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Mitchell's Guide to Villains entry 145.

Subject: Dr. Mortum

Civilian identity: Merle/Mirlene Abelard. [redacted].

Birthdate: 26th November 1980

Birthplace: Haiti. Naturalized American citizen.

Height: 5'7" 170cm

Weight: 125lb/57kg

Classification: Type E mod.

Known enhancements: Prefers using external tools and weapons, internal armor interface inferred.

Status: Retired, unaffiliated, but subservient.

Notes: Redacted other identities, no use making enemies. Confirmation of Type E mods received but not documented. For equipment used, see cross-reference to Mitchell Item File 122 on the Mortum Armor (non-flight capable compact body armor, believed destroyed?) as well as the MFI131 Disintregun (recently stolen). For verified items built, see entries MIF 547, MIF128, MIF148, and MIF341, as well as section 24 for possible indexation.


Transcript of  Evaluation Interview, original destroyed as always.

Location: Heaven's Gate Sky-bar, 10th December 2012.


[Soft Jazz playing in the background. Dr. Mortum and Hollow Ground present, private lounge.]

Dr. Mortum: I have to admit I never expected to be invited here. 

Hollow Ground: Why not? Someone with your talents...

Dr. Mortum: Don't flatter me; I know exactly what I am. And what you are. 

Hollow Ground: So what am I then? 

Dr. Mortum: The Kingpin of Los Diablos, if this city has such a thing. Someone who never meets people in person. I've heard the rumors, people walk in here, and then they disappear. Or starts working for you. And I don't work for people. Not anymore. 

Hollow Ground: Not all rumors are correct; the occasional fall from up here has been people that were working against me, nothing more. Rest assured, I have nothing against you being a free agent, as long as we make a few ground rules. 

Dr. Mortum: Ah, here comes the threats. 

Hollow Ground: I don't think I need threats with you, Doctor. You're smart enough to understand what is going on here. 

Dr. Mortum: Again with the flattery. 

Hollow Ground: All I am asking for is a conversation. Our interests might align quite nicely. 

Dr. Mortum: A conversation? Nothing more?

Hollow Ground: You have my word. And, if you don't trust a promise and a handshake, consider my side of this. If we can find common ground, I might end up being one of your best customers,

Dr. Mortum: Fine. I can trust in self-interest if nothing else. I'll shake to that.

Hollow Ground: I thought you might. All I am asking for is a conversation.

Dr. Mortum: I don't usually talk to people.

Hollow Ground: You were quite talkative when you were an active villain.

Dr. Mortum: That was bluster, nothing more. I guess it feels liberating to be larger than life for once. It is easier to be looked at through a mask.

Hollow Ground: Trust me, I know what you are talking about.

Dr. Mortum: Really? Is there some secret life of yours I should know about? Do you dress up in armor on the weekends fighting heroes?

Hollow Ground: Not exactly. But this is as much theatrics as your armor ever was.

Dr. Mortum: I guessed as much. Nobody is as flamboyant as this out of purely personal taste.

Hollow Ground: Why did you give it up? If being a villain gave you that much freedom?

Dr. Mortum: A dragonfly can't stay in its cocoon forever. My transformation was done; I don't need to hide anymore.

Hollow Ground: And Vitruvian's death had nothing to do with it?

Dr. Mortum: We had parted ways before his ill-timed accident. And, I must admit, I never liked him.

Hollow Ground: From what I have heard, he was not a likable man.

Dr. Mortum: But a brilliant one.

Hollow Ground: I am surprised to hear you admit that, considering he took credit for several of your inventions.

Dr. Mortum: How did you hear about that?

Hollow Ground: I've got my sources. Looks like they were right.

Dr. Mortum: I am a scientist and a realist. This is how it works in academia. I am used to senior staff taking credit for things they haven't created. They are the ones procuring the funding; without their reputation, the project would never have existed. It is understood that once you have reached their position, you can reap the benefits. All you need is patience.

Hollow Ground: Sounds like the criminal world.

Dr. Mortum: Really? I wouldn't know.

Hollow Ground: That is true; you did enter the scene with a splash—no working yourself up.

Dr. Mortum: My one failing as a scientist. I lack patience. As do you, I suspect.

Hollow Ground: What makes you say that?

Dr. Mortum: What little I could glean from your records tells me you rose to power fast, at a young age.

Hollow Ground: Did you research me, Doctor?

Dr. Mortum: Of course, I did. I am a scientist; I am not about to enter the lion's den unprepared.

Hollow Ground: Apparently, you did not find enough for it to be a deal-breaker.

Dr. Mortum: I like this town. If I want to work here, I need to deal with you somehow.

Hollow Ground: Calm down, Doctor, no need to worry. I meant what I said. All I want to do is talk—no need for more extreme measures.

Dr. Mortum: What are you implying?

Hollow Ground: Vitruvian's death wasn't an accident, was it?

Dr. Mortum: If he had been more careful, he would still be alive. But he always was too sure of himself.

Hollow Ground: That goes for most villains.

Dr. Mortum: And what about you? 

Hollow Ground: Me? I am careful, but sometimes you need to take risks like meeting you in person.

Dr. Mortum: Me? Am I a risk?

Hollow Ground: Of course you are. Even with the security check, there's no guarantee you're not armed. Someone with your reputation is not to be taken lightly, and as you said, you did your research,

Dr. Mortum: That flattery I will accept. But, as you said, this is a conversation, no need for things to turn violent. It would be mutually assured destruction in the best of cases.

Hollow Ground: I'm glad you're reasonable.

Dr. Mortum: I wouldn't have got this far otherwise.

Hollow Ground: True, you are a long way from Port-au-Prince.

Dr. Mortum: How did you—? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Hollow Ground: You do have a legitimate degree, Doctor, and once we adjusted for your recent changes in appearance, it was easy enough to find out your real name.

Dr. Mortum: It was never my real name.

Hollow Ground: Calm down; I understand the need to reinvent yourself.

Dr. Mortum: You don't. You think my deadname ever mattered to me? Or that it even was what my mother named me?

Hollow Ground: I stand corrected. Those early parts are somewhat devoid of details.

Dr. Mortum: It's Haiti. I wasn't born to wealth, just to genius. My mother was smart enough to want what was best for me and gave me up to a family in the city so I could get an education. Help me realize my potential. Of a sort.

Hollow Ground: Is that true or just what you tell yourself?

Dr. Mortum: I have very few memories of her, and I am not the sentimental type. No matter her reasons, it gave me opportunities, and once I left, I never looked back.

Hollow Ground: Do you really mean that?

Dr. Mortum: Is that so hard to understand?

Hollow Ground: I guess I am the sentimental type. Perhaps more than is wise, or so people tell me.

Dr. Mortum: An unusual sentiment for a crimelord.

Hollow Ground: Is it? You can't run an organization and expect people to obey you out of fear. Not if you want to last.

Dr. Mortum: A rat backed into a corner will bite.

Hollow Ground: Exactly. I hope you understand my approach a bit better now. 

Dr. Mortum: What I don't understand is why I am sharing these things with you.

Hollow Ground: Give and take. We're just having a conversation; none of this information will leave this room.

Dr. Mortum: You are not what I expected.

Hollow Ground: Likewise, Doctor. You were far more bombastic when you were in your armor. Do you ever miss it?

Dr. Mortum: Sometimes. But I was never good at punching things out, and after Owl skewered me, it felt... unsafe.

Hollow Ground: Ah yes, she is a feisty one—more brains than you'd think for a brawler.

Dr. Mortum: I will admit that I underestimated her. I didn't think her sword would be able to penetrate my armor. Still not entirely sure how she...

Hollow Ground: Really?

Dr. Mortum: I mean, I have my theories, but... wait, do you know?

Hollow Ground: I do. See, this is what our relationship can be. Sharing information over a drink.

Dr. Mortum: I don't need to know that badly. Hopefully, I will never see her again, at least if she doesn't pick up a pair of modded legs somewhere and comes back on active duty. 

Hollow Ground: I doubt it; my sources have her as a lush now. But regardless, are you sure you don't need to know?

Dr. Mortum: Fine, I am curious. But not enough to go into debt.

Hollow Ground: There are no debts here, nor a hidden agenda. We're talking, finding common ground. I get it. 

Dr. Mortum: So, what's the trick? It's not heat, I was pondering vibrations. 

Hollow Ground: You're not wrong. It's an adaption of Geistcarver's glaive.

Dr. Mortum: In a sword? But the power... aah, of course. Creative. Inert until the exact moment needed, then nobody will be prepared. I thought her scabbard looked needlessly complex. That has to be the charger. No wonder I wasn't able to analyze it mid-battle.

Hollow Ground: Subterfuge. Something you understand as well. 

Dr. Mortum: Do I pass muster? I'm not sure what you are looking for, and I will admit that's making me nervous.

Hollow Ground: No need to be. I've made my decision, and I do think we can work together.

Dr. Mortum: Surely there are rules.

Hollow Ground: Of course. Don't work with Ember or his associates. Don't say no to jobs from me.

Dr. Mortum: I assume you will pay full price?

Hollow Ground: Of course, I am generous to the people I work with. Money is no object; I just want priority access.

Dr. Mortum: As long as you don't abuse that privilege. I have my own research; I didn't choose this life to be an assistant once more.

Hollow Ground: I won't waste your time. Shake on it?

Dr. Mortum: Fine. I'd rather be on your side than your enemy.

Hollow Ground: I was hoping you'd come to that conclusion. Oh, and one final thing?

Dr. Mortum: Yes?

Hollow Ground: Please, forget my face.

[Transcript Ended]



Dr. Mortum 🧡 This was even better than I expected Real interesting as well, I keep rereading it 👀 so many thoughts


Ahaha. I get it. You could be anonymus kingpin, if yiu erase your face from everyone mind