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I haven't mentioned it in a while, but in case you didn't know: I'm a writer! Been writing since forever. Quite literally first grade. I've treated it as my main career ambition since 2009 and, despite mental health doing a massive number on my ability to do basically anything, that ambition never wavered. I've done a lot of writing over the years, but have only completed two novel length projects--a record I plan on improving next year.

Recently, I've been trying (and failing) to get a good start on my current project (the medieval fantasy mlm between a knight and the prince he guards). I've been going in circles for so long about the beginning, frustrated and unable to put words on a page, when this totally unrelated short story idea suddenly shot out of me. This is pretty wild since...well I don't write short stories? Never have? It was weird that I'd even gotten an idea for one, y'know? 

But here we are! I can finally share a piece of writing with you all that was written this decade! It's not queer, unfortunately, but I do need feedback in order to finish it, try for publication/contests, and move on to the main project. 

Any and all input will be greatly appreciated. You can leave a comment, send me a private message, or even comment on the document itself. Whatever you want. <3

This is a horror story in the sense that it features some graphic violence. If you're a horror/Hannibal fan, you'll be fine content-wise. But if the reason you've never gotten into horror is because it can get gross, please either proceed with caution or avoid entirely.

Other than that, this is all you need to know about the piece: A woman carrying two lanterns walks through her small town at night.

Read Lightbringer here.  



This was so intriguing to read ??? Something about the descriptions and overall tone is giving classic horror vibes and I love it. Also the writing style for this story feels atypical, kind of like a script for a movie instead of a novel. That style definitely added to the mysterious tone of the story. Overall I think you did a great job and I hope we get more writing stuff from you ! 💚

Lilah Kane

I know the feeling of writers block. Specifically the one you want to write but the good advice I got for that was that just write. Write something, anything and it will help. I read your story and it was pretty creepy and brutal. You can describe everything so well that I am actually very envious. My writing style is: get to the point and fast! And I don't like my writing style at all... Saw your story unfolding in front of my eyes so object accomplished. I liked it a lot! PS. It was so creepy!


That is, unfortunately, the best advice for writer's block (and most writing hang ups in general). And it absolutely works--writing this short story got me back into writing without the pressure I was putting on myself about the main project. Sometimes you just have to plow through in whatever way you can. Thank you for the lovely feedback! &lt;3


Thank you!! It was so good to hear this. While I've been writing for a long time, this is my first short story and I wasn't sure I could pull off enough atmosphere with so little time. And yup! I'm hoping to share some main project highlights with you guys as a sort of teaser while I work on the draft. Novels take so long I'd hate to say I'm writing a book and then ghost y'all for a solid year, lol. &lt;3


Your story was very intriguing and interesting to read. Your descriptions and the use of present tense helped to make the story feel cinematic and lent to the creepy Gothic vibe you had going. It makes me want to know more about this small world that you created. I enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing more of your writing.


I loved it so much! I put some comments. I hope you can see them and they’re helpful

brittanydiamond (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-22 11:37:11 *Exceedingly* helpful, thank you for all this wonderful effort! &lt;3
2021-11-24 07:54:42 *Exceedingly* helpful, thank you for all this wonderful effort! <3

*Exceedingly* helpful, thank you for all this wonderful effort! <3

Shands Amba

I really enjoyed reading this. You created this moving atmosphere and a sense of urgency that really hooked me in. I really want to know more about this world you have crafted! Or any other world you write actually.