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Hello it's me again!  Here's the textless version of the next page. This one will probably be a quick post since I want to get right back to work typing up the dialogue.  Some notes from before: I ended up lightening up Lizzie's face in panel two, and I think it helped give contrast to her face in panel six. Also, I just noticed the carp mirror in the background of the last two panels isn't reflecting anything, so I'm going to have to block something in real quick.  

I'm gonna finish this page up and get it posted ASAP.  After this page is done I'm going to try to knock out some gamedev animations on my shortlist before I start the next comic, just so you know it. Thanks again for coming along for this ride!



Juan Chanco

It's fun to see the textless versions. The emotional/character movement in your pages is always clear, even without words.


Thank you! That aspect is important to me, I'm glad to hear it shows through in the final artwork.