool table in the middle of the big open space is probably something I'm gonna try to think of a reason to get rid of, but since I originally put it there it's gonna need a legitimate reason for them to drag it out the front door again.  It'll be a fun bit of pointless lore fluff to think about, but since there's basically one more page in this scene before we head over to other characters' perspectives it'll be a little bit before I have to actually draw the interior of the Jade Garden again.

I'm gonna hop back and get this page lettered and posted.  Thanks for sticking around, I'll have more to share on Friday!



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