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She's now seen through episode 20. 

She had stopped at 19 when I woke up and was like "god I hope Wen Chao dies and I hope it hurts and I hope it's long and drawn out and brutal" so a few minutes later (to avoid suspicion) I said "you should probably watch episode 20 yeah I think I remember it being a good one ::cough::" so she did.

She understands why the boys are emotionally attached to The Soup but she isn't personally attached to The Soup herself which on one hand fair and sane but on the other hand why did I marry her if we can't both emotionally connect with ribs and broth y'know.

She's literally going through all of the experiences I went through like "if we get to episode 50 and Yanli is not alive I will hurt you" 🙃🙃🙃🙃 she's worried about everyone dying obvs because this is a drama from Asia but Yanli was the only one she specifically called out. (What makes this doubly hilarious is that she absolutely came home right after I filmed that reaction to find me a sobbing wreck and I absolutely told her about Yanli dying because I knew she wouldn't remember random things from a complicated show she wasn't even watching and I was RIGHT.)

Cheng lying in the damn field sobbing for his parents broke her 🙃🙃

She doesn't know how to feel about Madame Yu either like It's Complicated Okay

Her current theory is that Wuxian either gave Cheng his own core or stole someone else's on Cheng's behalf which is way more of a brain cell than I had (but she regularly insists that I'm the smart one no matter how incorrect she is).

I told her the moment that made me bring alcohol into the reactions was Yanli shedding one (1) tear and she was like "VALID"

Wuxian getting told his entire life that he exists only to protect his siblings and that he himself isn't worth anything at all yeah The Wife is ready to fight (ง'̀-'́)ง

And yes she enjoyed Wen Chao's torture just as much as I did because we're soulmates. <3



I’m sorry but once Yanli dies you’re gonna sleep on the couch 😂


This is making me wish I had a girlfriend to make watch The Untamed and WOH, could be my life goal I suppose. Keep the updates rolling, I love reading these so far hehe

Allison Jordan

Made my morning reading the update 😃

Anonym WLW

I said before that Yi City would break her. I stand corrected: It’ll be episodes 31-33.


I wish I had someone to relive these experiences with :,D Tamaris is a sweet, innocent, not-yet broken soul. I pray for both of you. Word of Honor and The Untamed reactions happening in the same household might cause a bit of water damage from all of the tears, so we shall continue to support you in hopes to cover some of the bills. Seems like were like half at fault here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Evelyn ramis

I need to know what did the Wife think of the cave scene... I need ALL the details... 😁


She had seen plenty of gifsets beforehand so we wound up not talking about it much.....which was a total mistake in hindsight I'll talk her ear off when she gets home.

Jennifer Liu

Loving, LOVING these updates. Your wife is genius about the golden core theories! Her heart is gonna break the rest of the series.

Don't Water my Cactus

There are things in life you only fully appreciate once they are gone: A soup, a smile, Ah-Xian. I love these updates! 😊😊


Do you think you both would be down for a reaction video, maybe of the episode where Wangji gets drunk? If not it's cool, but I'd love to see you watching her watching The Boys' shenanigans! Either way, these updates give me a chuckle! :)


She likes to binge it 5-10 episodes at a time on weekends while I'm asleep (we have very different sleep schedules) but I'll ask! If I can catch her at ep 32 it'd be nice to capture my murder on camera =)


Ouch! Straight for the jugular!

alice lotusbuns

if we could get a post Untamed livestream recovery session from you n the wife that would be ??? literally amazing ???

brittanydiamond (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-30 05:58:59 Hmmmm shall consider, thanks for the idea &lt;333
2021-09-11 08:06:15 Hmmmm shall consider, thanks for the idea <333

Hmmmm shall consider, thanks for the idea <333