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-She continues to wait for Meng Yao to 'snap' while helplessly shipping Xiyao. (She's gonna kill me.)

-Real love is taking five minutes to shriek with your spouse about how like all of the clan leaders are OBLIVIOUS HYPOCRITICAL BLOODTHIRSTY ASSUMING GOSSIPY ASSHOLES

-She thoroughly enjoyed Queen Mianmian walking out on all the stupidity, like mad respect

-"What do you MEAN there's only ten minutes left???????"

The closer she gets to 32 the more I look for places to hide.



Well, time to rewatch some parts of untamed...

Evelyn ramis

Thanks for sharing!!!! You need to let us know as soon as episode 32 comes and...well...does what episode 32 does....


Thanks for updates it's really cool to hear about your wife's opinions and emotions :3 Another person to drag into the sweet hell which is this fandom hehehe and she havent even gotten to the most brutal parts... Yet....

boldly hold

I love these updates!


This is like a traffic accident happening in slow motion... I love it 🤣🤣🤣👀👀

Jessica Ley

Once she finishes you gotta tell her to go back to the first two eps. for all the foreshadowing/blatant spoilers they give away.


Love these updates! <3


YAS! So glad she loved Mianmiam! Love her! Mad respect for her!

KyoKat (Kimberly)

Mianmian is QUEEN indeed! So glad she is getting to go on this journey… and best of luck with the hiding spots!

Sammi Strong

I am terrified I am watching it with my girlfriend right now, and we are on episode 27. She loves Mengyao and has somehow missed that Wuxian gave up his golden core, I think she was playing with our cat and missed most of that scene. I am not going to tell her, because I can't wait for the realization. I believe that she will kill me, kick me out, and take our cat. I will give updates lol.