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The Wife: Hey let's go get pizza and hangout 😁❤🏳️‍🌈🍕

Me: Absolutely, I love you and have no  to post at 3pm for a lovely group of waiting people. 🥰🍕😘❤

Ahem....let me get home and I'll post them immediately. I have been trash about Saturday posts lately, I'm so sorry. Going back to  scheduling the post like three days in advance. 💀

Episode 6: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/227yvXPkMM2hm6nMTui83g?

Episode 7: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/8c3k9ugBzdyXDZvycSfPtL?

Rub arm? Arm rub???? RUB???? ARM???? EYE CONTACT???? LEANING??????? NEIGHBOR DISCUSSION???!!?!?!?!? NOBODY LOOK AT ME

EDIT: Did I ever tell you guys that Gaywatch has a Tumblr? I told you guys, right? Didn't I? Anyway it exists, and it's where you an find my recording/posting schedule + Ask Memes + gifset reblogs of gay things.



Enjoy your pizza and hanging-out-time! We can wait 😄


no pressure, enjoy the pizza! it would be WILD to think that a prompt 3 o'clock upload is more important than your wife 😂 we can absolutely wait a little extra time for our gay little dramas


Have fun with your wife~! We are patient 😄

Jessica Anderson

mmmmm pizza, bring some for the rest of us!


Chu Shuzhi and Guo Chang Cheng is so adorbs as a second ship. Also I noticed that they have a similar type of pairing trope as the leads in 'love is more than a word'...brought to you by reading Brittany's tumblr yesterday.


Before I even watch, I am cackling and very excited excited watch your reaction. Also, hope you had a good day! We can always wait for our gay, as long as you have a good time~


So have you noticed that the crossing of the legs means he's either starting some shite or figuring out some shite. :D


Baby Gao is Gwen Cooper done right.


"Boy... You're gonna end up naked in this ally pretty soon." And do we have a problem with that?


I'd say the gay is pretty constant throughout...


When Zhou gets busted on the CCTV... that sound Chu makes (12:15 in your video) I love it so much! That's the most, bitch I know you lyin'. sound.


"Did the cat just wake up and give us the answer?" But isn't that always the way tho?


Knew you would love him laying down in that hospital bed. LOL


Fun fact - the flirty arm rubbing scene was the first scene Bai Yu and Zhu Yilong shot together.

Jennifer D

I think someone else has been pointing out the fun episode title translations for these, but thought I'd share Episode 7 especially: "Zhao Yunlan pulls a saving damsel in distress on Shen Wei". Clearly you and the production team both know exactly what we are watching--and Zhao looked so pleased with himself too for being able to show off his fighting skills in front of the sexy professor, I cackled so hard when I watched that scene.

Jessica Anderson

omg my friend just pointed out that Yunlan also played Cao Guang in Love020 and i cant un-see it now


Arm guarders = Restraints :-) <3 Thank you for making me realize that little sweetheart. You really pick up on subconscious vibes. I just thought I liked beautiful nerds.


The "hero saving beauty" thing is a 100% literal translation haha. It's an idiom referring to all that type of romantic stories


Pizza time is a valid reason to be late 🍕


You tickle me. You had to pause, saying it hit you like a Mack truck. See, this powerful vibe is what "awoke" many people, who didn't know where to go from here, thus creating a huge demand of something we didn't even know was possible (as far as epic boyfriends go). Having received the benefits of The Untamed and Word of Honor, and more, you're already accustomed to eating steak (or name your food of choice), and Guardian is like introducing tiny, gourmet steak bites to someone who has never had the taste before, but is destined to love it. Or in my case, pizza and lasagna. Sorry, I really relate to food. :-) When it's good, it's the highest peak possible... Thank you for making this fun again. Bless you!


The one thing this production new how to do was end an episode mid scene so you just have to keep going. I think I was watching 5 or 6 episodes a night when I first found it. I very rarely do that. And fortunately a friend recommended it to me a few months after it finished airing so all the episodes were available. And I think the difference between the first half and the second half is that the second half is less episodic and more serious. It's certainly not less gay. There are a number of transitions in the story that add layer and layer on top of what we know towards the real meat of the story. At this point there's still just a sense of foreboding, which is not unwarranted.


My favorite part of every reaction is when Brittany just looks directly into the camera to make sure that we are also seeing this shit. It's always exactly when I need someone else to have also seen whatever just happened.


Sassy Lao Chu gives me life. I would watch an entire show just about him saving everyone while bitching about it and scowling handsomely. And taking care of Xiao Guo, but making it seem like an accident or coincidence. I love him a completely normal amount. Yes.

Lisa Kleine

As I was slightly drunk on very sweet, mulled wine yesterday evening, it was probably better that I couldn't watch your reactions ;DDD But now I'm here, sober and awake (and slightly frustrated, because my phone ate the previous comment I wrote... -.-) Welcome to the Lao Chu story arc! Where our surly Dixingren Goth rediscovers these strange things called "positive emotions" and isn't too sure about if he likes them or not... I agree Lao Chu, seems pretty sus to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yes, hmm. The six minutes of WTH just happened???!!! HmHM. I mean. Romance tropes? Between the male protags? In this C-Drama? I didn't see them. Did you? *walks away whistling badly, like the creators probably did* And you know, if they leaned any closer over that desk, discussing the case, who am I to stop them? Breathing the same air is a bro thing to do. You can definitely see where Word of Honor learned their ropes from :DDD Your reactions always manage to brighten my day ♥ I don't care if I have to wait a little bit longer for them, so don't sweat about it, it just builds the An...tici.....PAtion! ;D ♥

Lisa Kleine

I agree! Brittany is like: "Are you seeing this gay shit?" And me, over here is like: "Yes, girl. I see it too." :DDD


Not gonna lie, I'm almost grateful that we missed an ep last week, for Brittany's sake. IDK but I think watching ep 7 AND ep 8 back to back would have taken her out of commission for an entire month. XD


In that alley zhao did say hero saves the beauty, the sub is translated directly from Chinese and our poor boy yunlan did think he the hero till the day they actually hit it lmao


Awww....yeah, that ep6 really got me into the show because I realized then (especially after that ep with the teacher/girl at school couple), that the dixing people are not what they SEEM. That there is more to this whole mythos, and that the little 'cases' they are going to be doing are going to have greater meaning/implications for the larger plot of who the dixing are compared to humans, etc etc etc. It got me super intrigued to keep watching.


btw, isn't that another troupe! The hero saving the damsel in distress? (except the damsel is really the stronger one, and the hero the one who needs saving ultimately). lol Hey!...that would make a fun game: can you spot and name all the damn tropes in this show? lol I TOTALLY would love for you to cover all these tropes and discuss with a gay counter! That would be awesome!