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Mitchell's Guide to Villains entry 311. [OFF THE RECORD]

Subject: Has so far resisted adopting any form of codename despite suggestions being offered.

Civilian identity: Jake Manalo.

Birthdate: 23rd December 1994

Birthplace: Puerto Princesa, Philippines.

Height: 5'7" 170cm

Weight: 154lb/70kg

Classification: Strong Beta level boost. Personal density shifting, able to become a ghost capable of passing through solid objects, as well as turning heavy and solid. In that state, he has increased strength and greatly increased durability.

Status: Officially, just another lieutenant. Unofficially, a lot more due to personal connections with Hollow Ground and Nocturne. A former bodyguard to Nocturne.

Notes: I have not submitted this into the system, for personal use only. Would be scrubbed of anything interesting if Nocturne got her hands on it. Jake is her former bodyguard, and if the rumors are true more than that. Not exactly sure how Hollow Ground fits into things, but he must be aware of it.


Transcript of one surveillance camera in the old base saferoom during the Long Beach Heroes attack 2015. Managed to get hold of the footage before the place was demolished.


[distant fighting, occasional audio issues]

Nocturne: You never told me how you ended up here in Los Diablos.

Jake: Heh. Is that something you ask all your bodyguards?

Nocturne: What's that supposed to mean?

Jake: Sounded more like a pickup line in a bar, and you do have a reputation for being... aloof? Not exactly someone who enjoys small talk.

Nocturne: That's true, but this is not exactly normal circumstances. We can't leave this room until things calm down. I'm growing antsy just listening to the noise. Sounds like they're tearing the place apart.

Jake: Probably what is happening; I don't think there's going to be much left of the bar once they're done. Pity, I liked it.

Nocturne: So did I. Even if the neighborhood isn't the best.

Jake: Probably why they can let loose like this. Heroes don't care as much when there's no money involved.

Nocturne: You've got a point. It would not be a bad idea to relocate to the city center.

Jake: If we get out of this mess. I should be out there. I'm not afraid of Porphyry. I can take them.

Nocturne: Be patient. They're not the only one out there. Locus is there too.

Jake: Locus is a kid. She's what? Fifteen or something?

Nocturne: She's an alpha-level telepath, my powers don't affect her, and I don't trust the numbers to be enough to shield us.

Jake: I still think I should...

Nocturne: Are you that willing to abandon me?

Jake: You know that's not true. I'll keep you safe. I just can't stand feeling this helpless.

Nocturne: Is that why you did it? Took the boosts?

Jake: Well, yes. And no. I'm not stupid. I know the odds. I wouldn't have done it just for a chance at power. Not worth the risk. But, you know how it is. Sometimes you've got no choice but to roll the dice and pray for sevens. I'd be dead if I didn't do it.

Nocturne: At the hands of your former boss.

Jake: You know about that?

Nocturne: Only in passing. There were negotiations to let you stay here; they wanted you back badly enough to make demands. Taong Ulupong really wasn't happy, but he tried to throw his weight around. No way we could let you go after that.

Jake: I didn't know you were involved in that.

Nocturne: I wasn't, at the time, but I found the documents. What did you do to him?

Jake: Got greedy. Needed the money but got found out. Then dipped into the supply to save my life. Think mostly he was mad someone dared to disobey orders.

Nocturne: Disloyalty. Not the most attractive trait.

Jake: Hey, I didn't hide anything when I signed on, you know that. He was an asshole who treated people like shit, didn't deserve my loyalty. It's different here; I'm loyal to Hollow Ground. And you.

Nocturne: He didn't ask you for that, did he?

Jake: Huh? No. Just to watch your back. Which I am doing.

Nocturne: Even though you'd rather be out there, fighting?

Jake: I'm good in a fight.

Nocturne: Very good. You're the first density shifter I've met. Didn't know your powers could be so versatile.

Jake: I've worked hard. It was just ghosting at first; I wouldn't have been able to get on the ship and escape otherwise. The hardening came later, but it's useful in a fight.

[distant rumbling, rubble falling from the ceiling. Jake moving to protect Nocturne, holding her close until it subsides]

Nocturne: And for protecting people I see.

Jake: I'm not used to that. Protecting people.

Nocturne: Liar. I know you've got family back in the Philippines. You send them money every month.

Jake: How...

Nocturne: That's what I do. Follow the money. Helps keep one step ahead of any possible disloyalty.

Jake: I am loyal.

Nocturne: I know that. I'm trusting you with my life, aren't I? But old habits die hard. I used to work for the IRS, you know.

Jake: What? You used to be a bureaucrat?

Nocturne: Hard to believe now, but things were different then. I was different.

Jake: He does that, doesn't he? Changes things. Changes people.

Nocturne: He does. I like myself a whole lot more these days.

Jake: So do I. I mean... uh...

Nocturne: Oh. So that's what it is. I was wondering.

Jake: I didn't... oh shit... it's not...

Nocturne: I'm not going to say anything.

Jake: Oh come on, this place is rigged with cameras, you know that. Fuck. I'm fucked.

Nocturne: For having a crush on the boss's girlfriend?

Jake: Yeah. That's not exactly my job.

Nocturne: Just protecting me.

Jake: And I plan to do that. Doesn't sound like the fight's going well out there. What are they even doing? I thought the boss had bribed the heroes to leave this place alone.

Nocturne: Not everyone is susceptible to... bribes. But you're right, this is bad.

Jake: Porphyry's capable of breaching this saferoom if they find it. I've seen that hunk of rock tear through reinforced concrete without breaking a sweat. If they even sweat.

Nocturne: They don't. It's fascinating, isn't it? What the boost drugs can do. Turning someone into a living rock.

Jake: Or into me. I can beat them. If I'm fast enough, the numbers should still hold. Without her backup, that little girl is nothing.

Nocturne: She's an alpha-level telepath.

Jake: Which is why I need to move while she's still distracted.

Nocturne: You're supposed to protect me.

Jake: And this is how I'm choosing to do it. The door stays sealed; I'll just shift through the ground; they won't know where I came from.

Nocturne: You can't fight two alpha-level heroes at the same time.

Jake: Just watch me.

Nocturne: You don't have to do this. Is this because you said...

Jake: It's not stupid heroics so the boss won't off me. I really can do this.

Nocturne: Fine. Do your thing. Just promise me one thing.

Jake: Anything. You know that.

Nocturne: Come back alive.



Loved it 💚 Showed such interesting sides to Jake's and Nocturne's characters


"Not everyone is susceptible to... bribes" - OH MY GOD.


Ah fuck. Jake is totally my type. T_T