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In every Mortum's ending in which the Puppet is involved in the accident and MC is in their own body, Dr. Mortum will think that MC lied to them and will take sides with the Puppet?

That is Mortum's initial reaction, yes.

In some endings, depending on which body we stuck at the end, the other body will gain consciousness. How important will they be in the future? Do we lose that body for the whole book 3, or can we take it back? If we stuck in Sidestep's body, could we influence the Puppet to start a romance with Mortum? Just curious because having the other body controlled by someone else makes the possibilities become a lot bigger.

Oh, that is the first half of book three, not going to reveal that here; you will have to wait until the first demo for that comes out. But yes, it might be a bit of a game-changer for some.

In some endings in which MC is inside the Puppet and in Dr. Mortum's lab, MC's body wakes up; in others, it's not shown if it wakes up or not. In both cases, the impostor takes control of the MC body? Is the same impostor that can take control of the Puppet or the MC? Dr. Mortum and MC will be able to keep MC's body, in which inside there is the impostor, safe/contained until they figure it out who this mind controller is?

Oh, that is very much something I won't reveal, that's for you to experience and figure out in book three, it's the central mystery of the first half.

Was it actually Sentinel/the flyer who shoot to the car with MC/the Puppet and Ortega?

That will be interesting to find out, won't it?

What did Ortega think when he saw MC in the diner, in Rebirth, finding out they were alive? And what after Chen told him about the autopsy photos (something changes if the MC is believed innocent or guilty or is just being suspected of being guilty)?

Ortega thought they saw a ghost. And after that, it was just a rollercoaster of panicked feelings; I don't think they've really had time to sit down and think things through yet. They are still processing. As for the latter, I won't tell; that will be revealed in the story.

If MC goes with their body to the meeting with Hollow Ground but then jumps in the Puppet and rescues their body, do the Rangers (apart from steel that already knows and supposing we didn't tell anyone) know that MC is a re-gene? And what the RO's think about MC being Retribution? It depends on the stats, or in that moment, no one thinks about it, but only to find MC?

Yes, they do know. The truth will have come out by then. The RO's reactions will be very dependent on stats and actions and thus will vary quite a bit.

Is Ortega aware of the budding romance between Herald/Sidestep? Or do they think it's just Herald having a crush?

It depends on the path; in some, Herald actually has a talk with Ortega about it.

Is there any other route where we get to meet mamma Ortega, or is breaking their legs a must?

The legs are the earliest; I think there will be other chances.

It looks like Chen has a chance with Ortega now, but what would have happened had he actually told Ortega how he felt back when those feelings first developed? Would it have triggered Ortega's bi crisis earlier or simply have been super awkward? 

Super awkward.

What is the reason Blaze doesn't like Ortega? Is it personal or job-related?

Mostly personal, their personalities clash, and Blaze thinks Ortega is a bit of a shit to Chen.

Daniels's parents did they really disown him, or was it self-inflicted?

Mostly self-inflicted.

Did Daniels's parents love him and his brother, and what do they think of him now?

Daniel hopes so, but he's not sure. And he's quite certain they dislike what he has become; heroes weren't exactly something they liked.

Why was it difficult for Mortum to focus on what they wanted to say during the conversation about the disintegration ray? Was that because of the Puppet? Because they weren't sure how much they can reveal? Or was it just difficult to speak of their past?

A bit of both. It's a sore spot, and it takes trust to reveal things. 

If Sidestep was to get a brain scan, would the chip that the farm plants in regene brains be visible? There at all???

It should be, yes.

If choosing the option to try and get Herald to drop you, what does sidestep see/hear that makes them almost cry and pull back out of his mind instantly? 

It's a combination of being surrounded by a very open and intense mind with few boundaries and a bubbling need to keep Sidestep safe at all costs, tied into watching his brother die and not being able to save him.  

If Hollow Ground used their power on the Puppet, would it still have an effect once the MC returns to their original body?

That is a very good question, and one I will not answer.

Since HG likes aquariums, do they ever visit the aquarium Psychopthor's wife is in charge of? Or would that be too public for them?

They have, on occasion.

If Sidestep has people back on the Farm they care about, what kind of relationship does Sidestep have with them? Are they like teammates, friends, or family? Or is the relationship not that clear-cut?

It will vary; you will be able to pick several variants once it is time for that.

Will other Re-Genes, other than Shroud, appear in the future books, and if so, would they be playing an important role to the story?

Yes, and it would depend on your definition of importance. I can guarantee that there's some interesting ones in book four, we'll see what makes it into book three, still on the fence there.

Also, will we get the chance to kindly "shut up" Zephyr in the future books

Oh yes.

If you end Retribution with a low HG relationship and do not join them, can you still become good allies?

Well, good and good, but I imagine you might find ways to work together.

During the Chapter 15 coffee date with the Puppet, Ortega remarks that clothes make a huge difference in being noticed. We then see this put to work during the auction, where there's a huge chance of straight-up never knowing they were there. Have they ever trailed Sidestep without them/the player knowing it?

Ehehe, oh, that is one question I will NOT answer. Just keep looking over your shoulder.

So we already know that Lord Ember and Shroud had it out for Ace, but that begs the question: Are there any other SF players that they managed to piss off before their luck, ah, ran out? Or is Lord Ember the only one they had to worry about?

I don't know yet, none that I have decided on. But there might be more of Ace's part popping up once I start to detail book three.

You've said a few times that the Puppet will lose their plot armor in book three. You've not been clear whether that's the puppet body or the puppet mind, so my question is: will we be able to get Sidestep's original body killed?

Not in book three.

We know that telepathy is an exceedingly rare power, with psi sensitivity being the slightest bit more common. After seeing two psi sensitive ReGene operatives, one of them being a telepath, what I'm wondering is whether the Farm has psi sensitive people/telepaths in their staff, thus preventing ReGene from ever being truly alone with their thoughts due to the constant threat of being recycled over a stray thought?

Yes, but they used to have a lot more, at least from what Sidestep remembers.

If mob boss Sidestep remained stuck in the Rangers headquarters after their possible crash, are their henchmen aware (or suspect) that their boss was involved in the crash or that Rangers have them?

They will find out... and that will be interesting.

Will Lady Argent ever acknowledge that Sidestep saved her during the Nanosurge to Sidestep themself? 

Perhaps. If they get close, she might bring it up.


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