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Episode 3: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WaB4rdaSGoNrhdh61bNSjm?

Episode 4:  https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ag9fwWC28FPanT27cZALPC?



Oh yay!!


No worries!! Also I don't know what I love more, Zhao Yunlan always finding Shen Wei at the crime scene, or Zhao Yunlan continuing to trust Shen Wei for some "unknown reason" (which is totally not love)


No worries. As evidenced, we'll wait as long as it takes. Love ya babe!


No worries! This first episode of reaction already made my day :]


The way I was waiting so much for this! Last week was agonizing due to literally having huge assignments/tests EVERY day of the week, and I just kept thinking of sitting down for a good 2h without any thoughts, just watching and enjoying another few episodes of this journey which quite literally shattered me into 10000 little pieces :) But this time, watching it with someone who makes me so comfortable and happy <3

Jessica Anderson

No they are not related, reading between the lines, id say they were in love but China being China...they turned it into 'sisterly love'


Welp! I am so happy with just the 3rd one! Take your time! All is good! We are fine!

Lisa Kleine

Sooo, yes those three boys hired a thug to do what you think to her as a "prank" because she failed them.... Honestly, they deserved what they got. On a happier (?) note: Jie or Jiejie is a term of endearment, it does mean older sister, but doesn't necessarily mean they're related. As one of them is human and the other an alien descendant, this is very much a sapphic subplot. :) Also loved how Zhao Yunlan was like: no chance to run into him on this case (me: who are you talking about, a certain professor?) One minute later: runs into Shen Wei... :D


:3 Yas! Thank you for making my weekend! <3

Anonym WLW

No worries, who needs sleep anyway? 😉


So, even in asian dramas lesbians can't get a break. Sigh. Okay onto episode 4.


Hello Brittany, no worries, the content will happen when it happens, so don't stress! Also, a tiny warning, do not underestimate Guardian! This show will wring the extremes of feeling out of you at the drop of a hat. Never forget that the original story was written by Priest, the same person who wrote Word of Honor. It is campy fun, and flirty protagonists, but it is also tragedy and trauma. It will slice you into pieces bloodlessly and leave you gaping at your own guts, so please just be prepared. I have to say, I am very much looking forward to your future reactions!


The students played a trick on the teacher getting her out alone in the city. She got assaulted. They weren't the ones who assaulted her, but she was assaulted because they played that 'trick' on her.


No, the 'sisters' are not related.


Me remembering NOT sobbing my eyes out towards the end of this series...


"crosses his legs like a slut" omfg 🤣😂🤣😅🤣


Action Bi? Naw, he straight up gay. Zero interest in the feminine form or energy


And Teen Idol ain't interested in the girly either. This show is BARELY hiding things.

Anonym WLW

Zhao Yunlan really is a “can’t even sit straight” kind of queer, isn’t he?


Little Guo is very brave. Scared as hell all the time, but when it comes down to it, he does what's right, despite being scared. Remember in the hospital when that other shadow guy was after the girl and Shen Wei? He told Shen to stay there and tried to tackle the bad guy. Got knocked down and still tried to tackle the legs from the ground. Still scared, but willing to protect people. That's damn brave. Love the little guy.


"He just crosses his legs like a slut" Reminds me of a line in the novel... Goes like this *clears throat* "Zhao Yunlan closes his mouth. But a slut is still a slut, even with his mouth closed." I also wish we could've seen novel!Zhao Yunlan on screen... a force of bisexual chaos and he has his own special powers that he gets as the Lord Guardian. Though I do so love Bai Yu's portrayal of him, they really cast our main men perfectly. There's a really cool spell kind of recitation? That Bai Yu read out loud as Zhao Yunlan because of course, both of our guys read the novel, and he was all "I want cool powers too :( Guess I'll do this line as fanservice and upload it" I don't remember how long you have to wait to get answers to the past situation and what happened but I remember it taking a while... Though a lot of things I didn't remember happening this early are just slapping me in the face so I may just recall things wrong lmao


Ok, so I had no idea, until this show, that I had a kink for sleeve garters. they are like leg garters for your arms and men wear them when they want to avoid splatter on their sleeves (still popular with bartenders according to Wikipedia) or just keep their sleeves at specific lengths or want to look like a hot Chinese professor. Visually I think they look better than elbow patches on tweed jackets so I'm very happy they went with this wardrobe choice.


Ok, but consider... sleeve garters were very much meant to be hidden under a coat. If you saw them, a man was in his shirtsleeves, not fully dressed for polite company, usually actively working, and usually "working class". A bit of rough, even. What I am saying, is that in his own terribly genteel way, Shen Wei dresses like a slut. And I am so grateful.


Perfect! <3


Yeah! I love how these smaller plots seem to give you hints and/or parallels to things that possibly tie into our main characters and/or main plot line. Like with the two 'sisters' in episode 3, and the look on Shen's face when the one who is Dixing spat at Shen that 'he'd never understand how she felt.' Um.....I kinda get the vibe.....that yeah....yeah he DOES. And when her 'sister' was dying and she went on and on about how she 'failed to protect her'. The look on Shen's face hit me in the gut....like that must be a parallel....maybe......idk.


Titels for episode 3 & 4. Episode 3: Shen Wei feels quite wronged by Zhao Yunlan’s suspicion. Episoce 4: Shen Wei is interrogated by the Special Investigation Division. In episode 3 during the scene the teacher is dying on the couch the background music is actually the instrumental version of the song the two leads sing together, I love the violins.


Also in the novel chief Zhao even calls himself a slut XD Yeah there was a lot of flirting from chief Zhao.


omg....too funny. Brittany has like a good sense! lol


Both these episodes are so good!!! Fair warning though, you'll start to get into the episodes that have weird cut-off points sometimes. Really starts with like 5 or 6? I believe the show got taken down and re-edited just after release because it didn't comply with censorship although I don't know the fine details of the situation. No spoilers!!! It's just weird to get used to on the first watch and becomes increasingly more noticeable.


Yes, that is TOTALLY a sapphic sub-plot and now that the teacher has apparently become immune to her dixing "sister"'s touch they can get as touchy-feely as they like. :D