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Every now and then someone pops up to say they're having trouble watching a reaction on Vidyard, so here are the general tips when trying to fix any playback errors you may have:

-Try opening the link in an incognito window

-Make sure you browser is *completely* up to date

-Try different browsers

-Use a VPN and connect to an American IP address

-Try a different device--your phone, tablet, desktop, or what have you.

-If it's a 'no longer available' error, look for a Watch button somewhere on the page.

-DO NOT contact Vidyard technical support about my videos specifically. They have a Don't Ask Don't Tell policy when it comes to copyrighted content, which means they let people like me slide unless my uploads are brought directly to their attention. If they realize my videos are a copyright issue, my entire account will be deleted. If you decide to contact them, either don't mention me or find an entirely different video from someone else that gives you the same trouble.

If none of these work, this folder in my Google Drive will have the current reaction series uploaded (plus whatever else I can fit on there at the time). You'll have to download each episode, but at least you get access!

If you have any faves, I suggest keeping them downloaded. When it comes to copyright, you never know when my Youtube or Vidyard could vanish. I have backup plans in case that happens, but they're not exhaustive. So if you have the harddrive space, it's always best to have your own copies under your own control. <3


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