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I'm trying to find a decent download 'cause I might fuck around and do After Dark for Halloween later. If anyone has a file larger than 2gb or knows of a place I can watch it in HD that would be awesome. <3



I don't remember ever seeing a direct download link for it and I torrented it when it came out on BluRay myself but I could upload mine to GDrive for you to download? The file size for is like 2.29GB. It might take me a while since it's currently 1.30am here and I need sleep but I could do it first thing in the morning if no one else has found another way before then.


No need to hassle--I found a 1.9gb copy that looks pretty okay so I'll go ahead with filming the After Dark tonight. Get some sleep! &lt;3


Ohh, is this a scary movie? I don't do those well but I don't like missing stuff from you lol.


Oh my gosh I legit just watched this today and I can't get over it. I'm so excited to see your reaction.