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You mentioned that Ortega was relieved that everyone could see Sidestep when they brought them back to the HQ. Does that mean that it's happened before where Ortega saw Sidestep while they weren't there, and if yes does anyone know about it?

Oh yes. It happened more than once, passing someone on the street, doing a double-take, and running after them. Or being drunk in a bar and spotting a familiar profile. They never stood up to scrutiny, but Ortega was worried that they'd finally snapped.

Has Mortum (for science, of course) ever decided to modify a Roomba? Were any Roombas sacrificed in the name of science by our dear doctor?

Yes. Mortum is not fond of them, they are surprisingly inefficient, so there's been a lot of tinkering. So far, nothing successful, there's probably a box of broken/half-finished ones in a box dumped in a closet in the lab.

Will we have more sessions with Dr. Finch in book 3?

I have plans for one, yes.

How are the AI chips actually implanted in regenes' brains? How is the AI tech supposed to work with organic brain matter? does GeniTech have an established answer to this question for the public? 

The AI chip is inserted through the back of the neck, connecting to nerves in the medulla oblongata, which is outside the blood-brain barrier. This also means that the cranium does not have to be breached. Exactly how they work are protected by layers of patents.

Can you willing reveal yourself as the villain in book 3?

That is my plan, yes.

I'm might be getting too excited here and thus be getting ahead of myself, but how much work have you already done on book 3. Have you already planned it out

I know what happened in the novel, so I know the general direction, and I know certain paths and outcomes in great detail. However, I have not sat down and planned, or detail planned it yet, and there's a lot of content that needs to be shoved in there.

I think you may have covered this before, but how do the skinsuits work in terms of like 'how do people get in and out of the suits?

They are loose and limp when you pull them on, but once a weak electrical current is run through the suit, the fibers activate and tighten to adjust to the wearer's body.

Will Sidestep ever get a good ending, or are you going to keep pulling at our heartstrings?

There will be good endings, but it looks like a lot of readers are set on avoiding those...

When it comes to art, what are Danny's favorite subjects and his favorite mediums? Is there a type of art he'd like to do but hasn't had a chance to?

He likes architecture and buildings, landscapes and plants. Too many people want their portrait, and a house doesn't get disappointed in the result. He likes charcoal and pencil but would love to work more with oil paints, but they take a lot more time.

Will there be a separate kill variable for just killing human farm agents and scientists, or would that be toss into agentkill?

So far, that is in agentkill, can't promise what the next book will bring.

Will drive have as much impact as scar?

Hmmm. It is a different kind of thing, but the impact is less dire if I had to say.

Does the Rat King recognize Sidestep from when they fought Psychopathor?

Yes, the Rat King had great fun playing tag. So few could put up a fight.

How big is Ortega's extended family?

On their mother's side on both sides of the Mexican border: Two aunts (Elena's older sisters), their husbands (and one ex-husband), six cousins, and a ton of more distant relatives that also tends to be folded into the aunt/uncle/cousin area. Probably a couple of nieces and nephews too.

On their father's side back in Texas, there's an aunt (married) and an uncle (unmarried), and two cousins. They are less close and don't see each other often.

There were a lot of cameras present at the gala night. If Step triggered Ortega's epilepsy, is that less of a secret now, or was that somehow covered up by the media team?

It was covered up; the public thinks it was poison gas.

During the puppet coffee date, Ortega can mention being a bit farsighted. Was that the truth, or just an excuse for the glasses?

Ortega does need reading glasses. They do not like it and tries to keep it under wraps.

So obviously, within the story Step's armor does take a range of damage depending on the choices we make. Will there be a point within the later books where the armor takes enough damage to the point where it gets destroyed, having us lose both the armor and the Rat King?

It can happen, but if so, the Rat King will be okay.

Is it going to be possible for Sidestep to go the distance and go all 4 books without anyone finding out their secret villain identity, special birth status, and their connection to the Puppet?

Yes, that is my goal, and I bet there will be some people who manage to pull that off.

Would you mind giving an in-depth explanation of how Jake's powers work? Like what stops him from going through the floor, what makes him tougher when he can hit, how does his ability affect his mind. Stuff like that.

Well, everything is superhero science, so it's all very vague, but essentially he can manipulate his density/cohesion/atomic bonds. When he's dispersed, blows go through him; he can pass through walls and the like. He doesn't fall through floors because he's also very light in that form, meaning that wind powers are a big issue. His mind also gets a lot harder to read. When he's solid/heavy, his body is a lot more durable, and he's also stronger.

What do the Rangers and Mortum think of the different Villain occupations for Sidestep's that have shown that they mean business? ( Really high infamy). How does this change when they figure who is under the mask?

For Mortum, I don't think it matters which path. Chen is a lot more tolerant to thieves or anarchists; a mob boss and especially hero hunters are a danger (unless it's a prepare_them hero hunter, which is probably the one he gets the most). Ortega doesn't really discriminate; there things like killing matters more. Daniel dislikes non-prepare them hero hunters the most; with the others, it would depend on the number of deaths. Argent is the most suspicious of the Mob Boss and the Anarchist ones, too much of a dangerous agenda.

Does Nocturne have a nickname for HG?

Oh yes. But I haven't come up with one yet.

What was your favorite scene to write in Rebirth? Redemption if it's not too spoilery?

In Rebirth, Ortega's argument in the park was my first complex scene, and it was so fun. It's harder to say in Retribution since I am editing, I sort of hate them all right now, but I am proud of the session with Dr. Finch. That one was fun to chat and try to pull off.

If this is too spoilery, ignore it, but I'm kinda curious as to what Ortega was thinking when Herald talked to him about the whole kissing the MC thing, especially if the mc and Herald did more than kiss.

I think I might write a fic about that it would be fun to explore in the future. But it would depend a lot on what relationship Ortega had to Sidestep.

If this is spoiler territory, apologies. Will it be possible in a future book to redeem ourselves for what we did to the Rangers at the gala in Rebirth? Like, instead of wiping the floor with them, could we maybe this time save them? Or at the very least help them?

There might be opportunities for that, yes.

Does it ever happen that the hero's drug gives completely useless powers?

Oh yes. There's a lot of weird things out there.

Note: This question is rewritten slightly due to heavy subject matter.

What was the purpose of growing cuckoos with sexual characteristics if they are still tattooed? Can they have children?

Sexual characteristics come with the territory. Re-Genes are essentially clone bodies with AI chips, and thus their bodies function like human bodies, with all that entails. So they do have functioning genitals. However, like almost all users of the boost drugs, they are infertile and can't have children. What went on at the Farm will be up to the player to decide later in the story once it comes up. It's not something that everyone has gone through.

What gift would make each RO melt from happiness?

I... honestly have no idea. I am SO bad at gifts. And since Sidestep is who they are, probably something that involves spending time with them. That's precious.

What kind of Valentine's date would each Ro enjoy? Or would some of them ignore the holiday completely?

I sort of answered that with the Valentine's day stories, I think.

Would Dr.Mortum ever date Sidestep if they revealed themselves to begin with? Would they even date their own client?

It's not the client thing that's the issue, it's the risk. An ex-hero telepath is not someone Mortum would get close to in a hurry; their guard would be up too much to ever relax.

What is each RO's love language?

Ortega: Touch. Chen: Quality time. Daniel: Words of affirmation. Argent: Quality time. Mortum: Acts of service.

Most of us look back on our teenage years and think, "damn, was I an edgy kid". Does Dr.Mortum look back at their life until their 30's same way? I think it was mentioned that they are a bit embarrassed about some things they did as a villain.

Oh yes. Mortum certainly does. And yet the armor is there, tucked away in storage...

Would Dr.Mortum agree to adopt animals with their partner? What kind of animal would they want, if at all?

Mortum would NOT trust themselves with keeping an animal alive and finding time for them, if there is one, it will be a complete accident, and they'd stumble into caring way too much and not knowing how to deal.

Was it normal for Dr.Mortum to call someone they were hitting on "ma/mon Cheri"? Or was Puppet special?'

It was an affectation used on others, but the Puppet made it special.

How many people does Dr.Mortum currently consider their friends?

Maybe three, not counting the Puppet.

What kind of adventures did anathema ever take a befriended sidestep on?

Fun and wacky ones. Exploring things like amusement parks, weird stores and snack places, and other things that Sidestep hadn't seen. Anathema had been a bit of a shut-in as well, so showing Sidestep new things made them bloom as well.

Do any of the mob boss henchmen have any family?

No close family, Pelayo has a  cousin working for the LDPD, but none of them are close to their families.

Since Lady Argent isn't used to being on the losing side when it comes to fighting, how exactly did she feel if she lost against the new villain in a fair fight?

Infuriated and impressed. She'll do better next time.

How did Sentinel and Sunstream get along with other Rangers?

Sentinel was the dad on the team; Sunstream was more of an outsider, never really comfortable with her role.

What was Jake's first impression on Nocturne and HG?

HG: Huh. Flashy fucker, I can take them in a fight.

Nocturne: Wow. Beautiful.

Has Jake fought against Ortega much? If yes, how did those fights go?

Not much, but it has happened. It generally ended in a draw, and by that, I mean Jake running for it...

What did Vernon say to Ortega that made them punch him?

You will learn that in book three.

If Sidestep left people behind when they escaped from the Farm, is there maybe going to be a possibility of getting into the subject of how Sidestep might feel about it?

Yes, I plan to have that added in once we start dealing with that.

If Lady Argent and Jake fought against each other, which one of them would have the upper hand? Also, considering their opponent's powers (Jake being able to turn intangible and Lady Argent's claws and armor), how would they feel about fighting each other?

Probably Lady Argent, but it would be an interesting match. Jake's reaction speed is the key here.

Does Mia Ochoa have any particular opinion on the Rangers as a whole or any of the members?

She's a bit cynical about them, especially Ortega.

What did Lady Argent think if, during the bridge fight, the new villain turned her down when it came to romantic interest but admitted they wanted her as an ally and by their side?

That was a surprise, she's used to being flirted with so she normally rolls with it. It was a breath of fresh air.

What kind of relationship did HG have with their parents? Did HG see their mother before she died, or had they cut ties with their past by then?

A good relationship, their father died when they were a teenager, but their mother died just a decade ago, and they were in contact often. She was well taken care of.

Bit morbid question, but how did HG's siblings die? Were they part of HG's criminal organization? Did any of them have powers or mods?

One was killed by rivals, one died from boost drugs, and the third died in police custody. HG was the one with the powers; neither of them had major mods.

What does low Rangers' reputation signify?

The public sees them less favorably, and they don't get good press, even if the media team tries to scrub things.

What is Psychopathor's goal as a villain?

Money and power.

What would Mortum think if Sidestep/Puppet admitted they only chose the cape for the villain armor because Mortum likes capes?

A bit flattered, and then try to explain that no, capes really are cool.

What are the Rangers and Dr. Mortum most afraid of losing?

Mortum: Their lab. Even more than their freedom. Ortega, Sidestep again. Chen Spoon. Daniel, any of his friends. Argent control

Just how close were Anathema and Sidestep? What did they like and/or dislike about each other?

They were friends, but exactly why I will leave to people's headcanons.

(Pre-heartbreak) We know that Sunstream shied away from the media spotlight, Steel didn't/doesdodon't care for it, and Ortega was a bit of a darling of the press. But how did Sentinel and Anathema feel about it? And just what personas did they all have to play up for the cameras?

Anathema didn't like it, Sentinel loathed it after all the things he went through during his transition in the public eye, but he was nothing if not professional with them. Don't show weakness. Probably the one who interacted the most with the press after Ortega.

What are the current Rangers' (and Mortum's) biggest fears and deepest desires?

I honestly don't know yet. Maybe we'll find out.

Apologies if this has already been stated elsewhere, but was Herald the older or younger brother?

The younger.

Okay, I'm having soft Mortum thoughts, you don't have to indulge me on this, but it would be appreciated if you did. Dr.Mortum seems like they forget to take care of their basic human needs like food, drinking, resting. Would they appreciate a partner who would take care of them? I know FH is a story with darker themes, but the idea of domestic life with our beloved genius makes me so happy.

Oh yes. That would be brilliant. Mortum truly appreciates things like that.

Would you consider making a Mortum romance playlist? I keep listening to their origin one, but I would love to listen to their love/current day vibes.


Will we get a flashback to the decisive moment the MC decides to become a villain?

We'll be revealing more of the post-farm escape time that led up to that discussion in book three; it should come up there.

Is a ruthless MC basically a misanthropist?

Up to you how you define it; it is a game stat that might mean different things for different people.

Can we blackmail Argent with civilian lives to give back cape?

That is actually a good idea, I'll see what I can do.

What does "Individuality" mean?

Another game stat, it will vary a little, but essentially how much the mc sees the Puppet as their own person vs. just a tool and Puppet.

How often does Ortega call his/her mom, and what do they usually talk about?

At least once a week, and they talk about family, work, politics.

Has mama Ortega noticed a difference in Ortega (if there is any) after Sidestep showed up?

Probably. Ortega thinks they are very sneaky.

Why did Ortega end up coming back to the Rangers after Heartbreak? It feels more complex than the fact that they got bored + from what little the other characters have mentioned about those days.

It is more complex. I think at the heart of it, Ortega realized that they needed direction, or they would end up dead. And, for better or worse, the Rangers gave them that. They have a lot of unfinished business that being a Ranger helps with, and then there are the money issues.

Does Argent still surf?


The picture of Sidestep that Ortega has is it something funny like Step slobbering on his/her couch when sleeping? And how did Ortega get one?

I have not decided that, but it was definitely taken when Sidestep didn't notice, so it might very well be funny.

Does Ortega know where Sidestep lives? If yes, did Ortega follow Sidestep home, and when did it happen?

Not telling you that. Ortega has their secrets.

If it's not a secret, what is the goat's power?

Let's just put it this way, there have been more than one dismembered body surrounding that goat; they look explosive in nature...

How did the rest of the active team (during the Heartbreak incident) find out about it (in the news, someone called them e.c) and the deaths of Sidestep and Anathema? How did they react?

News, it was like on camera. Someone called Sentinel; he was working. It was a shock to everybody; nobody came out of that unscathed.

Is there ever a scenario where Ortega would (romantically) pick someone else over Sidestep, or is it that as long as Sidestep is an option, no one else compares?

There technically already is (if you count the Puppet), but yes, it can happen if you're shitty.

How long had Ortega been practicing what they said to Sidestep in the apartment scene?

Too many times.

Was a romanced Sidestep Ortega's first love, or was there one before in their string of romances?

Probably were earlier ones in their teens.

I've read that if Ortega falls in love with MC in the present, but in the past, they were just friends, he realizes now that he had a crush on MC, so if in Rebirth we choose to have a secret crush on Ortega, she/he would have had a secret/not realized crush on MC too?

Well, memories are always a bit unreliable. When Ortega thinks back with romance-colored glasses on, it is very easy in hindsight to imagine that there had been feelings there they just hadn't recognized as romantic. Whether that really is the truth is hard to say, but Ortega certainly thinks so.

In the beginning, did Argent reminded Ortega of Sidestep?

Yes, there were certainly aspects there that reminded Ortega, which is why they kept their distance at first.

Would it be possible to have a relationship with Steel with a F!MC or NB!MC? Or will this stay as a kinship relationship?

NB is already possible as long as you have the right conversations. Not F!Mc, that will remain as a deep friendship.

Between who are possible the Poly-routes? And there will be some jealousy or possible break up/one of the three to leave the relationship?

The ones being seeded in Retribution are: Ortega/Sidestep/Herald, Ortega/Sidestep/Argent, and Ortega/Sidestep/Steel. There are more planned in Revelations. I know Ortega/Sidestep/Mortum and Argent/Sidestep/Mortum would work well together. There might be other options in the future, but I need to explore the characters first.

There might be some jealousy from some parties; there might be breakups or other changes. I don't know where the story will lead there; I explore the characters as I write them.

Do the Rat King truly care for MC? And they will be able to find/help the MC in the ending in which we have their POV, and they are separated from MC?

Oh yes, the Rat King does. In a way, Sidestep is the closest one they have found to them, half friend, half family. And I don't think you have to worry; the Rat King is a lot more capable than Sidestep might realize...

Will Ortega realize/have realized to be bisexual if MC is of the opposite sex and romantically involved only with them (or Herald if MC is female and not in a poly)?

I plan to have that talk eventually, yeah, because Ortega is bisexual regardless of path, and I want that to be shown in the book.

Will there be other POV during the new book other than the Epilogues? Or other Patreon snippets from RO's POV of Rebirth, Retribution, future books, scenes?

No POV changes (apart from epilogues) in the actual game, but I will explore the other viewpoints through stories on Patreon. Honestly, it's the perfect vehicle for exploring that.

In Herald/Ortega poly rout. Is it possible to make them only attract to Sidestep but not at each other? I just experimenting with this poly route for fun but end up depressed for days when the epilogue state that Ortega has both Sidestep and Danny in his mind(yes, I'm super jealous). Just imagine they share a kiss, give me anxiety left alone having them interact with each other in the steaming scene in later books. Seem like I just realize that I love Danny so much that I can't bear the thought of sharing him with anyone(don't mind sharing Ortega with Chen or Mortum, though, lol). This is really important to me cause I don't wanna hurt my own feeling when seeing them interacting in that way, so knowing this makes it easier for me to choose if I want to go this route.

I am still experimenting with how I want to handle the polys. It's a bit of a new ground for me. Originally, I intended that all the polys would be triads, where all parties would be active and interacting. But I may go for variants where it's one person in the middle, and the other two parties don't connect that way. It wouldn't be hard to code, so thank you for giving me that insight, I'll see what I can do with it.

Will we ever have a chance to meet each RO family in the future? Especially Danny's family. Just noticed that his family seems like a well-known one and might have a big part to play in the future(at least in Herald's subplot), and we kinda know about Chen's and Ortega's family, too, so I'm just curious if we will ever meet them.

I don't know. Both Chen's and Daniel's families are on the east coast, so that is an issue. Ortega's and Argent's are planned, you will be able to meet them. Mortum's is way too distant.

Could we have more upgrades for our armor in the future?

I am considering it, not sure yet.

Aside from our minions in the crime boss path, does the path we choose affect the character we will meet in the future? Will hero hunter path would make us meet more hero in the later book, or it just affects how we could interact with them like with Blaze.

It will affect things to some extent. Not sure how much I am trying to avoid writing extremely different paths for the different villain careers. The game is already so long. But I do want at least one specific thing for each career.



Thank you for another q&a! this brightened up my day, was really fun to read.


It's a relived that you consider making a variant for poly routes that make the RO only focus on Sidestep. It's my first time playing poly route with a RO that I'm really attached to(Daniel) so it's hit me hard that I'm not the only person getting his love in the poly route. and thank you for the Q&A it gives a lot of in-depth view of this wonderful world that you created.


Well scene with dr. Flinch rly was very deep. Gj


That Mortumstep/puppet playlist 🥺 so emotional Feels like there's a storyline going on in the playlist 🤔 My first thought of Lady Argent and Jake fighting is that it would be really funny to watch if Jake went intangible since Lady Argent's claws wouldn't be able to hurt him Also love Anathema and Sidestep having their own adventures which sole purpose was just to have fun 🥺 Adorable Also Dr. Finch therapy scene is one of my favorites, really impressive, i tend to read it every once in a while again. I admit I was lowkey worried about HG's mother since she also lost most of her family and didn't have much money so wondered how did she survive and whether she was just forgotten. It was bit of a relief to know HG made sure she was well taken care of and kept in contact with her.


Being up at 1 am and screaming omg OMG CALM DOWN, ITS HAPPENING. ITSHAPPENINGYES--