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2022 New Content Poll: Which comes first?

  • Ranking Your Fave Shipping Tropes (you submit, I rank/discuss) 64
  • Ranking Your Fave Shipping Kinks (you submit, I rank/discuss) 14
  • My top ten favorite queer ships of all time 111
  • What makes something shippable? (you submit, I discuss) 8
  • What breaks a ship? (In a "I ship it until ___ happens" sense.) (You submit, I discuss) 8
  • Why do you ship _____? (You submit, I discuss) (We would start with shows I've already reacted to--Wangxian/Wenzhou/Hannigram/Spirk etc) 24
  • The Ethics of Shipping Real People: What it is, when it's fine, when it isn't fine, and how to ship responsibly 41
  • 2021-12-02
  • 270 votes
{'title': '2022 New Content Poll: Which comes first?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ranking Your Fave Shipping Tropes (you submit, I rank/discuss)', 'votes': 64}, {'text': 'Ranking Your Fave Shipping Kinks (you submit, I rank/discuss)', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'My top ten favorite queer ships of all time', 'votes': 111}, {'text': 'What makes something shippable? (you submit, I discuss)', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'What breaks a ship? (In a "I ship it until ___ happens" sense.) (You submit, I discuss)', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "Why do you ship _____? (You submit, I discuss) (We would start with shows I've already reacted to--Wangxian/Wenzhou/Hannigram/Spirk etc)", 'votes': 24}, {'text': "The Ethics of Shipping Real People: What it is, when it's fine, when it isn't fine, and how to ship responsibly", 'votes': 41}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 2, 0, 42, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 270}


One of the ways I hope to grow the channel next year is by adding some new flavors of content. Getting-to-know-you stuff, fandom and shipping discussions, opinion pieces, a more Direct Address style in general. There are a couple of topics that need to come first by definition (like Most Anticipated of 2022 etc) but other than that I have no order preference! Which means you guys get to vote on it!

We'll get to most of these eventually, but I'd love to start with a bang and cover what you want the most. <3

Also, consider this comment section a Suggestion Box. If you have an idea or request, drop it here!



This sounds like something that would be good on..... a discord......

Lilah Kane

Discord? 😋😁 I can hear Brittany doing her reaction-famous ARGHhhh! Behind her screen. 😉


In many many years on the net I've always wondered where people find the time to be in live chats so frequently and continuously. There's even more online content now than there was 'back in the day' (the 20th century). Are there people who never need any sleep?😳

Jessica Anderson

As someone who works from home, its pretty much the only human interaction I get other than my husband.