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Had some fun in the Discord on New Year's Eve, and here are some cursed facts I shared:

Ortega would wear white to someone's wedding if they didn't like the bride.

There was a long-running betting pool in the Ranger's staff about who Ortega would date next until they found out and started gaming the system with the help of spies.

Argent regularly steals people's food. She doesn't blame anyone else, she just does it.

Daniel has been planning to make portraits for everyone of the Rangers as a gift for like two christmases running but keeps chickening out.

Chen has a hidden snack stash. Yes it is bad for him. Sometimes he doesn't care.

Mortum would love to run a villain gossip column, but they have a sense of self-preservation

Mortum has also built and exploded five roombas. They don't survive the lab long.

Daniel has tried growing facial hair. Twice.

Daniel secretly loved hitchiking from Boston to Los Diablos, and would love to just spend time on the road.

Argent has had a lot of offers recording music, she's a good singer but freezes up in front of people. Ortega is secretly jealous of that.

Come to think of it, Ortega has probably recorded a cursed Rangers christmas album in the past.

Ortega is pretty good at playing guitar, but only an average singer. Very good live because of charisma, not so good on recordings.

Chen wouldn't sing. It's unknown if he's any good.

Danny however, can't sing. Doesn't stop him from karaoke though, it's all in good fun.

Chen was annoyed that the feet with his new legs were smaller than his own.

Ortega and Anathema used to play a lot of pool. Sentinel didn't get to play, he cheated.

One might think Ortega would be the one most likely to cheat at games and such, but nope, that was Sentinel. Ortega loves a honest challenge. Sentinel always thought that was very stupid of them.

Sunstream was always the shy one, she never really settled into life as a Ranger.

Anathema has melted at least five toilets. Don't ask.

Dr. Mortum could probably beat Ortega in a car race. Probably.

Ortega would never admit to not being 20 anymore when it comes to physical prowess.

Boris and Rosie both exist, and knows each other. It's just up to you who you recruit.

If not recruited, Rosie is working part time as a bouncer at Joes, part time taking merc work. Bo keeps busy as a getaway driver/coureer.

Bo has an ex-wife he's still having a torch for.

Sentinel almost didn't ask his future wife out because he was convinced that she was flirting with Ortega.

Chen has dreamt that he drunkenly confessed to an equally drunk Ricardo and spent like a week trying to find out if that happened or not.

Sidestep is one of the few people that has seen Ortega truly scared.

Ortega really doesn't like spiders. Not that they'd admit it.

Argent's physical therapist is also her friend, and they often watch movies together.

The Rat King would love having wings. They're envious of Herald.

Jake is a bit superstitious and reads his horoscope.

Jake called Nocturne "Nocky" once. Never again.

Psychopathor's real name is Teddy. And he's married to the woman in charge of the Los Diablos aquarium no less (she's also secretly a bio-terrorist allied with the laser dolphins)

Hollow Ground loves aquariums and aquascaping. Nocturne thinks it's the most ridiculous hobby. You eat fish. Their arguments tends to be either about fish or bookkeeping.



How could you not be allied with the Laser Dolphins? That should be an instant yes from anyone.


Cursed content? I think you mean #Blessed content


I had barely read the 1st line and I just knew it would be the best thing ever


The toilet one had me laughing unexpectedly haha


these were so cool to read 🧡


Loving it :D


how does one join the discord?


At this time you need to be a VIP patreon for it, since it is filled with spoilers for the full closed alpha. This might change once the game is released and there's no risk of spoilers.


This is amazing. I love this game and Malin. You are a creative genius.