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Episode 1:  https://we.tl/t-tmavFmlCej

Episode 2:  https://we.tl/t-WBBxQK9Por

Episode 3:  https://we.tl/t-Cblj2D9z6a

Episode 4:  https://we.tl/t-oOqtcvlFt9

Episode 5:  https://we.tl/t-PR0rWUzBMZ

Episode 6:  https://we.tl/t-ymcVUXPCR3

Episode 7:  https://we.tl/t-JOppgHIhmA

Episode 8:  https://we.tl/t-OgGyNAzUDK

Episode 9:  https://we.tl/t-e4viCBaPFI

Episode 10:  https://we.tl/t-BzXFvjhOSi

So....uh....a lot happened. Like, everything. Everything happened. All at once. With half a dozen possible meanings. I'm pretty sure I know what makes sense to ME, but I'd love to read your interpretations and respond in the comment section so that I don't have a bunch of spoilers up here where it's highly visible to new viewers. 

*If this is your first After Dark: hi hello, things are a bit different here! These reactions come with less lighting, make up, and much fewer fucks. May not say a word for five or ten minutes, but who cares? We're aiming for 'over at your place just chilling and watching a show' vibes.



at first this wasn't my cup of tea, but I stook with it and I'm glad I did. it was creepy, unsettling, and definitely uncomfy. but it was definitely intriguing and I wanted to know how it ended. I think one of the things that made it uncomfortable for me was the shaky/always moving camera. definitely made me feel a little motion sick lmao


Yesssss. V excited to see


Excited!!! Hope it’s what I think it is 👁👁🤞🏻 either way I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun watching whatever it is with you :D


Hey now, how dare you threaten me with a good time


Yeeeeees. Can't wait!


If it is what I think it is, then I'm staying up all night watching w you


Hey Brittany, so I just started to watch cuz I was so excited that it was Strangers From Hell but unfortunately, I could only see a black screen. Like I could see the subtitles but that's it.

Lilah Kane

Oooooh, I recently watched this one! A real mind twister for sure. 👍😀


Fun fact you might already know, but I thought I should say anyway since Gong Yoo is your husband; you'll be watching his husband, Lee Dongwook, as our dear dentist 😏


this is one of my favorite shows EVER. im so glad you're watching it!


So glad you're watching it and liking it so much! Oh yeah, with the first line of the show being "This was a novel I began to write" they do give us the best of that sweet sweeeeeet unreliable narrator/storytelling, huh? And yeah, it's our boy again. Just as beautiful and ready to engage in yet another complicated relationship with a crazy hot besotting dilf.


Loved this reaction! Also the blurry knife situation, I was wondering about that too so I looked it up and apparently it was a regulation for their shows because they're not allowed to show anything that is too violent or graphic. However, if a knife is used in the kitchen like for cutting onions or whatever, it won't be blurred and for some reason guns aren't blurred either so I'm not sure what the difference would be. Unlike Squid game where it was a Netflix original so they can show the graphic violence, this show was broadcasted on Korean television first before being out on Netflix afterwards so they had to adhere to the rule. Anyways yeah, Excited for the next ep!


I completely forgot that we get the first "babe" in the first 30 minutes... Rewatching this and knowing what happens really is a treat because then you're like "ohh, that's what it was" A more accurate translation for the title is "Hell is other people" btw, and you really get why it's called that as you watch this. Also, the book Jong-u (the Netflix romanisation kills me but ah well) is reading is Kafka's Metamorphosis, just putting that out there. The things you're saying about all the characters, the first impressions and stuff... Man, I cannot wait for you to see the rest of this :D I would also recommend you listen to the OST after this because the songs are 10/10!

Lilah Kane

I mean... I am not really into dark stuff, but like with Hannibal I could not stop watching because how well it was made. Would not say that the episodes made me feel "good" but, you know... And... It will get worse, much worse. But I would actually be very afraid if someone would suggest to me to watch KDrama that had rainbows, butterflies and unicorns, because I have seen their twisted stuff.


Yess. This is one of my favorite series. Soundtrack to this series is great. I can't wait to see you analyze every episode. There is a lot. I won't spoil much, but you have good intuition for some things that happened in the episode.


The is not unlike Gong Jun running around to play love interest to hyper capable super serious men of action and frankly I am here for all these guys living their best lives <3

O Fowler

I JUST started this one. It seems kinda gay. ;)


Still annoyed they translated Jagiya to Babe, it means Darling NOT BABE!


OH, a detail I realised while rewatching this with you! The twin in the shower with Jong-u is the other one, the one you thought was "good" which is why he didn't stutter.


I think in the first episode you said something about not being sure about the subtitles on Netflix. So... one thing I'm pretty bitter about is that a lot of times when the dentist uses "Jagiya" or "Jagi"(babe/honey/darling), they just translated it as "you". Like in the ending of episode 2 with "That you(Jagi) might be one of my kind". Which contributes to his *baffled* expression there. (And in my research: "In Korea, the word literally means "Self" - so you are literally calling the other person as yourself. So that implies the other person is your self, your other half, your soulmate, you") So yeah, the man is here. People are really weird. And just pay attention to the "Jagiya"s you might hear everytime that man shows up.


I was going to go to sleep but episode 3 is now here...


I'm not a fan of horror but I did read the synopsis of this on wiki and well, it was scary enough for me that one of main characters was a dentist! 😳.😨

Sophie biasland x

Lee Dongwook (dentist guy) is one of my favourite actors


Commenting as I go through episode 3, so maybe you realise this later, but Room 310 that Mun-jo asks the others to take care of is the gangster, Room 313 is the pervert. And just for reference, the 302 that Jong-u asked after in the shower was the previous "protege." Our missing (murdered) Mr. Kumail is played by the same guy who played Ali in Squid Game! And it's just one guy playing the twins.


Episode 4: While I'm sad Netflix apparently didn't translate the episode titles, I'm glad the last one is in English so you'll get it ;) Episode 1 didn't have a title I don't think, but episode 2 was "Human Instinct," episode 3 was "Secret Whisper" and episode 4 was "Mental Derangement." The funniest thing said to Jong-u is that he's not controlling his emotions... My dude, you have no idea how much he's holding back rn. My interpretation about the weird look Jae-ho had when everyone was leaving the office was mostly at Mr. Park. Basically, instead of insisting that the one employee who seemed free drink with him, he'd rather drink alone? I would totally join you in throwing 90% of the ppl in this show off a roof, like goddamn. And I agree on never having seen a show as unsettling as this because everything is just... so uncomfortable. Like the spiritual lady? She obviously didn't want to be there, but the social pressure to be polite took precedence over her survival instincts and that cost her. Can't believe I stayed up until 6am to watch these, I'm sure I'll have pleasant dreams... :D


They explicitly deal with that 'manners vs survival' instinct thing in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and honestly I've never forgotten it, and that poor woman definitely counts. Most stories are like 'how do we get you to like our characters as soon as possible' and this show ran a thousand miles per hour in the opposite direction. 6am? I was up until 5am! No sleep crew ::fistbump::


Ok. So before I watch this, how scary is it actually? Is it Ringu scary, or NBCs Hannibal scary? 😨 cause I can do Hannibal, but to be honest, Season 1 of Supernatural sometimes gave me nightmares. (Bloody Mary *shudders*)I'm a big weeny about ghosts and shit.


There's nothing supernatural going on, but to me it feels more horror-y than Hannibal? Maybe give the first episode a try and if it's too much, then just skip it because everything just escalates from there.


when i lived in Seoul, the symbol, which we see as swastika is everywhere. it's usually on temples or on charity/religious outreach stores, but people use it for decoration or luck. fyi


That's pretty much the real meaning I've heard of, yeah. And in China it also has has 'peace' connotations, I believe? Don't quote me though, I'd have to double check, lol.


How could you post another episode. I have to go to sleep. I have work tomorrow (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Edit: I mean... thank you.


Let's go, episode 5! The title for this is "The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge" (title of a novel by Rainer Maria Rilke and the description says "A young man named Malte Laurids Brigge lives in a cheap room in Paris while his belongings rot in storage. Every person he sees seems to carry their death with them, and with little but a library card to distinguish him from the city's untouchables, he thinks of the deaths, and ghosts, of his aristocratic family, of which he is the sole living descendant.") Yeah, the guy who appeared in the office is the reporter that was there the last time, the one that Jae-ho the boss seems to want to avoid. Also, Jae-ho around Ji-eun makes me so uncomfortable and again, that too is right on that line where if you called him out on anything... you might seem like you're making a big deal out of nothing? Korean police don't carry guns while on regular duty, like our best girl So Jeong-hwa. When she was with the twins' uncle and felt creeped out and put her hand on her belt, she was going for her stun gun. The spiritual lady's escape scene is so well done! The tension between cutting to her and Ms. Um, just yes. But then *of course* she runs into Mun-jo outisde the residence... Yep, girlfriend has a roommate, and from what we see it's not a friend you live with, they're just people who live together. The reason why the taxi driver didn't get a hit on the navigation is because he misspelled Eden as Iden. I think they do run a legit (murderhouse) business since the residence is listed on the like, official sites that Jong-u was looking through to find a place. Watching you go through that "oh, she's gonna cheat? Fuck her. Wait she's not, hell yeah. Oh no, where is she going..." was delicious hahahah. And knowing you've watched episode 6, I was cackling at the end. Reminded me of that moment in Squid Game when they put staying in the game to a vote.


Oh, also meant to say! While it seems that they run a legit residence on paper, Ms. Um obviously "volunteers" in helping senior citizens and just, straight up steals their health insurance/valuables? And they say the cheap rent is because the area is getting redeveloped, but it also seems like they want to draw in the desperate kind with no other options and a low chance of anyone missing them if they happened to disappear, going by how she asks the guy what the cheapest residence he found was. (also sorry for apparently leaving novels as my comments, rip.)


Episode 6! Titled "Lost" as you saw. You being convinced Ji-eun would die was entertaining, because the next worst thing really happened... They actually did nothing and while it seems that Ji-eun was sort of put off by the people, she came to that conclusion that they weren't that bad and just isolated Jong-u further. It seems like Jong-u goes between the state of being absolutely terrified and then having that feeling almost immediately invalidated by other people he trusts? (And then there's Mun-jo, validating his feelings and saying "yeah, they sure are weird, huh") I can hear Mun-jo's inner monologue as Jong-u once more rejects their date, going "god fucking damnit, should've killed her when I had the chance" lmao. By the way, he was reading Jong-u's copy of Metamorphosis that he probably just stole from his room. When Ms. Um's talking to Mun-jo the subtitles say "I made you who you are" but what she actually said is "I raised you" Idk why they would change it tbh. (Edit: Just realised, it might be because the verb she uses isn't as tied to like, raising children, as it is in English and they wanted it to keep that vague feeling? Like in Korean the verb can be used when you say you're raising a pet, or keeping a plant, or you're mentoring someone?) The dynamics with the residents is so interesting. I would love a prequel or smth. Jong-u getting drugged and just, telling everyone what he thinks was hilarious and liberating at the same time. Even more so because Mun-jo is so pleased to see it because like he said, he just wants Jong-u to be honest and stop bottling up his feelings. Even if that leads to him getting called the creepiest person hahaha. Oh my god, Jae-ho just twisting the truth as he's talking to Ji-eun.... I hate you, Jae-ho, truly. What a shitty person. And like, Ji-eun has no reason to not trust him? I do love how when Jong-u's shopping around and hears about the old man who died there he's just like "...ok, but will that make the rent cheaper though?" Everything in this universe is just really working against Jong-u. Like you I also get where Ji-eun's coming from, especially when all she has really seen is him acting strange and paranoid and then heard twisted truths from Jae-ho and on top of that she has her own shitty workplace to deal with too, but man, can someone just give Jong-u a hug? I know there's a stalkery volunteer nearby... MY BOY! I FORGOT MY BOY MADE HIS ENTRANCE THIS EPISODE! He just wanted to borrow a charger :) Man, seeing Mun-jo all mad because the other twin tried to hurt his murder husband-- ahem, artwork, I mean... He did tell his previous target that what he does isn't just murder, it's art. The timing of you saying that about the dreams/novel right before that ending though, perfect. I don't mind this quality btw! Somehow everything not being super sharp HD almost works in this show's favor hahaha


It takes me embarrassingly long to accept that he just wanted to borrow a charger, I apologize in advance 😂😂 Jae-ho is just....like can he shut UP for two seconds? Just stop passing judgment for TWO??? SECONDS??? Every time he opens his mouth I just wanna punch him in the face. What a shit. This entire show...it's thrown me for such a loop in so many ways. I've seen weird shit. I've seen horror shit. I've seen crime shit. I've seen psychological shit. But this is all of that wrapped together PLUS a concentrated effort at making every single scene deeply uncomfortable. Even with the similarities to a couple of other things (like Hannibal) it's still the most unique soup of a concept I've seen in a long while.


Fun fact, I remembered seeing an interview where Dongwook (Moonjo) actually does the little Adam's apple caress thing towards Siwan (Jong-u) behind the scenes too. And one time he apparently stopped doing it, Siwan got worried or something because he got so used to it. Anyways, Im so excited for the last 2 eps!


Episode 7! And yay, you found a list of the episode titles! So Jeong-hwa best girl, connecting dots and using her brains! I love her so much. I cannot with the first meeting of Seok-yun and Mun-jo, with Seok-yun being all :DD while Mun-jo silently radiates murderous intentions because he's being friendly with Jong-u and Jong-u looking like he'd rather be anywhere else lmao You probably found out/figured it out, but soju is a Korean alcohol, and sometimes people mix it with beer. And bless Seok-yun for listening and believing Jong-u ;_; And our rage at Jae-ho continues... God, what a fucking scumbag. That taxi driver was just like "the fuck, is someone getting stabbed? Well, that's none of my business..." When the twin goes "this is all because of you" to me it seems like he's talking about Mun-jo killing his brother and basically their whole dynamic getting thrown out the window because instead of killing Jong-u, Mun-jo wants to mold him. That scene on the rooftop is rly something else... Mun-jo is just happy that Jong-u is being honest again! Like it doesn't even matter that he's getting called a creep, he'll happily let Jong-u call him anything as long as he means it lmao. (As he says in episode 8, he can be anything for Jong-u) My heart can't take it, Jong-u being so carefree for like just a brief moment with Seok-yun. And yes, boyfriend energy! I agree!! Mun-jo, stop being so possessive and open up your mind for the possibilities of an OT3. And the gaslighting continues. How fun. And so does the mess at the company, ugh. "Hell is other people" is a quote from a French play, No Exit, by Jean-Paul Sartre. Also the proper translation of the Korean title of this drama, but I think I've said that already. We finally get Jong-u snapping, even if it's just the keyboard at first... But then, well. Those high schoolers really picked the wrong person to mess with. And yeah, I also think if Seok-yun was actually somehow the guy in the army flashback, he would've been wearing the uniform and not just the regular white shirt we see. This drama really takes us on this journey *with* Jong-u.


Episode 8! The title for that one was "Voices That Choke Me" which uh... alrighty then. And yeah, we get right into it! This episode might actually be my favourite? That line, "I can be anything you want" is just... oh boy, Mun-jo rly is completely gone, isn't he. And just, the whole scene with the previous darling, so good. Jong-u just looks so distressed, our poor boy. Like the whole conversation with Jeong-hwa while Mun-jo hovers in the background. AND THEN THE ONE AFTER! Jong-u pleading to just be let go and Mun-jo going "lol nah" (Fun fact about the Adam's apple fondling... During the press conference, Yim Siwan said that Lee Dongwook wanted it to look natural when he did it, so he took to touching Siwan's Adam's apple whenever they met and Siwan said that at first he was like "okay what the fuck" but then by the end when they'd meet and Dongwook *didn't* do it he'd feel weirded out and wonder if there was something wrong. Lee Dongwook, casually conditioning his co-star asdfghj) Watching Jong-u go thorugh his psychotic break never gets any easier, as much as I love this story. And like, the totally not there look in his eyes as he beats up Mr. Park... augh. (As I watch episode 8, episode 9 is already out, goodbye sleep today as well :') I personally don't mind the notifs!) God, Yim Siwan's ACTING. Like you said, the flipping between being completely terrified and almost feeling nothing, and then being almost delighted? "My boy fixing to go on a postal rampage killing spree" right? :)) Pair this comment with the last episode... well, you've seen it by now so you know. Fucking Jae-ho... Like holy shit, how do you just get shittier? The way Jong-u just absolutely freezes when he sees Mun-jo and then the way he puts Ji-eun behind his back to try and protect her T_T But then also Mun-jo gloriously and accurately calling Jae-ho out on his bullshit, what a moment. I too love Ji-eun's character. She obviously does love Jong-u and wants what's best for him, despite everything. That reporter guy... like my dude. You find a murderer and your first thought is "oh hell yeah, I'm getting that promotion with this scoop!" Some Freddie Lounds energy hahaha. Oh my god, I can't believe you asked if our beloved serial killer sleeps; Lee Dongwook laments the same thing in one behind the scenes video :') He's like "so during the day he's a doctor, but he also stalks Jong-u, and somehow finds time to volunteer, and then go around killing people... When does he sleep??" Ahhhhh, the scene with Mun-jo and Seok-yun! Seok-yun immediately taking liking to the meat (in contrast to Jong-u finding it not to his taste), and then also saying that obviously Mun-jo must be an artist. Like, Mun-jo, I know you have your hands full corrupting your precious Jong-u but Seok-yun wouldn't even need much! You could live murderously ever after, the three of you. Like, look at how calm he was under pressure when the plank was sliding down the side of the door! That's potential, Mun-jo, you possessive bastard! And nah, the charger was definitely deliberate choice to make the viewer paranoid. Jong-u gets to be paranoid and then so do we! In my head, Seok-yun plugged in his charger and then his phone and it didn't work, so he went to borrow Jong-u's and then when he came back to his room, immediately got inspired to write lyrics to the rap and that's why he didn't change the charger (when we could see.) "This is gonna get so much worse" and then it absolutely did.


The funniest thing to me was Dongwook being so absolutely embarrassed that Siwan just told on him like that :'D And then Siwan just telling the reporters not to worry, that Dongwook had touched his Adam's apple before the press conference too when they met up lmao


Oh man, episode 9! "Cognitive Dissonance" :) Cheerful title. T__T I feel so bad for Jong-u and Ji-eun. He's terrified, she's terrified, *we're* terrified. So Jeong-hwa, best girl. Probably just straight up the best person in this drama. Jong-u rushing to help Seok-yun breaks my heart, too. And then the look of betrayal when Seok-yun tries to get him to stay? AND THEN how desperately Seok-yun calls after him? Drama, why do you do this to us ;_; We truly get the full scope of just how volatile this situation with all the killers is getting. All because our pretty Jong-u came in and disturbed the peace and made Mun-jo all distracted lmao. Making a pretty bracelet for a pretty man. Godddd, watching Jong-u just realise that Seok-yun died/is going to die is so painful. In that moment he's clear-headed and then of course as he tries to ask for help... it doesn't work, because why would anything in Jong-u's life go his way OTL THE PHONE CALL WITH MOM... LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT IT, I'M TOO EMOTIONAL. Your stare into the camera at Mrs. Um talking to the lady and explaining why the residence is called Eden made me laugh tho, I appreciate that. I was still wiping tears because of the phone call. There are two wolves inside of me, one wants Jong-u to get help and one is enjoying this exquisitely done corruption arc so much. I hate that brief moment of hope they give to us with Seok-yun. Hate it. And then they dare show us a kitten T_T Of course, Jong-u runs into his army buddy at the worst possible time! And of course he's a good person! (Glad your brain is awake even if your eyes are heavy, I can't even imagine how trippy it would be to watch his half-awake, oh god XD) Mun-jo looks delighted to hear Jong-u swear that he's going to kill him. Friends don't let friends go meet their murderous boyfriends alone. Cannot wait to see you react to the finale. It's now 7am for me so I'm just gonna go sleep for a bit... No sleep crew assemble once more~


How did I not spot the Ot3 possibilities before now I am BLIND. *Everyone's* acting in this show is just ridiculously spot on. Not to mention they were all cast flawlessly, I mean which casting director sold what and to whom for this cast. FREDDIE LOUNDS, howwwwwww did I not see the comparison????? I must have been too stressed.

Lilah Kane

Beyond Evil like the Devil Judge was not marked as bromance at first when they started airing. I am not sure if BE still even is but with the Devil Judge they caved in because you really could not do it. Also the two shows have been compared in fan videos with scenes. I think BE was the first KDrama I watched and made me watch more. 😎💜

Lilah Kane

Also, you were SO tired on that one spot. Know the feeling. Don't make yourself too tired. 👊 PS. Wasn't I right that you need probably 100 comedies after this show. Soooo disturbing.


Here, we go, the finale! When I first watched it I was so sure I knew from the title how it was gonna go and then the drama surprised me one last time by making Jeong-hwa doubt herself. And also gaslighting us as the viewers. Usually I'm not a fan of a series showing a scene from their finale as the first scene, but both with this and Hannibal S2, they really make it work. Asadfgh that pause when Mun-jo throws Jong-u against his desk, because same. Jong-u's brother has been mentioned before but we haven't seen him! In an earlier episode his mom calls Jong-u and asks for money for a hospital bill because his brother hurt himself during a seizure. I forgot how goddamn FOND Mun-jo looks the whole time Jong-u is tied to the chair. Mrs. Um really has that Karen energy down pat. Combine that with upset Korean ahjumma energy and we have a perfect storm. Mun-jo just wants independence! He's now an adult with his own spouse, he doesn't need a mother hovering over him. It's okay, I think most of us who have seen this show agree that episode 10 really gives us the best look on Mun-jo. So Jeong-hwa best girl! Smartest too! Breaking the anklet is a genius move. That whole fight scene with Mun-jo and Jong-u is so good, augh. And the lines! Mun-jo saying how they'll be together forever and how Jong-u is his greatest artwork... chills. And like we see, whether we go with Mun-jo died or Mun-jo survived version of events, he is right, he'll forever be with Jong-u, his impact is too great. The whole mindfuckery of the last 10 minutes is a trip. I forget if it was the screenwriter or director that said it, but they purposefully made it so that the viewer can kind of decide what ending they want for themselves. I feel like I change my mind every time I watch this show lmao. This watch I'm gravitating towards the Mun-jo lives version of events. I also think I get the appeal of horror movies through this show? I've never really enjoyed them, but I understand the appeal of feeling uncomfortable watching something while thoroughly enjoying it now hahah. By the way, here's a behind the scenes video of the last two episodes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAvVXRwfbdQ Sadly there's not really much about the fight scene, but you can enjoy the cast being goofballs while filming this! The channel has the BTS videos for the other episodes too! This drama really made me appreciate Lee Dongwook in a completely new way, because until this drama he had played mostly romantic leads (......tbh to me this role also counts as a romantic lead lmao) but boy, he really shone in this! And Yim Siwan, my boy ;_; A fun fact: this was his first project after being discharged from the military, so I imagine shooting the military scenes was An Experience. Another fun fact: In the webtoon this is based on, Seo Mun-jo doesn't exist. His character was written into the show, and basically everything he does is originally done by our first darling, Yoo Ki-hyuk! Imagine the webtoon fans' surprise when he gets killed in the second episode and everything they thought they knew gets thrown out a window, lmao. I think it's in the BTS videos where he's like "surprise! I'm not the other lead of this series!" Also, if you're interested, I'm leaving my absolute favourite fanvid here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UKcO0l2Uoc The song choice, editing, all of it, 10/10... Also, the fact that when they translated the lyrics to Korean, every "baby" is translated as the "자기야 (jagiya)" that Mun-jo uses. This was a wild ride to rewatch with you, thank you so much! Beyond Evil next, can't wait! It's definitely different from this one, but equally good I think. One more fun fact, Yim Siwan and the younger lead in Beyond Evil, Yeo Jingoo, are actually friends and have acted together and appeared on variety shows together as well! There's also gonna be another familiar face in Beyond Evil, someone you've seen in Squid Game :)


So soooo happy that you enjoyed it as much as we do in this megafandom! Yeah, for sure a show that you MUST watch more than once. Probably not once a month (like I do hehe), but more than once for sure. Not just to actually understand the ending, 'cause I can't say I fully do even now (someone said it was made for you to be able to choose your own version, whether MoonJo is 100% alive or just merged with our boy as one, and yeah, you can put the pieces as you best see fit, because there is no way to tell what is true or hallucinations/murder husbands fantasy), but to also find bits that make everything better and just put a (somewhat guilty)smille on your face. Like, the penguin statue that MoonJo uses to bash the CEO's head is the same -and only item from that table- that JongWoo grabs "just because" when he is on the phone a few episodes before. Oh man! And there is so much more. Can't wait for you to get through all the shows and be able to just dive into the tags on tumblr. There is sooooo much fun stuff there. Beyond Evil is also AMAZING! Different vibe tho, but soooo good. From all of these, The Devil Judge is the most recent one and maybe the most "well known" AND in doing it like this you are going in the exact same order that they were released, so it makes a lot of sense.


ooooh interesting! i've never heard of this but i just watched ep 1 with you and it was so good! i'm especially interested because i also lived in a gosiwon in seoul for 4 months haha

Lilah Kane

The bad guys' upcoming drama seems pretty interesting too: https://mydramalist.com/article/upcoming-drama-bad-and-crazy-confirmed-to-premiere-this-december


WOW ok i just finished and i have a new show to add to my favourites, that was so good. thank you for introducing me to it!! i'm gonna go attempt to fall asleep now... (my gosiwon was also run be a friendly ajumma who provided free eggs/rice/kimchi/ramyeon, but the kitchen was way smaller so fortunately not enough room to play jenga with serial killers)


Going from seeing Lee Dongwook use his face for puppy heart eyes in a series to murder eyes was the kind of cognitive dissonance/ gaslighting that I was not prepared for. I kept being thrown by seeing his romcom look in this murder setting, which definitely helped with the Hannibal vibes before the Fight Club segway. It's time to go watch the Guardian reaction, so I can see less murdery soulful gays.

Eve Swayze

I think you've already seen it, but it would still be cool to see you do a reaction of winter begonia, I love that one

Lilah Kane

HUGE news, on selected countries the Devil Judge will be on Netflix! (I hope for mine too) More people will be able to watch it which is great. If you have Netflix and want to help out. Add it as a suggestion for series in your country. 🖤 Time for a fifth re-watch... 😁 Screenshot: https://yt3.ggpht.com/cH6-WG-2G9hSTdPSQYVsnzLJ_kePQkjfHAT2jsudhaPv9rkuhLs0pbnMiq6S4Oy__MRM0CID1fDGPA=s800-nd-v1


omg! i was going through your patreon and i just saw that you did a reaction on SFH! i'm going to watch this rn , i'm excited to see your reaction bc it's probably my favorite drama of all time