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Here is the twentieth batch of minicomics for your weekend enjoyment!  I'd originally started this project out of a mix of wanting to expand on the world I was building in the comic and me not wanting to be forgotten in between longer main-comic updates.  It's been fun to work on but with the honeymoon over I can sometimes feel the pinch of having to fit at least two strips a week into my work cycle.  It's something I feel like I need to do, though, given the long-update cycle nature of the main comic.  I don't want to be forgotten, so having two new things to post every week is worth the effort to keep up with the project.  This week's batch were fun to do, so allow me to just share them with you right now!

#058: This has been stuck in my head for a while.  It's not the whole song- in my head it's just those first three words, and that's funny to me.  The joke as I imagine it is only three panels, and really only uses three of the characters, so that first panel is kinda included to fill it out and to also give Monday a role as well.  If you look carefully you can see the tiny gang in the compartment on his chest.  As a bit of Patreon-exclusive lore: in the context of the comic canon you can imagine them dressing up in outfits with an old fisheye camera they found and recreating different music videos together- in this case it isn't Monday in the mechamonday suit in the first panel, that's Stacy.

#059: One of the interesting bits about doing these minis is the development of mini-specific canon.  In the main comic there is a "carnival of killers" sort of deal with different themed assassins about, but Eddie the Axe Man does not show up in the actual comic.  Here in minicomic land, however, he's making his second attempt on Monday.  He's a bit more feral and a bit more powered-up now, with a few more notches in his axe.  Just like last time, however, his attempt ends rather anticlimactically.  Good Bye, Eddie, at least it wasn't dynamite this time.

I'm one strip away from 60, which feels like kind of a lot of these silly things.  Thank you for enjoying this project with me, I hope it's been a fun inclusion to this weekly write-up so far.  Next week I should have some more, in addition to the new comic page process.  So until then, take it easy out there.



Alex Krastel

I love these minicomics but I gotta say I have no idea what's going on in the last one there Did a wall appear in between them? Is it a train? was eddie looking at a mirror the whole time and just smacked a wall? I legitimately do not know.


It was supposed to be a train pulling in front of him. I'll have to go in and make that more apparent, thanks for pointing out that part being confusing!