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I need to watch the uncut versions of the concerts, which means I need to find the uncut, main stage versions of each concert with English subtitles. I thought I found them once (I've been looking at a lot of files provided by a couple of helpful people) but unfortunately they were way too low res and did not play smoothly. (File quality matters because I have to play things full screen when recording, so mid-to-low res files become unwatchable.)

If anyone can point me to uncut versions of either of the concerts' main stage in decent quality with subtitles, then I'll be ready to film the reactions this week. If not, then I'll have to go with whatever the regular concerts seem to be, since I've found usable files of those. (But the regular and uncut versions seem to be the same length so maybe it doesn't matter??? Idk I've generally become pretty confused by it all.)

I've gone in circles enough times that I don't know which end is up, so if anyone is available to pat my head and point me to a specific folder I promise I will not find you condescending and in fact declare my eternal, undying love because I really want to watch the right thing for you guys. <3



Don't know whether this will help, but here's a link: https://shlarchive.carrd.co/#


Hi Brittany, ive tried to find an uncut ver with English subs but couldn't either, I do know where all the clips of the cuts are with English subs though, I'll see if I can make a compilation for you if you can't find it


I think the only hq versions with subs are the cut ones. I have seen uncut versions but without subtitles and they were low quality.


As far as I remember, the difference with the cut version is that there were some shipping shenanigans happening that the censors didn't like, so they edited some of it out in the VOD, either by cutting out the small parts or by cutting to a different camera where you couldn't see it, so that's why they would be the same length. I don't think there are English subs for the uncut versions though :( If you do want to see the shipping shenanigans, I know there are compilations (which aren't long) on YouTube.


Hey brittany, from what ive seen, i dont think theres any videos of the uncensored concert with subtitles. Only the censored one. The concert was originally live streamed so thats where a lot of the uncensored stuff happened and it wasnt subtitled since it was all live; but when youku uploaded the video, they censored it (to make sure it wouldnt get taken down) and added english subtitles. So theres unlikely any uncensored versions with subtitles. Maybe one day, but a fan would likely have to go through and do it themselves


Still! Between the censored and uncensored versions, its only a few moments that got cut, so we can totally send you clips of those moments (fans shared them on social media so theyre easy to find).


The uncensored versions were live ones, so anyone who could screen-record them could have them, I'm afraid only the ones officially posted will have the best quality.


Yeah, that seems to be a problem. I personally don't know anything about how video reactions work so I didn't realize you needed High quality vids to react with, and since no one was expecting the uncles to go nuclear gay no one seems to have recorded it in high quality. :( Sorry I seem to have hit you with an impossible ask. This is the best still picture/gif version I've seen. https://zhongwans.tumblr.com/post/650904599266492416/so-when-the-word-of-honor-concert-was-first

Jennifer Liu

IMHO you don't have to watch/film all of the concert. I've only gone to see bits/highlights of it myself. Moreover, I think it is fine to react io extra/fan content differently compared to reacting to a show's story unspoiled. To me it would be almost more interesting for you to browse extra/fan content and select/pick/talk off your favourite parts /clips/moments (fine for you to react to something you have already watched) in commentary style. This is just my personal opinion however I hope that takes the pressure off in terms of your reactions if you are worried about spoilers. I would rather you watch and not worry about legitimacy/originality of your reactions to fan content and just enjoy extra content however you like to enjoy it. Just my 2c. I hope you have peeps who can direct you to the fun-est parts of WOH (like the Happy Camp episodes for both Untamed and Word of Honor leads, A+ celebrity content)


I can find the uncut versions. It's in one of my drives I think. But unfortunately they won't have subs. I would suggest you watch the cut version of the concert and then watch a compilation of the moments that were removed. It's not a lot. Would hardly be 15-20 min at max. There are even crack videos of the stuff that got cut I think. I wish I had a compilation I could send you. But I have none 😞


The others have already said his but yeah, unfortunately, the uncut version is impossible to find in high quality AND with subtitles. The best course of action would be to watch the cut version (the official one by youku) then after, just watch the compilation of the moments they did cut out of the official one, since it’s not long.


Also, I wouldn’t want you to miss on either the gloriousness of the OST performances (you seemed to love the Untamed OST so I’m sure you’d appreciate the depths of emotion in the Word of Honor OST) or the sheer AUDACITY of the cast to give 0 fucks about censorship while on that concert, so I would really appreciate if you’d do a reaction on both the cut version and the compilation of the uncut scenes. As always, thank you for making so much effort for us


Hi brittany, i don't know if you will see this but, I searched a lot for uncut ver with eng sub but there isn't because the offical translation was for the cut ver. Personally I think the cut ver is really good and the cut parts are small and you can find on YT later, but i have the 2 days(cut ver) + 3 views + high quallity (1080) + with eng sub + back stage + intreviews before the concert if you need it just let me know ... hope to see you reaction to the concert because it's amazing and they did sooo good with everthing ^^ am not crying !!


I don't think there are .srt files for the uncut concerts (that I've found, anyway)


As everyone here has said, the cut versions are completely fine &amp; the subbed version besides, and people have uploaded the parts that were cut (it's literally a couple minutes that's missing) in compilations around the net. It honestly won't affect the reaction experience, as the cut parts are mostly worth a couple extra gasps and laughs. :D


Oh, and just to be clear, they definitely didn't remove all the shipping, just some of the most blatant bits to lessen the risk of having to edit again. The entire concerts are a shipping fest~


You'll be able to hear the parts that were cut because there would be random screaming after lol.


Lmao but to be fair, everyone screamed whenever zzh and gj even looked at each other xD


I went on twitter and realised that it's the 6 month anniversary of the concert this week. Everyone is in their feels. Your timing for reacting to the concert is so perfect. I hope you were able to find the compilations!!! Looking forward to the reaction. I wanted to watch the concert again for a while but didn't think I was up for it. But watching with you would definitely be a riot!


Here you can find subbed version AND uncut (without subs) + BTS and other stuff https://shlarchive.carrd.co/#main


Hi! She has been linked the carrd that's linked to that folder, before. :D (Oh, and, please do not link to the folder directly, as it's against the rules of that carrd. So I think it'd be best to either delete the link or edit that msg to link to the carrd instead) But yeah, all the respect to the hardworking fans who put that together.


can't wait for your reaction of the concert and see how different Gong Jun &amp; ZZH irl than they as WKX &amp; ZZS 🙈 i wish you would also like to react to their behind the scene (there's a compilation, about 37 mins)