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There will only be one video this Saturday, as I'm currently in an ER waiting room with what is most likely a stomach ulcer. I'm not in much pain at all and it's easily treatable, but it's one of those things that requires immediate attention. 

Protip: don't take ibuprofen for an extended period of time. 

I'll be fine, thankfully it's just a stressful hassle at this point. I'm looking at a possible 4-5 hour wait (which is a good thing since ERs treat in order of importance, if you get into an ER fast you're in trouble). 

I'll keep you updated. <3

EDIT: Still here! Five hours later! Good to know I'm low on the emergency scale, I guess? "Even by this hospital's standards I should only have another hour wait max," she says naively. 

EDIT EDIT: Got home at like 5am, cleared to take over the counter stuff and all my tests came out fine. They had a hell of a time tapping my veins, as someone deathly afraid of needles let me tell you....least favorite part of the whole thing.

The staff were somehow in great spirits despite being in their field durifinals pandemic, which makes the experience 100x better. I dunno how much they're about to charge me, but I'll cross that bridge when i get to it. The important thing is that they took care of me, I can take meds now, and everything turned out fine.

Thank you for all the lovely comments! I checked on them periodically yesterday and they were so nice to see in the middle of a 10 hour wait. <333



Take care!!

Shands Amba

Take care and I hope they help fix you up so you can rest!!


Take care!


Take care!


Wishing you a speedy recovery. All the best!


Oh goodness take care! I wish you a fast recovery.


I hope you have a speedy recovery and in the meantime don't worry about pleasing us, just blanket burrito yourself with a cat and the wife.


I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better!

Jessica Anderson

Sorry to hear that, feel better soon!


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Wishing you the best!

Jess D

Take care of yourself and get well soon!!


Take care! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Dang!! I'll be grateful for the one. Take care of yourself first. ❤💛☺


Take care! We're all wishing you the best! 🥰


Feel better soon! :)


Take care, hope you feel better soon!


Hope you’re doing okay Brittany! Feel better soon!

Lisa Wilson

Don’t worry about us! We’re not going anywhere. Focus on getting better!

KyoKat (Kimberly)

Oh no! Hope you feel better soon &lt;3 Take all the time you need to heal ~~~sending healing vibes your way Brittany~~~


no omg :(( hope you’re doing good!! take care, stay safe and get better soon Brittany !! wishing you the best &lt;3


Hope you are feeling better soon! You take time and take care of yourself. We will always be here anytime &lt;3

Lisa Kleine

I wish you an easy return to good health. Take your time. ❤

Lilah Kane

I hope everything works out! ❤


Oh dear, I'm sorry you're going through this! And yes, I HAVE indeed taken Ibuprofen over semi-extended periods of time - but with less dramatic results... And I tend to switch on and off with other meds, and not go near the max dosage. But the other meds for keeping low-grade inflammation under control wreak havoc on my system so Ibuprofen it is. :/ Good luck, and I hope it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg - we do hear horror stories of the US medical system "across the pond" as it were; get well soon!


We completely understand- your health is the most important. Hope everything goes well 💜💜

Anonym WLW

Oh no, I hope it'll turn out okay!


Oh 😟 take care of yourself ! Hope you’ll feel better soon 🥺

Jennifer D

Oh wow, we hope all goes well and that you get better soon! Please don’t worry about us, your health is most important.


Oh goodness, I'll be keeping note of your pro-tip, ngl... But seriously, take care of yourself first &lt;3 Gotta make sure you recover quickly so you can tend to your fluffy royals once more :P


Ouch, hope you feel better quickly and you didn't have to be at the ER for a million years!


Feel better!


Oh that sucks! But don't worry about us~ your health is always the top priority! Hope you'll get better soon! ❤️

Don't Water my Cactus

I hope you feel better soon 🌻 Here, a sunflower to cheer you up 🧡


Glad to hear you're home and you can be treated at home. But it's horrific to think you had to wait 10 hours and now they're going to charge you something probably outrageous for the experience. I only recently came to understand that many people in the US avoid going to the ER because they are more afraid of the cost than the pain they are in. So please rest and treat yourself and don't feel you need to do anything, other than let your wife fuss over you.


Please don't worry about anything other than getting better, the content will still be there in a week or a month! Relax, heal, and have a nice cup of tea!

Shands Amba

Ouchie, very happy they didn’t turn you into a pin cushion during all that. Aim for feeling better, relax, drink your water. We’ll be here when you’re ready!


To cheer you up, watch this wonderfully gay Christmas commercial for the Norwegian Postal service (with English subs) - it made me tear up. https://youtu.be/nDLumk_rQQw

Eve Swayze

I'm so glad you're alright 💖

Marissa Cornett

be well, be safe, and be healthy. Happy Holidays.

Demi Schoonenberg

I'm super late to this, but: please take care of yourself!!


Sad to read what's happening in your life. Remember your health is priority. We can wait.