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Day 1: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9L1vz1LFCK7RbT4DvVgN43?

Day 2:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qnB8Govq23mbK8F8sb8zkr?

I underestimated how absolutely unhinged these concerts would be, and didn't think they would literally be designed to instigate The Good Gay Shit. I don't even think I said anything constructive or insightful the entire time??? I was too lost in the sauce. 

RIP the Happy Ending and uncut concert clips reaction I filmed...and then lost because OBS crashed RIGHT at the end. 💀 It was SO GOOD TOO, ugh.


Also, please enjoy this dramatization of what happened in my house just now:

::Me, returning home with Starbucks:: "Hey sweetie what's--"





The cast is absolutely unapologetic about shipping these two boys xD the cut bits are also hilarious, so excited for your reaction!


Ah, cant seem to be able to watch it? It says i have to log in to vinyard


Is anyone having trouble with the link or am I just an idiot? 😅


The link does not work it seems?




It keeps telling me to sign in


nah, can't access it either


Try this: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9L1vz1LFCK7RbT4DvVgN43?


It’s behind the organization on vidyard which means we’ll have to be added to it to access the video lol

Eve Swayze

Weird, it just asking me to sign up


Brittany demonstrating with each "YOURE JOKING" and "NOOOO" and "STOP" and "I CANT DO THIS" Why I've never been able to get through one of the concerts before. 🤣🤣 it's just too much for me to handle. THEYRE too much for me to handle. They really cranked up the crazy. they're all having so much fun and are so beautiful it hurts. But I'm not gonna lie seeing zzh smile and talk about redemption arcs is not hitting any less in the nuts even now. I should be used to it. Anyway this was a much needed serotonin boost and imma go right back to it 😋


I can't wait to watch these in the morning, I've only ever seen the Gay Clips in compilations before!

Jessica Anderson

Sad they cut out a really good part. When they were acting out the sitting under the sun scene. The 3 guys behind them used their white boards to say ZZS <3 WKX and they cut it out :(


oh yeah!! That's definitely the golden part! And there are more even bolder in the second day's concert, but I'm sure they have been censored out

Jennifer D

Brittany, your "STOP IT" and "THEY'RE SO CUTE" is literally all of us watching this concert. BTW I watched it live online and it was a MASSIVE seratonin boost of unadulterated chaos; my face actually hurt from grinning the entire time despite only understanding only a little bit of Mandarin (i.e. almost none). Have to jump in now to also say there is BTS video for the concert, too! And yes, you will need to watch all of the unedited Even More Gay content which they edited out.. it is spectacular how much the cast ships them too, lol (both WenZhou and/or GJ and Zhang Zhehan, take your pick). Other fun fact..... the city this was filmed in had a bunch of promotional posters and such all over the city (public transport, etc.)--fans coming in had super fun anecdotes of chatting with locals in a taxi or what have you who thought that two really famous actors (yep, you guessed it: GJ and ZZH) were getting married and that's why everyone was coming for the wedding.

Jennifer D

I know, I haven't watched the concert since everything went down with ZZH and it's definately bittersweet.....just trying to appreciate that he had this moment with everyone.


I have way more to add later but id just like to say, that i think i heard concerts like these are actually uncommon, and when they do happen, theyre not usually in costume. Also some of the concerts that do happen, they usually try to “break up” the CP since theyll be moving onto other projects. I heard that for a het romance drama, they had a concert and the ML ignored the FL the entire time (which made fans upset). So the fact that word of honor not only became successful enough to hold this type of concert BUT ALSO encourage the shipping is…wow. And GJ/ZZH are just always like this, so sticky and sweet together, they genuinely enjoy being together like this ahhhhhhh


Also zzh is GJ singing voice no 1 fan, he always tries to make him sing in interviews, its hilarious

Jennifer D

Brittany nailed it (no pun intended).... GJ removing nails from ZZH: *A perfect gentleman* ZZH removing nails from Gj: *Chaos gremlin unleashed*

Jessica Anderson

ZZH tries to tell GJ to sing in a higher key, and GJ waves his hand like 'nah im good' ZZH then almost looses it hahahah


Actually these concerts are uncommon in china too. This is only the 3rd drama to have something like this. The first was untamed which were great but they didn't do it in costumes and wasn't as big productions as this. The 2nd was a het drama which did not end well because they broke the CP during it and the ML ignored the FL and everyone kinda got really pissed I think and turned off the whole drama too probably. The word of honor concerts became such a big deal because they did it in the costumes and also because all of thencast had such prominent roles in it. It wasn't just focused on gj and zzh alone. And believe me no other concert had dared to make it THIS GAY. The games in the untamed concert were pretty tame. Word of honor just went extra hard till the very end lol Also, yes we are hopeful that zhang zhehan might return. None of his fans have left. Everyone is waiting for him. We don't know how or when he can but hopefully he will. And yes, he really is the loveliest human 🥺🥺 They both were really really attached to their characters and this concert showed that. It took out a lot for them to put on the costume again and then remove it and say goodbye to these roles. Thanks for reacting to the concert. I haven't watched this since what happened in August but before that this concert was my comfort food lol. Now I got to watch it with you and since I was laughing along with your reactions I could enjoy it just like when I watched it for the first time. If you loved day 1 you are gonna love day 2 even more. Can't wait!!


A few notes on day one: 1. When they reenact the Ni Bu Pei/You're not worthy scene, Zhang Zhehan references a really popular movie called the Chinese Odyssey, where the main hero does the same thing when his love interest puts a sword against his throat, he predicts she'll say three words (I love you), but here, ZZH replaces that with Ni Bu Pei! You're not worthy xD 2. The camera operators have the world's fastest reflexes. Everyone backstage is always on edge that the two of them might do something so gay that it'll get them all taken off the air, that's why sometimes you'll see the camera suddenly SWING ACROSS THE ROOM when ZZH/GJ do something ~intimate 3. There's actually a few fancam footages showing the other actors' reacting to those two's lovey dovey antics on stage, including Hei Zi (Gao Chong) just straight out slapping GJ's ass with one of the nails hahaha 4. To answer your question about anyone coming back from this kind of scandal: I've been following the news very closely. Actually, Xiao Zhan, who played Wei Wuxian, also suffered from a huge scandal that was an intersection of like, government regulation on free speech/AO3/his fandoms warring with other fandoms, which caused all the brands to drop him for almost the whole yr of 2020. We collectively refer to it as the 227 incident because it happened on February 27th. He did make a comeback in December of 2020 that year, so it's definitely possible that ZZH can also make a comeback. There's been a lot of clarification about what really happened, with ZZH's case, and he's actually not officially banned by the government, just a private artist's association (CAPA). There were also a lot of rich players in the entertainment industry who frequently pay to take down popular actors so they can their own investments higher up on the Weibo trends/etc. It's a very common practice, unfortunately. They utilize a lot of bots/rumor mechanisms. It's kind of like an organized underground mafia but using bots and paid people to distribute rumors and propaganda (i.e. the "Internet water army"). We have that in the west as well, but it's not as organized/bad as in China. Anyway, ZZH can come back since he's not actually done anything illegal, and most of the rumors were debunked. Unfortunately, people believed them too quickly and readily, which led to no one actually looking at his actual actions... and it resulted in an instant boycott. I think it's still possible he can come back because he loves singing and acting. But the timeline is really up to him and his lawyers. 5. Beauty Ghost holding the sign upside down means "shipping" - she's known to be one of ZZH/GJ's shippers lol. She even had a backstage vlog of her reacting to them being sweet to each other on Day 2. 6. During the final prize giveaway, Cao Wei Ning's actor chooses seat 5/11 because the audience held up their fingers for 11. May 11, a week from then, was ZZH's 30th birthday :> And right after that, Gong Jun was about to choose 5/11 as the lucky seat, but CWN already did it lol. The backstage hosts had a clip that had them reacting to that moment saying GJ wanted to choose 5/11, but couldn't b/c CWN already did. And the other host asked her why, and she just remained quiet and smiled haha The days leading up to the concert all the way til late May where they released the BTS footage of the concert is like one huge fever dream for the fandom, where all the gay dreams came true and everyone won gay bingo! Cant wait for your day 2!


A couple extra answers to questions: 1.Sun Xilun, Chengling's actor, is 16. He really is the baby of the cast. 2.The fans are chanting "laopo" aka "wife" at ZZH, because it's his semi-official fandom nickname. Iirc, its origin is that ZZH has admitted to sometimes calling Gong Jun "lao-Gong" (="Ol' Gong", but it's a homonym for "husband"), so fans just ran with it, and soon even brands were accepting the word in place of his name. It's not really used much anymore because of the recent crackdown on "overly feminine men", but it's a thing.


Ok so others have already dropped many of the fun facts regarding the concert, so ill just say 1) day 1 had a lot of audio problems with the headphones which is why you can see zzh touching his ear a lot and why some of the songs are a little bit off. They fix it for day 2 so theyre a bit stronger👍 2) a lot of fans noticed that zzh was kind of quiet on day 1 and speculate that he may have been kind of tired that day, but on day 2 he seemed to be much more rested and energized so day 2 is just PEAK ZZH GREMLIN ENERGY UNLEASHED


If you thought day 1 of the concert was unhinged then just wait until day 2 😂


They cut a lot out of the concert, and it was all so darn cute, and would make you scream. The BTS has a lot of many more couple things, and their Interviews, are so darn sweet, you would get a toothache. Also the FMV of WOH, and Junzhe are so amazing, and cute, and great. The fan cams of the concert, have just them in focus for the whole concert. Thank you for the reactions, hope you get to feeling better.


Zhou Ye (Gu Xiang) cried not bcuz she can't sing (she's as confident as Gong Jun, actually). She cried bcuz she still couldn't let go the emotion of ep 35, especially bcuz the song fits and they wore the wedding costumes. She said it in the interview on concert bts. many ShanRens also cried (and so did i) 😂


Thank you for the reaction Brittany! I was on the site of the concert of Day 1, and THAT was amazing! To be able to see them in person was a cherishable memory of my life.Not only bc the casts and performace but also all those fans from all over the country. I took so many pictures and videos that night and laught/cry like nonestop. You said "Stop, I can't take it!" several time then imagin what we felt on site! haha, the songs that you skiped were my life saver so I can have a rest and back up a little bit.Anyway, looking forward for the Day2, I bet you will love it more!

Jennifer Liu

(2/2) This is just my opinion but I'd say it's unlikely ZZH will come back, at least not within the next 2,3+ years, and whether he comes back at all depends on the political conditions easing up rather than restricting which is more the trend atm. His case is not like XZ's scandal, it touched on a really difficult topic for the country and one of patriotic fervour. The court of public opinion can die down eventually with perceived consequences having been dished out, as I doubt everyone thinks lifetime ban is really necessary, but you then have to consider the political conditions of his returning and how it would look for the government if they appear too lenient and also whether the companies would want to go to that extra effort for one actor (which is possible if he has built good relationships in the industry which are NOT tainted by Zhao Wei associations). I think ZZH would have to really want it and be prepared for the long game, not a short journey, and from interviews I don't know that he isn't someone who would just move on with his life. Maybe he will work a non-public-image-facing, quieter career behind the scenes with his level of experience and get recognition through that independently of his association with WOH. In a way it could mean he can go back to a normal-er life from what it was after WOH, people and esp paparazzi are disincentivised to go crazy on him and if he has good networking, he can still work and build a good career out of the public eye. This is just my opinion/best guess though.

Jennifer Liu

😂 I've tried to retype my comment about three times now (my own fault for being lazy and typing into my phone instead of on a proper device, I can't hit the enter key without accidentally submitting AND THEN I had wifi issues) so I'm just leaving this comment as it is. Comment 1/1 was just me gushing about ZZH and GJ, especially how much respect I have for ZZH after seeing his personality. I also think he was a bit stressed by GJ going off key at the end and how it affects the audience's experience but he had such a good attitude about accepting GJ as he is, letting go of it, and making a joke but in this grateful and humble way of his and without putting any shame on GJ whatsoever.


I guess the closest we've got in the western hemisphere to the concerts would be fan conventions? Though not officially endorsed by the PTB, depending on the tv show, some of those could get pretty close in terms of hijinks and general madness.


And there is also BTS of the crew referring to ZZH as GJ's laopo during filming.


That drinking game seemed kinda F r u i t y to me


True, the SPN convention I went to in 2012 had hijinx and crazy events everywhere. Mostly involving the supporting cast, though. I imagine if any convention got up to main character hijinx in the realm of the WOH concerts it would be Hannibal.


This one is a good compilation of cut scenes from the concerts. MUST WATCH!!!! Maybe another reaction?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WgDNJ_FDJ8

nina host

Oh! I didn't know you were going to post both days this weekend! Thanks for the treat. It's so fun to watch you experience this


The Airing Period folder has the studio and concert versions of the OST (the tracks ZZH sang aren't available on Amazon or iTunes anymore): https://shlarchive.carrd.co/#main


Gj “teaching” zzh to rap is so cute because zzh actually has made a couple rap songs and listens to a lot of hip hop, but the way he still listens to gj is 🥰🥰

Jessica Anderson

The edit for the truth and choosing ZZH for the deserted island was to 'Steal another's love'


This was so fun! I'm sick this weekend so it was especially lovely to be able to rewatch these concerts with you. I feel like the concerts are ep36 part 2 and part 3. I highly recommend the official concert behind the scenes, which is about 35 minutes and contains backstage/concert footage as well as great interviews!


Seeing the cut clips really shows how the older cast shows no fear in their shipping! Love them- and du pusa carrying off beauty ghost is the true highlight for me


hahaha and this is unrelated to woh but i just saw via tumblr that you've gotten into taemin! as a shawol of 11 years, welcome to the fandom~


Day 1: I loved this. You blushed and hid your face so many times, like an excited little girl. Yep, these guys bring that out in all of us. Oh my god! you missed it. TragicComic ghost didn't ask Ah Xiang, "when is your weddig day?" She asked Ah Xu and Wen Kexing, when their wedding day was going to be! I saw it before it got censored. It was so blatant, ZZH looked mortified and gave his "wedding candy" to Cheng Ling. That's when I really got a feeling of how dangerous the gay-fever pitch had gotten. They were all so happy, they were taking huge risks on the show. Another censored part was during name repeating scene. The actors behind Wen and Ah Xu held up signs that said one loves the other, eliciting a huge roar from the audience. It makes for a really confusing show. Everyone is obviously celebrating the gay success and happiness of the show, while trying not to go to jail for its "illegal" ramifications. ZZH looked happy one minute, and scared to death the next. So yeah, he had problems on his mind and I think knew that the success of this show only made him a big target as reality set in. I'm so glad that you asked about anyone coming back from Zahan Zehan's circumstances. Just to acknowledge what went down, and to show him some extra love and respect, is worthwhile. In a world where talking about it is punishable, I feel there is honor and strength in talking openly and praying that he beats all the political adversity. You really touched me. It can't be easy living in fear, so I respect what CHna fans are going through. But it's nice to hear the love for ZZ spoken out in the open, where possible. Wonderful reaction! Your words always put everything into such an accurate perspective. Off to watch Day 2. <3


Day 2: OMG. I didn't know Scorpion could sing! Thank you for filming this, or I would've missed out on such a pleasant an delightful shock. Rolling Wang (Scorpion's Daddy) really is hilarious. There's a video of him taking selfies in a skin tight black body suit and a a pink wig, on his hotel bed. He looked like a woman. It's probably taken down by now, but he was really into it and looked great! I haven't been able to find it, I saw it on someone else's video. Gong Jun really can sing within his range. A fan combined real songs from him and ZZH, and expertly mixed them as one. Check this out if you haven't, it's WONDERFUL!! Somewhere, there's a video of Gong Jun wearing red, singing his part in a studio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar5KC-D208E&list=PL6F76CEE5F779291D&index=34 ZZH's speech at the end was edited. I remember Gong Jun's face tearing up a bit more and being struck by his obvious crying, though he was struggling to hold it back. It was really "in your face" and touched me to the core. I didn't expect real emotions to come through that weren't safe to air, so that's why it shocked and impressed me. I hope you get to see that footage. Girl! Another great job. Your tears are your commentary. What a gift to us! Thank you!!!! THANK YOU! <3


It’s kinda bittersweet watching the concerts now, but they still bring me joy. It’s been absolutely delightful watching you react to Word of Honor!

Jennifer D

Thank you so, so much Brittany for sharing your reactions with us, as everyone has said it has truly been a joy. I haven't rewatched the concerts since August because of the whole ZZH incident....and although this has been bittersweet, watching you get such enjoyment out of their interactions and silliness has been really cathartic. Thank you so much for helping me reengage again with what I have loved about this show, it's cast, and the production and direction team that made all of this happen! So. I selfishly hope this makes you melt a little like I did when I found out--wanted to let you know that that short speech from both GJ and ZZH at the end (the one that ended with that teary hug) was NOT originally planned to be there. During the rehearsal for Day 2, ZZH asked whether they (GJ and ZZH) would get a chance to say a few words to each other; he then asked the producer for that to be included at the very end. Sooooooo..... we have ZZH to thank for wanting to make sure that everyone would be witness to his promise to be there forever for GJ, which kills me a little every time I think what has happened to him. As others have also noted, it is EXTREMELY unusual for CPs (i.e. 'couple ships') to continue being associated together post-show release as is unprofitable/not helpful for their careers to be 'tied' to another actor/actress (and can be actually dangerous, if the other gets in trouble in any way). In fact, actors/actresses will actively 'untie' publicly no matter their private relationship. So for ZZH to make this very public promise was truly groundbreaking and speaks volumes to the strength of their real-life bond. I'm sure others can comment more coherently, but had to mention this because I feel it was so brave of ZZH to do this as well as inspiring to others.


also, at the end of the concert day 2 after Lao Wen and Ah Xu relayed their last message, both of them raised their right hand up but the camera was on the audience. it was the iconic "Nakama" pose ZZH cued to GJ (from one of iconic scene in One Piece anime, ZZH is a big One Piece fan). just in case y'all didn't watch One Piece, it was from the scene where Strawhat Pirates left Arabasta and they did the pose as a farewell sign to Princess Vivi, meaning they will be "nakama" forever (goggle: nakama one piece meaning). even tho the word "Nakama" is different than "Zhiji/知己", but it's the keyword that the Strawhat pirates put above everything else during their journey, just like how in Word of Honor the word 知己 was repeatedly used, that even Zhou Zishu didn't want to live anymore since his 知己 (subbed: soulmate) was gone (ep 32). i think i'm still crying about this Nakama pose by ZZH-GJ from time to time 🥲


I love watching the behind-the-scenes and crack videos these days, and I think "Word of honor but weird" takes the cake for favourite right now


Watching you reacting to those concerts made me both smile and cry, it's bittersweet indeed 😭 I hope you'll be able to watch behind the scenes and their interviews as well, they're precious gremlins who tried to do differently in the entertainment industry 😢


Will you watch Concert BTS?


I filmed a reaction to it but my recording software crashed *right* at the end and lost the file--a new program I'd recently installed was screwing with my PC and it has since been aggressively deleted.


I always need to watch funny clips of them after watching the concerts because DAMN DO I MISS THEM. Thank you for going through this journey and looking forward to hopefully more Word of Honor/JunZhe related content in the future.


Oh and you mentioned AvenueX. Will you be doing a reaction on that?


1. The way they call each other: Surname+laoshi is the way to address someone you know with respect. It's actually quite uncommon. You can see the MCs address the cast and the cast address the elders by fullname+laoshi (also with respect but more popular). It's unusual between friends and acquaintances since it's a bit too formal. The cast call each other by names. GJ is the only one calling ZZH Zhang laoshi, and ZZH is the only one calling GJ Gong laoshi. It's an expression they reserved for only each other and no one else. However, it's quite common for longtime married couples in Cbiz to use this expression in public to avoid sounding too intimate or casual. 2. Zzh's case has seen positive signs in the past few weeks. It's actually now at the level of national social and international diplomatic issue, not an entertainment matter anymore. So what comes next will be decided by the higher-ups. I'm keeping a close watch at China and as far as I can see, I predict he will come back before year end.


I don't think anyone mentioned it, but the second song that GJ sang in the guess the song game was ZZH's actual song Light. Which explains how he knew it so fast and was able to sing the rest of it. It's a really beautiful song


The videos will not let me watch them and I am sad. - edited to add - I changed from firefox to chrome browser and then I could veiw the gloriousness of the concerts and your reactions!

Demi Schoonenberg

These reactions were an absolute delight to watch! Yes, it truly was the hug of the century. And just all the shenanigans of the cast and the fondness in ZZH's eyes whenever GJ opened his mouth or did something adorkable -> 💖 I don't know if you're already planning to do this, but I hope you'll watch their Happy Camp episode one day too once you have some room for it! ZZH is an even bigger chaotic troll there and GJ is even more adorkable, if that's even possible. There are so many great moments between the two of them in there and it was really fun to see a Chinese variety show for the first time.

Shands Amba

I have only just finished watching Day 1, but… but, I am putting on D2 straight after while I write. Watching you watch them is my first time watching them in full… and these concerts they do in China are gold! The Untamed ones made me get all stupid, and GJ ZZH and cast have done the same with high jinx. There’s a scene I’ve watched that must happen on Day 2… I need to watch that now but… these guys are all too damned much. I love them.


Yes, Happy Camp was so much fun to watch. I hope Brittany will react to it too.


Oooo thank you for letting me know what worked, now I can offer that as a possible solution if/when someone else has trouble <3


The only thing I've seen in the US that's like this is convention panels, like at Comic-Con. Fewer games, just as much trolling.

Zheng Lin

I'm miss them so much 🥺🥰


Nice! I am waiting for my long weekend to watch these. I have not actually seen the concerts, so I will jump in blinded with you!

Zheng Lin

Please reaction this pretty fairy Axu >🥰 https://youtu.be/iVGNXvi38es


Yeah, they never expected to do a concert for this because they never expected it to be such a hit. This took over the whole city... drone formations in the air at night and everything...


Brittany, please react to Happy Camp. I think you’ll love it.


Brittany, remember on Day2 ZZH walk back towards GJ on stage and they were giggling about rapping then he said to GJ:"I was watching down the stage"? Oh, you have to watch the BTS of the concerts(released on May 28th), the look on his face when he watched him down the stage.


2nd point: "before year end"?? Aren't you being over-optimistic? Anyways, I'm always happy to see people's optimistic thoughts on this case 😊