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This was a productive week, even though I did not hit the milestone in my comic progress I thought I would.  I spent last weekend working on a large commission, and started work painting this page shortly afterwards.  The page will likely be finished by the end of this weekend, but for now I'll type a little bit about what I've got so far.

This is the first page I think I've drawn from the specific angle of the round table in the back corner of the diner. When I draw shots in the same scene I tend to internalize what general shapes I'll be building them out of, like in booth shots facing outward I know I have the kitchen door, the arcade cabinet and pool cues along the wall next to the front counter, and then the front window with the signage on either side, and when I have a shot from the counter I have three paintings and a large painted mirror along seven booths.  The round table shot is an interesting perspective for me because it involves the door/arcade/pool rack elements but on an extremely foreshortened angle.  In panel two of this page I fudged the details a little bit and just have Lizzie covering the space where all the stuff along the wall would be.  It's a minor thing but it's fun to think or a room I've drawn a lot of from an angle I've never seen it in before.

The other major detail of note about this page's painting progress is also in panel two.  As indicated by my light reference orbs I wanted the lightsource to be coming from the center of the room, coming in over Lizzie's shoulder and onto Pat.  I expected this to give panel six a sinister atmosphere, but it ended up making panel two Lizzie a bit more sinister than I originally anticipated as well.  She mostly has rim lighting along her jawline and cheek, and then a shadow cast across her eyes, which I think is what gives her the more predatory look I'm noticing.  I'd thought about fudging the lighting to brighten her face a bit, to give the panel two -> panel five contrast a more darking effect, but I do kinda like the ominous look in the second panel.  I'll probably tinker with both once the last panel is painted.

This is a bit of a short post since it's sort of a short page.  Again, I'm aiming to have it finished by the end of the weekend, so you can look forward to another update from me when the textless page is ready.  Thanks for being patient with my work!



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