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Getting to be that time of the month again, please ask whatever questions you want in this thread! I've already got some from discord and elsewhere, but the more the merrier.


Cleo June

I totally understand if this would be impossible but is the MC ever going to be able go to the hero side again and stop being a villian ( not necessarily become a hero again but be on the good side if that makes since)


In book 1 and 2, Sidestep can potentially lay a beatdown to Argent and Jake respectively. How many times has this happened to them after they truly grew into their abilities? Also how did they feel about that possible situation?( To be clear, I'm asking about the strength beatdown for Jake and either of the physicals for Argent)


It has been mentioned throughout the story that Mortum could have potentially made a better suit if Sidestep was willing to wait and pay more. If Sidestep did take the approach of time and money being no issue, what would the suit look like? Especially in comparison to what Sidestep can have now?


Sidestep can have a different legacy as a hero depending on their actions, with the acknowledged being a known hero with thirty points. However Sidesteps could potentially get more points than that. What would a hypothetical Sidestep with "max hero points" have been known as in the past?


I recently replayed Rebirth, and when you're first going into the new Rangers HQ and you're nervous, Ortega jokingly promises they wont bite. You respond "I'll hold you to that promise." Argent bit me. Will I be able to jokingly hold Ortega to their promise?


Oh, and also a somewhat more serious question. Will it be possible to continue both the Sidestep/Ortega/Argent poly routes and the Puppet/Mortum routes after revealing the truth about the puppet to Mortum or will you have to make a choice?


Will there be any possible polyam options for Mortum, or are they too far removed from the other LIs?


I have a Sidestep that’s romancing everyone possible (aside from Chen) just for the chaos of it. Will that inevitably blow up in their face? 😂


If romanced, how lasting were the effects of Sidestep's 'death' on Ortega's dating life? For instance, during the apartment scene, Ortega admits that they were in love with Sidestep in the past. Also during the past, Ortega appears to have been quite promiscuous. Post heartbreak, say by a few years but before Rebirth, had Ortega moved on and found someone to replace the MC, or was the baggage from everything that had happened still very much there?


A more lighthearted question: who has the best handwriting, and who has the worst?


If I’m not mistaken, it looks like Ortega’s surnames are García Ortega, implying they go by their mother’s maiden name. Is this true? And if so, why?


All of FH playlists seem to follow order of events in books. What about Mortum's playlist? Are the songs just their themes with no specific time frame? Do they represent time when Mortum just arrived at Los Diablos? Or are they to be taken in current time since start of book 1?


It's not such a big deal since both of them are of course consenting adults, but how does Mortum feel about their age gap with the Puppet before the reveal? By the time they start flirting Mortum is in their 40's and Puppet is in their 20's. I know that Sidestep is supposed to be older in mind but damn Mortum has some self confidence to hit on Puppet like this.


Maybe kind of a weird question, but what types of weather do the rangers + mortum like? Are they all warm and sunny types or do any of them prefer cold and dreary and rainy, or maybe snowy, or what?


...Lots of questions again Before Sidestep's first escape from the Farm was Sidestep lone operator or did they work in a team when it came to missions? How well does Ortega think they actually know Sidestep? What did each Ranger think when they first saw Sidestep at the Rangers headquarters in Rebirth? how does Re-genes minds feel like for Sidestep? Do they feel different from humans? What was Nocturne like before she reinvented herself? Did she leave any people behind when she started her new life? How does Shroud feel about Re-genes? how did the Special Directive Re-gene team in Rebirth view each other? Tools working in the same unit or something more? Before HG had Nocturne and Jake to take care of the troublemakers, how did HG deal with meetings that turned violative? Or did their meetings always end well? Were Lord Ember and Lady Argent enemies/nemesis or is there something more to their history? Does he know Lady Argent's weakness? How do each Ranger and Dr. Mortum like to spend their birthday? Do any of them do anything special or prefer not to make a big deal out of it? Why did Hollow Ground choose that name as their villain name? Besides the money, did any of the mob boss henchmen have any other reasons for being willing to sign up with the new villain whose plan is to against the mysterious kingpin of LD? If Sidestep got captured by Hollow Ground, why didn't HG use their powers on Sidestep before letting Nocturne give Sidestep their sight back? Was HG just that sure their powers would work? What do Jake, Nocturne, and Hollow Ground like to do on their free time? Does Rat King have any opinion on Rangers and Dr. Mortum? If Sidestep saw the memory in HG's mind can their relationship still change with HG in book 3 to kinda friendly one? Are the powers from Hero drug completely random or is there something specific that affects what kind of powers person gets?


Has Mortum been in any serious relationship since their transition? Or have they been straying from any serious entanglements and had casual flings? Or did they opt out of being close and intimate with people overall?


Will the Rat King get their own body? And, what is their relationship with Psychopathor?


If meets with Ortega, he says that he has long been in love with Sidestep, the question is whether romantic Ortega's feelings for Sidestep depend on our past relationships? For example, if we were just friends with him and were not secretly infatuated?


Who was Anathemas favorite ranger or who was he closest to, was it the same person? Hollow grounds family, are they alive and well? Does Ortega ever think about the first meeting in the cafe? Does he ever wonder, that he could have never run into Sidestep? If Sidestep was able to read Ortegas mind, would it change his perception of Ortega, how different he would be from Ortega Sidestep has conjured in his mind?


What did Ortega think was wrong with Sidestep before they discovered that they were a regene?


What would be the Rangers favorite TV shows?


Sidestep knows many languages; were they programmed like this or did they learn them organically? What accents do they have for the languages they speak? (If Sides is good at copying things would they adopt a Mexican accent while being in Cali even if they had a non mex accent?)


I also realize this is a hefty ask since they know sommany languages and the accents are endless so I imagine it might be hc territory 😅


Also, if regenes all have diff blood types, are they reg blood types humans have or would they have even more diff types?


Okay, so I currently have four questions for you: (You don't have to answer all of these of course! I know there's a lot.) 1) Did Ortega originally want a different hero name than the one they ended up getting? If so, why? 2) I think I remember reading somewhere that Lord Ember's used to go by Ember Fall. Why did he change it? (If he did, I think I'm remembering wrong and mixing that up with Ashfall changing his hero name..) 3) During the questions you answered around Christmas a couple years back, about who The Rangers' favorite hero's were, Argent’s response was Ashfall. Ashfall seems pretty close to Emberfall are they connected in any way? (Again, if I'm not messing that up. XD ) 4) And finally (Not sure how to word this one) I read that environmental changes in the womb are what create differences in fingerprints. So my question is, do ReGenes all have the same fingerprint because they all have a controlled environment during decanting? Or is it possible they just have No fingerprints, and if they are all different is there a reason why?


What was the puppet like before they turned into a vegetable?


In the demo for book 2, when they have dinner with Ortega, Sidestep thinks about "that paper in the office, the front page showing everything you feared", what was on that paper exactly ?


Is Shroud able to eat regene's mind or does it only works on humans? If she can is there any "taste" difference? Does feeding on regene is uhhh less nutritious than feeding on organic brain? How many handlers there are and how many regenes is there per one handler?


I think that may have been answered in the Dec Q&A