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Hello again!  It's another Friday and another weekly work report is upon us.  I've got a lot to type up this week across three articles so please bear with me as I type into the night.  But to start, let's report in on the main comic progress.

This page ended up taking a bit of time to ink, on account of all the individual characters popping up between all the panels, but it's been pretty easy to actually paint.  Inking is a slow, meticulous process that kinda runs against how my brain likes to operate, but once it's done I can make up that time with my efficient painting.  I'd been balancing work on this page with dayjob gamedev tasks as well and managed to get it inked and half-painted by today, so I'm confident I can knock out the rest by Monday at the latest.

Painting-wise I think this page is just a lot of the same principles as previous pages.  Close shots against flat walls are very quick and easy to paint, the interior lighting makes for fun shapes to render, the waist-up shots omit having to paint legs, and so on.  One of the shots I really like on this page is the first one introducing Sally- her outfit is all light colors so her silhouette against the dark space of the back room really pops.  I hadn't planned that initially but it is a happy accident so I'll take it.

I've been getting really confident with how fast I can put pages together lately.  I feel like I could do two a month if I had no other obligations on the table, but I do have to split up my time in order to keep pursuing my ambitions on this earth, so I can only do the best that I can.  For now, I'm going to leave the update at this and move on to the next writeup.  Thank you for your patient support of my work as I juggle so many things lately, it is a privilege to be able to create work for your enjoyment.  Until next week, take care.



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