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Ep. 21: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/aP1kaw6H4u1htBwpZRSpdG?

Ep. 22: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/GTNGmTXqkikZURmqiZaiX3?

I love everybody.............................like all of them are gonna die aren't they.


Lea (JujuBug)

Wooah, no comments?? What's happened, what universe is this shiz



Lilah Kane

Everyone is watching the two episodes! Comments later. 😁😋


I love that Lovelace dies almost as an afterthought and no one even pauses to care.


In episode 22 at the discussion at the Lake between WKX and ZZS you can see the moment ZZS gets confirmation that Lao Wen is the Ghost Valley Master. WKX makes a mistake and mentions LongTongued Ghost instead of Hanguing Ghost and you can see the quick look that ZZS sends his way even though he pretends after that he isnt suspicious. I remember during my first watch catching that mistake at the same time as ZZS and i was so proud since everything else bamboozled me ahah


Also me everytime Zhao Jing touches Xie Wang "BAD VIBE ! BAD TOUCH ! STRANGER DANGER ! BARK BARK!"


Agreed~! But also that "BARK BARK" made me spit water all over my table 😂 so thanks for that


1. Xie Wang (scorpion twink~ 😆) freaking DESERVES a top who would treat him right~~ 2. A-Xu head tilt makes me squeal every time I see it! 3. Naked Wen KeXing came as a (very welcome) surprise~ can't say I'm mad about that 😆 4. Our found family dynamic is just so freaking precious ❤️❤️ and 5. Trauma. Just trauma


ZZS points at the fluffy puppy with the big eyes, sitting on the bed. "Discipline my disciple for me. He's so unruly."

Gweniver Call

Shen Shen is an idiot: CONFIRMED. Also, my favourite bit is that ZZS totally knows who Wen Ke Xing is now, and he could not give less of a fuck. Also, if you notice in the flashback of his parents' death, the only ghost who's still around is Tragicomic ghost (Aunty Luo), because Wen Ke Xing killed all the others as soon as he could take them, and then killed the old Ghost Valley Master. We'll find out what's up with the headaches and dramatic blood spitting in one of the next episodes, don't worry!


Tragicomic Ghost is in charge of the Division of the Unfaithful. Basically, they're the only division of the Ghost Valley WKX gives even the slightest damn about.


The purpose of that bedtime story: Ah Xu is Lao Wen's Honey. (I said what I said and so did he.)


I watch on my laptop and comment on my phone. I didn't notice the time ad for some reason there was no email notification. 🤔


Smart cookie, that guy. He wasn't the leader/founder of the Window of Heaven for nuthin. 😁


Do y'all catch Ah Xu imitating Lao Wen? Right at the beginning of ep 22, before they go into the restaurant, when he's talking to Cao, he says: "There's a hard fight waiting for you" , WHILE HE'S IMITATING WKX's fan waving! 😁

Lilah Kane

There is a lot INFO on every episode from last episodes and from these forward. A lot of things to remember, like names and what has happened. For example Tragicomic Ghost was repeating the icky uncles name when Scorpion arrived. That got scorpion suspicious and he is piecing the information together at the moment. Also, the beauty ghost said everyone that joins ghost valley needs to drink the water of Lethe to forget the thing of their obsession. Water of Lethe is important so keep that information heavily in mind. Loveless is so icky and so is the uncle. Also, remember that Axu can't stand blood and specifically on his clothes? Him cleaning it from Lao Wen's lips with his sleeve... Chef's kiss! And Lao Wen is so busted that he is the chief of Ghost Valley. 😁


And now we know WHY Lao Wen is so good at medicine. He really is the heir to the Healer Valley.


"Why do I feel like I'd explode if he struck Scorpion?" - I'm assuming because he's an abusive, manipulative, gas-lighting, pervert BASTARD of a father (figure), while Scorpion King is an insecure kid hiding in a gleeful serial killer's body. Don't know his background from the novel, so I don't know how old or homicidal he was when Zhao Jing got his icky, pervy hands on him, but my head cannon is that he could TOTALLY have been a force for good with the right top to give him worthy goals.

Anonym WLW

I love how protective zzs is of wkx’s identity and mental state. To Chengling: “His parents probably died, I don’t know what happened but please don’t ask him unless he brings it up.” To Shen Shen: “He chose the name Wen Kexing, don’t call him by his old name.” (Side note: I always call that scene the No Deadnaming PSA by Zhou Zishu) And yeah, by this point I’m pretty sure he’s at least guessed the rest of wkx’s identity. Wiping the blood from his mouth with his sleeve even though he doesn’t like blood!!! And just. Cradling him like that. Always fucks me up, please somebody do that with me? (I am very touchstarved) Shen Shen tries to make amends with Chengling and then gets confronted with just how much he truly fucked up. He’s got a ways to go still but I like that he seems to be taking it to heart. Scorpion recognized the name Tragicomic Ghost was calling (Jing) and also apparently the line “You don’t fail me, I don’t fail you” and it intrigued him to the point of having her and Qianqiao taken to a scorpion base secretly. Also he killed Lovelace! That’s a plus in my book. “Scorpion is a bad guy, why do I feel protective of him?” I think we all thought that at some point. He truly deserves better. Like, anyone else at this point would probably treat him better than Zhao Jing. Otherwise… Water of Lethe (or Mengpo Soup, as it’s sometimes translated). Important! To become a ghost, you drink it and forget about the thing that is most important to you in that moment. To twist the knife further in all the trauma: Remember how wkx talked about seeing a dead person’s shoulder blades and determining from them alone that she must have been a beauty in life? The same overhead shot of the woman with a spear in her back is used for that so yeah. He was talking about his mom. On a happier note: The found family vibes in these episodes are immaculate, especially once all five of them are united. The banter, the protectiveness, them all teasing each other — I love them all so much.


Brittany: That's a good question, Scorpion Twink. Me: GingerAle through my nose. Thanks for that. 🤧


Also the way ZZS claims WKX as his his junior, making it very clear to Shen Shen that he is under the protection of the Four Seasons Manor.

Jessica Anderson

ZZS isnt bothered by blood if its WKX's. Holding and wiping the blood off his lips with his sleeve. <3


No, you haven't seen the mean guy in the flashback before, but we saw his crown last episode. In the telling of how WKX became Ghost Chief, Changeling Ghost picks up that crown and yells "Valley Chief!" before turning around and seeing WKX tossing gown the skin of said now dead Chief.


* Water of Lethe is important so keep that information heavily in mind. * - I see what you did there... 😏


I just love the development of this drama, both in plot and relationships! The next 2 episodes are 2 of my favourites! Looking forward to them!


many of us are protective of scorpion welcome to the club . Is he evil? yes, is he adorable? yes. I also agree with you about his morality. Lovelace is finally gone 🤢 I wanted him to have a more painful death and/ or be killed by a womant but fine, I am still happy Shen Shen's brain cell started proliferating once he left Yueyang. I feel that he is a better person now compared to how he was in earlier episodes. Thank you Brittany!! Your videos are the highlight of my weekend

Eve Swayze

I was wondering what he was doing with his wrist lol that's so cute!!! 💖

Zheng Lin

22 episodes: 1. LaoPo Axu tilts her head and smiles so cute and adorable 😍2. Wen Kexing likes to scare Axu 🤣😂 3. LaoGong Wen Kexing shows a strong body in the bath 😊😍 4. Wen Kexing has a sad childhood 😭


Part of me wanted a ten minute Lovelace torture sequence but part of me also just wanted him nonexistent so the super quick 'knife thru neck whups he's gone' gets a thumbs up from me, lol

Don't Water my Cactus

Idk how many times I have re-watched the moment Ah-Xiang killed the beggar with the hidden blade. Zero hesitation when it comes to protecting Chengling, she is the best big sister ever. 😍😍


I know I wasn't the only one with eyeballs glued on Brittany when the bath scene was about to happen. Like, I literally stopped eating, fork in the air and was like, here we go, in 3, 2, 1.... 🤣


I am SO excited for the upcoming few episodes, as if I'm not always excited for WoH

Demi Schoonenberg

“That’s a good question, Scorpion Twink.” Stahp. 😭😂 Now that’s how I’m going to call him in my head from now on, whether I like it or not. Loved the women in these two episodes. Also, the found family vibes and cuteness in these episodes were top notch. I can’t wait to see your reaction to the next two episodes which also have a lot of wonderful moments!


I just missed 2 weeks of updates, so now I'm just catching up, cause stupid internet refused to work. Anyway there is no way I'm skipping next episodes reaction cause they are one of my favourites and I love hearing other ppl reactions about them :D


This is what A-Xu is like when he's with people he trusts and loves. We had a very short glimpse of that early on in that flashback scene where he teases his other (now dead) junior about the hair pin he made. Which really just makes his cold, serious Leader of the Window of Heaven persona that much more tragic. On a side note, I gain a greater appreciation of the actor who plays Wuchang (Changing) Ghost with every rewatch. That character is so extra it's actually delightful.

Lisa Kleine

"And then the episodes just keep ending!" *noises of frustration!!! THIS is us every Thursday half a year ago, when the third episode of the week ended and we had to wait till Monday for the next one to come out 😂😂😂 we were so spoiled with 3 eps a week and still so frustrated 😅 Loveless is finally dead the way he deserved, nothing more than a flick of a hand, not even looking at him. No energy wasted on that guy. Scorpion King and Beauty Ghost in one scene is always a treat, not just for the eyes. Everytime their characters interact: chefs kiss. Chengling just trolling ZZS for a bedtime story and getting one from his Uncle Wen is the most adorable thing, really! ❤ Also, Lao Wen being an adorable murder kitten himself when killing scorpion goons in one fell swoop 😍 he was so happy that his daughter is back with him. And then... we had A-Xiang opening up a tiny bit about her past to Wei Ning 😭 ❤ I can tell you why you feel so protective over Scorpion King. It's because he looks so fu**ing saaad every time Zhao Ying hurts his feelings. He's a soft evil baby scorpion. And then there is WKX with the headaches... They hinted at the cause somewhere along the storylines, but I can't tell you more, you'll find out :) Lovely reactions!!! Thank you ❤❤❤


Great reactions again! Maybe I'm the only one with unpopular opinion about Scorpion King. I remember during my first watch I liked his character very very much but I never felt bad for him or pitied him because of his adoptive father... in my eyes Scorpion King is highly competent, capable and has a strong personality so I never felt that there was abuse ... certainly manipulation (attemps) from Zhao but not abuse and Scorpion is not a victim

Lea (JujuBug)

We have a lot of our favorites though, don't we xDD But honestly, the next two eps are just T^T *chef's kiss*


I'm so excited to finally watch these! 😊


Highly competent, capable people with strong personalities can definitely still be manipulated - especially if the manipulator plays a parental role.


*Brittany captivated by the fight between Lovelace and Beaty Ghost*. Brittany: That tree tho. *insert meme from the movie Up: "Squirrel!"* 🤣