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Episode 5: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gqwMfeBgcjNE6S9a9GjPyd?

Excuse me..............NEIGHBORS?!?!?!!!?!?!?!

(I meant to record episode six too, but holiday schedule weirdness turned out to make it impossible. Hopefully I can make it up next week! <3)



and they were neighbours&lt;3

Lisa Kleine

Zhao Yunlan is not, and never will be, capable of sitting like a normal person. Even on the off chance that a wild chair appears, he will lounge in it like he doesn't possess a spine. :DDD Ahh yes, the "you've been seen hanging out with the investigators (one in particular) and the other teachers (not me) are being concerned about the influence that would have on our reputation/students... Could you please move away (and take your gay *cough* I mean criminal shenanigans with you.)? But you are still very welcome to teach of course, because you somehow seem to have adopted all the students and they would lynch me otherwise." conversation, where we, as victorian maidens, are all aflutter about the sliver of leg we can see from Shen Wei 😍 Zhao Yunlan you missed one very nice suit! Also the little paper edge thing Shen Wei did when Zhao Yunlan called him... We saw that Shen Wei, don't think we didn't. And was that a hint of jealousy Lao Chu? I think I smelt some vinegar when Xiao Gou complimented his Chief. :D What a nice episode where no one died, yay! (I think... 🤔). Looking forward to next weeks reaction ❤


Zhao Yunlan jumping onto that table is so hot and I'm not over it


For a guy who is trying to be inconspicuous, Shen Wei isn't subtle with the stalker-vibes. XD XD Zhao already thinks he's suspicious as hell, how on earth is he gonna explain away Moving Across The Hall From Him?? Like, what's the plan here, dude? God I love this show


am i the only one who can't watch it? link somehow brings me to a broken vidyard page


I loved your reaction and special guest Pretty Boy! Don't be concerned about keeping strictly to a schedule if it stresses you out, the content will wait. In the words of a very wise woman, "Please remember to take care of yourself." :)


I'm catching up on WOH reactions rn, but I am so excited to watch this tomorrow. A little sad it's only one episode, but that's alright! I am not American, so I don't celebrate thanksgiving and such, but it is totally understandable. Gonna wait eagerly for next Sunday &lt;3

KyoKat (Kimberly)

I was so upset at the rich men~ like you think it’s ok to try and murder a child? Rawr!!!! Totally agree… Shen Wei must be across the hall from something… either Zhao or maybe purple hair? I need to know T.T So much fun to watch along with you and try and guess! And be ok and not ok with many a thing.


Possible solutions! -Check for a 'watch' button on the broken page -Try a different browser. I hear Firefox can work when Chrome doesn't and vice versa.


yay! You made my weekend! btw I die every time you talk about Yulan not knowing what a chair is :P Yes....rich people have beautiful homes, right!?!? haha....yeah....you call it right on a lot of the time! I love your "ghost water"! lol And I totally agree with you on snake girl! She would be WAY more awesome if it wasn't for blatant sexism in China. I hear in the books she actually turns into a snake. So cool! Would love that bad-ass bitch stuff to happen! Also, I hope you are able to get more sleep soon. Be well; take care of yourself :)

Allison Jordan

Hi Brittany, I was going to ask the same about vidyard. I haven't been able to watch for months and normally have to wait for the YouTube version but don't want to miss out on watching the whole episode with you. I'm in Australia and tried phone, tablet and desktop with no luck.

Allison Jordan

I have tried Samsung browser , mi browser , Firefox and Chrome. What is everyone else watching vidyard on please ?

Jessica Ley

I use Chrome on my tablet. But I live in the States so I don’t know if that helps you.


do you have a vpn? possibly you could change to whatever country Brittany is in? i am in Sweden, using ipad safari with a vpn (i switch between finland and sweden) . It could be a firewall issue as well. (i don't know how to check)


Some gifts for you and your fans. This is so exciting and fun! I so look forward to your updates. Do you want to see the best brought out in both leads? (Someone watch these and back me up that neither one contains spoilers, before Brittany watches them. They deal with alternate universes and other shows) I’m putting this here for your fans as well as for you. You’ll probably save it for later. These links have no spoilers. They are two of the best, jaw-dropping, Guardian AU editing jobs I’ve ever seen, from someone with real knowledge of the craft. Scenematic brilliance! This the most beautifully edited 3 minute storytelling, of modern Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan. So emotional. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GGfGJrk2rg&amp;list=PL6F76CEE5F779291D&amp;index=87 2. This is one of the strongest video narratives I’ve come across. It made me wish that all creators could reach this level of telling a story through visuals, and I’d never have to settle for less ever again. LOL! (joking). Editing skills are a cut above. I think the creator’s English name is Node Zero, but I can’t be sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjqvbhedv8w&amp;list=PL6F76CEE5F779291D&amp;index=214 Enjoy, or wait til after the series.


Loved the reaction and the arm garters (had thanksgiving dinner at restaurant where the waiters wore arm garters... had little shen wei shiver.) and the episode... but I must know about the cat on the couch who is white with a rich brownish tail that just melts into your sofa /crazycatlady


That's Pretty Boy, he belongs to The Wife. &lt;3 He's a Ragdoll, which means he has the level of purity and innocence only attained through a total lack of braincells.