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Reaction: https://we.tl/t-c9We6futJs

How many times did my jaw drop during this? Legit question.



Oh my! The first step into the most amazing megafandom I've seen in quite some time. Yeeeeeas!


Can't wait to watch this when I wake up later 👀


Loved rewatching this with you! The younger man who you called handsome is Yim Siwan who is an idol turned actor and also in Strangers From Hell, which is another work from the megafandom. Im excited for your reaction to that as well. I saw this post that was like, "If I had a nickel for everytime Siwan had an interesting relationship with a problematic older man, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice." But love that for him tho lol. Anyways, thank you for this reaction!


Tried to get an estimate of the jaw drops and the results are: a lot, too many. Which was my reaction to it as well. God, this is so good! As for how this fits into the megafandom, I saw a post referring to it as "homoerotic antagonism", and... yeah. That's pretty accurate. Just like with Hannibal we have this dynamic and a great deal of tension and understanding between the main leads. All of them are in the "be gay, do crime" department, but The Merciless has the most classic depiction of it, I guess. Oh, the elevator scenes are just pure gold, really! And the "Baby/honey, I'm home!" just makes me swoon every time (mostly because The Merciless was the last one I watched from the megafandom, and the korean word for honey/baby, "Jagiya"... well, let's just say you have a lot to look forward to)


Oh, also...I think the director said that Han Jaeho aka the older gangster man is canonically bi(?)... Like I think he was supposed to incorporate a scene or something where he says it but idk. I read it somewhere


Oh this movie! I remember I once started it a long ass time ago but stopped it like 20 minutes in or something and didn’t continue it for some reason and you reminded me of its existence and am SO glad you did. It was so fun watching/continue watching(?) it with you!! I LOVED it omg. And I must say the younger guys’ actor is amazing this is the first time I see him in something and his acting is ABSOLUTELY phenomenal in this. And I hope this opened a door for you to watch ‘The Divel Judge’ because it’s a series that is 100% SO worth it from the plot, acting, to the sheer ~gay~ So I’d really hope and wish you’d react to it 👀

Lisa Kleine

I had never heard of this movie, so I was watching it for the first time with you. And I have to say, I'm glad I did. I suspected since the beginning that either Han Jae-ho or the police lady got his mom killed and then the trust talk was happening and just the expression of Jae-ho gave it away. The regret. The hope that Jo Hyun-soo will never find out. Jo Hyun-soo really broke down and lost his mind when finding out too... T.T There were this really heavy emotions between these two men and it was never talked about so much as shown and I love that. In the end Jae-ho absolutely knew he was walking into a trap, but he walked in anyways. The things you do for the chance of forgiveness from the person you have betrayed before knowing him and then fell for hard after earning his trust with that same betrayal... Uff... What a great way to start my day. This movie is.. I lack words. The writing, the acting, the editing. I'm going to watch it on my own later, let it all sink in knowing what's going to happen. Thank you to the recommenders. :) Looking forward to more After Dark. ❤

Lilah Kane

Wow, you should definitely check out the Devil Judge when I saw your reaction to this movie. 😁😎 Boy, the movie was great. Have not seen it before. I have totally taken a deep dive to South Korean shows. Some of them are really bad with product placement. Seriously, Word of Honor is on kinder garden levels compared to them and that is saying a lot. (One show was destroyed in my eyes because of that) But because of drama in Chinese dramaland and how things are messed up there, shows from South Korea are a breath of fresh air. And darn some of them are bloody dark.

Lilah Kane

And for some reason, Patreon deletes/not saves the post. Not sure why. Tried like 10 times. 🙁 *Edit, now it shows. *throws hands up* lol


My takeaway from this is, man, now I cannot wait for you to see Yim Siwan (aka Hyunsoo) in Strangers From Hell


Dark content from South Korea is some of the best I've seen from anywhere ever. They're not afraid of anything, it's fascinating.


this movie is so unbelievably good! it was a joy to rewatch it with you :D