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Now that I've got a moment out of the way I want to push time forward and set the next arc of the story into motion.  I have the next bunch of pages planned out to crisscross a lot of narrative threads in what I hope is a coherent way, but before I can do any of that I need to move from one location to another.  The way I planned this page in my head involved a pan-out shot of the town with a night-to-day transition and then a zoom-in onto our first focal characters, Lou and Monday.  In execution this page ended up looking kind of cool, there's a gradient effect from top to bottom moving from background to figures, I didn't intend to do that but it's a happy visual accident so I'll take it!  This page should be done by the end of the week, if all the detail and lighting panel one needs doesn't kill me first.

Thanks for reading!



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