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Ep. 23: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7oXJDdmN9A8xmYtsBUHrnW?

Ep. 24: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/wicVfEu4bB29dG44vtQ4DG?



Lea (JujuBug)

YASSSSS, gotta love these two~~


I am here, with a full box of tissues because our baby girl always makes me cry with her talk with WKX 😭


OHHH i cant wait for ep 27 and 28 though (more 27, but, you know)


Pale and sickly is not supposed to look as hot as KeXing does when he sits up on that bed in the beginning. That man's beauty is RIDUNKULOUS!


Your "Scorpion Twink" is killing me. 🤣


I just love these episodes. Especially 24 one. Just gimme domestic Wenzhou.


The water of Lethe makes you forget the one thing you're obsessed about. That one miserable memory that keeps spinning around in your head that you would normally want to forget but can't.


Kind of a mercy in some cases, but forgetting your pain doesn't mean it didn't happen and the effects aren't still there.


The precious Cinnamon Roll can cook too. 😍

Anonym WLW

Just a few comments on episode 23 before I watch 24: It somehow didn’t occur to me that you didn’t know wkx has been in The Valley basically his entire life? But yeah, that is heartbreaking to think about. And to think that’s where he brought up A-Xiang, though he was small enough to barely be able to protect himself, let alone an even smaller child… yeah. That shit hurted. Also wkx’s shovel talk/character exposition with cwn 😭 and cwn swearing to never fail A-Xiang! Idiot himbo husband material indeed. “When did he get there?” “Where?” “Nevermind” 👀👀👀 And A-Xu can’t tell what he’s drinking anymore… 😢 “Will you be my matchmaker?” *conspiratorial gay smirks* Yep, that’s definitely how a heterosexual man asks his bro to find him a girl. That’s exactly what this is, nothing to see here. Just good bros doing bro stuff. It’s not like he held the other’s hand earlier while he was sick/unconscious. Alright, onto the next episode!

Lisa Kleine

Well, let's get this party started! First off, I love how the show draws parallels! First the "waters of lethe" parallel between Tragicomic and WKX and then the parallel of A-Xiang voicing all of her fears regarding CWN finding out her identity as a ghost, which are also WKX's fears towards A-Xu. And you see it in his face! This is so well written! And acted! I die every time! And then finally! The Talk! The admittance of "A-Xiang is my daughter/sister." The concerned dad! The overprotective older brother! T.T ❤ Our idiot straights and our murder gays! I just have so many feelings! And now, off to episode 24. :D

O Fowler

Okay, so Just before the sad bath, Kexing casually mentioned "Long-tongued Ghost" on the pier (referring to the guy in the coffin home from like ep 4? who he pretended to think was Hanging Ghost at the time) and spy master AhXu clocked it *immediately* asked him about and pretended to accept his lie. But he asked Gu Xiang, "when did he get there?" and you just know he's thinking through things. He's so smart, but he doesn't let on what he knows. God. Zhang Zhehan is such a fantastic actor in this.


Every week, the same dilemma - do I save these delightful viewing pleasures for the humdrum of the working week, pacing them out to give myself something to look forward to - or do I just binge them straight away, back to back, and dive into the comments right away? :p The answer always seems to be GIVE ME NAOW! ;)

Lisa Wilson

Fun fact. In that bedroom storytime scene where it shows Cheng Ling sleeping in the background, he was actually asleep not just acting. He fell asleep while shooting and they just kept going with him in the background. They mention it in the BTS. 😊


Okay, my thoughts on ep 23 & 24... 1. I love WKX's pink robes~ 💖 2. The two emotional talks made me cry (again) no surprise there.... 3.Found family cuteness will kill me one day 🥰😆 4. Wei Ning is the best dumb straight boy~ 5. And.... We're fucked.. The secret is out... Ye Bai Yi knows...


It makes me laugh without fail ever time 😆

Lisa Kleine

"Otherwise known as good story telling... FUCK!" :DDD I felt that. ❤


That whole giant room, they put their bed rolls RIGHT next to each other, while their son sleeps in the other room. Nope. Not married at all.


Anyone else notice that the movement of ChengLing sweeping and the sound effect of the sweeping don't match up? 😁

Lisa Kleine

Also, I don't remember episode 24 being so short! This should be four episodes longer :D Why is it already over? :( Also, A-Xu's backstory T.T I'm always crying at my screen shouting: "You were about 16! Give your teenage self some slack! No one is ready for that amount of responsibility at that age! Those fu**ing other sects totally took advantage! WKX! Hug your husband! T.T"

Anonym WLW

Ok can we talk about the fact that their sleeping mats are as close together as physically possible without having it be a king sized bed? Because I think about that a lot. Also that the only reason to show Chengling in this scene is to show that “Look! They’re not alone! Their whole family is sleeping in this room, it’s not gay!” Nevermind that he’s so far away that he’s practically got a small room to himself. Same with him being in the scene where wkx restores the painting. Not that I don’t love a good family group hug and zzs deserves all the family he can get, but if he hadn’t been there, they WOULD have made out, censorship be damned. And we get more on zzs’s backstory! We knew that his junior died and that zzs made his lover kill herself from episode one, but this somehow makes it worse? “He wanted to stop me from going further down the path of an assassin, so I drugged him so he wouldn’t get hurt. He was angry with me and left. I never saw him again until he died. Also, he died because he thought I was in trouble and wanted to help me.” Like, Jesus, give this man a break! Obligatory mention of “Yay, Shen Shen is here! — Wait, was I just happy about Shen Shen being there?” because it never gets old for me how everyone starts out at least being annoyed about Shen Shen, if not outright hating him, and being cautiously optimistic, about Zhao Jing, or even really liking him. And then by this point the roles have reversed completely and you’re just like: How did that happen? I’ve mentioned it before, but I really like that zzs is a main character who has brain cells and puts them to use. He always uses all the information available to him to try and figure out what’s happening. He may be wrong at times, for example in the beginning about wkx’s heritage, but that’s usually because he doesn’t have all the information yet. Given the chance, it took him less than a day to get suspicious about Zhao Jing after the Heroes’ Conference, and now he’s putting together who wkx is. We truly see, and don’t just hear about, him having been a spy for 10 years! And the secret is out! At least in the world. Let’s see how long it takes for the rumors to spread to our main characters…


I just want to say that, at the end of episode 24 when ZZS wakes up he looks like an adorable confused baby. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Brittany, there is a Cadillac commercial that is a modern AU/reincarnation story for Cao Wei Ning and A'Xiang. Like, the actual actors, references to their canon lives, etc. I HIGHLY recommend watching it after the end of the show because it is THE CUTEST.

Bethany R

i continue to love your reactions so so much! every episode is an emotional rollercoaster, but these two episodes were something else. i'm with you on the devastation but also realizing that good storytelling is important...oof


Just here to inform you that Scorpion King's actor has done a make-up tutorial on his eye make-up and it's everything I didn't know I needed and more

Jennifer Liu

Idiot heteros, murder gays, and deeply intimate and emotional pillow talk is what I got out of watching your reactions ❤️❤️


My 2 favourite episodes (among some others)! They're just so emotional and world-building when it comes to the character dynamics and pasts. Really enjoyed your reactions as always!


The Xiao Xue that Jiuxiao says ZZS "adores the most" in the flashback, is the very small child that ZZS flashbacks on killing in episode 10. So she's tugging his robes and calling him "Uncle" because she recognizes him. Against his better Judgement WKX saves a small child and is able to hold onto some shreds of humanity even in ghost valley. Against his better judgement ZZS kills a small child (he knew and was fond of) it cripples his relationship with Jiuxiao, whose death was the catalyst for ZZS to take the nails and GTFO w/Prince Jin and Co. They are the murder husbands of Chaos WKX (No such thing as collateral damage when everybody is guilty of something, amirte?) and Order ZZS (Collateral damage is bad! I only kill who I am ordered to kill, and if there are good or innocent people I'm ordered to kill, well.. .I have to follow my orders,)


In episode 23 when WKX said A-Xiang is his Daughter/Sister am I the only person who hears "Forget about it Jake, it's Chinatown." in their head? it's probably just me ::::::sigh:::::

Zheng Lin

Axu’s past so sad 😭 Lao Wen hug your wife Axu 🥺🥺


Oh my god, that whole exchange from Wen and his baby girl talking about the past, to him giving her away to Cao Ning, just makes me fall in love with this show all over again. I sit through all the politics just to have my soul light up with this writing and, let's face it, these long-haired men in beautiful robes. The combination is the best thing in the world. You've reached a plateau when you've seen Wen give her away. It was just the right combination of sincerity and humor. And your reaction was perfect. This gay family warmth is one of the things that makes this show so great.


And there's no greater gift than husbands in pajamas, lying next to each other in bed. It's almost more intimate somehow, than an explicit scene. The cast and crew risked a lot. I am thankful. :-) PS, Your wife is awesome, but I guess you know that. :-)


“… otherwise known as good storytelling, Fxxx!!”. You had me bursting out laughing amidst the tears at that point. 😂 The poem that the Highness recited in ep 24, not only does it summarise the show so aptly, it also summarises v well the situation with Zhang Zhehan in reality. It’s crazy how so much of the plotlines and dialogue of WOH have been carried over into real life.

Gweniver Call

Ah yes, the third wheel which allows our boys to have heartfelt conversations in their pyjamas (which are also underwear BTW) - damn Chengling is a heavy sleeper! Am rewatching The Untamed and there's also a scene like that, really romantic looking - the boat in a lake, surrounded by lotuses; the soft moonlight; WWX reclining in LWJ's lap; also a friendly zombie munching on lotus seeds at the other end of the boat. Ah, romance . . .

Gweniver Call

The revelation that about 20 years of horror followed Wen Ke Xing's idyllic few days at Four Seasons Manor shook me to my soul. And I mean, this is completely my opinion, and no one needs to agree, but it makes WKX much more sympathetic than ZZS to me. I mean you have a child who watched his parents die and was then abducted by the people who killed them, and beaten and abused until he was totally brainwashed to be evil (and in spite of that he still did one good deed) - man, anyone in future episodes who dares to say one bad word to WKX is in my bad books forever.

Demi Schoonenberg

You remember some episodes back when you commented on the childlike wonder of Wen Kexing when he was at the market eating food and saw those dancers in that show? :))) Now you know why he was acting that way, because for most of his childhood he was running from bad guys and then grew up in the worst place imaginable for a child and never really got to act like a kid. :)))))))


Brainwashed? I always thought that WKX stayed at Ghost Valley to destroy it from the inside.


Hey Brittany, I think you didn't get that when Qian Qiao says ''Master' she refers to Tragicomic Ghost not WKX. I wanted to make it clear. Sorry if I misinterpreted your reactions. Love and Peace ❤️💙


Exactly! Also, their mirror image journeys - WKX starting at rock bottom, entering Ghost Valley, learning cruelty and murder and mindgames, and still managing to not only hold onto a small part of humanity but gradually building on it, leaving the valley to get closure and set his Best Girl free. And ZZS, starting out as a pure and shining knight of righteousness, leading his brothers on the path to devoted service in the name of good - and slowly sinking into the cesspit of political assassinations and backstabbing, killing men, women and children in the name of some ideal he stops believing in somewhere along the way, slipping away to get a last bit of sunlight before slipping away into darkness. And then they meet, right there on the cusp, suspended between heaven and hell. <3


I'm new here and I just caught up with your WoH reactions and they make me really happy ♥ It feels like I'm falling with this drama all over again and it brings me comfort in those hard times!! I absolutely love their found family dynamic and all the hugs we're getting 😭 I hope you'll be able to watch the concerts as well!

Lilah Kane

There can be only one! *chants* 🎉✨🎊 We need one more, we need one more!

Lilah Kane

Woo, 500! Chant totally worked. 🎉✨🎈

Eve Swayze

Congratulations on 500 WOOOOO!!! 💐🎉